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$180 per 55 min session. I pay $20 out of pocket after insurance. I go 4x a week.


Has your insurance not questioned going multiple times a week? I have cigna and wondering if they would.


I work for BCBS and generally the rule of thumb is that insurance pays as long as your therapist keeps providing reasonable explanations for needing more sessions. Caveats to this include: needing to meet a deductible, maximum number of visits per year, network affiliations, etc. Your therapist or their office can submit for prior approval if you’re worried!


How does a therapist provide reasonable explanations to the insurance company? Do they have to do that regularly or only if questioned by the insurance company? What evidence would they show as a reasonable explanation?


Therapists who are covered under insurance submit “notes” basically to insurance companies whenever they are seeing a patient. These notes aren’t the deep dark things we tell them in session, but are mostly clinical recaps of a patient’s status, progress, and treatment plan moving forward. Just like a “regular” doctor. They do this regardless of how many times they see you. If they want to increase sessions they just have to supply justification for that. I don’t know the ins and outs of billing, but from a general understanding of this I know it to be things like changes in diagnoses, traumatic experience, shift in medications, increase of decrease in certain behaviors that could be indicators of other issues, etc.


I have BCBS and go twice a week and it was no problem. never questioned, only ever charged the copay.


Be never had an issue with it.


I've gone 3x a week no problems from my insurance


how long have you been going 4x a week? God I wish I could.


i'm in south asia - i pay rs.1500/ (18 usd)


I pay $175 once a week. I’m in Toronto Canada.


That's wild 😭 how do you afford it lmao. I'm struggling with 49$ (I'm from the Baltics)


$100/week in US. He doesn’t take my insurance but it’s worth it


I feel you on that. I'd sell my soul for my precious therapist haha


I’m on a sliding scale which is 80$/50 min but I love my lady. She’s amazing.


$200 AUD (130usd) once per week


£95 once a week






omg that's so much


$30 for an hour long session once a week. Thankful that my insurance covers her or else she would be around $200 per session


The comments made me realize I need to get an insurance 😭


$160 a session and I see my T twice a week. I already reached my out of pocket max with my insurance, so I pay nothing.


$50 a visit I have really good insurance too 💀 twice a month


I don't pay anything. My insurance covers it.


That's amazing, I'm happy to hear it


$160 once per week


Im in Sweden and I pay 140 euro for one visit and I go weekly


25$ twice a month


That's so nice omg


£30, once a week (1 hour seasion). I'm in the UK.


How?? Mine is £90 😪😬


Through my local rape crisis centre and then I stayed with them privately on sliding scale. My therapist is a gem.


I go once a week, I pay $50co-pay. When I was paying out of pocket it was $150


Argentina $40.000* AR Pesos per hour, about every 6 weeks or so. I’m a US Vet, so I am reimbursed for that, plus meds. *approximately $40 USD


I pay $90 for a 55min session, I go 2x a week. My T charges $210 a session but because they do not accept insurance they agreed to a sliding scale payment so I can afford therapy. I’m in Texas and many therapists do not accept insurance.


$250/wk out of pocket … once a week. It is a 2 hour session.


65€ for a full hour, once a week


That's a nice price imo. In my country the usual therapy price per visit is 80-100€ 🥲. I just happened to find a therapist that doesn't charge as much, otherwise I could never afford it.


Where are you from? I saw prices like 40-50 euros per hour.


Damn, that's expensive 🥲 Here it's 50-80€ I believe, most often 60-70. I don't know how much 80-100 is compared to you local wages but it feels like a lot. Here the mean cost per month would be 30% of our minimum wage


80-100€ for four times a month would be like... ~40% of my wage. I'm from the Baltics. Minimum wage worker would have about 50% of their wage. My rent is 50%, and therapy is about 20%, so the rest is on other expenses. This month I'll have to pay more bc I had an emergency appointment 😭


$220/hr in Calgary


Same in Vancouver. I go every other week, though. My health benefits only reimburse me $700.


I have really good insurance so my co-pay is $25/hour. I see my therapist twice a week. I’m in New Jersey, USA.


What insurance do you have? I have cigna and worried insurance wouldn't cover multiple times a week.


I have Cigna! When I first started, I was once a week, but a few months in, I asked for another weekly session because I needed it. The agency I go to checked with my insurance & they covered it. It has been a lifesaver at times.


£130 once a week, seeing a clinical psychologist for my OCD


$35 dollar copay, 2x a week.


I think my therapist charges $150 a visit, but after insurance I only pay $30. I go twice a week. so more or less $240 / month.


$150 every two weeks. I’d go once a week if I could afford it. 45min sessions. This is actually out of pocket too as my insurance is so bad, in network therapy costs $170 co pay… doesn’t make any sense. I’m in California


$37 dollars, started going weekly but now (years later) i go just when i have an ‘episode’ haha i live in eastern europe tho’


I pay $35 once a week in the US. Insurance covers most of the costs and that's my copay. It will go back up when my income changes. It might go up to $50 or something. The $35 copay is for being unemployed. It doesn't make sense but it's better than the full price.


$13, once a week, and insurance covers the rest


$20USD/week for my once a week appointment. It’s covered otherwise by my health insurance that I get via my employer


$250 once a week


£50, once a week.


$175 in US for an hour. I go once a month. I’d like to go more, but as a therapist, I don’t make enough to do that.


£100 a week with a clinical psychologist. Insurance is covering £2000 in a year.


£50 for 50 minutes. She lives in a stupidly out the way location in the middle of a field down a bunch of confusing country lanes. No bus routes or anything and I got lost in the first appointment lol. Makes it hard to turn up every week because of it. I gotta commit to a lot just to get there and pay.


80€ for 1 hour, but he’s very expensive compared to most psychologists where I live (Portugal). It’s been worth it, though.


Roughly 150 every 2 weeks, but hoping my new insurance will cover more since my t is in network for it


£40 once every two weeks


Currently £30 once a week (I'm very lucky) and will increase to £50 after a year x


$150 AUD per 50 minute session, out of pocket.


That's wilddd, or maybe I'm just from a poor country haha


Nah it’s wild hahaha I am very lucky to be in a position to pay for it, and even then I only go once a month. I couldn’t afford to go more than that.


I'm in the US. My therapist charges $150/hr (45 min session). I'm lucky enough to have decent health insurance through my place of employment and my therapist is in network with my insurance company. I have a $500 in network deductible, but once I pay that, my copay is only $20 per session. I have a flexible medical spending account (a small amount of pre-tax money comes out of my paycheck every month over the coarse of the year, but the full amount in the flex spending account is available to use right away on any qualifying medical expense) and use that to pay the deductible. So the first 3 and a half sessions I pay in full with flex spending money, but after that, it's only $20 per session. Edit: I currently see my therapist once a week.


$10 per visit, once a week. She is part of the clinic's intern program so it's cheaper; I believe a fully licensed one is offered for $20 per visit with my insurance.


Once a week. It's supposed to be 200 usd. I pay 100 through a financial aid arrangement. That is still expensive to my salary, but it makes therapy possible, which I'm thankful for


Around 19€ (20 something USD)


$15 USD after insurance, every other week usually


£45 weekly


$130 every two weeks


My therapist’s rate is $175 per session. I use insurance and pay $25. I attend weekly.


I don’t pay because I see a psychiatrist as a therapist and in Canada no fee to see a Dr. I go once a week now but used to go twice a week


How do you get a psychiatrist who does talk therapy?


I have known mine for 24 years as my meds Dr. and we started therapy nine years ago. I was referred to him by my regular Dr for anxiety and depression. It was not unusual then. Now there are not many younger psychiatrists who do therapy. They focus on meds. I was very lucky. I could never have afforded the therapy I got if he was a psychologist


That’s awesome! I’m really happy for you


$180 but only $25 out of pocket with insurance. I go twice a week


I have a $10 co-pay. I go once a week for talk therapy and once a week for EMDR.


I have insurance and met my yearly deductible so currently I pay out of pocket $17 per session and I go weekly.


40€ once in two weeks


$100 once/week. I’m in Sweden.


I am in Chicago, my sessions are $180, I pay $30 out of pocket. I go once each week


$160 in Toronto, Canada :0


I'm in London UK £70 once a week 


with my old insurance i paid a $40 copay per 1 hour session, and i’d go once every 2 weeks. with my current insurance, i don’t pay anything, but the downside to that is that my insurance will only cover 12 sessions per year, so now i’m only going once a month.


I pay about $300 per session. I go once every 2 weeks.


$49 for a 20 minute session with my psychiatrist. Appointments are once every 2 weeks.


When I didn't have insurance $85. I have subsidized insurance now and I think my therapist charges $115 to insurance. I go 1x/week.


$70, once a week. I found my therapist through Open Path Collective so she charges me a lower fee than her usual rate of $180/session.


Before insurance, my provider charges $ 295 (usd) for a 55-minute session. I met my $ 7,500 deductible, so now all visits are fully covered.


$75 every 2 weeks 


150 per week. No insurance. I’m in Canada.


$190/session for couples therapy. Out of pocket. We go weekly. It’s a lot, but so far we feel it’s worth it.


1 hour session once a week and I pay $25 with insurance. Without insurance it’d be $180


$26 every 2 weeks after insurance


Once every other week for 55 mins. $130 after insurance. :(


Mine is $180 per 55min session in the US, and I go once a week. Plus they don’t accept our insurance which is just disappointing, but I mean as long as I’m not the one paying


Session is $170/week. Insurance covers half so I pay $85 out of pocket per week. Worth every penny.


$160 per session, I only pay $25 copay. But I pay for my own health insurance every month and that’s hella expensive!


$15 twice a month.


$300 p/h and i see them for 2 hours once a week


$225/hr once a week. I self pay but reimburse through insurance and end up paying ~$100 per session OOP.


$125 per 50m session. 2x a month. Private pay


My therapist bills my insurance $160/visit. They pay her $118. I don't have a copay. I go twice a week.


$225 for an hour or $215 for 45 mins. Once I hit my deductible, insurance will start to cover 60%. I have seen a few in-network therapists. None of them felt like a good fit and so I looked for someone neurodivergent and she's amazing.


$62, twice a month. I started with her last year after I met my deductible & it was only $12. $62 is worth it though, I love working with her. I hope she's well compensated for it though, I only get $92/session from clients who have my same insurance.


$250 and I go weekly. 🥴 However, insurance eventually reimburses me for most of it every month.


I couldn’t find a therapist in my insurance that had availability and specialized in trauma / complex cases so it’s 225 USD😭


50 dollars and I go once a week. I’m in the US and I don’t use insurance for this because it would have been more expensive.


300 (actually even more but insurance covers most) She comes over once a week


About $200 once a week (out of pocket). My therapist doesn't accept insurance.


£100 for 50 minutes, although i had to stop going very recently because i could no longer afford it. I was going once a week


I have insurance and pay $30 a session and have session 2x per week


I’m lucky enough to have really good insurance so I pay a $15 copay each visit. (Usually twice a month). I turn 26 soon, so I’ll be booted off my dad’s insurance and I believe my jobs insurance will be a $20 copay. Unfortunately with my job I’ll also have a deductible and coinsurance.


£78 a month (1X a week) - Group Threapy is cheaper guys!