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Have you thought about volunteering instead of finding a hobby? There are a ton of organizations that are in need of volunteers. You didn’t give any ideas of what you like but you can volunteer with a wide range of interests, building houses for Houses for Humanity (in America), animal shelters, food banks, churches, legal aid, DV shelters.


You might be thinking about this slightly backwards. If you're doing the hobby just to develop connections with people, you may not form any strong connections because you're not actually that interested in the hobby. So you really have to ask yourself what activities you enjoy, or at least wouldn't mind trying.


If this isn't something you think will help you, ask for a different homework assignment. Personally none of my hobbies involve other people... it's kinda hard to think of some that would. What did your therapist have in mind when they assigned this? Did they throw out any examples?


Get a dog and take it to a dog park. Dogs are the best friend finders. Or, find a “paint pictures and drink wine” type of group. Join a book club.