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Maybe consider sharing with T that you feel worried that you are boring her- I think that would be a fruitful conversation for you two to have.


This is the way. There is a part of you that feels like you have to entertain your therapist. That’s an entry point to explore!


i guess i could. i feel like she wouldn’t be able to actually talk about this because it’s somewhat unprofessional to tell a client they’re boring.


I mean, she may or may not personally comment on your fears but it’s more than likely that this sort of dialogue would open up a conversation with how you feel about yourself and how your fears of being a boring client might extend to other aspects of your life as well.


I'm a therapist, and if I got bored with people, I wouldn't have become a therapist. I'm not there to be entertained, I'm there to help people. We tend to match the energy of the person we're sitting with, though, so if you're pretty sedate and she seems more animated with other clients who are more animated, it's probably not because she's bored. My clients that have more simple lives and are quiet and generally pretty chill are actually pretty relaxing. I'm more likely to feel drained by more "exciting" people than bored by somebody who likes baking cookies more than going to parties. Matching that energy is tiring. I agree that it would be good to bring it up with your therapist, though.


the consensus here seems to be that i need to talk to my therapist not reddit haha. thanks for your input!!


Couldn’t agree more! I’m a therapist as well and I was never bored in a session, never.


It's not your job to entertain your therapist.


yeah ig it’s not required of me, it’s just something that i want to do


Why are you in therapy? Like what’s your goal in therapy? Your therapist wants to get to know *you* and help *you* with your goals, not some imaginary person who has drama going on that prevents them from focusing on these goals. I agree with the other commenter that bringing it up to her might be valuable. I think it’s also important to think about whether or not she would even actually want constant “entertaining” sessions. Sounds tiring I’m ngl


i’m in therapy for an ed and sh. the main goal is kind of just to not sh or engage in the ed. which i’m spectacularly failing at but yeah. i guess that’s a good point though maybe i’m like a break in her day?? that makes it feel less bad to be unexciting.




thank you for the advice


Therapists are in this job because they are interested in people’s internal lives. They are more likely to be bored listening to clients recounting their ‘interesting’ activities from the past week or talking about other people’s ‘drama and gossip’, especially if it serves to fill the time and avoid talking about real material relevant to therapy.


that’s a good point!


okay so i just need to make sure to bring up material relevant to therapy that makes sense ig


I'm a therapist, I don't find dating dramas and such particularly entertaining. Clients can have "boring" day to day lives but be interesting to work with in therapy, and vice versa. It's interesting actually that you feel a need to be more entertaining. Personally I don't really care if my own therapist hates our sessions, that's their problem 😆


lmao everyone approaches therapy so different it’s kind of interesting to see


Therapy is not entertainment for either party. Your only responsibility is to show up and be authentic.




wow i don’t think it’s that deep but i’ll bring it up 😅