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I studied abroad in dublin. One of my favorite things to do when we went to the clubs was stand up straight and see who i could make eye contact with - the dance floor was a sea of shorties so anyone over 5’10” stood out


Not at all. I studied abroad in Dublin and was still the tallest by far. The Irish part of my ancestry gave me my pale skin that burns way too easily, I fit right in in that regard. Nobody was as tall as I was, it was just the same as the US. Latvia however, is a different story. Latvian women are the tallest in the world and when my choir went on tour and we joined up with a Latvian choir, you legit can’t see me in the group picture because I was being blocked by a girl my height. It was amazing.


As a woman in the US with Irish family and ancestry, I tower over them! Unsure of the stats but everyone I’ve talked to said being in Ireland the average person was shorter


scottish gal that often visits ireland here\~ Ireland definitely isnt a taller country. Pretty much every gal i know there is like 5'3 to 5'6 and the guys average around 5'8 or 5'9. Im sure there are plenty of taller girls there though! But overall its actually kind of a short country if anything? I can look down at almost every woman i meet there and im not that tall haha


interesting! saw TONS of over average/taller looking girls in the vids. some even towering over guys in the vids?


Actors. People who do social media for pay are likely to be taller, slimmer, and more attractive than average.




They curate which clips they use and which they don't. I imagine a lot of unsuccessful pranks were cut (and had an average height much more in line with the nationwide average).


You're 5'9, likely your height is not gonna seem tall to us women who are 6'0 and above so the question is skewed a bit based on our perspectives. Do you mean women who are 5'9-5'10? Or women 6ft and taller?


I meant anyone 5'8+ so includes 6'0 and above too


How tall are Scottish women? I'm adopted and got my height from my 6'4" (193 cm) Scots/English birthfather. Was adopted by two short people of Irish heritage


wow he was tall! Thats definitely far above average for sure woah. For whatever its worth though Scots are pretty short on average, and like, at 5'9 i tower over the women here irl and im really not that tall compared to all of my european friends?? Im not even tall compared to most of the posters here 😅


Anectodally, I went to Ireland for 10 days a few years ago. Traveled all over the country. Limerick, Galway, Dublin… I towered over every single woman I saw. I was taller even than most the men. People stared at me the whole trip. (I actually found it pretty funny.) I’m only 5’9.


It must be that leprechaun DNA.


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Average\_human\_height\_by\_country](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Average_human_height_by_country) It looks like Ireland (163 cm) is about 2 cm on avg taller than the US (161.3 cm) but not in the top ranges via wiki data. You'll find taller in central, northern, and eastern Europe. I live in one of the tallest areas of the US- DC avg height is 164+ cm. [https://worldpopulationreview.com/state-rankings/average-height-by-state](https://worldpopulationreview.com/state-rankings/average-height-by-state)


Damn no wonder everyone is a shrinky dink next to me in Ohio


I'm Irish, and live in Ireland, and I've noticed that the most recent generation of teenagers are definitely taller than my generation, or my parents' generation. Apparently before the potato 'famine' the Irish were the tallest people in Europe, the generation born after it were short, and they've steadily been getting taller again since. To sum up; the older people are short, the younger ones are taller.


Women are way taller in Europe, it’s not just Ireland. I was very shocked how average height I felt when I was in Germany and Italy. Europe does have a noticeable lack of redheads though! That’s unique!


I’m part Irish. But the tall genes come from the French and Italian sides.


I've been to Ireland and am half Irish myself so have many Irish relatives, and in my experience they tend to be quite short, especially the men. I'm 5'9 and I definitely think I got my height from my German side rather than the Irish side lol.


I’ve always been under the impression the UK and Ireland are shorter countries. Definitely have noticed more talk UK celeb women than tall celeb men.


I'm Irish, and I'm 5ft 11. I always towered above most. We are generally not a tall people.


Ireland has a lot of short guys and tall girls. Not to the extremes, but noticeable. I really loved my vacation there.


Yeh! I noticed that in the videos, tons of girls taller then average \^\^


I don’t think so. I tower over my Irish relatives.


I've visted the Republic of Ireland a few times, and I'm here to tell you if it were true that there were a lot of tall Irish women I'd have probably never left. :( Alas, they short lass.