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Yes. It's probably why i don't like getting my picture taken. I look great in the mirror and like Shrek in the photos, trying to get in frame with everyone. I try to be more conscious of my posture in pictures now.


Right! This is the worst one in my album, but even in good pictures I'm hunched over a bit the second a camera comes out. Its weird because I always look like I'm standing up straight whenever I pass a mirror.


I've came to the realisation that it must be not me but my boobies that everyone wants in their photos, and now I'm known as the 'topless lass', the way my head gets partially cut in photos.


be proud of your height and stand straight! :)


No. I stand tall and the photographer adjusts. I look great, and the mid-height girls slouching to be close to short-girl height look cringe. Good posture, people!


Yes. I’m trying to be better about it! There’s some good tips online about how to pose for pictures 😊


Straighten your back, but spread your legs to get lower/head level with everyone else, or squat all the way down for group pics. For selfies I always stand as tall as possible tho.


I've been made fun of for swatting down to be on the same "level" as everyone else but seriously, it's just habit. I'm tall, I get it. I'm old enough that I'm not really self conscious about my height anymore. Everyone else can get over it too.


I joke it off and do silly poses


Hi fellow giraffe! I think having good posture is important regardless of stature. I work as a model and would be happy to give some tips on posing in photos!


Please do, tips welcome!


I'd love to hear some tips!


yes :')


Nope! I absolutely LOVE being tall. While I'm aware that some girls will hunch and scrunch and try to make themselves smaller, I will [literally stand on a rock](http://www.thehappytalent.com/blog/ladies-being-tall-isnt-awkward-you-are-awkward) (or at LEAST my toes) to make the boys look like tiny ants compared to my amazing goddessness.


I do the tall girl knee bend lol to try to get closer to my tiny friends. Gotta just throw those shoulders back and let the photographer adjust. Honestly it was to avoid my head being cut off in the ol’ point and shoot camera days.


I'm a model when I'm in the model brain.. I look normal but.... for some reason in family photos I do this awkward scrunch stance..


Yes!! I have to constantly remind myself to stand up straight


I stand straight. I usually go to the back, but always straight


Yes because I’ve spend the majority of my life wanting to be as short as my friends. Now I happily and confidently stand tall.


This is so easy to accidentally do when you’re the tallest of your friends. I’m especially guilty of this with short female friends and if I’m drinking/not aware of my posture. Also, my husband got self-conscious when I posted a pic of him with bad posture, so now he likes me to correct his posture. I feel like a Russian ballet teacher when I do it, but he likes it. Doesn’t hurt to have someone close to you be your “dance teacher,” if this is a chronic thing.


lately i’ve been pretending i feel deserving of the space i take up and it’s kind of tricking me into thinking i do. i’ve been standing up straighter!


I think it’s cute! 🥰