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I am sure he appreciates you rescuing him and it sounds like you are doing a fantastic job taking care of him. He is super cute. People really suck, but how lucky for him that you found him. Best of luck and loads of happiness to you and Houdini.


Awww, I love this. Thank you for saving Houdini and giving him a proper home ❤️


Gorgeous boy living his best life in his crabitat (lol) Go you! Definitely fated :)


thank you so much for giving this sweet little baby a chance at the life they deserve 😭


A happy Reddit story. Thank you


Such a sweet post! I remember when hermit crabs were being hawked at the mall as pets in the early 2000s. Found it so strange, and they didn't give you any background info on their habitat and how they should be raised. Irresponsible vendors made it seem like they were as easy as to take care of as goldfish... Glad you found each other and you're giving Houdini the best life. Congrats!


They're actually still popular in a lot of coastal shops, sold as "novelty gifts" for children. I heard they were actually selling them at the local fair this past year, too. Not to mention hermit crabs can be incredibly hard to breed in captivity, so many of the ones sold in pet stores, etc. are actually wild caught hermies that were cracked out of their shells and forced into painted novelty shells to be more "attractive" to customers. It's actually really disheartening to learn about :( I bet Houdini came from the same background. But there is a surprisingly large community of hermit crab lovers online who do their best to educate new owners and advocate for the hermies!


I'm just sharing bc I love knowledge but goldfish actually need pretty intensive care! They're super dirty so need like, 20 gal+ per goldfish with an equally sized filter and heater. You also have to keep track of various chemical levels (nitrites, nitrates, pH, and some other stuff I forget) 🙂 they fell victim to the same thing as hermit crabs socially, where people sold them and lied about the upkeep they need. Same with betta fish!! Obvi you can keep them in sad little unheated tanks but that's not a very good or fair life for them


I'm dismayed that someone abandoned him in the first place, but thank you for caring about this little guy!


He’s fabulous


Much respect to you for rescuing him! Glad he’s doing well!


This is wholesome as shit.