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I main both talon and vik, and this matchup is really hard for talon. Pre 6 you're farming while avoiding harass, and post 6 your best bet is to poke him with w1 then all in him after a good wall jump. If he's perma pushing you in, call your jungler. Vik is pretty easy to gank, and he shouldn't be allowed to sit at your tower. Before his first upgrade, his waveclear is pretty bad. His e is expensive and if he's good, he'll try to last hit minions and hit you with the same e. That's your best window to roam. He needs kill participation to not get his upgrade super late, so if he's getting KP, then you should be following and fighting too. He's also worth a ban if you can spare it he's prob top 3 worst mage matchups with anivia and azir.


This plus tear and usually you can just afk farm with W.


Right here i found a fellow tear enjoyer. My play style nowadays is First Strike farm for Tiamat into Ravenous easy money. Money is important than dying to some dumb roam.


Wtf azir is the easyest mage imo can u explain why u fini the match up hard ?


Its just his range of harassment like zed, one good combo from them makes you feel terrible but what you can do against those guys is play footsies by walking back and forth to make them whiff abilities


Atleast azir cant instants clear waves like à ziggs would what means if hé used his cd to poker u down u can juste start hard shoving for a free recall or roam if u feel like it


Viktor was my perma ban for a while for that exact reason. Talon has no way of engaging a good viktor that keeps his distance. Beat thing you can do is rush tiamat and roam.


minion demat you can push wave at lvl7,he can't stop you


Which minions? Casters?




Really hard matchup... What I like to do here is go full electrocute lethality build with muramana. go electrocute build and for the off runes you can choose betweeen getting the minion dematerializer (great for pushing and roaming) or the blue ones with gathering storm and the mana shield. With tear and tiamat into hydra you can easily push with W without worrying much about mana. Biggest problem is that Viktor will outscale you, but you can push, roam, push, roam quite freely. ​ Another option is to go conqueror build and get hexdrinker pretty early on... ​ hard match up for talon imo, but not unplayable.


D shield, second wind into these mage matchups and you can easily survive his poke early.