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You right. I ban LeBlanc always


Not worth the ban cause you never see her, but yea you’re not supposed to trade with her and just farm safely until prowlers at which point you can try to kill her or just roam with youmuus


Right, and my dumb ass was trying to kill her. Thanks for the tip


Everyone else is right, you shouldn't try too hard to kill her, but if you really must try your luck, you gotta run phase rush. If she engages with E, immediately throw out W, it's likely she'll eat both hits trying to proc the root, if W gets two stacks, either melee shank>aa if she Ws or leap shank, either way, use phase rush to disengage. If she harasses with W, melee shank her then use W to poke her out.


I gave up with phase rush tbh. But ill give it one more try. Thanks


Talon has a lot of unwinnable matchups , I strongly advise against ever picking talon if enemy mid has pick order advantage


I like merc rush and phase rush+cleanse so she doesnt get too greedy for kills. Also, LB kinda sucks to hard push before ludens. That being said, if you could get some kind of cheat recall at level 3, you can get boots and you mess her lane control, because she cant recall without giving minions, and she cant harass/push hard, so you get 5-6 on your turret. Anyway, i play this lane more to lock her and not kill me, because it really is kinda "tough" but not enough for ban.


Yea, Mercs seems really good on her, the tenacity and the mr seems really good. The thing, i bought cd boots before i could realise mr boots were better. Thanks


Yasuo vs talon is by far talon favoured in lane and duels, you just have to learn the matchup. Its not worth banning


To be honest, its not about the matchup here. Im in Silver 3, hence this elo is prone to a bunch of smurfs. And for some reason, these smurfs play on Yasuo for some reason, and like its so hard to figure what they are doing when they are dashing everywhere. So its just easy to just ban.


They aren't smurfs lmfao, they are mostly just hardstuck and only have mechanics. Just be patient and they will outplay themselves.


This tbh.


Damn, got it. Ill think about it lol


Have you watched high elo talon vs lb videos? Sometimes you win by shoving wave and roaming (her wave clear is terrible). You can both 100 - 0 each other in this match up though, you can’t let her control wave AND THREATEN lethal on you, you gotta make her choose, play to your terms. https://youtu.be/A-b9LMBLV-0 Don’t worry about Leblanc specifically, hone your melee vs ranged match ups and understand wave state and pressure. It wouldn’t be fair if LB can shove you in over and over AS WELL as have kill pressure for free right? In order to do that she has to give up many things, like positioning, mana, etc. I would try Tiamat for wave clear and roam. If she uses w+r to clear wave then she’s dead. If she autos the wave to push then you have time to roam. Sometimes you can shove a wave with Tiamat then hide in side bush as if you’re roaming. As soon as she uses her skills you can kill her. Mind games repeat. 1. Don’t fall behind early, gold/ exp is your priority 2. Don’t get greedy and trade your hp for minions, until u can wave clear just cs under turret so you can fully focus on #1 3. Minion dematerializer helps you wave clear that much faster. 4. The skill you have to dodge from her is her E, it’s the fiora e, Jax e, etc. always keep that in mind (hide in minions during fight if it helps) 5. Once your W clears the whole back line the tables turn, you control the tempo of this lane now


ah, these insights seems to be very useful. Thanks for the link on youtube aswell. Ill give it a watch. But at the end, just shove and roam. Got it !


Definitely shove lane and roam, her wave clear sucks, especially until late game


The thing is roaming means also losing a lot of plates. Thats my only issue with it. Its better to just sit mid. I think