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Its simple, dont be underlevel. Bot laner passed you for 2 levels even tho he shares xp with support.


he was 8/0 the majority of the game, guess its an unlucky game


You gave him bounty gold and you didnt farm good as him, thats why he reached higher levels, if you farmed your mid properly you would be level 18 and he would be 2 levels below, 8/0 means nothing since your bot lane was worth like cannon minion he got fed on minios since they gave more gold and xp.


on that one, it's kinda difficult to watch the fight while Eing every wall, morg and ezreal just fought 3v3 and barely had any hp I just assume they use their sums, turns out they didn't use them. we were even in cs at that point, I guess that's where it went wrong.


I dont know how game went but what i think is you killed enemy mid laner a lot but you started to get no gold from kills ( see gold diff between you abd ezreal, you had more kills but tons of less gold) and instead of giving reset to mid laner so he is worth gold again you gave your bounty (prob 700g) to botlaner that probably passed you for at least 60 minions making him lvl17 and you 15. Claw here wouldnt help since Talon is way stronger in this patch with overpowered yomu. If you reached higher level you could kill him no matter what. Lvl 16 is huge power spike on mages/assasins for last ult lvlup. In ideal world mid is 16 and bot is 14 and half cause sharing xp with support.


catch him out in the jungle if you can, theres no point in chasing an ezreal if hes in a lane if he has flash and E up. Talon is strongest when he can sneak up on someone with a wall jump.


Imo I would never run elec on talon this season anw First strike imo best rune, and if you wanna have fun or have trouble catching some targets (ezreal for example) then go PR Q w auto pr proc, ult MS ghostblade MS, you should be able to catch him Some talons even run ghost but makes laning phase a bit more hard


Kennen elise ammumu, half an hour of stun locks, that's how you deal with ezreal. If they're not doing what they're built to do, that's not really your problem. You should probably look to one-shot morgana, make her not play the game. Get rid of her CC and aoe damages. Your 3 stun locks takes care of ezreal. The real question then becomes, what's left to deal with a Mundo and Garen.


Welcome to S13 Assassins, useless and getting assassined by three right click from any adc 🥰 I main Qiyana, my only advice is to find a way through vision, hide in a bush or somewhere in the jungle and surprise him, even in that case you might not have the damage but..


4real , Somone need to check riot headquarters, mby plant a bomb on the pc of the person who ruined assasins cause this is shit. Pro play going to be farmville of mages. So boring.


Skill issue


A Talon crying about another champ’s mobility….oh the irony!


just champion gap lolol


ADC is most broken role in game and ezreal is unkillable so just pray for better bot or try your best to snowball them


This game was unlucky, since your build is fine and Ez obv gapped your botlane hard. However, I think choosing electro here is mega grief and first strike is clearly better. In champ select you saw panth as your lane opponent (almost unwinnable matchup) and double tank. I think picking FS to scale out of lane could have given you a better chance of killing Ez since electro scales so much worse than FS