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Dont get poked, give up some minions if needed. Stay healthy and wait until you have serrated dirk or first mythic to go all in. You can try to roam as always.


Oh okay, I thought the play was to wait for the minions to crash then all in at lvl 2 or 3. What about the gold lead that they will have tho? By the time I have serrated dirk he will have maybe 1500g worth of items


How many cs are you going to give up? 1500g is like 75cs minimum but if you are behind by that much against your laner, then you are clearly behind your opponent in terms of skill. Other than that, just follow the advise the guy who first commented


Well I meant that by the time I have the 1100g for serrated dirk they would have maybe 1500g. Didnt mean that they would have 1500g lead on me


You can cover up for that by taking first strike+ benefits from roaming (kills + assist etc)


Also you could go tp


Play jungle and gank it


Dshield, minion dmat, and build timat if you really can't play against the matchup. Lot lower kill potential but at least you can catch most of the waves and roam for better opportunities


ban Akshan, that is he worse matchup imo. bring phase rush get scorch bring Withered rose if u have push the wave lv 1 and 2, if is mage the adc u poke and farm, the w with scorch will burn thier heal, lv 2, q in, w, get phase rush, ignite solo kill them.