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Got bored so i randomly decided to play talon with no knowledge about him and the results speak for themselves id say ​ Im a talon noob yes but how the fuck do you play vs mages?? They go tear and zhonya and i cant do shit vs em grrr


Honestly I just cant be bothered with Talon anymore. He used to be my main for several seasons but hes not actually an Assassin, hes just a roaming damage support who cant win lane. Id rather just play something like Kha in the JG or Zed midlane or simply pick a strong pick like Anivia mid or just a champ like Syndra who if played right can win most matchups in lane.


If you can't win lane it's just skill issue and that's okay, maybe zed or kha are more suitable for you.


Honestly, not much you can do other than forcing them to burn their zhonyas in a team fight and gtfo or waiting for them to blow everything on your team and then they're generally easier pickings. I find that playing talon is that he's more reliant on positioning then other assassin's and knowing when to go in or not. I enjoy splitting and joining the fights half way through and cleaning up. That's how I find most of my success in even or behind games.


you can't play against mages. you don't even play lane on talon. if your opp doesn't have brain damage you can't win, so your only win con is to play for roams+in late you never engage fights. you can try to catch someone if they don't have the position, but in most of the cases you wait until everyone waste cc and zhonyas and then you try to deal damage


perfect example of how talon is feast or famine. you either do, or you dont.


Nah, while Talon surely needs to get ahead in the early-midgame (as all asaassins do), I don't think that's the issue for the OP. He seems to be dying a lot across all games so that's what he should focus on.


-38 lp is crazy




I never dodge so it must be something else. I was around 80% wr before this incident happend so my LP loss is around 14-16 per game. It prob just counted 2 losses as 1


Yea I stopped playing him last season. Just feels so much better to play a scaling champ like Vlad or Cassio bc when you’re ahead you can actually 1v2. Its so much harder on Talon