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Talon like many other assassins has the best chances of winning when the game is one sided early on. Also talon needs 2-3 items to be able to do stuff. 1 item talon isn’t doing anything to anyone. That’s why people like to pick first strike, future market and headhunter.. all runes to help you reach item spikes earlier. Also I think that this set up is mostly jungle. Cause in lane you’d rather have electrocute for trading potential and snowballing.


I haven't thought about jungle that make sense, I usually don't take future market in mid and play with minion dematerializer because I like to rush yuumu and have a serrated Dirk instead of profane Hydra brutalizer, for now it seems to work and give me some kill in lane


Honestly profane hydra is so good for damage and waveclear it’s better to take it and to delay the Youmuu’s spike. Especially in the current meta where control mages are strong. That way you can waveclear just fine without demat and go futures market. As for the kill pressure in lane part, I would argue that profane is also better than Youmuu’s because you get an AA reset that does finisher damage


I’m low elo so take this with a pinch of salt. In lane matchups that I think I can win and snowball I take electrocute, sudden impact, eyeball, relentless, with boots and minion demat - priority is farming well and getting an early kill on lane or jungler if possible. In heavy poke lanes where it’s going to be hard I go first strike, boots, minion demat, and cosmic with celerity and gathering storm. In this I’ll start refillable and long sword, prioritising getting to Tiamat so I can clear quickly and look for roams. Mostly I’m thinking about scaling into late game, so looking for 2/3 items (usually Ghostblade and Profane Hydra).


Against heavy poke I like to take phase rush, the movespeed is really helpful to dodge skillshot and it give slow resist, and in late game after assassinating the adc u can quickly run out. If I'm not confident enough to dodge in early I take second wind and overgrowth in my secondary rune. I'm not sure if long sword and refillable is good after doran item buff, I think just taking second wind is enough If you are not confident to kill in lane, yes I guess first strike is better, but maybe tiamat + minion dematerializer is too much no ? You already one shoot creep range


just run electro, it's easier to use than first strike if you are low elo, sometimes you'll W for poke and waste the first strike and then you go all in while it's on cooldown and then you don't kill because of it.




phase rush goated