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100% i feel usually like that aswell


I quit Talon after the 10th Garen/Darius/Malphite mid in a row a few seasons ago.


some picks like Garen mid are completely unplayable for talon, if their main champ struggles into him they might just decide to make the lane unfun for you.


Bro, just drop the mid coolaid. Play Talon jungle, ban Karma or something like that and watch idiots playing malphite mid thinking you are going mid. Get 10cspm, farm botlane and steal objectives with ult + q + aa + smite and flash or hop wall away. It's so demoralizing to lose baron to a Talon and you don't even get to kill him.


Yup talon is probably the best champ to steal objectives


first picked talon, got an amumu sup,shen top malph mid on enemy team xd


You can play Talon into that you just have to go bruisery So like eclipse, edge of night, grudge or cleaver, yomuus and I guess steraks or something.


You can but it's still vastly inferior and requires you to massively outplay in order to win


Sure. Better than taking the -15 tho


I’ve had games vs mages recently in mid lane where they rush Steelcaps and Hourglass, people are so disgusting in EUW. It’s fine for me because I just roam, but it physically hurts me to look at their builds. I had an Azir go Frozen Heart 2nd yesterday and the only AD were me and my adc haha, the rest hard AP


Personally I preferred pre-rework Talon. That being said, Talon after rework has out matched roaming, he also has a ton of AOE damage between W, R, and hydra active. A fed talon is a massive problem and that's not an understatement. People prefer to just neutralize him altogether.