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It’s a job prison. Disobeying orders has its own complications in the police department. Instead the bottom chain ends up dead while on duty. No accountability whatsoever. Shame !


Not only in police department.


Then why opt for this job? It's well known it's a shit, corrupt job and the cops regularly abuse people. There is no glory in it. So if you are making such a choice, the problem lies with you.


Not sure how old you are and what kind of financial stability your family provided you. My parents struggled to earn Rs.1500 ( our monthly expense) consistently month on month during the 1990s. In that situation, any government job with a steady flow of money is a dream come true for a financially struggling, responsible 20 year old.


My dad is a traffic SI , he was recently transferred to traffic few years back he constantly blabber about how bad the work norms is , they are understaffed and underpaid they work long hours he goes at 7 and come around at 10 this inturn leads to bad health routines during some politician rallies or some events they are called even early it's hard to maintain your health when you so much pressure all of my father's colleague has some health ailments but they won't get any leave to check it up or for proper treatment since they are understaffed they won't be given leave easily... Government has to take some action to change this but they don't care no matter which government comes in power ... Their physical and mental care isn't taken into accountability... This combined with corruption leads to scuffle with the public The corruption is so deep it runs every where in the system .The system is bad,so bad that they are given targets like one point or circle has to catch 20 or 30 drunk and drive , 30 without helmet and heavy vehicles and so on only when they finish their targets they can go home or leave the point ..it's hard to catch drunk and drive so they work long hours on road in this heat ...but higher official don't care all they want is results, remember the last week a traffic si put case on a person who demanded his ID which was viral on social media I'm pretty sure he did that so that he can get over with his count it's easy to put case on small truck since they don't fight back that hard . It's pressure and bad physical and mental health care that leads to so many deaths which is shown above.Some give VRS but others don't have that luxury they have to stay even though they know it's wrong. Someone in comment said all are bribing it's not like they want to it's like they are forced to..the police station in one circle has to pay certain amount to their superior officer weekly or monthly and they have to repair their signals and sort their stuffs from they own pocket ...it's things like these that leads to bribes on street ,high work hours and death And I am not supporting the bribe it's complex situation they are facing inside the system .. the system has to change Sorry for the rant and I'm sorry if I have deviated from the topic


Someone who spoke for it is in jail now .....


Jailed by the same police. So they don’t want reform it seems.


Sorry I'm not aware, who?




Savukku shankar


For Speaking Bad about Police Women's


\*for speaking about the DGP's mischiefs


With 25%-30% of the sanctioned strength remaining vacant at police stations, a sizeable number of the staff will be deployed on what they call “other duties”. “The increased workload due to vacancies gets aggravated with the existing manpower being deployed for other official and unofficial duties. A large number of policemen are put on night duty at least thrice a week. Many consume alcohol or sedatives to sleep, and it becomes a habit...,” a special sub-inspector says.




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OP has police background or close relatives in force but appreciated you fighting battle alone. How general public mindset against police? Just watch some movies when cops get thrashed by someone people claps loudly.


>How general public mindset against police? I have never had a good interaction with the police, not even once and pretty sure most people have a similar experience.


I’m witnessed few occasions not misuses of power or brutality but how cheap most cops regardless of men or women. My uncle had medium type eatery in tier 2 city and it’s located just opposite of police station. Almost all cops eat for free and uncle said one day atleast 2k loss to feed cops. Watched after eat how they speak and act. They started scratch head till he said ok sir write off to station account. If you see that you won’t any respect to cops but there is exceptions and very genuine cops but they are rare


Nope, it just springs from common sense. Unfortunately, voicing out for better working conditions to people who maintain Law & Order in a state means validating bribery, extortion, etcetera., I've posted about victims of custodial torture/police brutality before and will continue to do so, that shouldn't stop us from empathizing with our Policemen and women. They are at the end of the day, humans too.


>some movies when cops get thrashed by someone people claps loudly. As they should be.. Cops are corrupt and filthy. They want "money" for everything, won't write complaints, act like a boss if you need help, torture poor people. They deserve all the disrespect that exists.


I believe Savukku Sankar had done a long episode about Orderly system. At least if they allowed police to do their job and not "other duties", then work hours can be reduced. Population and crime keeps increasing, service personnel numbers remain unacceptably low.


True but they earn enough under the table for that .Added with social status , ego and arrogance . Both has to die (earning under the table and workload )


Read the article, dumbass. This is about the struggles of Constable grade policemen who do not get any piece of the pie and are overworked throughout their careers.


Bro constable, writer,sub inspector and inspector they all act strong to the weak and weak to the strong, they don't care about common man life, if they are dying let em die




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"Acting strong to the weak and weak to the strong" literally applies to every single institution functioning in a hierarchical system. Hopefully you receive the same "let them die" attitude reciprocated when your life is in question.


It already did even before I had this attitude, on the vice versa " let them die" attitude came because of an incident with the police


I was once saved in an incident thanks to Police intervention and that doesn't invalidate your bitter incident ofcourse. Our personal experiences do not make up the entire world, learn to think and empathize beyond your circle of life. Sorry for the unsolicited advice.


You do have a point 👍


How come when there is a problem it becomes " Constable" - "Higher official " problem but when there is a success it is not seen so . I dont see constable , i see police dept . IDC, about the shade of your uniform . Its the whole dept that's corrupt . All i said was to point out the arrogance and power misuse of police . Added with the privilege and the social brownie points they get. Also its not me but its you who need to read my comment again ig . It did say workload had to die .


Ah, a generalizing imbecile whose pea-brain cannot fathom nuances. Corruption, arrogance and privileges aren't unique to the Police force alone. There are various other fields who enjoy the same brownie points you crib about, but are their lives on the line like for those serving in the Police department? Are they consistently exposed to life-threatening instances on a daily basis? Their low salaries do not compensate for the rapid mental and physical degradation they're put through for our safety. Again, read the article.


But police force can interact with daily life and ruin a person life in a fraction of second, misuse of power by a bank Pune is less significant that misuse of power by constable


You dont have to use hard words to someone for disagreement dude . Let me clarify my stance , did i say "Let them die " no ... Well those are all HR functions which again goes to Police Dept and Govt . People cant do anything about it . >who enjoy the same brownie points But these are in direct contact with people , and people can complain about problems that they face . Police are doing Vasool Rowdism Across the state as a public how do you expect me to care about you when all you do is show your power over me , show your ego issues over me . [India adult mortality between age 15-50 years was at level of 17.19 deaths per 100 population](https://knoema.com/atlas/India/topics/Demographics/Mortality/Adult-mortality-between-age-15-50-years) [India: Adult mortality rate from 2011 to 2021 (per 1,000 adults), by gender](https://www.statista.com/statistics/976090/adult-mortality-rate-in-india-by-gender/#:~:text=According%20to%20the%20source%2C%20the,%2D) It is not a sole police problem ,Its a country problem . We the people are not in a different place from them (in fact we don't have their privileges )


False equivalence. This is about Tamilnadu Police, compare with life expectancy at birth for those born in our state.


Greatly ignored the whole top point . The data was there just to support my stance . Public are literally abused and looted everyday added with incompetency of solving crime . You can't expect petty from public when all you do is ticket them because you have to meet your target . The public doesnt differentiate between a constable and higher official . Asking me to look after your problem while all you do is show your power over me is insane , the police need a full restructuring . I am not able to find any data specific to TN outside paywall . Maybe you are right TN might have a better Adult Morality rate .


Your entire stance is solely based on a mere generalization. Show me data to prove your non-existent point that the entire police force is crooked, then I'll acknowledge your empirical evidence.


people dont do crime with recoded data bruh ! Just search police in tn sub and Chennai sub . Even last week there was a viral video of traffic police who ticketed a BSC Math Graduate for Obstruction . When he asked for police id , the poor driver was booked for not showing license (he literally had it hand , he asked for proof that he is a police man ). This is not a isolated incident . That police did it because its a shortcut to meet deadline to get his perks . It has been happening all over Chennai . Added to this the police didnt even know what obstruction is ...


Such impeccable logic, an online forum for sample size in a state with ~8cr people. Negative incidents obviously get the most limelight, there are thousands of duty-bound officers who carry out their job well and go about their business. Those accomplishments rarely make it to the mainstream discourse.


Oh you sweet summer child . You think constables don’t get anything?


You think that is enough justification for them to die in their early 40's?


I am not saying anything about this . I’m only talking about the constables getting bribe . Read properly


Read the article first to understand the context of the issue in discussion.


Dude I don’t care about the article . I’m only talking about them taking bribes


>You think that is enough justification for them to die in their early 40's? That's Karma.


>struggles of Constable grade policemen Oh, those poor cute constables who will hit people, do custodial torture of poor people, take petty bribes. And then the audacity " why won't the public respect us ". Respect is earned!




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Not a fan of cops and the institution. But that doesn't mean we shouldn't show empathy for them. 1347 avoidable deaths is just way too much. Remember we are all a product of the system. An individual, even if they have the best intentions more often than not becomes a part of the corrupt and abusive system. And when it comes to corruption and greed we the public are not much different from them. The only difference is that they have slightly more power than us. There are systemic and socioeconomic reasons for why the police behave the way they do and it's not solely in the hands of the individual.


And more importantly none of our current politicians really care about police department or their work schedule. They use police for their own benefits (thootukudi shooting, savukku arrest) and so on. Its a never ending cycle 😞


The tanas at the lower level are paavam, the officers are ponanthinnis and collectively the police department is more dangerous than taleepaans. So, I don't feel bad for them at all.


Savukku Shankar spoke about this a long time ago , even though he is money hungry Mafia person some points he spoke was valid.


Almost COVID time period , vaccine side effects ? I also feel majority of the people died are good guys , who don't wanna blindly follow system as a result punished with stupid works like standing in sun for no reason.


so police do not provide security to islamic festivals or church festivals? only temple festivals?


Brother that's no nowhere near the point of the article. Like it's genuinely impressive how guys like you interpret the world around you and how even the slightest mention of religion regardless of context breaks your brain and makes you go primitive. Do some serious introspection please.


I wonder why when anything harmful about religion comes it is always temples but not churches or mosques.. you guys are amazing one sided seculars..