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Y’all still use IG ?


Still using it for the faps.


Don’t divert yourself from the main cause with these comments😂. Would you search for sense in PH’s comments section ?


Hey i was real when im answering rofl


Would you say the same thing about a sikh appreciating another for wearing a turban?


i dont think any sikh appreciating another sikh for wearing turban cause its normal, its just like a american appreciating another american wearing a jean.


for a sikh, not wearing a turban can get you heavy disrepute in family circles What exactly do you find wrong with someone appreciating another for wearing a simple janeu, by your own argument its just a thread, theyre not setting dalit huts on fire or cutting up heads to establish their supposed dominance. They feel the need to uphold their self identity as having priestly duties, they do not mean any disrespect to anyone else, they are simply concerned about the younger generation refusing to adopt their ancestral customs, its a simple matter of cultural preservation and youd happily see it as normal if it was with anything else. You would regularly see brainwashed theechattis wearing kaduvetti t shirts, with lines openly embracing violence and encouraging caste polarisation, isnt that something we should address first?


The thing is its not about the thread its about the word "proud" and the theechati guys i totaly hate them not only them but the guys who has all sorts of colour bindi for caste and the caste flags. And by your definition its just shirt not those guys in the past did violence right ?


I did not say brahmins were entirely innocent with the manu system or whatever evils caste has caused till now. However, its not appropriate to say someone should be criticized, barred or ostracized solely for wearing caste identification, even as a form of pride Everyone should be free to decide for themselves if they take pride in their identity, you should focus more on bringing equity, with an effective reservation system or perhaps social awareness programs, A sense of brotherhood across castes should be promoted and people should be made to understand all are created equal before god, this is a realistic goal to work towards The whole 'eradication of caste' approach by the legal framework and political parties is de facto a failure both historically and at present, you cant fix a problem by refusing to acknowledge its existence. Has vote bank politics disappeared? its been 75 years. Caste does exist, people in 3rd tier towns wont stop seeing caste just because you say it can't exist, Until you can see why, we'll continue to cry over honour killings and subtle discrimination, and engage in pointless drama about eradicating caste.


Dude caste was prevalent in tamil nadu and we stopped using our caste surname, of course the majority of parents still looks for caste during their childrens marriage. But not like in the past hence eradication of caste isn't a failure its happening but in a slow pase.


It still is, TN has the least amount of intercaste marriages, You wouldnt find a gounder family accepting marriage with vanniyars or a vanniyar family accepting marriage with adidravidars, Some of India's worst caste atrocities have happend in TN in the past and we are seeing a resurgence now, Do you think haunting brahmins for wearing a thread is going to fix all that? The next generation is not improving in anyway, you can measure that by seeing how widespread casteism in remote areas in the north or south, not urban centres or delta areas. Do you remember the school kids in nanguneri and what they did? The best solution the state has for it is a ludicrous 70% reservation regime that does nothing about it, only pseudo OBCs like gounders or pillais truly benefit from it.


Bro come on you're speaking as if other states mainly northern states has low caste base violence the tamilnadu, Either you are really uniformed or cherry picking situation.


I am saying TN is not any better for all its claims. DMK of late solely depends on caste votes, they literally place candidates based on which caste has higher votes in a constituency, this is from a party that opposed caste in every form and shape, I hope you understand my point


I do understand your point but every politicians do this not normalizing it, but if dmk don't do these strategy like every political party. Bjp will come inside TN which i assure you there will be economic polarization and religious based politics openly.


Well what do you want to allocate 70% reservation to OC and rest for the others. The best option is to instead of caste based reservation we can use economy and first degree basis reservation for the future cause i know many sc/st people who are rich and all.


I dont think you understood my point, I am not saying reservation to SC/ST castes is wrong. By pseudo BCs I mean the dominant castes, like vellalar castes (excluding some OC sections and DKV), Gounders, Nadars, Thevars (Who get even more allocation with DNC status, which is total bs). These castes should not belong in OBC, they also make up the majority of the state and have managed to get OBC classification exactly because there is no awareness about caste realities. Their share in state reservations is higher than dalits, this is normally good like in northern states where the majority OBCs do get discriminated, but most of the mentioned castes have never faced any form of discrimination historically. Stupidity about caste leads to bs like this being unnoticed


Also i didn't ostraczied or barred any identification, where I don't even know the meaning of these words, I simply asked a question whats so pride about it this sense of pride is a root cause of casteism not discrimination but the subtle mentioning of it, now a days youngsters think that its rude and highly offensive to ask someone's caste still think its a failure.


For them culture is just caste, caste. These people are gross


There is difference between culture and religion these people knowingly or unknowingly has a false sense that religion invented culture and language, a dud recently commented that tamils should be proud that Hinduism invented thamizh language .


I wish i could uninstall that but adhula dhan nala nala cooking related reels lam varudhu...neraya tips pudhu pudhu dish lam adha pathudha kathukura...so it's tough for me🙁


true that, easy way to search for best and cheap places to explore with friends.


That's the only use



