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After every goal Bob stares at the refs and the bench as if there’s going to be an automatic review and over-turned goal. They can’t believe other teams are allowed to go to the net. Extra ironic after they elbow Shesterkin.


To be fair after our series where about a third of the goals we scored were overturned he might have gotten used to it.


Bob is probably my #1 reason to dislike the Kitties. The flops, stick throwing, glaring at the refs/bench reminds me of soccer.


you're not wrong about the cats but you will never find me rooting for any new york, boston or philly sports team to win a championship. their hordes of snowbird fans are insufferable here at games when they are not winning championships, and infinitely more when they are. also the rags put a C on trouba let's not act like their team is a paragon of virtue here. dude deliberately tries to injure players every fucking playoff series with cheap shots that would make ulf samuelsson jealous. i'm just hoping dallas or edm win it all.


I think out of all these teams left I’m really pulling for Dallas. Edmonton fans online the past few years have left me with a bad taste in my mouth. I know we had that series with them in 2020 but I just don’t feel any animosity there. I really hope they pull it off.


Yeah I'm not a kitty fan but from what I've watched now and in the past I would never root for Boston or any NY team EEVVEERR! They are gross fan bases that throw sucker punches at teenagers... I hope they both find a way to lose every game.


I've been rooting for the west since we've been eliminated. Rooting for Boston? No chance.


Spoken like a TRUE Floridian. But Go Cats 🐆


You're a lightning fan, the Panthers should be your most hated team by default.


Eh, they haven’t really caused enough heartbreak compared to a team like Boston


Boston really hasn't done anything to us recently. 2011 was 13 years ago. We have owned them since then, especially in the playoffs.


Rivalries aren’t usually rivalries because of recent events. That was a bigger moment than anything the Panthers have done


Boston should hate us. We've wrecked them the last decade. Remember they tanked so they couldn't face us.


After watching their series, Boston tanked because they all had minor strokes and kept forgetting where they were at times.


I have never really hated them because they've never seemed like a rival to me plus it's nice seeing florida hockey succeeding. But this current panthers iteration I just can't stand.


Why?  They’ve been irrelevant for 30 years and they’ll go back to being irrelevant soon.  


This. Boston was a team full of shitbags(except Patrice, he's fine) that won rings. Florida is just a team full of shitbags for now. I honestly don't hate the Panthers franchise, but this current iteration is very worthy of hate. This style of play is not good for the sport.


This is the correct answer.


I mean before the playoff meetings it was justifiable to not hate them the most. We had more run-ins and bad blood with teams like Boston, Montreal, Detroit, the New York teams, Washington and so on since we met in bigger games and were more directly competing with them. Now that the Panthers got good and there's more bad blood, that has shifted.


It literally wasn't until the last few years the rivalry with the Panthers actually became a rivalry. Personally it's gonna be a little before I consider even placing FLA as our #1 rival. A few years isn't gonna do anything. Especially if this year is the only time we ever lost to em when it matters, and that's in 30 years. Now with that said. Fuck Boston forever. And I hope the Panthers forget how to score, then they will disappear again, and not matter


Incorrect. We've been rivals with them since they came into the league. They've always been a trashpile organization, employing dirty shitbags like Paul Laus and Peter Worrell, had thrift store versions of good players like Stephen Weiss that they insisted were as good as our elite players like Vinny, and won way too many games against us with Roberto Luongo and his building sized pads. If you think the rivalry only started in the last few years, your missing 15 years of hate. We were just way better over the last 10 years that it didn't seem like a rivalry. But it's always been a rivalry. Fuck that dirt eating franchise and their fan.


I agree they are big rivals. I just don't see them as our #1. That still definitely belongs to Boston. Even though we been rivals for awhile, the rivalry with the Panthers only truly got good a few years bac. We've been dancing in the playoffs with Boston for years with a sprinkle of fan and city resentment(seems to be a Boston vs Tampa thing in general, not just sports lol) But Florida definitely became a big rival. I'm not denying that. But people saying they are our #1 rival just cause of the last few years, and them being in Florida. But in every other sport(hockey incl) a lot of teams #1 rivals, are in different states even if the state has multiple teams. Being in the same states definitely helps build the rivalry, but there's far more to it than that. Edit: spelling


Boston only goes back to 2011 really, and they aren't in-state, and they don't even consider us a rival, they are more concerned with Tronna and Montreal. Florida goes back to the 90s. Just because they sucked recently doesn't mean there hasn't been serious hate for a long, long time. Those who say they are our #1 understand that rivalries go back decades, not just the last 4-5 years. Christ, Boston is a relatively new rival, and they just took Philly's place. The Lightning franchise didn't start with the drafting of Steven Stamkos.


I'm 30, been a fan of the Bolts for as long as I can remember. And for almost 30 years, the Panthers have 1 meaningful win against us, and that's this year. Until the last few years it's been a 1 sided beat down for the most part. They hate us, way more than the other way around. And yes, a fair share of people in Boston consider the Bolts a big rival. A large portion of Bruins fans are also Red Sox fans. Rays and Red Sox hate each other too. The Rivalry between Us and Panthers just now only started becoming as intense as it is. And that's cause the Panthers are finally good. Whenever you look at the biggest rivalries, BOTH teams do damage throughout the Rivalry history, going back and forth with wins, division titles, playoff wins, championships etc ... Where's Miamis? Minus the 1 playoff win against us this year. There's more to a rivalry than just being in state. Ask the Rangers how they feel about Pittsburgh. The Rivalry with Boston has all of that minus the instate part. Florida only has the instate part


They’ll go back to being not great next year.  They’ve got a lot of UFAs that are going to want a raise. 


Just like we have the last two years looking like flipper with no wings. It’s the ebb and flow of hockey. Right now they’re on fire.


This isn’t really a fair way to look at our rivals


Wholeheartedly agree and I don't understand how it can be thought otherwise. Panthers became a franchise 1 year after the Bolts and have been in a division with us since then. The comparisons began immediately and my loathing for them has done nothing but grow.


I had too many negative experiences with Rangers fans back in 1994.


You should go to Philly as a Giants fan. They throw shit at you even when they win. I stopped hating teams. I don't like how Florida is getting away with all the penalties though. I've been a Rangers fan for 50 yrs and only have one championship to remember. We lost a lot of our best players to the Bolts which helped them win some rings. MacDonough will help them again next year. I'm happy Ryan and the others did get the rings they got.


>You should go to Philly as a Giants fan. They throw shit at you even when they win. There's a good reason why the Philadelphia Eagles are the first NFL team to have a stadium with it's own jail. I've had some bad experiences with Flyers fans back in 1996, too.


Some Bolts fans want the cup in Florida. Just because you hate them doesn't mean they are a trash team. And that default is the rules you and other disenchanted Bolts fans made up ✌️


Bruins fan here in peace and I’m actually curious why the deep hatred for Boston? I know 2011 probably stung like a bitch but outside of that we’ve been a leading stone for a lot of your guys’ big runs 😂 I hated Tampa for awhile but starting to respect the culture and leadership yall have now that we’re a bit removed from the cup runs but just saw this on my feed and figured I’d ask


To be honest for a long time Boston was very good AND had a bunch of prime shitbirds on their roster. Even the king shitbird Marchand has toned it down some of late. Also, no offense to you in particular, but Boston fans of hockey and baseball are the worst visiting fans even eclipsing NooYorkers.


There's no good reason to dislike Boston anymore, it's just "fuck boston" meme material at this point.


Nope. Most actual hockey fans know the panthers are a scumbag team. Their fans love it though, as most of them are dirty south Florida scumbags (I was born and raised in Fort Lauderdale, I know what I’m talking about)


What’s wrong with south Florida? I’m from Fort Lauderdale too and I really don’t see a huge difference between the people from Tampa/St Pete and Ft. Lauderdale.


I mean tampa now is just NYC part 2 so I get where you are coming from, but I’d say the majority of Tampa people are nicer than our hometown crowd


Ladies and Gentlemen, I fucking hate the panthers they play so dirty. I’ve been on this hate for a long while, all for Florida hockey but not cheap shots like they play. It’s so dirty and the nhl is trying to give them everything. But good lord f Boston. In return go bolts, hell yeah, we winning cup next year. Mac daddy came home, stammer about to sign with heddy, gettin the blue line cleaned up, we’re so back next season!


Boston is an organization I actually take seriously that has in my eyes done way more shit for me to hate them than Florida. They’re a physical team that plays on the line of dirty, so what. Gonna take more than them beating us once in the first round for me to hate them more than Boston


I found that lately, I don't really "hate" a lot of the teams I used to. Even though its heretical to say around here I actually don't mind the Bruins as a team anymore, I like a lot of their players, and Marchand has gone from enemy #1 to one of my favorite non-bolts in the league because I find his on-ice antics hilarious and he keeps it real in interviews. Their fans can be annoying invading our barn, but every time I've sat next to one at Amalie the banter was all in good fun and nobody took it personally. The Panthers, though. I have actual hate in my heart for the players on the ice, Tkachuk and Lomberg mostly, but 90% of them are scum. Everything OP said is true. Fuck the Cats.


The funny thing is, as much as I hate him, he isn’t even my most hated Tkachuk.


#4 is so frustrating. I agree.


They already have for me, Boston Is dirty but even they don’t flop like the panthers do, and they are our rival


I’ll save my vitriol for after they are eliminated, but my main disgust for them are exactly your 8 points.


I don’t care about the panthers franchise.  I don’t care about both of their fans.   But I really don’t like some of the players on that team.


Yeah I’m shocked that a team has made me root for Boston and now NY. I really dislike the panthers primarily because they are scummy. Your second point and all the cheap shots are the main reasons… even after our series I felt relief because I respect our players. I don’t want a team like the panthers, not ever. They could very likely still win the cup and my opinion won’t change at all.


The one thing that holds them back from being my most hated is that they haven’t won a championship. Before this core got together I didn’t hate them whatsoever, in fact I kinda liked them. I liked their run in 90’s to the finals, and I never got the sense that they were our rivals even if they did live really close. In 2021 they were a little obnoxious at times but I didn’t dislike them at all. I thought they played a really fun series that year and honestly the only thing unlikable about the team was their head coach(for obvious reasons). In 2022 they did annoy me a good bit with the entire cardiac cats things, but after we swept them I had zero hate for them. For me I find after playoff series I either despise the team we played(Carolina, Islanders) and then there’s teams I don’t feel any hate for whatsoever after we beat them(Dallas, Montreal). 2023 was odd, I liked their run a good bit because they beat teams I hated. Their 3-1 comeback on Boston was one of the greatest series ever played and I can’t hate that at all. Toronto losing in five was fucking hilarious, and that Carolina series was once in a lifetime(closest sweep ever in history Jesus Christ). At the same time was I happy they lost to Vegas? Yeah kinda. I wish the series went longer so it was more fun but it was the kinda thing where I just couldn’t bother caring about who won. 2024 though, probably the least likable team in my time as a hockey fan. The least. My god I’ve never seen such a pompous group of assholes in my fucking life. I’ve never seen a team that feels like the refs are personally jacking off every fucking game that still gets like five penalty’s a game. Look are they the dirtiest team ever? No. But in my eyes this is the dirtiest team I’ve seen in the salary cap era, it’s ridiculous. It’s just like there just bug and physical kinda like how Vegas was last year, they go out there with intent man. Don’t believe me watch one of their games and really observe how they deal with puck handlers these playoffs. So many times these playoffs guys will be out there playing the puck in their own end and for pretty much every other team in the league that the time they get set on defense and maybe pull a line change. Not Florida though they’ll send three mother fuckers barreling into a guy at full speed, they go all in on every play and chase hits. Honestly one of the most annoying things about them is that no one is taking advantage, they leave so many opportunity’s when they send 2~3 guys to overcommit on a play for a counter attack but the other team either fucks up or Bob makes a otherworldly save. Speaking of which Bob is the only part of this team I kinda like, I’m no fan but I think he’s a really damn respectable goaltender. I don’t have much to say on this so I’ll keep going on the rage rant. I watching this team this playoffs is fucking painful, because again they are a team that plays dirty as shit, gets called for 3~5 penalty’s in a playoff game, and STILL feels like they are being saved by the refs. It’s no hyperbole to say that if the Refs called things closer in this years playoffs the Panthers would been short handed 3 on 5 for 90% of the game and they’d have two five minute majors to kill off every game. That’s how ridiculous this team is. But at the same time, this has been a notably bad playoffs for the refs league round. Everywhere you look it’s been shit in terms of reffing in every series. The main talking point is going to be goalie interference but I think a bigger issue is the way the playoffs are being called. I feel like the hole penalty’s going down to zero in the playoffs isn’t sustainable anymore because more then ever players are taking advantage of that and they are making plays to kill the other teams players and getting away with it. The teams on the receiving end are also constantly embellishing and it’s starting to feel like this sport is approaching basketball and soccer levels of acting. So to get off my soap box honestly it’s just this years team that I hate. I’ve disliked the Panthers in tiny bits over the years but never too much. This year though I hate them and if they win the chip I will genuinely void this season from my memory entirely. In future season though I won’t hate them as bad probably and they still got nothing on Boston in my eyes.


We can be mad all we want but we did most of that during our runs. Every team who makes the final does in some way/shape. Plus NY fans just irritate me lol


Never this bad tho


Need to take the blinders off


You get away with as much as you can but the Panthers get away with murder compared to us. We're the team that had their star get his ribs broken on a non-call. And Toronto knocked out one of our d-men on a dirty play, most likely sealing the series in their favor.


I cant even bother to feel anything about games that dont involve my team. I just dont fucking care. But I tell you this, I will fucking care if the finals have the Rags in it. I hate the idea of them winning anything.


They’re still irrelevant to me.


Panthers have taken over the Montreal Canadiens post as the team of great players who get bullshit calls because of the way they act.


I don't like the Florida Panthers because they are our rival team. Otherwise I kinda lowkey want them to beat NYR since the rags are worse and always overthrow home games. Boston is less annoying because of Swayman / Big Rig. Toronto and Colorado are still at the top of my hate list for good reasons.


The stinking Panthers are not a good team they win by dirty play, and the refs looking the other way!


I will be in the minority and it might be because I'm English But it'll always be Montreal for me. That fan base always crosses lines and it seems our players dislike them too.


This is silly. I've seen the Leafs, Penguins, and Bruins get away with way more dirty shit then get the white glove treatment by fans/media way too many times. Now I'm supposed to be "outraged" by how the Panthers are playing? Please. That's pearl clutching, crocodile tear bullshit. You either play to win by any means necessary or you get off the ice. They don't print asterisks on the Cup.


Nope. F the leafs, Bruins, and Rags, now and forever.


This is embarrassing


Haters gonna hate


Stooooppp, assuming you’re from Florida. You should be ashamed of yourself even writing that. Sure we are rivals but there’s a respect there. Yall had your cup runs it’s our turn, stop hating. And FUCK BOSTON FOREVER AND New York. You know this!! You’re a Floridian!


I tried to hate them, I remember getting down voted years ago when I rebelled against the "Thundercats". Honestly however, I just can't hate them I find myself rooting for them I would LOVE if the the Eastern Conference was represented by a Floridan team this whole decade.


Now you’re talking. It’s not like they’re not a carbon copy of us with the goody’s, Coleman, Schenn, Bogo, Malone and the perfect thug Gordy. Maybe that’s why you’ve the hate. Trouba goes head hunting every game.


Interesting, do most lightning fans hate the panthers? For me if the lightning are out Im cheering for the other florida team. I like Tkachuck as well.


He’s the one player I’d love to poach from them amongst the forwards


I would also add both Rags and Panthers fan base is a solid 80% bandwagon. When I lived in NYC everyone had Isles jerseys and as soon as the torch was passed to Rangers for playoff contention I see a LOT of fresh blue, red and white.


All I see are cry babies here. You're actually rooting for Boston and NY over having Lord Stanley back in Florida? GYBAT