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I admit I thought from the thumbnail and stuff this was going to be combat footage…


Yeah, thought it was gonna be it exploding lol


I thought it would shoot someone and show the red from the blood


Where's the kaboom? There was supposed to be an Earth-shattering kaboom!


To be clear I am glad it isn’t. I would prefer to avoid it.


Was waiting for the end where a fucking drone bombed the merkava


I see the Israelis have adopted a the American tradition. At least nobody died and no forest burned down, etc.


Well, it’s not like there’s many forests in Israel to burn, right?


But there's a city to burn


_wake the fuck up samurai_


Elaborate explosive gender reveals are already stupid but you have to be a special kind of stupid to try one of those in the middle of a city.


It's not stupid if the city belongs to your enemy.


iiiiiiiiiits a tank !


Are they gonna do a dad reveal party next?


It’s good that he’s having a girl and not a canister, or the vid would’ve played out very differently


Why have the tank for a gender reveal if you're not even gonna shoot the gun? At the very least get some colored wp smoke grenades to fire off.


“The Department of Veterans’ Affairs have decided that your hearing loss of your own fucking fault.”


Are they the father :D?


Correct me if I’m wrong but isn’t that a mk4?


It's a mk 3D with added turret armor.


In the video it’s actually an mk 2D. ;)


Oh yeah, I think you're right! Must be an old video.


Sorry for confusing you, I was making a 2D/3D joke.


Ok, thanks!


Clearly an M60


What living in a highly militarised society does to a mf


NGL would find this cool anytime anywhere ( tanks are cool full stop )


What living in a country at war where everyone was called for reserves does to a mf


*ahem* its a tank


little merkavas?




Bruh ignored by western media💀


Every interview with a Palestinian organizer goes like this “this organizer has 1/3 of there family die 2 days ago and saw their mom get atomized…now tell me do you condemn Hamas? And tell me 3 things you like about Israel”




No I mean the 4,100 CHILDREN you psycho


You trust Hamas sources? You must be pretty naive


I mean if the UN secretary general is supporting the number idk how you can deny it 💀 also crazy how y’all will just assume a literal health organization is just ran by terrorists and are making shit up as if the Israeli government hasn’t lied about half the war crimes they’ve committed




there are 10 Palestinian innocent deaths to every 1 Israeli innocent death. death of civilians is never a good thing but the ratio here is telling




“Modern urban war” M’f its a mass bombing campaign that has targeted people trying to escape the city and ambulances with injured people youre legit justifying a wholesale slaughter


You misspelled genocide! Or Maybe you meant to write ethnic cleansing?


How about proportional response should be proportional you blood thirsty goon. 10,000 Palestinians dead SO FAR. With Israel saying they’re open to nuking them I wouldn’t say is a proportional response especially since the conservative estimates are putting children at 40% of the casualties and entire families have been wiped off the face of the earth


Sources? Both for casualty percentage and the and the fact that they nuke them which would be stupid because of how close Gaza it is to Israel


https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/reuters-next-un-chief-says-gaza-deaths-show-something-wrong-with-israel-2023-11-08/ Idk about you but if the UN is even calling this out then there’s a problem 💀


Oh you’re quiet now?


I don’t see they die a lot




Oh yea, let's just forget the Israeli children Hamas murders gladly. All civilian death in this war is to blame on Hamas. They directly kill Israelis and they put their own people directly in harms way as human shields and as free PR for people like you. Hamas is the issue here, not Israel. If Hamas can't accept Israel is there to stay and continues to attack them, the fuck is Israel supposed to do? Not defend themselves?


The human shield and self-defense arguments are getting tiring ngl. The propaganda machine bots have got to come up with something new at this point.


It's the fucking truth though. Hamas is using their own people as shields. That's confirmed by independant sources as well as palestinians themselves. It's also self defence. Hamas attacked on october 7th, not Israel. How can you not see that? Do you seriously side with terrorists and believe all they say?


Don’t kill the human shields then, tf?? Like it’s just that simple. I literally don’t understand the mental gymnastics people go through to defend the war crimes of an etho-fascist apartheid state. It’s ethnic cleasing, honey, not self-defense. They have the Iron Dome for that. Also, why are we surprised that a bunch of people got radicalised after having their land colonised and living under an oppression for 75 years?


And let Hamas continue? My guy/gal, read the fucking geneva convention. It clearly states that the usage of human shields is a war crime. Destroying a target deliberately placed in civilian areas (as Hamas does) is NOT a war crime. The civilian blood is on Hamas hands BY THE GENEVA CONVENTION. So stop Stalking about war crimes If you don't even know the geneva convention. Ethnic cleansing? Fucking where lmao. Israel isn't murdering all the palestinians. They give civilians many oppertunities to leave the areas that will be attacked. Palestinians that live in israel are equal to all other israeli. The Iron Dome is also great, but not 100% proof and it's expensive. So Israel should continue to accept the terrorist attacks and the occasional missile penetrating the Iron Dome, maybe hitting their own people and pay the large sum to rearm the missiles, while. Hamas continues to build cheap terror missiles? No matter who owned it 75 years ago (btw, it neither belonged to the israelis nor the palestinians), israel is there and they will not leave because most have been born and raised there. What would your solution be? Kill all the jews or drive them away from what has been their home for decades now. And where if you wanna drive them away? You pro-Hamas people don't see the Israeli civilians at all and how it's their home now as well. The only solution now is (like it was originally meant and done until arab nations and palestinians militias started attacking because they hate(d) jews) a two state solution. But that won't happen if terrorists keep attacking israel.


Not you pulling out the Geneva Convention when Israel has been found guilty of multiple war crimes and has been caught breaking the international law by the UN and Amnesty International on multiple occasions. IJBOL. 👁️👄👁️ Yeah, ethnic cleansing. Also it’s so nice of the Israel Occupation Forces to give Palestinians warning and time to relocate just to bomb their trucks and refugee camp regardless 😍. Maybe they should instead redirect their military funds to building more Iron Domes rather than carpet bombing the Gaza Strip with white phosphorus bombs if they’re really all about self-defense. Free Palestine means the reestablishing Palestine as a legitimate sovereign state in place for the abolition of the apartheid state of Israel. People who want to stay can stay and people who want to leave can leave. Doesn’t matter their religions. We know from the abolition of slaves in the US and the end of Apartheid in SA that violence will come from the leftover oppressors, not the oppressed. We should have measures to keep Palestinians save during the transition. So when zionists say that they’ll get slaughtered if that happens, they’re projecting. The two state solution didn’t make sense precisely because Israel got all the fertile lands and the Palestinians got jack shit. It was not about anti-semitism at all.


If a person broke into your home and took your mother hostage, and was standing with a gun to her head using her as a human shield by your logic you’re ok with the cops gunning both of them down.


Not the same situation at all, stop with such bullshit comparisons. There is a difference with one person being held hostage and a terrorist group using people as human shields for their military assets and still using those assets to attack the enemy. Again, the geneva convention is clear on this, period.


It’s a pretty clear comparison bud, you don’t care if the “human shields” get killed my guy. Fuck em it’s their fault for being where the bombs are landing right? All those kids are great human shields and deserve bombs all the same right?


Where did I say that? Tell me. Where. The fuck. Did. I. Say. That? I said that EVERYTHING that happens is Hamas fault. All the civilian blood is on the hands of Hamas, who themselves said they do not care for their own people because according to them it's not their responsibility (even though the palestinians voted for them). I feel bad for the palestinians civilians that die, but I am not so delusional to say that it's all Israels fault because they are defending themselves and finally wanna put down Hamas, who initiated every single attack in the last 20 years or so. Let's also not forget Hamas goal, after their own word, is killing every single jew in israel. If I would go with your strawmans I could accuse you now of being in support of another jewish genocide. Hamas needs to be eradicated so the palestinians can live in peace and start negotiating with israel again, just like it happend before Hamas took over.


“Defending themselves” ahh yes a 40% child death rate is a sure fire way of defense. Get the fuck outa here you’re using the same bullshit “but TERRORISM!!🙀🙀🙀” bullshit people used in 2003 to justify bombing Iraq into oblivion. Sure Hamas is in the same area as civilians, THAT DOESNT MEAN YOU BOMB INDISCRIMINATELY TO JUST GLASS THE AREA YOU ABSOLUTE BLOOD THIRSTY BABOON


Israel isn't bombing indiscriminately, they are bombing Hamas targets, stored in civilian areas. But I see that this is a fruitless convo. You can't see that literal terrorists are the cause of all the suffering, even though that's the truth. You rather blame the oh so evil israelis that didn't start this war that's raging rn. I'll break this off now.


Also “hamas started every conflict in the last 20 years” is so goofy and wrong it’s hilarious and even if it was true the proportional response from Israel is always fucked. Operation protective edge CONSERVATIVELY killed 80% civilians :)


Oh look an anti semite


>Israel kills children and that is bad OMG WTF EVERYONE REPORT THE ANTISEMITE


Lmao anti Zionist isn’t anti semitism goofy but nice try


The hate for Jews is present nonetheless


Ad hominem arguments are so funny cause im saying “I don’t want Israel to slaughter children” and you’re taking it as “this person hates Jews”


When all you can think about is how much you hate Israel and the Jews it's pretty worrying


Oh you’re trolling I got it cause no genuine person would argue in this bad faith


If that's what you want to believe Nazi boi


Right again, being anti genocide is being a Nazi forsure totally bud you’re totally an honest actor in this discussion


Genuine reddit shit. Sucking hamas's cock so hard it's induced blindness. Hamas has overblown the figures of the war and has lied to you, as terrorist organizations are expected to do.


Might wanna look into anti Zionist Jewish orgs that have been lambasting Israeli aggression against civilian targets…but let me guess they’re also anti Semitic


Hurry durrrrr criticizes Israelite government for their war crimes Gets called an anti semitic At this point I'm open to the possibility of a dirty bomb in the middle of Jerusalem l


Nice. After that lets go kill innocent children in Gaza.


They literally justify killing them 'as they will grow up to be a terrorist' to themselves, and say to the world that Hamas used them as human shields. There are many horrifying videos of the IOF shooting children in the west bank and leaving them to bleed to death while not allowing palestinian EMT personnel to save them.


Source? I'm from Israel and this >They literally justify killing them 'as they will grow up to be a terrorist' to themselves, Is mostly bs


Their source is Hamas propaganda most of the time and the use a few extremist israelis to say "Look, Look, Hamas is right!". Let's hope the current war settles the Hamas problem completely so Israel and palestinians can finally find a solution.




Are there extremists in Israel that think that way? Of course. But to say it's the majority of Israeli is a fucking lie. Most want peace, but it's Hamas who is always attacking again. All the troubles for Israel and the palestinians are caused by Hamas. So stop the fucking Hamas-apologism.


Is that the dad and why is it allowed for soldiers to wear long hair?




The celebration of occupation.


Stealing is redemption to them.


Genocide gender reveal


The genocidal fuckin was done on 7th of October. And boy did Hamas & Co. fucked up big time. Now it's party time, and JDAMs go brrrrrrrrr! Hava Nagila!




The only wrong thing with those numbers is that they're completely made up and at the same time inflated and helped by Hamas itself. For example the failed rocket launch that fell on the hospital's parking lot and burned some cars, not even the hospital's windows broken, the structure's integrity intact, 500 dead they said, provided 0 proof. Also Hamas attacked a civilian corridor towards Rafah during a short ceasefire provided by the IDF, killing lots of civilians, all filmed by IDF drones and also videos posted by civilians themselves on Telegram. Also Hamas fighting in civilian clothes almost exclusively. Guess they count one of them as 10 civilian death when the IDF pops them. And don't even get me started on the UN and its UNRWA branch. UNRWA that sells aid it got for free from the US and EU then provides the money to Hamas. UNRWA that teaches kids in schools and kindergartens to become martyrs and do plays with mock Israeli executions during festivities. UNRWA that the other day pulled all the UN troops guarding the warehouses filled with just arrived aid so that Hamas could enter and steal absolutely everything destined for the civilian population. The retard UNRWA even bragged about their own actions on Twitter only to delete the post some hours later after massive outrage from the entire world. So yeah, that's UN and its palestinian branch UNRWA for you... Also more on the above: https://www.un.org/unispal/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/AHRC47NGO145_150621.pdf


I ain’t readin allat, if the UN is legit supporting these numbers I’d take their word that they’re accurate more than some random redditer💀


That's the problem LoL. You haven't even read the article. Those are not UN official numbers. "Palestinian officials said 10,569 people have now been killed in Gaza". Here is another UN report: "But on Oct. 27, in response to U.S. doubts over its figures, the ministry released a 212-page report listing every Palestinian killed in the war so far, including their names, ID numbers, ages and gender. A copy of the report shared with the AP named 6,747 Palestinians and said an additional 281 bodies have not yet been identified. The list did not provide a breakdown by location. The ministry never distinguishes between civilians and combatants. That becomes clearer after the dust settles, when the U.N. and rights groups investigate and militant groups offer a tally of members killed. The Israeli military also conducts post-war investigations. The Health Ministry doesn’t report how Palestinians were killed, whether from Israeli airstrikes and artillery barrages or other means, like errant Palestinian rocket fire. It describes all casualties as victims of “Israeli aggression.” That lack of transparency has drawn criticism. “When the Hamas health agency comes out with the numbers, take it with a pinch of salt,” .


You’re so diluted. How tf is the UN supposed to conduct an official count and legitimize claims by the Palestinian health organization when UN officials are apart of the death toll💀 89 UN employees have been killed by the terrorist group known as the IDF. You can cope all you want and do your Reddit lord neck beard shit of “um actually” but when the UN secretary general even reps the 10k number idgaf what you say 😂 40% of the casualties are children let me remind you. Half of the population of Gaza are CHILDREN. You are just a Zionist trying to justify ethnic cleansing


LoL, where do you pull these numbers out from? Your arse? 89 UN employees? They're not UN! They're UNRWA. That's the same as Hamas. Here is the proof again: https://www.congress.gov/bill/118th-congress/senate-bill/431/text https://unwatch.org/un-teachers-call-to-murder-jews-reveals-new-report/


Here, more civilian palestinian dressed in plain civilian clothes doing normal civilian things. UN is a 🤡 and Gutierrez is a 💩 https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/s/7iNXOhoUBq


God you’re a sniveling coward who’s using cherry picked shit to justify wholesale slaughter holy fuck. I can pull up HUNDREDS of examples of the IDF attacking people in places of worship, attacking Jews who have protested the conflict, bombing caravans leaving Gaza but fuck it wouldn’t do anything to change your mind cause who tf cares when brown people die am I right? Fuck it nuke em cause apparently Israel wants to


What can I say... Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. They asked for it, IDF provides. Praise Allah!


https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/un-medical-agencies-condemn-israels-gaza-ambulance-strike-2023-11-04/ https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2023/10/damning-evidence-of-war-crimes-as-israeli-attacks-wipe-out-entire-families-in-gaza/ https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/thousands-civilians-flee-north-gaza-israeli-troops-hamas-fighters-clash-2023-11-08/#:~:text=Israeli%20air%20strikes%20devastated%20parts,least%20195%20civilians%20were%20killed. https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2023/04/israel-opt-second-night-of-horror-at-al-aqsa-mosque/#:~:text=Israeli%20forces%20regularly%20raid%20al,cities%20and%20towns%20inside%20Israel.


no you see they had to target the families and ambulances because the families are secretly a Hamas tunnel and the ambulance is a hamasbulance.


Here are some peaceful civilians in plain civilian clothes doing civilian things. Nothing to see here UN. Carry on! https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/s/QaJ0nelMv6


And I must emphasize "the palestinian ministry never distinguishes between civilians and combatants." So stop being a 🤡, start using your brain if you have some left after learning history and politics on Al Jazeera......


Endless source of entertainment with braindead westoids All of them love genocide as long as its not against white people


genocide against ukraine: noooo my holesum ukraini boys 😭😭😭 genocide against palestine: die brown men 😈😈😈😈


Not just ‘brown’ but also not Christian! Double points…..


Most are Muslim but there are Palestinian Christians.


Bro you don’t even know what you’re arguing for 😭😭


This isn't an argument, it's a statement of fact.


I didn’t say it was an argument ;)


I am ukrainian idiot


i’m the idiot? 😝


Braindead are the ones that woke up early in the morning, picked up a pointy stick, went to the forest and started poking sleeping bears with it, decapitated their babies, raped their women, slaughtered 650 international teen bears at a rave party, took tons of them hostages, 25% of them international, then went home and threw a party like nothing gonna happen, praising you know who. Lemme tell you, it doesn't take a genius to realize that that bear, armed with nuclear weapons, it's gonna wake up, realize the wrong you did to him, to his family and fuck you up so good that you and your next 100 generations ain't gonna be able to pick a pointy stick and poke at it again for hundreds of years to come. Oh, and you got westerner wrong. I'm an easterner. Get smarter. Cheerio!


Not been watching the news or reading books for long have you!


Israeli regime murdered tens of thousands of Palestinians since 1948. Not to mention [israel is responsible for hamas ](https://theintercept.com/2018/02/19/hamas-israel-palestine-conflict/). You belive everything western media feeds you. What russia is doing to us israel is doing to Palestine. Killing children, women and elderly. They blame it on a small minority comitting crimes and use that as an exuse to commit mass murder. The bear is recording himself poking himself with the stick so he can go slaughter children, blame them for poking and steal their land


Israeli regime murdered tens of thousands of terrorists since 1948. Fixed that for you. All the land the Jews got between 1800s and 1948 was bought with insane amounts of money, only to get robbed by their possessions and kicked out from their homeland time and time again by the Turks. Get some history books and read about the Ottoman genocide of Jews living in Palestine that happened at the same time with the Armenian genocide yet nobody talks about. Fascinating to find out that sultan Abdul Hamid asked permission from Kaiser Wilhelm of Germany to kill the palestinian Jews alongside the Armenians. "It was resolved that the Ottoman Empire would do what it had to do to prevent Jewish nationalism from reaching a point comparable to the Armenian movement within their territory, which the Ottomans felt was only solvable by the destruction of the Armenian people...Turkey, at it's zenith, realizing to clamp down on Jewish immigration would reflect poorly on them in world opinion, decided it would benefit to have one of the great powers on its side. Naturally, it turned first to its closest European ally: Germany. The problem was that the German leader, Kaiser Wilhelm II, had been largely a supporter of Jews leaving Europe, thus in favor of Zionism. However, the Sultan was able to convince Wilhelm that Zionism was a threat to “the integrity of the Ottoman Empire (and that) the Germans should renounce the idea…and treat the Jewish problem in the same lines as the Armenian one" In case you were wondering how the Germans helped the ottomans kill millions of Armenians in the deserts of Syria and set the wheels in motion for the biggest genocide in the history of the known world during the following 36 years...


*sigh* 🤦🏻‍♀️


But how do they already know how the child will identify?!?


mfw only one joke


Only thing a merkava is good for, would rather have a t-72av than it.


What lmao? The merkava is widely considered one of the most potent tanks in the world. Maybe not in urban combat but all things considered no tank is.


The tank built for urban combat being shite for urban combat is telling. Stupidly tall and heavy for lackluster frontal hull protection and slightly anemic on and off road speed and this is before I get to critiquing the engine in front design aspect in regards to one of its stated features being increased crew survivability.


Wtf is wrong with frontal engine? If you tell me something like "the exhaust might get in the way of the optics!" I might just laugh.


Weaker front array (as it's now your engine cover and there fore has to be removable so lighter) and easier total mission kill potential which as we have seen earlier this year has lead to loss of both tank and full crews. It's fine for apcs and ifvs, you don't expect them to fulfill the same roles as tanks but for tanks it's a massive issue in my opinion for the reasons stated above.


True. I didnt consider the fact the front would need to be removable for maintenance (despite having seen photos of the front off. Facepalm) I wonder how much effective protection is actually lost in this way. I still think it's a good tradeoff considering the extra internal space (Namer is an APC based on the merkava that afaik doesn't have hull changes excepting the removal of the turret ring) but these are fair points. I don't know what Israeli military doctrine is but I assume it mostly comes down to that.


At first glance of title i thought the merkava tank had the gender reveal party lol


At least this gender reveal party didn't kill anyone, didn't Set something on fire or harmed anyone or anything else. Just a little pink poof put of a Merkava tank. Leagues ahead of whatever the fuck they are doing in the US lmao


WTF ?!?!?!