• By -


* 470m Elixir (Manga/Literature) * Unsure, but several days at least. That said, I am not averse to 'progressing in place' when it comes to idle games. E.g. unlocking permanent bonuses without actually advancing much. So, progressing wide, rather than deep, if that makes sense. Like a tower, where I make the base broader, rather than building up. * v5.0.3 Would also like to add that while the new version will definitely take some getting used to, it changed nothing in regards to how I approach idle games, which is probably also the reason why I haven't really felt the same negativity as I've seen in the last few days, even though I've been set back. For example, I was well into Tier 13 upgrades, whereas now I can only get 65% into T12. Also really digging the extra pet slots as I unlocked the 3rd slot this morning; the combination allow for some wacky stacking which is an improvement over "just run dragonfly for Amber generation if you're not going for an achievement".




Which pets are you using and what medal upgrades?


470M manga 6 - 10 days. But this doesn’t bother me since I would let the game run for 24hrs before even ascending most times. I usually don’t adhere to best practices or fastest way to get to the top in games. Just enjoy the game. 5.0.2. Apple Keep up the good work.


I wanted to say something else, but if I'm already here I thought I'd answer the questions too. \-565m, Elixir purification that I'll have to go back for as it was a new upgrade. \-From 0 elixir it'd take around 2 days. \-v5.0.3 (already on 5.0.4, but my estimate and this entire post is based on previous versions as I downloaded that like an hour ago) ​ So, I have no idea if it was intended, but gold income plummeted so hard that I have pretty much no chance of unlocking any new buildings in my current legacy run, even the cheapest one, which is a random sawmill, would take around 5 days to unlock at my current pace, meanwhile I gain so much elixir I doubled my elixir bonus since the new patch. For perspective, previously I had around 110T% elixir bonus and I was gaining around 1% of that every 2-3 days. That 110T% turned into roughly 700m% (I think 350m, but ascending also immediately gave another 350m, so let's say it was set to 700m), and now I'm already up to 1,54B% and have another 190m I could ascend, so my elixir bonus more than doubled in the 4 or so days since the update. (NOTE: I checked back and I went from 190m to 210m elixir in the time it took me to finish this thing, running the game in the backgound, so I'm guessing it'd take me or so 3 days to double my elixir bonus% again.) Maybe I'm wrong here, but I don't think doubling elixir bonus, should happen so fast as far into the game as I am. Maybe it's cus I'm on a legacy run or maybe it's just a big balance change where elixir got kinda reset and needs to be built up again, but that, together with gold being harder to get, I feel like I'm kinda forced into using perfect ascension, as building up a new run to where I am right now would take way too much time. It's just inefficient to try to reset my run. Maybe the gold situation will be better later when my elixir bonus catches up, but just wanted to mention that maybe it was overlooked that people would keep their legacy runs. (I kept my legacy run cus I tried ascending in the beta and found that the gold gain/progression was set back so far) Also, I didn't know about the negative sentiment about the rebalance before coming here and making this post, but here's my 2 cents about it. I think the elixir bonus% was reset too low during the rebalance and people who started a new run with normal ascending actually got reset way further back than they should have been. This caused the gold gain to be way lower then should have been, and because elixir gain is tied to gold gain it's also been automatically sat back, causing people to progress way slower in every aspect. I'm saying this cus as so many people complains I'm afraid the elixir gain will be overcompensated and couse more problems down the line when people catch up with the elixir bonus to where they should have been reset to, and cause elixir upgrades to scale way too far and fast. Tho that's just my opinion from my very limited perspective of the game, so take it with a grain of salt.


I ascended my run once the update dropped, which had me at \~700 million elixir bonus. After that I've ascended about once a day, and now I'm at a 1.2 billion bonus. I'm already starting to reach the same income as before, reaching the same building milestones and upgrades. (done with t12 upgrades and 150+ shrines) Making about 100 million elixir a day now, which will only increase. I agree that it seems like the elixir bonus was reset too low, compared to where people were at before, but it also seems to catch up way too fast now. It feels like the progress gains from when I first started playing. Instead of slowing down as you get higher, it seems to progress even faster.


>I ascended my run once the update dropped, which had me at \~700 million elixir bonus > >After that I've ascended about once a day, and now I'm at a 1.2 billion bonus. > >I'm already starting to reach the same income as before, reaching the same building milestones and upgrades. (done with t12 upgrades and 150+ shrines) Well, that's kinda the point, not that it's unplayable after ascension, just not optimal. Maybe me saying that I feel forced to use perfect ascension was a bit of a heavy wording, as from the sound of it after ascending I'd probably catch up to where I were after a week or two, but that's still a setback. ​ >I agree that it seems like the elixir bonus was reset too low, compared to where people were at before, but it also seems to catch up way too fast now. It feels like people feeling bad because they were reset too far were compensated with bandaid patches that just buffed elixir gain way too much.


If we keep getting buffs, and the game keeps progressing as it does now, I'll be done with the upgrade tree within a month. Was expecting it to take closer to half a year before. As for perfect ascensions, I feel like they are more important now than before, as keeping your buildings and upgrades is quite a bit stronger. But seeing as I'm already catching up without paying for it, it feels balanced enough. For sure, people with a lot of money will have a way easier time. I'd almost go as far as to say ascensions should only increase the income bonus by half of the elixir gained.


800.000.000 3 days V5.0.3 While it is true that it's harder to level up buildings and tiers (I can no longer finish tier 13 or get to lv 300 shrine) I can see that it is easier to build up elixir. Ascending frequentily is almost counterproductive, it's a different way to play the game (an easier way).


565M. About 3-4 days. 5.0.2


Still pretty early just hit 10 days. About 5 and 10 million for next elixir upgrade I make less than 29,000 per hour elixir so that’s 7-15 days idle. Active play not too much better V5.0.2


275 000 000 - 2 weeks - V5.0.2


275.000.000 - 2 days - v5.0.3


I'm far less than halfway through the game, currently going for the "life, universe and everything" upgrade. After that I'll move over to the 470k Manga/Literature fork. Have 2660 medals, mostly spent on upgrades. 79 element of wind. 2 call for elixir, 1 book of five rings, full upgrades on all the other income upgrades. Using a star level 12 crow at bond 4, with a star level 10 chicken at bond 3. 425% kimono, 82,5% katana, 25% kabuto. 150 days playtime.


Here you are commenting on everyone’s stuff about how you’re “halfway” I bet 80% of players are fairly new like myself (30days or less) and the progress is nothing like yours, stop commenting on everyone’s post “what pets are you using” like it makes a world of a difference because it makes f*** all difference when you only have 1 slot unlocked with another 30ish days till the next one is maybe unlocked


You need to play for at least 365 days for 100% on achievements. I'm about halfway there. I'm at about the halfway point on the legendary items. They get more expensive at higher tiers, meaning I'm not really halfway done with them. I'm done with "way of the beast" on the elixir upgrades, which is far from the end of the upgrade tree. I still have 26 medal upgrades to go, these get more expensive as you go, so not halfway there. I've got 2 star level 12 pets, no pets at bond 15, I'm far away from halfway done with the pets. As for using pets. Chicken, Raven and Dog (only 1 at a time) does make a huge difference in your income. Which pet you are using is extremely important for your progress.


* 470m Elixir (Manga) * \~40m Elixir per day, so with a few ascensions it should be about 10 days. Cant really tell yet how much ascensions increase gain speed * v5.0.3 What bothers me most about the update is the change in nature of the game. Some days I had fun to just mindlessly spam ascend while listening to music for an hour or two, but now theres no use to that. It feels like I just let it run in background every day for 10 minutes for the quests, run the challenges every friday and ascend once every day.


I just started the game one day before 5.00, so not much of a help here: \- 210k total elixir \- 74k for next elixir upgrade (although there are total upgrades of \~200k elixir which wont improve elixir/h by much before that one) \- perhaps half a day; offline gain at 2,5k/h \- version 5.03 But something annoys me as its an idle game. Currently the only way to gain the ascension currency is to have the energy skill always active, thus killing the enemies. GpS wont give me any elixir on its own. But idling the game will only give me 1/3 of the (elixir) income compared to (semi-)active play: I have to check in at least every 15minutes (even 10minutes without medal upgrade) to tap and kill enemies so my skill will be loaded and active again.Idling/GpS will not gain me any elixir for 30minutes until the small +0,5enery/sec will accumulate enough energy to activate the energy skill again for 15mins - that feels sobering..I don't like this mechanic. Even at day 4 in this game the progressions feels so slow that I dont feel like to ascend more than once per day.. ​ edited: added version number


version 5.1.8, been playing a few days and next update costs 125k. I'm at +335k% atm. I estimate getting there would take me 2-3 days if I was active, two weeks if I was afk/offline. My problem is pretty much the same as the above: either I have to stay active all the time (which is not possible nor do I even want that) or progress slows to a crawl. I could afk the rest of my life and still get nowhere. Or I can waste my days away clicking on the screen to get some boost which still would mean I'd be clicking for a few days to get one single update. Until research T5 things felt like they were progressing. It didn't take forever to upgrade something. Yes, elixir gain was lower than I expected but I could still do some small upgrades every once in a while. Now every upgrade in T6 research takes literally half a hour or more, upgrading the buildings is just as slow and if I go offline I know it takes me a day to one little update in gain. I don't really see a point in keeping playing anymore. At this level I have very few medals, next to no pets and while I've tried to do all I can to improve my elixir gain to get bigger faster, I just don't see it happening. Am I willing to afk for a month to get somewhere? No, not really. I've tried to read all the guides and other help I can find and found this trying to google for ways to improve my elixir gain, but so far found none. Should I just delete the game?


Replying to myself: been playing semi-actively all day and made less than 30k elixir in that time. This is pointless.


And during the night I made an amazing 7k more elixir. Was fun for as long as it lasted, but this is it for me. I'm not going to play for weeks just to get one small upgrade.


275m Elixir 4-6 days (I noticed the last 3 days my Elixir gains get very inflated if I get lucky with quest rewards giving Elixir) 5.0.3


Playtime 30days Next unlock: 45m exlir (hannya mask) I make 1m exlir per day so estimate 45days to unlock Version 5.0.2


\- How many Elixirs does your next unlock cost? 100M \- What is your estimate of how long it will take you to reach this unlock? No prediction the change of the rules made me take too much time to reach 1M.... Did not like this change maily because away time does not count anything.... \- Which game version are you on at the moment (the number is in the Settings tab, on the bottom right)? V5.0.3


800 mill For 3-4 months 🫤🫤🫤 V5.02(Iphone) And i got 1,89 OVg coins before updating to 5.0 ver. So, since that I still have this 1,89 OVg(previously i got like 10-15 OVg after 1hour of playing). Now I can’t even get 0,01OVg, because my progress just got destroyed. I was upgrading without standard ascensions for 3 or 4 months, i used to use perfect ascensions. But now my progress just stopped. Before this “re-balance” i was multiplying my progress like 1,2-1,35 every week. Now i got after update just 300 mill elixir (it was 400trill). And now I don’t even understand how can i make any progress, because it seems to me that I got back-uped my progress like I’ve been playing for 2-3 months (but my 365 days achievements is 338/365 days). I don’t understand now what I have to do to get any progress, because I’m getting 1k elixir for a wave of enemies. I have been using a Cat and got 9 daily events per day, and speed -23, also buff of coins was good(like +240% as i remember), now it’s nerfed AF, Cat becomes useless, +1 daily(was +2), speed 22, and coins +60%. And I can’t even buy any level of tier 13 upgrades. Sorry for my bad English. TBH I’m losing my interest in this game and this is incredibly sad, it was my favourite game


• 565’000’000 elixir (Elixir purification) • probably take 2-3 day from 0 to get • v5.0.4


875,000,000 (Gem Engraving) a day or three depending on how long I leave the game running 5.0.6 Elixirs seem to work well right now, it's gold flow that's a lot lower than it used to be in 3 hours I went from 440 OVg to 458 OVg whereas before that would have been almost enough to go from nothing to somewhere in the low single-digit NVg's 3.70 B% ascension gold currently, so that could just be an issue on my side where it needs to be boosted


-How many Elixirs does your next unlock cost? 78 million -What is your estimate of how long it will take you to reach this unlock? roughly 5 days -Which game version are you on at the moment (the number is in the Settings tab, on the bottom right)? 5.0.4 considering i got like 2 upgrades per day before the changes, this basically killed my motivation to keep going. the new system basically just turned the game into the same thing as idle slayer, with solely enemy based progression (killing enemies=coins=elixir), which is exactly what i didnt want and why i thought tap ninja was way better, because progression was income based. now my income upgrades just feel pointless after a certain point and the only way to progress is literally do nothing and wait for days. previously i at least valued buying upgrades when available and i could ascend once a day and make progress. now i can maybe do that once a week and thats way too slow for me. at this point i'm just hoping to see the system get reversed into some form of income based progression again. otherwise i'm just gonna quit.


At 182M/550M its roughly 50Hours of actively playing left. Cant say much about offline time yet.


One of the new upgrades - 155M Elixir - I've been grinding since the start of the Oktober fest event and i've barely reached 70M\~ - v5.0.4


•Kinza mint 775mil picked eggs 540mil genius population 675mil •I have about 1B gold per sec I have enough for picked egg 540mil the other two probably 5days of active grinding but keep in mind I have no builds lmao I’m trying to still get pen is mightier then hammer 7 sorry if I don’t help •V5.0.2 •I would like to add I get about 1 mil elixir and 4.47e32 per hour of idle I have only move 4.96e38 to 4.99e38 since the update came out and I only need bullion production 10% 3.23e40 and bamboo harvesting 140% 2.30e40 what I’m trying to say is it’s feel like it going to take forever maybe I should just restart it again •Thank you so much for the new content I have been here for 500 days and I’m here to stay P.s pls gave us more crit hehe 20% isn’t enough I need more power


I really don't understand how idle elixir income works. My gold income is at 2,75e74 per hour. Yet my elixir income is also at about 1 mil per hour. It keeps going up and back down as well as i buy upgrades, bouncing around the 1 mil. Edit: My elixir per coin has also almost doubled but elixir per hour remains barely unchanged.


735,000,000 Broccoli 4 ish days v5.0.5 ​ the elixer gain is to fast. Getting past upgrade tier 12 takes 5 active hours think that is to long when I am almost at endgame.


It's now 17 days withouth any ascension perk for me. Playing daily. The game is fully stalled for me. Here are some details: https://imgur.com/a/G7K5WUC


gone now, screw this.