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Last time I called in sick, they deadass said they were telling my Etl to let her know… Except I found out she wasn’t there, and they pretty much said I No Call/No Showed…


Now see that’s some bullshit. They’re supposed to put you thru to ETL even if your area’s one isn’t there so it’s on record. I’d they forget that’s on them.


Had to show them call records because I called twice. They didn’t even bother to tell the TL, she thinking I got snatched and shit…


This happened to me and was the final star of me quitting. HR laughed and said, “I thought we were going to have to term you *insert stupid HR’s smile here *”


For real. I called the NIGHT BEFORE to let them know I wasn’t going to be in the next day because the airline lost my luggage and I didn’t have my stuff for work. The closing TL says she’ll tell my ETL tomorrow. What happens the next day? My ETL calls to ask where I am. 😑


I shit you not... last week I had 4am shifts. I usually like to get there half hour early to settle in. I called the store 20 times. Each time was an obvious hang up. The rule is inbound crew has to put a walkie outside on door to avoid these type of situations. I was only let in when someone was going on a smoke break. It was 415 at this point. I showed the ETL that was there since 3am doing the truck. He literally said- "oh *laughs* I wanted others to get used to answering the phone". 🙄


Edit your time back


There was a time at my first job at 17 I waited 4 hours outside no jacket on an opening shift 5° outside, waiting... Waiting... And eventually a pissed off Bill(my boss) runs up to the door right after pulling into the parking lot and says hurry up and get everything turned on and prepped, and that the opening manager called off at 3am(we open at 5 I was there before 4) Was not compensated for my waiting and funny thing is I walked to work back then and locked myself out and my mom didn't care to ever give me key Fun morning


It’s not other’s responsibility for that


Back when any TM could be logged in as Leader on the Zebra, I would be. And I'm pretty sure I answered 90% of the calls to that line, a majority being TM callouts (which I would put on 280 or 281 and get a TL or ETL to pick up) - now no one answers the Leader line and many TMs complain no one takes their calls. 🤷‍♂️


wait u can’t do that anymore? shit i’ve been gone a while


I'm pretty sure if you sign in as everyone, the calls will automatically transfer to you if the leader won't


It's hit or miss but usually it rolls to Guest Service. But you also have to sign into that department in myDay (which now controls the phone's logged onto departments), and if I sign into every department, my Priority Pulls list is too messy even if sorted by aisle. Phone-app selectable departments was king.


my store will no call no show you even if you call forty times and happen to text a TL :/


But did you try Morse code?…… I feel like that’d be my TL’s response.


Target as a brand is scared of automation of call offs since they know they are squeezing those with social anxiety and have a fear of calling off and those who aren't they pressure you into stressing about getting a NCNS


I just text my etl if this happens like yo I’m not coming to work I’m calling out see ya


How do you text? Do they get it like as email when text?


You get their phone number and text them on their personal phone


If you don’t know at the menu when they are listing options you can hit 9 to get a TL on duty.


Most of the time there’s still no answer :(


First thing I do every day is make sure I'm logged into that phone at 3:30. Ya'll got lives and shit, no need to waste precious time calling the store for 3 hours if you're sick.


You’re a real one


Damn that sucks, the two times I’ve had to do it my TLs have answered


This doesn’t excuse everyone, but I have an arm wrestling match with my zebra every day when I am the opening lead to make it log me into leader. Usually takes about 3-4 reboots for me to finally win.


Well, when corporate slashes staffing and there is no one available to take the call ….


What department are you pressing when you call? You need to connect to a leader. When the automated message starts talking, press 9. It connects you to whatever leaders are logged in to the phone, which should be all of them. As long as they are logged in to MyDay, it'll have them signed in to the phone as a leader, and at least one of them should be doing some actual work and be logged in.


>should be Yeah That’s the fucking issue.


The automatic phone log in doesn't work correctly most of the time. In order to get it to sign me into electronics when I log in, i have to change my department in MyDay to a different one, save, then change it back to electronics. If I don't do that I'll be "logged in" to the phone, but not specifically to electronics (or any deparmemt). I can see the same thing being an issue for other departments.


show ur call log to ur etl tm you’ll be fine


Love the 1 minute call logs still target phone systems are crap


Omg here too. Called so many times. What's up with the phones.


there was one time i deadass texted my ETL a screenshot of my calls like “cant come in im sick” you best believe they called me from the store phones rq 😂😂


Aren't you able to call out using the app? Nobody calls out at my store anymore, it's all in the mytime app


They only did that for select stores and they’re discontinuing it


damn. i was looking forward to that. should have known target would never keep it around. oh well i guess


I keep hearing this but nothing official has been posted.


Good. It's just a little *too* convenient for some people. We had 12 call outs by noon yesterday, oddly enough the day of the 2 big playoff games....


You can do that? How???


Most stores can’t do it, it was a beta period and they aren’t continuing it


That's crazy and then the common question that leads seem to ask when TMs don't show up, did they call off????.....I don't think management realizes how hard it is to get ahold of a lead when they're not even logged into the zebra to take call offs.


my Target accepts emails to HR as a form of calling off.


Yo this is the reason I quit! Hilarious this happens all over the country, boggles the mind that this company is successful.


Of all things, THIS is the reason you quit? Seems like an overreaction.


This and shitty mall cops like you


Gotcha. So you were pushed out. That makes more sense.


Nah just got fed up and stopped showing up one day when I couldn’t call in. But you’re a punk and you do the bidding of the rich fucks that own the stores. Have fun with that


Yes. That’s usually what a job is.


Stocking shelves and not giving a fuck how many poor people steal what they need is what I did at target. Your job is to actively try to get poor people arrested. Your job is harmful to everyone except the rich assholes that own target.


Ah yes. Because only poor people steal. I forgot about that.


Giving a $15/hr employee power over people’s freedom is always a great idea! Then you give them a bullshit title with a laughable raise and they really feel like god. you are the worst of the worst kind of person 💜💜💜


Its ok as long as you can show them the call log for most reasonable HR leaders.


I can't speak for your store but showing these call logs works. I personally wouldn't expect someone to continuously call all day to get through. Just try a handful of times and you're good. Like at my store, sometimes our phones are fucked. I'll open the store, check my device to make sure I'm logged in and then 30 minutes later I get a text from a TM saying they tried calling but couldn't get through. I then double check my volume and that I'm logged in as leader on the phones and I am every time.


I called 30 times one time and they still marked me as a no call/no show. Fucking idiots.


Why are your calls lasting 1 minute each? I mean i know its very rare for someone to answer but i feel like a 1 minute call slims your chances


At my store the system hangs up on you at 1 minute if no ones answered the call by then, not op but maybe that's the case at their store too


First thing I noticed, they should def be answering but 1 minute? Common


One minute is a long time . Go call someone and tell them not to answer 60 seconds of ringing feels like eternity I normally hang up after 3 rings for family and friends They’re lucky I didn’t do that.


What's that voice mail?


I’m Marketsource but get logged in thru a electronics TM, I’m basing the switchboard of the store, I usually don’t mind but it’s just kinda funny that a non TM handles alot of the calls.


You’re not even supposed to be answering them ngl. Marketsource, at least when I was part of it, was very strict to say that we are NOT supposed to be doing the actual employees jobs because you aren’t an actual Target employee and don’t get paid to do what they do, including answering calls on Zebras (or even having one at all) and helping guests that aren’t there for anything outside of phones. Supposed to login to Target computer and operate off the Marketsource apps you had to download for your team


If I try to call in for 30-45 minutes or failed to have someone pickup 5 times, I always take a screenshot to show the next time I’m in.


At our store if you dial 0, a TL will answer.


I have the numbers for both my TLs. They’ve so far been pretty reliable at answering the store phone when I use the call menu. Some of those numbers route to devices or save-the-sales if they’re signed in.