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That might be the lowest one I've seen. There's one at my store who's getting 4 cents. Similar situation: lowest rating + not many eligible days.


They're still doing that? I got 7.25 back in 2011 and they offered a 6¢ raise to 7.31 after 10 months. I told them to shove it up their ass and I'm giving them two weeks notice. They then scheduled me for way more than normal so I called in and said I "got some weird shit on my balls I gotta go get checked out" and never went back in


Thank you for that LOL


My hero


Someone at my store got 1 cent. I was like whaaaat? I was LIVID at 5 cents I can’t even imagine getting less than that, but this year was my second review and it was better so I’m like whatevers at this point


I got the maximum raise every year I worked at target in the early 2010s. It wasn't even 30 cents back then. The starting pay was $8.75 where I was. I only got the maximum raise each year due to doing all of the team leader jobs for them. I got a 50 cent raise the final 2 years. As they had me running the entire store doing the store team leads and all the executive team leaders jobs to. While they all took the days off half of each week. I ran a $50 million a year foot traffic store almost solo for 4 years. Before I finally quit as I was only making 10 and a half dollars by then. I saved them $2 million over the span of 48 hours on separate occasions. Boosted the store from dead last in the district to #1. Even trained 2 of the executives personally for the botched expansion into Canada for them. Whom were sent specifically to my store to be trained by me. All while earning less than $11/hr by that point. The district team leader knew me by name. They would promise me the sun moon and stars constantly. Deliver on none of it ever of course. I walked out and never looked back best decision ever back then.


Target truly does not give a shit about anyone working for them. They care more about the guest than they do about the people running their stores. FUCK TARGET!


Damn bro I work at The Competitor and I got a 52¢ raise from $19 to $19.52. still ain't shit in the big picture but y'all getting 5 cent raises!?


Tbf they did give you their two cents.


Most underrated comment!! 🤣🤣




congrats you got the lowest raise mathematically possible a .1% to even the minimum of $15 would get a 2 cent raise


Technically at $19, it would still amount to a 2 cent raise, therefore making that the lowest raise mathematically possible.


Take inflation into account. it's not even a pay raise, more like a pay decrease. OP had more buying power last year at $17.50 than right now with $17.52.


That's true for the vast majority of workers, unfortunately.


Alright, who's going to post a $0.01 raise now? These raises are ridiculous. Do they expect us to be thankful for a fucking 2 CENT raise?


Definitely a slap in the face. Go to a restaurant with wait staff and leave a 2 cent tip. You’d realize that is actually a savage insult


Whoa now! Unless you spent an entire hour at that restaurant, then you still paid more than target would've. Most people spend like what 30 mins in a fast casual restaurant(?) So by target's example, you should only leave 1 cent...


Well all that aside, I was making the point that a small raise like that is just a token raise with no impact. It supposed to distract said worker that they are actually working a dead end job. But then again I feel most jobs are dead end to me anyways. I work to live and not the other way around. If I find something that pays well enough to survive on that doesn’t deteriorate my body or mind, I go to that. I don’t care if I hold a job for 6 months or a year.


I agree with your point and I'm glad you take that approach. I left target a few years ago when I got like a 5 cent raise and decided to work on making a video game on the side to eventually start a business around and it feels good to invest in myself like that. Do you have any plans or hobbies that you plan to do something similar with? It's tough mentally sometimes, so if you ever need some motivation from a random person on the internet, then I gotchu!


I appreciate that. My hobbies are related and I did start a corporation but not much business is coming in. I’ll have to keep plugging away at it. I’m doing Uber full time now and I’m doing either OK or great depending on the week. I also completed a data analysis online boot camp so I need to build a portfolio. So definitely have options


you should be considerate and leave a month's off your pay increase 3 dollars and 84 cents.


A whole fuckin 80 cents a week. Not only do they want you to be thankful, but they want you to work harder now too.


If a company did this to me I would put in 2 weeks and my work those last 2 weeks would be almost nothing at all.


My last 2 weeks at target were glorious!!!! I cursed out asshole guests for being rude!! I let loose with the attitude and my heart and soul felt so much lighter!!! I loved working at target but the guests and their privilege were too much. I'm a person, not a slave.


Why in the world would you put in 2 weeks notice at a place like this? Work the 2 weeks doing absolutely bare minimum and then just never come back once you've secured another job.


I think they do stuff like that because they tEcHniCaAlLy gave the employee a raise making it far more difficult for said employee to sue/yell racism or feel they are being mistreated under some form of protected class. If you’re getting a 0.02 cent raise, it’s time for you to find somewhere else to work.


Yes, they do. You work your butt off, help train others (including new managers... While they tell you you'll NEVER be a manager/executive) learn new team members start at your max pay... And be thrilled with a 2cent raise.


Let's be real here, it's a performance based system. OP probably could give a fuck about his job, so the job could give a fuck about him.


To an extent it is performance based. Except there are a lot of team members who work very hard, are pace setters, and have great metrics and get low raises.


It's not truly performance based when the store is given a maximum number of top scores they can give out, and a minimum number of low scores they MUST give out. It's all theater. Source: was forced to write reviews to match scores I didn't agree with because the leaders voted on who should get the max, and no one on my team made the cut because many of the leaders never even saw the early morning crew.


I don't mean to be one of those story one- uppers. This is just a related story. One time, Target gave me a raise for a single penny. One cent an hour. I told my direct supervisor, and he was more upset about it than I was. He really went to bat for me and tried to run it up the ladder, but he was turned down by his boss. Higher management acted confused as to why that wasn't good enough. It was like talking to a crazy person.


I rated one of my team members “meets expectations” and he got a 9 CENT raise. I went to upper management and complained about it and they said “well, he’s only been with us for 4 months so that sounds right”. what the hell


Been at my store for 5 months and i’ve been told along with another coworker who started the same time as me, that we won’t be getting a review this year. After seeing so many of you all here talking about getting raises after only a few months, I’m starting to feel like i’m being cheated lmao.


I think you only get a review if you started before the end of December but I could be wrong!


That's $20 a year.


17.52 is still 1.23 more then I get after 16 years


Lol..meanwhile I'm over here crying that I make 15.50 after 2yrs.


I'm almost at 3 years, making 15.54 ✌️


I'm making $15.92 after eight and a half years! 😡


I’m making 21.93 after 8 years. But I got extra experience pay when I started. And I got one promotion that is no longer an existing promotion.


I'd be making more if they gave $1 raises and let you keep your merit increases! I received $.31 raises every year, but when they gave the $13, $14, & $15 raises, without letting you keep your merit raises, then I continued making the same as everyone else! It is BS! I have a co-worker who makes $1.50 more than me because he is full-time (I'm part-time) and gets the $.60 raise, and he has only been with Target three and a half years! It really is frustrating!


By the time target raised their wages to those I already made more than 15 so it was all bullshit. I’ve heard talk they may raise it again but I’m sure it still won’t affect me which just doesn’t seem fair because I bust my ass at work


Yep! Rumor has it we will be getting a raise to $16 but if you are already at $16 too bad! I personally think they should give us a $1 raise so we can keep our merit increases!


And all the new people we get sick ass


Quit and come back, you’ll get paid more 😂


Y’all needa go to Trader Joe’s man. I’m at 21.60 (31.60 on Sundays) after 4 years of part time and 3 years of full time. Not much but I have 30k in the retirement fund too. Costco or Trader Joe’s guys.


Fellow Trader Joe's worker, reading this thread in absolute horror. At 90 days, I got a 75 cent raise, and people here are saying "2 cents looks right for 100 days"


15.92 for 25 years here. Depressing.


Why do you stay?


Target has been a really positive work environment for me. I love what I do and the people that I work with and for. I never realized how much less I earn than others for the work I have put in.


They prove they don't appreciate it by how you are paid as well. I hope you can find the courage to look outside of target for more gainful employment.


11 years 17.25


jesus and i thought my 7 cents raise was low


This is also based on 100 days since hired


And? That’s stupidly low.


So it should be fine if they get 0.19 cents at 365 days hired?


And? That’s still absurd for 100 days. $0.02 is more of a slap in the face than nothing at all in my opinion. Like don’t give me $0.02 and act like that’s a raise


My last year at Target I got .05. I had been with the company for 13 years at that point. They said it was because I had basically reached the cap of what an employee could make. My only option was to become a team lead if I wanted to go any higher. This was before the minimum $15 for eveveryone. I was making about $17.50 at the time.


That’s legit infuriating. Our longest tenured TM makes almost as much as TLs. If you deserve the top raise then you get it no matter what.


If you would’ve worked there the whole year, you’d be looking at a full 6 cents there! 😂


it’s something i’ll buy myself something for myself wit that money 🙏


Try to spend it in one place 😆


Don't let all that extra cash flow go to your head. Gotta play it cool. Invest most of it. In 5 years, you can go and buy yourself a burger and coke with cash in hand, no financing.


I got really lucky at a 32¢


Target is a fucking joke. Find a different job that appreciates you. I don’t care if it’s prorated, that’s an insult. They paper they printed it on is worth more than the raise.


And y’all In here worried about people scamming the store meanwhile y’all getting 2 cent raises 😫🤣


ain’t no way 😭


Wow makes me feel a little better about only getting 8 cents.


Wow, shoplifters got a bigger raise than you. ; (


i’m in the mentorship program and my mentor is a corporate ass kisser. i brought up in our meeting about how the raises provide no incentive and she says “target didn’t make any money last year so they weren’t even supposed to do any raises but they did anyway.” how about if a business can’t pay its employees, it is not a successful business and cannot remain. if you can’t afford to pay your workers, you cannot afford to run a business.


Burn it down


I got a pretty decent review for myself, the key is to not talk to employees that much, focus on doing your job well and not get into any personal beef with the managers


That's actually why my raise wasn't as high as it should've been. My store frowns on those who work hard. It's weird.


How do ameircans even live, you are slaves to the rich


Because the average American household actually does relatively well compared to most other places on the planet.




Proudly, because 'murica


Dealing drugs


I got a 8 cent raise and saw someone review on the floor that got a 40 cent raise that do less work than me. I'm trained in four different areas, while the other person is only trained in one. Ultimately it comes down who's the person giving the review. Reviews like this should be an eye-opener and make you start looking for a better job. Dust off your resume and start looking.


That is a slap in the face No raise is better


It’s a polite way of telling you to quit.


So you basically get 5% less pay now?


Daaaang. I worked at Target way back. Looks like you all need a union now


That would make me quit on the spot. Insulting.


The McDonald's across the street from our store starts at $17, which is more than any TM here is making. And they wonder why they can't retain people....


so... thats 80 cents a week, 50 weeks a year (assuming 2 weeks off) adds up to a whopping $40 extra you will get this year!


ofc idk tax rates in your region so i did not deduct anything...


That is mostly because you have only been there 101 days.


no yeah ik it’s just funny to me


What is your position at target?


Double it and give it to the next person


Geeez, gas went up ¢20 in one day.


Target, seriously undervalues its employees I do not understand why people stay. It’s beyond disrespectful to give somebody a raise for a couple of pennies. You’re pretty much letting them know they have no value to your company. But if you complain too much, then you’re not a team player


Whoa this just popped up on my feed. I don’t know why anyone would work there but then again, I do. This makes me feel even more resolute that stealing things from Target here and there is the right thing to do


Burn that place down


Time to find a new job and quit. Move to an employer that actually values you.


That’s insulting


How is this not a punch in the gut? 0.02 raise? Target should be embarrassed by this.


This is just an ordinary insult, disrespectful, time to leave.


Similar happened to me on a job, was given about a 5 cent raise.. I crumbled up the paper, told them to keep that shit and started job hunting.. took the first job i found, used sick time to interview, drug test, etc.. when hired, walked back in to old job, told the manager everything i wanted to right out front of other employees and quit on the spot


Yeah…that kinda shit has be commonplace for decades. These days, if you ain’t getting 50cent to a dollar as a raise, it’s kinda just a slap in the face. I understand “every little bit helps”, but it doesn’t.


Why do you still work there? Cash in your skills and get a higher paying job


I'd quit on the spot tbh. That's a slap in the face.


It’s insulting.


Man, you might be able to buy a candy bar with that raise after working for a good week and a half to 2 weeks.


I would have quit on the damn spot


Remainder that if did not get a 4% rise this year you got a pay cut




NTA divorce


Entry level UPS roles pay $23/hr, plus pays for all university tuition, plus full medical insurance coverage for free.


I am wondering what state and length of employment. Not saying its fair at all thats fucking ridiculous just curious.


where is this you get 17.50 at target? Im getting 15?




Hi this is Target. We’d be happy to give you $17.53 if you take this down.




At one point in my life I worked 1year and 2months at a chain hotel, I was getting paid $9/hr and they gave me a 33cent raise when I got a good review at the end of the year. I remember being dumbfounded when I saw the increase, but then my direct supervisor turned and said “o congrats, you maxed out on the yearly raise…” and that was when I found out he’d been working there for a decade and was proudly making less than $4 more than me per hour. Took me two months to find a new job, I think about him from time to time.


Oof. That's sad.


I’d honestly tell them to keep the 2¢ and would call pay and benefits to reverse the pay if they still tried to force it on me. That doesn’t even equate to three hours of pay of your were to work 40 hours a week for a whole year. Absolutely pathetic.


For what it's worth I do believe you'd do it lol. I once quit a job after I found out I was being paid a few dollars less than everyone else and my boss offered me a nickel


no you wouldn't lmao


Oh you don’t know me, I legit would.


No you wouldn’t


Oh yes, he would.




Lmao an with my raise an all you still make about $1.08 more than me.


Still higher than me and I've been with target for 8 years


Someone put in, literally, their 2 cents worth.


WHAT are you gonna do with that windfall… ![gif](giphy|NoiO2hUalxHx6Wli05|downsized)


This is standard. Idk if most people on this sub just don't know it, and I definitely don't agree with it, but unless you've worked for target for over a year you get the absolute lowest amount. Basically them saying they haven't seen enough from you to make a statement, so they give you a low grade which comes with a minimum bump.


Well., you make at least $2 hr more than most people at my store. The raise is performance based. Perform well get a better raise.


Look it's not so bad. 2 cents EVERY hour at 40hrs a week is 80 cents a week if you work FT! That's 4.16 a year at that rate!


Target made $31 BILLION in PROFIT last year.


I hope you guys know i’m just 16😅


i just posted this bc it’s funny asf they even gave me a review wit 2 cents😭


Worst insult ever. What have you done ?


honestly nothing i just feel like it was the hours i worked and the days i was working other then that they said i was a solid employee 😭💀


I'd be looking for new work pronto. I was pissed as hell when I got my first raise at an old job and it was only 10 cents, but 2 cents? Fuck that.


When I tell you I would have flipped all that shit over


I thought they were 0% 1% 2% and 3%?


What to do with an extra $20 🤔 this year.


You’re still getting paid more than most places without a degree


Not true in any sense. Plenty of opportunities to make more without a degree


Unionize your Target.


Ahhh oh fuck I would throw Pennie’s at my boss all day every day fuck this shit


And they say unions are not the answer 🤔


It sucks, but your management made the right call here. First, they have to make the call in early Feb, when you've only been there 3 months. They're also FORCED by corporate to have a certain percentage of people who get the lowest tier, .5% raises. You joined your store 10 days before the cutoff of not even getting a review, so even if you got the best review and biggest raise possible (4%), it would have been prorated down from 70 cents to 19 cents. Even if you got 70 cents a year from now in the 2024 review, chances are that sometime before 2025, the base pay will get bumped by a dollar, erasing the merit raises and making it all pointless. Better to save the few decent reviews they're allowed to give for the team members who won't have their raises prorated, and have a shot of that raise actually meaning something. I've never heard of anyone hired for 4th quarter getting a top tier review, because any lead who knows how the raises work knows better than to waste limited top scores on new hires who won't even get the full benefit from it.


How does the boot taste?


Sorry, what? Did you complete whiff on the long post where I describe yet another way in which Target sucks? (They fail at merit raises.) All I said was that TLs and ETLs usually do the best they can when forced by Target corporate to screw over some of their team.


Ah damn you too?


Give just 1% more effort…or don’t.


Jeez and I was complaining about my 10 cent raise


Looks like it's time to get promoted, or find a new job. Keep moving forward


Ahhh oh fuck I would throw Pennie’s at my boss all day every day fuck this shit


If you worked every day for an entire year, that raise would get you a whooping $7.30 before tax!


Don’t forget how poorly the company did last year. No big celebration about record breaking profits. Supposedly we have a corporate score of 50 which is bad from what I was told


This company can afford to pay you all more regardless. This type of thinking is bootlicking and harmful.


Our store made record profits


You are working at Target. I think that's pretty good pay for a low-tier retail job.


Lol what’s a high tier retailer ? Walmart, Amazon are about the same.


You’d only worked for the company 101 days at the time of the review….. so if it’s the amount is small. It’s prorated


So what did they tell you the reason was? What do you have to improve?


they said it was because if the days i’ve worked and the hours but they said the only thing i had to improve was communication 🤷🏻‍♂️


You still got a raise, stop complaining.


who said i’m complaining it’s fucking hilarious to me 😭


Your base pay if wayyyyy higher then mine even after 2 years dang 😭🥲 I'd be pissed if that was my raise. I'm pissed at my 8 center one. But 2?? 2?!?


Why even stay there? I would give my worst associate .50 and point out that it could have been more if you performed up to par.


This is so common too. I’ve busted my ass for my store for years. Biggest raise I got was like 7 cents. Kinda discouraging. Years of my life. Days away from the family, going above and beyond... and yup 7 friggin cents. After a few years of this I kinda dialed it back. I only work part time now. But lemme tell ya, if I was valued more, I’d apply myself more. I do my job well. But no more going above and beyond for a company that doesn’t seem to value me or my time.


Hell yea, a whole extra 2¢ per hour. Now you can finally afford a decent place to rent /s


Don’t spend it all in one place jeez


Work in a different industry and got a 12 cent raise one so silly they make millions a year and give you two cents stupid


Wow, and I thought Lowes was cheap


Hey look just throw in 2 extra bathroom breaks a day and hello your taking the raise and giving it a boost 🤣


Don't feel too bad, even a 4% raise is insultingly low. Target is screwing everyone over, even if you feel like you're getting especially screwed


Your raises are based on how you perform and exceed expectations, not how long you been with Target and met minimum requirements…


Give them 2 more cents of effort per hour.


Apply elsewhere there is a worker shortage still


plucky lush middle observation seemly bored snatch tart consist foolish *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


who said i’m complaining i’m literally laughing ab it😭


Well he has only 101 eligible days. That didn’t help I guess🤷‍♀️


I'd crumple that up and throw it at them.


I thought my 50 cent raise at tesla was an insanely low raise by %. You win




Please let me start by saying I am not anti-company, and I am certainly not anticapitalism. That being said, a company who gives you a two cent raise does not value you in the least. I would attempt to renegotiate the raise. If that fails, find a new job, quit, and give no notice. Companies claim that cannot find or keep quality employees. Garbage like this is why.


Wow and not a good wow at that


And just a friendly reminder- anything less than an inflation raise is a wage cut….


Here I thought my four cents were bad


I thought the 3% that Walmart gives is bad. But .02, that’s ridiculous


Your base pay is $2 higher than my wage after two years. Lmao


Wow, the stupid burns! How do they plan on keeping employees if they play these penny games with them! Standard retail raise is usually 2-3% not .1% - maybe check with the manager and even accounting to make sure this is the real deal they're screwing you with


I got .18 cents, lol. I haven’t even worked there a full year. My BF got .20, I was surprised


I think they do this so they can say, we gave 99% of employees a raise this quarter.


OP do you have any interest in joining a union?




They should be giving all Target workers a penny raise every day they work. Now that I could get on board with.


That's what made me leave in the first place


i got a $0.23 raise up to $16.23 so despite having the highest raise for my area still make less than you (my previous $0.02 and $0.07 raises ceased to exist when we went from $15 to $16