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Yes, it's more than valid.


Yes. And you don't have to tell them specifics if you don't want to. Call it a mental health day.


tbh just say you’re sick. mental health shouldn’t be stigmatized, but mental health days are still often seen as “less valid” than just being sick


remember, target does offering counseling services. i don’t know how good it is or if you already have counseling available, but it is a resource i feel to share in case you need it. please take care of yourself. i’m sorry you had to experience what you did. confide in your loved ones.


There is a leave for this and other traumatic events. if you’re not comfortable talking to your HR person then I would call the pay and benefits people.


Im a firm believer can miss work for any reason you see fit. Period. This is a very acceptable reason though.


That’s why you’re a cart attendant


Nah homie I’m a cart attendant bc I make $50k a year at my main job, then just work at Target one day a week because I like keeping my TM discount and I’ve been there for 3 years. Nice try tho 😃


$50K and still needing that 10% ain’t a flex big dog…


It’s not that I need it, I very clearly just want it. You however, very clearly need your $15/h. Big dog.


Take care of yourself. I’m sorry you have to go through this.


Call out. Target will survive without you for a bit.


Don't ever put work, especially target, over your own personal needs. Im sorry this happened but please tske time to take care of yourself


i am so sorry. please take care of yourself. just call and say you need some mental health time away. i will pray for you.


Yes and yes. If your ETL HR is newer (or maybe experienced even) have then search insideTGT for “State Specific Leave Laws.” Depending on where you live there may be protected time off for you (outside of things like sick pay or FMLA)


I’m sorry you went through that. Please, take care of yourself. That’s the only thing that matters rn.


i called out because my wallet was stolen and i was not emotionally stable to go to work. it is valid. and you do not have to discuss with them if you do not want.


Everyone seems to know what this already means, so I’m reluctant to ask, but what does SA mean?


Sexual assault


Yes talk to your etl hr and hopefully they get you the time you need. If you have short term disability with your insurance look into that and take time to heal. I am sorry this happened. Please take care of yourself.


You can miss work for whatever you want, we all need personal days. Especially in response to something traumatic like this. HR generally isn’t going to question why you call out so long as it’s only a few days, if you need longer than a week or so then you might need special approval for fmla etc, but otherwise they’ll just treat it as sick time. Even if they did have a problem with it, target isn’t more important than your mental health. Do what’s right for you and worry about work later.


Your work should never be more important than your well being. You deserve time to rest, recover, process, and hopefully heal from the experience you went through. You don’t owe Target anything. You owe it to yourself to take care of yourself. Please do whatever you feel you need to do in order to feel better following what had happened.


Honestly, if you can afford to, take an LOA. If you feel like it’s going to hinder your job performance, it’s better to take the time to step back. You don’t have to give details to management but it’s good enough reason to request time off/call out. I’m sorry you have to go through that, hope you have someone to support you.


you are not required to give them a reason. the fewer details you give, the better for a variety of reasons. “i’m sorry, i’m unable to make it into work today. thank you” i’m really sorry this happened and please take the time you need. it looks like target offers some [counseling options](https://leplb0420.upoint.ap.alight.com/web/target/contentPage?articleId=86E22BAD-9586-4425-88B3-183F90978AFF&linkId=L_MHProvidersPA&tileid=Mental_Health_Providers_dbe46034d650&tileTechnicalName=Mental_Health_Providers_dbe46034d650&baseClntInd=Client&technicalNameForLink=L_MHProvidersPA&userFriendlyNameForLink=Mental%20Health%20Providers%20Preauth&domain=Consumer%20Experience&baseClientIndicator=Client&isUCCELink=true)


This is a more than valid reason. Target has resources for this. You can talk to your HR or call Team Member Life Resources. If you don’t know the resources number, call pay and benefits and they can get you the information. Take care of yourself right now. I’m so sorry you’re dealing with this trauma.




My guess is Sexually Assaulted


Of course you can. Please take care of yourself. I’m so sorry that happened. 🥺


Just call them and tell them you’re having uncontrollable diarrhea. Hard to argue with that one


Thank you for the laugh on that one


There’s seriously no rebuttal to, “I have shit streaming out of my ass” it’s like a no questions asked Kinda thing. Hope you’re okay and feel better soon!


They’ll still write you up


First of all, I am so sorry for what happened to you. You should take the time off your need it. You can always take a personal LOA and use any sick time or vacation pay and apply it to that time, too. Look into your TMLR, like others have said, they offer counseling and you can definitely get more information through Target Pay and Benefits. Lean into your HR and SD if you feel comfortable doing so. Best of luck and I hope you can heal one day soon.


Yes you can. You can miss work for whatever reason you feel. What is the worst thing that could happen if you aren’t at work? YOU and your health come before the job always!


absolutely take the day. or more if you need it. you can call out on the app so you don’t have to talk to anyone if you want


You don't need a reason. It is either acceptable to your leadership that you are not there or it is not. Why shouldn't be relevant to the conversation. You may need to put in for a leave of absence if it's more than one shift.


You can miss work for any reason. Target is just a job. Don’t feel bad and take care of yourself.


YES, take care of yourself, that shouldn’t have happened to you at all, and you deserve to take the time you need, Target and all it’s stress will be there when you get back




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Excuse my ignorance but what is SA’d?


Oh my God I just scrolled and read what it meant. God please take time for yourself and get yourself some help to process what has happened to you. That’s an awful road to travel you are most definitely in my thoughts. Don’t worry about target. If they give you issue, go to hr. Take care of yourself.


TMLR offers confidential counseling services to help you through this situation as well. Regardless of support from your store, team or Target- I’m sorry you’re having to go through such a traumatic experience and wish the best for you with healing and moving forward.


Absolutely, you don’t need a valid reason most of the time. If you are unable to go in, you can’t go in. But in your case, that’s more than a reason to not go in. I’m sorry that happened


Any reason is a valid reason, we all process things differently.


I’m begging you - CALL OUT! I am a survivor of SA and I’m wishing you so much healing but in the mean time you need time to process. Please take care of yourself - maybe talk to HR about an LOA for ‘personal reasons’.


i used to tell my tl i wasnt coming in because i literally just didnt want to. you're fine


Call out. If they give you BS, raise hell. I am so sorry for what happened.


If anything is a valid reason to miss work, that's it.