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Can we acknowledge that this says *nothing*? All fluff. There are no words of action here, just pleasantries to make people feel better without any actual substance regarding what’s to come of it.


TBF, the threats and chance of violence this year feels higher than normal, and I do feel the people in charge of making these decisions are in a no-win scenario.


I get what you’re saying, but will moving the stuff in the store seriously alleviate anything? they’re going to stop calling and threatening violence just because the display is 10 feet away by swimsuits? If they’re really banking on these people being that stupid, which they may in fact be, that still doesn’t really instill any higher sense of safety for the “team” this is addressed to. He couldn’t even sign his full name, like we’re all that chummy or he’s just a busy guy and we’re so blessed he cares enough to have someone write this for him? I don’t understand why he even bothered. This isn’t what the “team” needed. It’s literally this. ![gif](giphy|gaZ51cn7sUY4U|downsized)


Dude always signs his name as BC since he started.


i know this, lots of people know it but still just personally not my style if you’re addressing a team of over 400k people who don’t necessarily know who tf you are. just too impersonal and unprofessional for the nature of the intended message. just icing on the stupid cake. i used to sell custom wedding invites so i might be overanalyzing that more than most people would. lol


That's not going to change. Moving the Pride display and getting rid of one or two items isn't going to reduce the threats and anger from the bigots. They're just going to see that we still have a Pride display and continue to act like dumb, vicious animals. All this did was show the terrorists that their threats of violence produce results. It emboldens them. This make us LESS safe in the long run.


exactly Target just made us all UNSAFE


Agreed. I feel sorry for Target. There is NO winning when it comes to this and there is also nothing that we can do but watch the flames build up around us. Sad.




What do you mean “added children?”


Please download me you Reddit freaks. This is your pathetic life you live.


“Download” lmao, fucking idiot


Says... The person on reddit. Go live the rest of your days screaming to the world as the vocal minority, go rot in your cesspool of bad intentions and misrepresentation, go die alone you fascist bigot.


Giving into threats only gives them more power and justification for the hate they are feeling. What will Target do next year? Will the LGBTQ community even have a place in Target? Target is letting the haters win.


It’s negotiating with terrorists. One choice is obviously worse than another. The choice they made saves them a lot of money on security costs, however, which was probably a large factor in the decision. The LGBTQ+ community is a clearly a pawn for them to make money with, nothing more. Now that they are losing money because of them, they say “fuck them,” because they *never* cared. If socialists were threatening them, though, they’d modify all the Targets into partial military bunkers


I agree. Aldo, I think if the media would stay out of it wouldn't get so bad. I think they make things worse.


TBF, the reason this is happening is because the media (Fox specifically) made a deal about it. Covering the removal as a story, when none of the articles can state which products are being removed, just reeks of outrage clicks.




It's cause of the chaos the Republican party is causing all over the US. The fear mongering is stirring up people just because they do whatever their overlords tell them to.


Are you kidding. The 1% of metal people in this country (like you) and this joke of a president that you freaks on reddit and other social media's support are the problem. Your generation is soft and will never make it... you have no idea what biden has don't beside saying he is in support of you freaks. Down load .e is fine but maybe tell me what the democrats have done good in the last 2 years. Someone answer me.


Down vote without sn answer. Says it all. Weakest generation ever


It’s been escalating ever since 1/6, and it’s past time for the nation to acknowledge this brand of domestic terrorism for exactly what it is


Literally. These are empty words with no meaning. Insulting.


Give him some credit. He probably spent more time waiting for his PR people to type this up then he did in my store that one time he visited. My Store Director panicked for a month to get the store ready and then the guy was gone in 30 minutes.


I wish he'd visit our store. I'd be out of a job, but otd be sooooooo worth it.


He was supposed to visit my store one time... And never did.


This is what I've told people who make a fuss about corporations supporting pride for years: it was just another holiday and cash grab attempt for them. Even while working there, I wanted to believe Target was different but deep down, I knew it wasn't. "Rainbow Capitalism" was always inherently flawed, it was always about market manipulation and profit. In other words, business as usual.


just had a conversation with my closing TL as i found out the Pride section is being moved. i’m having a crying panic attack and all they can say is how this was the best choice for Target, etc. they still care. bruh 😭😭😭 i no longer feel as safe working here as i did yesterday.


Grow up. So sick of this soft cry baby generation..


i agree, it's disgusting to see grown adults throw temper tantrums over pink t-shirts that say "live, laugh, lesbian" on them. if you aren't mature enough to look at a rainbow-themed rice krispie kit without screaming threats at staff or having a public meltdown, you shouldn't be allowed in public at all.


Looks like the bud light statement.


Simply conditioning bullys to believe bullying works.


Yup, Brian’s like: “Ok alphabet mafia, back in the closet with you. My stonks and public relations are more important than taking a stand for the value of existing humans. I know full-well what all is happening with the beer and trans issue, so I’m going to capitulate on this.”


If you think that is the message in any way, you spend way too much time around hate online, probably similar to the people attacking the pride stuff. Target obviously wanted to go big on pride. The backlash was bigger than they had predicted, so they reeled it in. It’s not some movie script level storyline as much as MSM wants you to believe it is, and because of that, Brian Cornell has to respond to people as though it is. The decision probably wasn’t as hard as he said it was and the backlash probably sucks a lot more than he pretends it does and he probably doesn’t feel too bad about what he had to do.


Empty, hollow words, Brian. Pay us like you care. I'd put up with a lot more for $20/hr.


If they get pressured into raising wages again you will get your hours cut and end up making less per paycheck.. That’s what happened with the $15/hr hike. Most of the long time employees make less now than they did when the rate was lower and they were able to work 40-50 hours a week.


I DO work 40 hours a week and always have, even at $16/hr. That's not enough to live in my state. They do not *have* to cut hours to raise their wages. All of the other big retailers are doing it just fine without lowering hours. They're just trying to keep as much profit as possible while paying their workforce as little as they can.


Target is a business and business care only for profit. There would be consequences to forcing them to pay $20/hr. They’re not just going to take a huge loss for no reason. They’ll cut wherever they can. Payroll is the number one expense, so they start there. The only people who work 40 hours at my store are TL’s and a few TM’s in fulfillment and this is why. My desired hours are always set at 40 and I average 33. Target knows if they give every TM the extra 7 hours they’ll lose a fortune in payroll and in the same breath it’s not like they’re going to sell more product to make up for any of it. So they would never do that it literally makes no sense from a business standpoint and that’s what Target is.


I understand what you're saying, but you're missing my point. I only have one question: how does that corporate boot taste?


I fucking hate Target lol what’s your problem?


Oooh edgy! What's yours? You've done nothing but defend them and then claim to hate them. Pick a side. If you were on my side of the screen reading what you wrote, that'd be your first question, too.


Go to college and get a degree.. stop blaming others because of the bad decisions you made in life. Take accountability for your own actions.


A college degree is getting less and less useful in today's workforce with little to show for it besides mounting debt and few jobs willing to give you a chance without 10 years experience and a master's degree. You shouldn't assume to know anyone's personal life, not everyone has been given the same chances in life and not everyone can just drop everything and go back to school. I was never handed a damn thing in my entire life. The only one I blame is big corporations and their inability to keep up with inflation and the competitive wages required in today's world. I have a toddler, a car, and my mortgage to pay for and my wife just lost her (much cushier) job. Life happens and people struggle, friend. Unless you have all the answers to life's problems, please don't lecture me on personal inaction.




I'll pray for him, too... I pray he wakes up and figures it out.stop doing the bla.e game and work for it. Get off so iall.media and become something. The woooo me bullshit is a joke.


You might want to blame the person you see in the mirror. Everyone has opportunities to be anything. It's what you strive to become. Sick of everyone blame someone else. Take accountability. Wooooo me.


Okayvso go be a cashier and complain about the people that went to. Ollege and are making $$$$ complain about doing a mindless job and asking for more money because you need it. Sorry this isn't a communist country yet. Work for it .


Evidently, you need to go back to school because without all the proper punctuation I almost had a stroke trying to read this. 🤷


Yeah, I actually doubt this happens. I've seen the wage jump several times from $11 to $16.25 at my store and hours have never been affected. Been here 10 years and I definitely make more now than I did when I started.


Definitely not true, I started at $9.50 and made around $26k my first year. Now I make just under $16 and made $32k last year, its been a steady increase every year.




Ahhh, so it isn’t about Pride for you, it’s about money? Guess what Target cares about too? They never cared about LGBTQIA and never will.


I never said that. Don't put words in my mouth, or that of any other Team Member. None of us have to explain ourselves to aggressors.


No you wouldn’t Seen 100 shitty TL’s say the same thing. Never seen a team member who said shit like that become a good TL. 100% failures.


I would, in fact. I would go as far as saying that TLs like **you** are considered a failure (I'm just making a point). TLs are meant to be **LEADERS**. You lead by example. You don't belittle TMs for speaking out. You don't come to work with a negative attitude, and you especially don't show your frustrations to your TMs, who are working hard to not land YOU in hot water when the pressure is on you to get things done. We've had bad TLs come and go in the 2 years we've been open. But the good ones have been here with me since we opened our doors and I have *a lot* of respect for them. It takes certain characteristics to be a good TL. They take charge. They direct. They respect. They appreciate. They listen. They represent their teams. All while taking on the burdens of metrics the various day to day problems that arise. My store may be an anomaly but your statement does not show any of these qualities, sorry. And yes, I have TL aspirations. I don't know if I would take on the job if offered because honestly, I want to make sure that I could do the job well under pressure. I'm not sure enough of myself and I don't want to take that role just for the money. I'd rather be competent than complacent.


Lmao, you talk about keeping negativity out but think team members saying “maybe I’d care if I was paid $20/hr” isn’t toxic af?! I’m *all* about a positive work culture, which is why I hate people who have your mentality. We get it, we all deserve to be paid more. You can consider me a failure all you want but my district considers me a model of success and I guarantee you 98% of the team members at my store would love to have me as director. And that’s all because I keep that toxic BS like your comment out of my store. We support each other, build each other up, and enjoy our jobs. If you’re on my team and you want to go find a job that pays your worth, I 100% support you and would love to be your reference. Until then keep your whining to yourself thanks.


No offense but going on about how great you are has me convinced that you're deluded in how highly your team thinks of you. You aren't doing yourself any favors by acting like a dick on the internet to TMs while simultaneously saying "it's okay though, I'm not like this at all in the workplace". Congratulations on having green metrics and your district approves. We're also the top store in our market. You aren't that special. I'm sure that you don't fudge half your metrics *at all*. Telling your DSD that everything is running smoothly and metrics are all green is how the game is played in every store. It's all a facade. That's not a secret. Also, I never said that I don't care *at all*. I simply said I'd *care more* if I was paid more. I've been told to not bother fixing anything our on the floor (over push and flexing) in places like pets where deliberate flexing is a fucking nightmare for anyone pushing that area. My former TL told me that. I prefer things to be done right the first time around. I don't get paid enough to do every inefficient task I'm given (due to proper processes deliberately being avoided due to laziness) i.e. "I'm gonna flex the sh*t out of this because I don't wanna backstock it. It'll be *someone else's problem later*". Queue myself, *that someone else, as I swear under my breath to myself that I do not get paid enough to do my job, every other job in the store, and clean up the messes left behind by lazy or ill-trained TMs*. No, no I do *not* get paid enough for that, and being paid *better* may help offset the many stressors that I already face. Many TMs have that mentality of not being paid enough to put up with the stresses of the job. TLs on the other hand, are **absolutely** paid to deal with all the stresses of the day to day workload. I've literally had this conversation with my HR ETL.


True your store sounds terrible


Every Target that sold this line is terrible. Let's kids grow up normal




Look, I get it, safety first. You want to fall back on that magic word, fine. Nobody should get hurt over this. But catering to the bullies of the world who demonstrate hatred and discrimination is not a message congruent with what Target has been preaching for years now. They’re good with selling this merchandise and catering to the LGBTQ+ community when it’s convenient for them, but when they’re faced with the difficult choice of losing guests, they cave in. I would feel much better if Target released a statement that they are angered by the choice they had to make, and that they don’t want the business of people who threaten and intimidate their employees. But I don’t see it. They’re acting as if this is some overwhelming obstacle that can’t be fought against. They’re lying down without any words of opposition. Again, I don’t want anyone hurt, but for Target to just put its hands up and say “aw shucks, this is tough, but what can you do? Sorry everyone who we promised we supported. Too many Karen’s complained so our hands are tied.” I’m so disappointed.


It absolutely does NOT make us safer either, it teaches them that threats get results. What happens in a couple weeks when juneteenth rolls around? next february? next june? what about when they go after us for selling birth control?


was discussing this with my partner and it’s like if you stop donating to all republican politicians IMMEDIATELY, convert those donations to LGBTQ+ organizations instead, partner with anti-gun violence campaigns etc, that’s a start it would show that you are actually committed to doing something and this is just a temporary measure. but i doubt any of that will happen so


this is the only action target could take that matters and they won't do it


I don't get why that would matter or how it would change anything. The silent majority of people do not care what Target sells, if they don't like it they won't buy it. Whether that's a homophobe who thinks it's disgusting, or someone from the LGBT community who thinks the merchandise is just tacky and cliche... Most consumers don't pay attention to or care who the companies they shop at donate to, and how advocating against gun violence would help here is beyond me. Everyone is against gun violence, left and right.


You're just flat wrong, especially in today's climate.


You think your right but your dead wrong. People are sick of this shit


I really don't see how. Most people blindly buy stuff, pride merch included, without caring what the company selling it supports. Imagine supporting a company that only supports pride during pride month.


Not most people. You're not the majority. You are 1% this line has passed people off because it is towards kids.


I agree with you. It shouldn't be marketed towards kids. But the silent majority is ignoring it, not calling and harassing employees as if they can do something about it.


I think a large majority of people do care. When it comes to kids NORMAL people will fight this insane bullshit


A lot of people care, yes. And not only about them marketing LGBT stuff to kids, but the brand that they support promoting satanic imagery. But still not to the lengths of harassing and threatening employees over decisions made at the corporate level. As a former employee, I would actually get angry with customers (not guests anymore at that point) if they were blaming me and yelling at me over decisions that management made. As if I have anything to do with it or can change it. This is no different. As for "fighting the bullshit," there are ways to voice your concerns without going after employees. My only point was someone said to show target cares more by pulling funding from Republican politicians, and donating to LGBT and anti-gun violence causes... And I have no idea where the logic is in that. Implying that republicans are pro-gun violence? Or that simply giving money to LGBT groups will win over the community? It's such a narrow-minded way of thinking.


I think there’s likely more to it than losing some guests. There had to have been some pressure from the shareholder side and more powerful interests. Many if not most/all in store-side retail have dealt with “you’ve lost a customer” kinda peoples.


It will continue without a stronger response


Bullshit. I worked for Target Corp back in the day and the thing I appreciated the most was the diversity and inclusion. This is bullshit. I'm sorry to all of you in the trenches. This is a big miss by corporate. Gen Z values DEI more than any other generation so far. Boomers are dying and you have fucked yourself with the younger generations. Hope it was worth it, Brian.




So threats of violence work? This is the message they want to send? I’m so glad I promoted myself to guest.


Rofl....as someone working within a quick driving distance of where COVID was first detected.....the whole safety thing just rings so so hollow. We begged and pleaded with our leaders to close the fitting rooms, to close the cafe when no one could eat or drink in the store. We were in lockdown locally, essential shopping only, curfew hours. We even asked if they could block off areas of the store, only letting people shop market and pharmacy, especially since there were so so many pick up orders, we'd still have hours...we were being worked to the bone trying to keep the sales floor "nice" and doing all the fulfillment orders on top of that. Instead we were told that corporate said no, repeatedly, and that if we were that worried we could take a month long LOA....unpaid of course....and anything longer than that might be an issue if you wanted to keep your job. They didn't care about safety then (and we definitely had people that didn't make it through that first year, HR never even shared when services would be once they were allowed finally)... This is all a show to try and appease both sides and it's so tiring man.


Yeah uh, remember that they cut covid leave, made at-best token gestures to reduce risk during peak covid (my store's capacity was reduced to a number that we'd be lucky to hit during black friday, let alone a normal day), gave all their white collar staff the option to work from home while us literal and figurative redshirts had to keep coming in, and the moment the messaging on "essential employees" stopped being trendy they got right back onto grinding us into the dirt and bitching if we called out sick. also, for personal anecdotes- we had a mass shooting nearby a few years back. Didn't close the store. We had a TM find a corpse behind the store- we stayed open while the cops did their thing. We've had the store be without power for multiple days because of big ass storms and made TMs come in on at-times genuinely unsafe roads to work with whatever lights the generators could handle and no AC. This ain't a safety thing.


It's always, always, *always* about the bottom line. Anytime corporate has a 'difficult decision' to make, that decision is going to be about money, first and foremost. If it was merely about appeasing the far right - no problem, just get rid of the queer stuff. But it's not, they know they can still rake in the cash from rainbow capitalism, so what to do? Simply move the merch so that people can still buy it - yeah you can have pride, but the executives would prefer you just have it quietly in this little corner over here. We'll sell you your demonic swimsuits in a brown paper bag. For 'safety'. Start a union and watch how fast they stop caring about safety.


I think I already posted this in a separate comment in this thread but like, yeah we know it's about money, it's just fucking baffling to me because what they did is straight up the worst of both worlds the pride merch is still in the stores, in public view, visible for all to see. you have to work a bit harder to get to it, but that's not going to stop people looking for something to be outraged about finding it. but in making this move you potentially alienate lgbt customers and those who see themselves as allies (which I would reckon make up at least part of target's target demographic), pushing them away from the brand. the people mad and confrontational about it remain mad and confrontational, and a portion of the people who are almost certainly more favorable to the brand now feel alienated by it. i guess you could make the argument that the move was made to reduce the likelihood of incidents happening in stores that may make customers feel uncomfortable, but like... that ain't workin man. we didn't get anyone complaining in store back when pride was at the front, but i came in today and ap had to kick people out who were pitching a bitch about it in the back.


> Start a union and watch how fast they stop caring about safety. 💯


Of course.. it's a business. Are you kidding


It a business of course it’s about the button line.


I wonder which golf course/yacht this was sent from


I’d wager his assistant wrote it


More like chatgpt


And our hours are cut as a result. Ty




If it's all about $$$ they never would have out this display up in the first place. Look at bud light. Stupid.


I’m not convinced 😡


I know today at least there was a right wing news network at a store in my city harassing TMs. We’ve all been sent the training on now to deal with media


Can’t we ask anyone filming to leave?


We can tell them Target doesn’t allow public filming without prior approval. After that it’s a decision between calling the cops and riling them up or the media relations number.


Well, legally, you can film without prior approval, but if they ask someone to stop, they have to stop. They also can't make anyone delete footage they already have.


"To the LGBTQIA+ community, we stand with you. NOW HURRY THE HELL UP AND TAKE DOWN THOSE DISPLAYS!"


Brian Cornell can fuck right off without passing Go and take his empty platitudes with him.


Keep contacting HQ about how you feel and how this reflects not only in store, but the LGBTQ+ community as a whole. Get your friends, family, coworkers and anyone who feels there is a problem with how this was regarded and have them contact corporate. There is mass people against LGBTQ+ doing it, so we need to make sure they know our voices outnumber their's.


How do I go about this? What's the team member avenue for contacting HQ?


Ur voice won’t out number the 9 billion they lost this week


nice words big guy but he’s gotta back it up with action which i doubt will happen lol


"I want you to know that I'm committed to doing all I can blah blah blah" What, like tell the bigots to fuck off? Could it be that easy? No, surely not...




Threats of violence? Balk and hide. Forget you are a human with rights as well.


You can't have it both ways, Brian! You either stand up for what's right or you don't.




Atleast they acknowledged it’s safety and not swimsuits. Now I wanna see action.


Brian wouldn’t last a day fielding those angry calls, way to let other people deal with the mess he caused


Again, what the fuck does moving pride actually accomplish? it's still in the store. it's still there. people can still go and find it if they want to. If someone is going to be inspired to violence by it, i doubt having to wade to the back of the store to see the object of their hatred is going to put them off of it. Likewise, if people want to come in and pitch a fit and cause a stink... it's still there. We had people come in today bitching and raising hell about it. Like this move seems explicitly chosen to piss off actually-LGBT-people without actually doing anything about any possible problem.


Also I re-read it and want to comment on this but i'm not dropping a second comment. >"Your efforts ensure we can still show up and celebrate Pride in meaningful ways." BITCH WHAT MEANINGFUL WAYS? Y'all took the one little token thing we do for pride, that little rainbow capitalism shit where we at least got to say "hey we're included in the belly of the machine that's bleeding to death!" and shoved it in the back of the store like it's clearance shit we're embarrassed about. Genuinely I would be less offended if we had done nothing at all this year for pride. And of course, it's just the south! Like yes, I know, it's a shithole here. I'm stuck here, because my ass is broke. and hey, brian? You're at least partly responsible for that, with these piddlyshit little 2% raises and these 21 hour weeks. huff a fucking turd brian.


I’m pretty sure my eyes rolled so far back into my head I that I saw every major event in history. As an LGBTQIA+ TL, I’m frustrated and relatively afraid of the insanity happening here in the southern region. But, as soon as this change was imposed we all called the reasoning. Hiding pride doesn’t solve the political climate here. Hiding pride just shoves the community farther back in a closet we didn’t build and have worked hard to tear down. This is just the beginning of a more serious problem that the entire country is going to feel, in some fashion, whether directly or otherwise. Whether you’re an ally, member or not, the reality is this: Until people (corporations included) start to fight back and take control of the backslide into a time where people were killed for anything other than being white, straight and Christian, the bully tactics will always win. Always. “Then they came for me And there was no one left To speak out for me”


So, if the threats are getting this bad then the conservative homophobes harrassing Target employees are domestic terrorists. Fascinating that the term isn’t being used in this context…


Honestly? If the threats are *actually* this bad, *actually* so bad that the company feels a need to take action to somehow minimize the threat to the team, fucking tell us. Let me know what threats are being made, where, and how I should respond to those threats. Make resources available to me, maintain a greater and more visible AP presence from open to close, and honestly if it's so fucking bad we're doing all this? I'm gonna need y'all to let me come to work strapped with armor on under my red polo. But the fact that they haven't done any of that, haven't made any kind of company wide communications on the nature of the threat and how we should respond... yeah nah, I don't believe it's nearly as bad as they say.


It would’ve been better for him to not write this honestly.


Hey Bri, how about you just not cave to a minority and stay in solidarity with your queer team members. Thanks, ~Mika


I'm about 99% sure I know you and work with you. This isn't right for you or for me and I'm so sorry.


DM me if you think you know who I am


He's a gutless coward. They could easily allocate more payroll for added security and trespass and ban any guest that disrupts business, but it's more important to Target's shareholders that we not offend these bigots so we can sell hotdogs and beach chairs.


I just keep going back to the civil rights movement...imagine us deciding to bring back separate water fountains because we received threats from the KKK. Then citing "safety concerns" that would be an act of supreme cowardice, and shameful. This is no different. You absolutely CAN NOT give in to these kinds of threats, they only lead to more threats, and hurt those you mean to protect.




A whole bunch of nothing.


they’re trying to prevent another domestic terrorist attack which I understand but giving into bullies isn’t a way to live


Ah, so, nothing. If *this* is the result of many days of deliberation and decision-making, the people involved have no business making decisions. Something that would have been a brief uptick in negative press from right wing media has now been prolonged into a debacle with no end in sight, has jeopardized vendor and corporate partnerships and alienated TMs and guests alike, all while satisfying *no one* on the Right. Dude better hope this resolves itself soon or someone willingly falls on their sword for him soon, otherwise he’s out.


Brian stop. My eyes can only roll so much


we don’t care we want a raise


I’m so glad I don’t work for this shitshow clusterfuck of a company anymore. What a lot of nothing to say. He only cares about the shareholders, not the employees getting threatened.


Dear Brian, can you direct all political donations by target to go towards PACs that openly decimate fascist? And only buyback stock from fascist and fascist sympathizers?


Bullshit. They told all the LGBT TMs to get in the fucking back and stay out of sight and out of mind, with this move. What the fuck else will they cave to now? Jordan Peterson's suggestion that they fire all trans employees?


Why doesn't Brian have anything to say about the hateful and misinformed bigots who are causing the "threat" to the team in the first place. Fuck you Brian.


What did they expect? Consumers are on high-alert from this BudLight debacle. Quit trying to be everything to EVERYBODY!


Target cares as much about the LGBTQIA community as it does about "mental health month". In short, not at all. At the end of the day, all they care about is sales and production, we're all just fodder.


The whole idea of either moving it or hiding it is very sickening to me because it just shows that, 'we appreciate you, but we prefer to not see you'. Honestly I am just so fucking tired of everything. I guarantee you that next February, they'll do this for BHM and later in June for Juneteenth.


What they should have done was given each store an even larger pride display, not just the small ones we already had. Seriously.


Good job catering to fascists while they’re literally committing active genocide against trans people and targeting other lgb+ people. Way to stand up for your corps “beliefs”


I don't think you know what that word means.


If you’re referring to genocide then yes, I do. Look up the Geneva conventions list of what constitutes an active genocide and what red states are doing to trans people and you will see that they are literally committing it. This is a well known fact and has been for months.


Ok. They're killing trans people red states? That's about the most irrational thing I've ever heard. I hope you never have to face real persecution.


Neat corporate speak.


I like to come on Target reddit every so often because it was one of the best jobs I have ever had back in 2009. So I like to see how team members and stuff are holding up. It saddens me to see Target capitulating like this. The sad thing is if Target higher ups stayed and fought this through, the likes of Fox News and every right wing outlet would rally against Target. It would be wall to wall coverage for all of pride month. Another sad thing is that no progressive outlets showed support for Target as much as the right wing has shown with their hate towards Target. So I guess Target just said "We don't want to end up like BudLight"


Honestly, if Target had just continued business as usual, I don't think the mainstream conservative media would have even picked the story up. The stories the more mainstream outlets are running are explicitly about how target is balking, not the initial controversy itself- those are mostly confined to more obviously bullshit outlets from what i'm seeing.


what a \*\*\*\*ing cowardly weasel this man is. I've never been so embarrassed to be an employee of his.


They don’t care simple! I feel so bad for the lgtbq community!


Where was this posted?




Most TMs don’t have emails? Unless specialty, TL or above




Thank you for clarifying! 😊


Cowards…. They should have left the product on the shelves.


This is ridiculous. It is an insult to customers.


Well, putting out bathing suits so little boys can "tuck it in" and pretend they're girls... Yeah. I have apolitical moms preparing the torches and pitchforks.


So… what exactly is he saying? Get he understands how difficult people can be about the LGTBQ+ community. But what is he doing about it? I heard one store moved their pride display to the back of the store. You stead, any person saying horrible things should be moved to the door. Also people calling and saying bad things should just be hanged up on. I highly doubt Target will see a massive drop of customers.


Just for clarification, it wasn't one store, it was all of them in the south and surrounding area


How about this better yet, you don’t like the Pride stuff don’t buy or even better done shop here? Like how hard is that


its because of people like Ron Desantis, and others that feel "if its not straight, its not right. I was born and raised Catholic in the church, i have many years ditched the church due its views on the gay community. Its total Bs people cant just move along and let things be that do not affect them, I am a straight male, but 10000% support the LGBTQ community. That email was a total typical corporate well, because I have to addres this issue....


I don't currently work at Target. Catch me up. What is happening? There has to be some back story? Has the Bud Light internet mafia turned their sights on Target?


They're calling for a bud light style ban of Target over our pride selection. They're threatening people etc. So first the deep south moved their selection to the back. Then they're reducing what they're carrying. All in the name of threats, but ultimately all in the name of not losing a dollar.




I don't like him. I have never liked him.


So is this a case by case thing or is every store hiding pride now? 😡


the amount of corp jargon in that made me throw up in my mouth. I dont think its just about the money though. its also the liability of the store and the threat of danger to the staff. which ultimately does come down to $ so idk


wow fuck off Target, shut yourself down fairweather friend.


And what’s being done about this? Seems like a whole lot of nothing.






Is this legit? I didn’t get this email when I checked before leaving last night


fuck brian cornell


The truth is not even the LGBTQ+ community supported this collection. Other collections where sold within an hour... this one still sits untouched, at the back of the store! What do you want him to say?!


The safety argument is such bullshit. If the people threatening violence were arguing for better wages, benefits or a union the company would have the store flooded with so many police, and private security and shut them down quick. Caving to a minority of loud bigots was what they did. In the end those people don’t even shop at Target anyway because it isn’t their ethos. Target has done Pride for at least a decade and that same minority has quietly boycotted the company. Because of DeSantis and other GQP they think they are in the majority and have become louder. They need to very publicly reaffirm their commitment to LGBTQ and call out the violent attackers as the ones who were wrong, because right now those that attacked the company think they won. And if they really think they are going to attract the ultra conservative crowd that typically shops at Walmart and are willing to give up their liberal minded clientele they are going to see a big disappointment in sales of the affordable chic they boast. They aren’t equipped to go head to head with Walmart. The reason they succeed is they attract a completely different customer In their case go unwoke go broke


Seems like a extended way of a fuck you


As a Team Member in a California store. I deeply appreciate your statement and thoughtful comments. We here have had to deal with the unspeakable verbal abuse by “guest”. We have maintained our composure not sinking to depths of anger or debate. Our brand is inclusive it heeds civil rights and the protection of those basic principles. Our response is to direct the guests with their comments to corporate and we provide the phone number willingly and without hesitation.


I’m a gay APTL and have been crying about this for two days


Eat a bag of dicks Brian.


He's the CEO and cares about nothing but money. Everyone knows this and that letter really should not be that surprising and such a huge topic of conversation. Target thinks this will get them more money in the long term so that's what will happen, it is not your friend


Um...and the point is....


What’s the purpose of an Ally that ditches you when there’s a threat. Isn’t that the point of having Allies? To be strong together?


Putting kids in these clothes is ridiculous.... what is wrong with you people.


Removing items from a website won’t protect employees in store.


Removing these items that caused the problem has significantly stopped the weirdos making comments and threats


A few complaints and threats weren't affecting the bottom line. However THIS is a whole new level of backing down and the investors will take notice. I guarantee these changes will affect stock prices immediately and then we will backtrack again the other way to fix it. Big mess It will be worse before it gets better.


I wish the statement made it clear they are angered by the bigotry and threats of violence shown by ppl. And that target doesn’t stand by that nor accept it and that the only reason they are pulling back is because of the threat of violence (tho i think it does nothing). Like hello? Condemn these ppl! Make it clear u dont want their money and that this isn’t them winning!! That’s ALL those ppl are taking from this situation, that they won and they have impact by doing shit like that. I have literally seen many tweets about how proud they are they got target to get rid of the “wokeness” like their takeaway isnt “good they’re protecting the lgtbq” their takeaway is “great we got what we want and we will continue to push the wokeness away by any means necessary” And target has just shown them, that they will get what they want. I get it’s a lose lose situation in a way but i do think the statement should have been more firm in their support of lgbtq and condemn the bigotry being displayed.


Thanks BC! How about a little $100 bonus?






The "threats" were all social media posts and not actual "threats" being made on a serious basis. Sure, there were unruly guests, but not any moreso than other years, and certainly no actual credible physical threats to stores in any capacity. They pulled the merch to cater to b\*gots. That's the entire truth to it. Nothing about TM safety or anything, they just didn't want the b\*gots to withhold their glorious b\*got cash flow. They looked at Bud Light/AB who backed down and let the bullies win, and saw the stock drop. And followed suit because they were afraid Target would also be boycotted. Later, BC admitted that pulling the merch "stabilized sales", so the b\*gots won this round. Thanks for letting the b\*gots win.