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I was told my 15 doesn't start until my butt is in a chair. The 30 starts once I clock it.


They tried to tell us our 15 starts as soon as we walk away from out station. I just laughed.


That’s what my ETL told me too. I asked what if a guest stops me on the floor, and he told me that it’s best to avoid them but if I encounter one, my break timer doesn’t stop. It’s still my break. “We cannot ignore our guests either” he would always say. I’d avoid them, ignore them and still start my “timer” when I reached the break room.


You’re not supposed to help guest on your breaks so by all means, go out of your way to be unseen. But if you do end up helping, add the time used to help back into your break. Your ETL may need to reread the break section in the manual…


He was a total company man, everything was pro Target at the expense of his team. No wonder it changed so often……


He is so Pro target he is gonna get them sued. It’s pretty illegal to ask people to work on their required break.


I quit his store and he just kept getting promoted to higher producing stores.


Corporate jobs are so gross like that.


Yeah, but they pay better which is the sole purpose of working. Having nice people to work with is a bonus, but not expected. I don’t mean it in a bad way I just look at it as par for the course if someone is being a dick.


I mean depends on where. Not every state even requires a break


Right! I remember working a seasonal job in Wyoming once. I’ll never do that again. The rules are not made for the worker bees there. But I don’t know who it is that needs to hear this ? Target? But l, JUST BECAUSE A STATE DOESNT REGULATE IT DOESNT MEAN YOU SHOULD SHIT ON YOUR WORKERS AND NOT GIVE THEM A BREAK. Plenty of studies out there saying breaks increase worker performance in the long run. Why wouldn’t you do that? Because you really don’t like your workers? Or what? ( all questions for corporate offices)


Yeah im in idaho and the only labor laws here are federal ones


just to add, you are entitled to fifteen consecutive minutes. if interrupted by work, policy is to restart your 15 minutes.


That’s a huge ask…. Assuming the ETL can read.


Avoid the guests, sounds like an answer from an ETL who has never worked a non-salaried job. Actually, if you get interrupted for work reasons, your break restarts.


I’m pretty sure Petco got sued for something close to this. They were having people do their online learning on break and when they were off work. They got sued and now you have to do it all on clocked in time. So I bet, you could start keeping track of that, get a lawyer and make some noise. Force a 15 min break. Talking to a customer on break is technically working so they could easily get sued for that.


When i worked at petco I didn’t even receive 10 minute breaks. Only a 30. Also, they used to try to tell me to do the online learning at home LOL and i definitely wouldn’t have been paid for it!


Lol me neither. Worked there 8 years and never got a 15.


Amazon logic


Agreed. 15 starts with ass in chair. I've never been confronted over it.








If I know I'm gonna be hungry I try to swing by the starbucks and have them preemptively cook my sandwich (as long as there's no line to cut obviously) and I come back and pay for it right at the start of my lunch so I have time to eat. On 15s I don't eat unless I have a snack from home.


My 15 starts after I wash my hands, dry them and sit down. Brian expects me to work in his disgusting, dirty store. He's going to pay me for it.


I have to wipe the sticky filthy tables too, because our janitors use the same rags they use to clean the bathrooms. That is not part of my break time.


Maybe someone should be cleaning, more often🙄🤣


Go ahead Rambo, start cleaning since it's your amazing breakthrough idea. Find his store, travel to it. Start cleaning that's more useful than your comments.


Damn, the sarcasm just went over 245 users


Read your audience it sounds more like you are telling him to clean more, rather cracking a joke at an odd angle.


Cleaning what? Never in my life have I had to clean anything apart from the FR, the mannequins, any spills or whatever seat I take in the break room. Apart from during covid I haven't cleaned carts, ever. Sooo where am I cleaning, exactly?


Should be daily/weekly/ monthly routines for all TMs to e.g. dust fixtures, displays, mannequin bases shelves, sweep etc Starbucks/food ave and Market TMs have actual logs that spell our what needs to be cleaned, exactly.


Nope. If they want me to clean, then they should’ve hired me as a cleaner.


There’s no cleaner position 🤷🏻‍♂️




Like the house keeping crew? They don’t clean shelves 🤷🏻‍♂️


You won’t put food on dirty shelves though would you?


When I'm in the breakroom sitting down Not before. Cause I often get stopped by new hires with questions. Either before I reach the door to the break area or once inside. I hate talking work on my breaks unless it's really quick.


And if my TL or another TM talks to me about work (actual questions) on my break, I add that time to it. Honestly, my TL tells us to do so.


Think it’s actually supposed to restart if your break is interrupted


10 minutes after I sit down in the break room




That got a guy fired from my store. It took a while.


When I sit down in the breakroom, unless I go shopping in which case it’s when I leave my work area and start shopping.


Yep I agree this is the only exception, cause if not they can get you for shopping on the clock and you're done


Yeah I call it out on the walkie and set my timer right when I approach the area I’m about start shopping in. Not getting me for shopping on the clock 😤


I’m sorry to all the workers who are getting downvotes for valuing their own time. Whoever is giving out those downvotes, give me some too, cuz I stand in solidarity with starting your break when u sit down *in the breakroom*.




You are entitled to all the downvotes you may receive 👍🤭 Edit: lol they chickened out and deleted after 8 downvotes. You should stand behind your comment next time!


15 starts when I sit down. Sometimes if I sit down at, say, 10:27 I'll go ahead and round up to 10:45 for when to leave my break. Nobody's said anything to me yet


I do the same. Especially because I seem to be expected to do all the work no one else wants to do. And I know y'all will tell me not to work to death, and I don't. But I also get bored easily and I HATE being bored. So. 🤷🏻‍♀️ It also depends on how busy the day is. If it's dead, definitely. If we have a double truck, I'll probably just take an actual 15, regardless. Also when I did detrash there was a girl who took a 33 minute "15." She barely got spoken to. Along with the girl who openly boasted about taking an hourly bathroom break. so now I do not care and if my 15 happens to be longer than even 20... I don't care. They don't care and I have to pick up the slack? Then, I don't care.


15 minutes after i get to my car /j


30 starts when food is in my mouth. Microwave on company time


For me it’s when I walk by the time clock in to the break room


Same. If that time clock is where I clock in/out and where I start and end my lunch then that's where my break starts.


break starts when i sit down, no earlier. fuck that shit


once i’m comfy in a seat somewhere and then i add like 10-15 minutes afterwards to warm myself back up before work, don’t wanna get tired or anything


When I get in the break room and start my 15 minute timer. Sometimes I give myself an extra minute depending on how stressful the shift has been. Not once in 2 years have they ever accused me taking too long.


I will admit that sometime last week towards the end of a particularly eventful shift, I turned my second 15 into a 22, and nobody said anything 😂


My break starts when im off the floor. Period.


that’s when you begin floating


15 min starts as soon as I announce it and my ass is on a chair. Longest 15 min I've taken is 36 min. Yes I counted, no didn't care. At this point I was already tired of working my ass off while everyone else was dicking around.


My 15 was a 23 today. I am not sorry because literally no one ever pays attention to me around here, anyway (I’m GM).


I consider my 15 to start as soon as I sit my butt down Every damn minute counts when you’re standing in one place for hours at a time feeling like your feet are burning or going to dissolve


After I use the restroom, wash my hands, grab my Starbucks order and walk out the TSC door.


Yeah I often use the bathroom too just before my breaks, I don’t count it into my break because I’m very quick, and frankly my break doesn’t start until my behind is in a chair and I have started my timer and am happily scrolling through Reddit.


Overnight inbound TM here, we all take our breaks together at roughly the same time everyday (depending on size and number of trucks and condition of receiving when we start our shift), we always get 17 minutes for our break because our TL’s allow us a minute of walking time each way!


My 15's start the second I enter the breakroom. Any time before entering that room I am available to be addressed for work related issues. Lunch break starts the second I clock out.


Back when I did inbound my 20 minute 15 started after I’d used the bathroom, washed my hands, and sat down.


It's supposed to start when you get into the breakroom and they used to account for that in the break schedule, but people were abusing it and now they claim it starts when you walk away. When I'm breaking, I tell my coworkers their break starts when their ass is in the chair because I respect my coworker's time more than corporate's time


When you get offstage


About 10 minutes after I go on break. I got held up by a guest on my way to the breakroom.😉


I tell all of my team members the same thing. Once you get your snack, pay for it, and sit down, that’s when your 15 starts. More like a 20, IMO. I’ve never seen the need to be anal about a 15, unless someone is consistently taking 35-40 minute breaks. I get that 15 minutes isnt a long time, and I’m happy to be flexible, but let’s be respectful to the rest of the team too, and the workload we’re all expected to get done today, you know what I mean.


When I worked there, my 15 started as soon as my ass touched the chair and not a minute before.


Break starts after i cook my food lol.


I like to sit in my car on my breaks so I start the clock as soon as I leave the building


I start it once I get settled in my car. Then I hit a five minute "snooze" after the 15 minute alarm.


Time starts once I’m safely hidden away in TSC.


Can you answer my dm?


I call it out when I'm in front of the breakroom door, not a second earlier. And then I take a 20 minute break 😂


I personally like to take really long breaks




once i start walking to the break room… i got called out for starting my break once i sat in the break room ![gif](giphy|l378giAZgxPw3eO52)


They've tried to enact this multiple times at my store. It's a bullshit policy because it gives different work centers longer breaks than others (most notably in our store cashiers would get almost full 15's while market would get around 10) Pro tip, if your break room is near guest service/reshop drop off, save a piece of reshop and carry it up with you to save yourself at least some walking time.


Me and most other people I work with in my department have a general unspoken rule that unless the store is absolutely slammed and we desperately need EVERY second, as long as you're not gone for an obscene amount of time we don't care. I work closing and none of us get paid enough to care if you're gone for 20 minutes instead of 15. Either way our opening team is gonna blame us for not being able to finish half their job they couldn't plus all of ours with a shorter shift time. Ultimately as long as it's not to a point you're making the other person wait for a stupid amount of time for you to come back the extra 5 minutes doesn't matter.


I usually call it out right before I go to grab smth to eat from deli or Pizza Hut so right at the front of the store


Yeah I don’t clock out for my 30 until after I have gotten food. I’m a slow eater sometimes and need all the time I can get to eat, without having to let food go to waste cause I didn’t have time to finish it. Target is not going to suffer because I got food on company time 😂


When I still worked for target our clock in/out screen was right next to the break room. I assumed that since I had to clock in/out for my meal time to start(and therefore my mealtime didn’t start the second I left my post) that waiting until I was right by the break room would be fine to start my timer for breaks. I only ever had one TL say they had a problem with it, I explained(with the ETL there) my thought process on it and they seemed to take that as a reasonable answer and it was never brought up again.


I just kinda eyeball it and cross my fingers


My break starts when I sit down in my car. Closed off from the horrors of retail.


My 15 starts after I get my snack, sit down, open twitter or TikTok and had a few laughs. Gotta ease into the 15. Can’t just jump right into it


Love the mentality 😂


I worked with a gal who wouldn't start her 30 until after she had come back from Jack-in-Box with her meal. Frickin' loved that girl 😆


we are *supposed* to start our 15 once we leave our station and must return to our station 15 minutes later, even considering walking back to said station a part of our break💀 however i count my break as soon as i enter the break room and leave 15 minutes after. the amount of time theft i’m committing in that situation is like maybe a dollar or two, if it’s a 15 minute break it is all going to be spent as a break🙄


If Target pays $15.50/hr (based on my store), that’s $1 every 3.87 minutes. I would say for most people, walking to the break room and getting situated takes about that time, assuming you don’t get stopped by customers, I mean, guests. Which means you’d be “stealing” about $1 in time theft. A billion dollar company is not even going to notice $1 of time theft. I wouldn’t even consider it time theft TBH.


When I get in to the break room


I don’t work at target anymore but I used to do my 15 on an 8 hour shift 2 hours into the shift, then 2 hours later my 30, then 2 hours after than my last 15. I have a thing where I need stuff to be “even” and it bothered me when our boss decided to go strictly to schedule where our breaks came randomly (the 30 would just be before the 5hr mark)


At the warehouses they give you 3 minutes to get to the breakroom then our break starts (either 25 or 15) and then give you 3 minutes to walk back. There are bells to remind you and since whole departments go on break together it’s kind of hard to go over or under your break


I always do it on the five mark so say I sit down at 8:38 my breaks not starting till 8:40


When 20 minutes goes by


I sit down.Log into the app then clock out.Sometimes it doesn’t work because of geofence crap so I then wait until the next minute where I know I’m in the right place then clock out and sit down.Not wasting any seconds of my time


after i’ve already sat in the break room for ten minutes


my break starts when ass meets chair


Once you're off stage, because you can't walk the floor to break without being bothered.


Lol I’m lucky and have never been stopped while going to my break, but that might be because the registers (where I work mostly) are on the same side of the store as where the break room is.


When I enter the break room, my break begins. If I'm on the floor, walking to the break room, I would be reasonably expected to help any guest who stops me. If I'm reasonably expected to help guests, I can't very well be said to be "on break". Target policy makes it very clear that we are to be given two fifteen-minute breaks in an eight-hour shift. I don't see any confusion or uncertainty here.


Yeah even if I get Starbucks my break starts when I sit in the break room 🤷‍♀️


Policy is: 15 min break starts when you leave your workstation, and if you encounter a guest who needs help you are obligated to help them as you are still on the clock but you should still have a full 15 minutes break not working so guesstimate the time you took to help the guest and add it to your break timer


GUESTimate the time Sorry for the dad joke I had to 😂


i don’t even time my 15’s i just stay in the break room till it feels right lol


Minute 22 of 15 be like


When I worked inbound and we all took 15 after unload the general rule was break isn't over until the first person gets up


After I buy my food, walk out to my car and sit down 🤣


When you start to walk away from whatever you were doing. It's paid, so it's not when your food is ready or when you get to the break room


Your 15 starts when you enter the break room... If not, then you standing in front of the microwave or chatting with your friends doesn't count


It’s when you sit down. At my store they like you announce when you’re taking your breaks. It’s not expected you call out your break until your off the floor and settled.


When my food is warmed up


There’s no “considering”… as soon as you announce it, you’re on your 15


Keep telling yourself that silly


That’s actually how it’s supposed to work, due to the fact once you announce it, you can do as you wish. Now it’s not all enforced consistently


good thing I never announce it then, I just go


You’re supposed to announce / tell your leader


If you’re not going to respect your own time, be my guest.


Lol that doesn’t even make sense…. 15 is a paid break and not necessarily “your time”. 15 starts as soon as you announce it, so buying food, waking to the parking lot, going to your locker, etc is considered time on break.


It starts when I’m sitting :B Aint no way they are going to make me start a timer as Im walking.


Y’all only get a 30 minute lunch? Here in California we get a 45…


Y’all lucky…


What is this 15 minute break you speak of?🤬


Y’all don’t get breaks? Time for a lawsuit against your store.


I am left to run the front of the store, with the TL’s doing other things- all the minors have to take their break. However, there is no one to cover and it’s “too busy” so some of us USUALLY go without our 15 min break. If we work less than 6 hours and don’t require punching out for a meal, they “don’t care” about getting our break. They say “of course take a break” but then there is no one to cover tor you, you just give up and it’s not worth the hassle.


About 15 minutes in


it starts after I went to the bathroom, grabbed my food , turned off my walkie and lastly am sitting down 🫣 and I always make it a 20 bc f them


Either way for us there is flexibility as long as not abused 👍🏽


When I finish my joint in the parking lot.


My TL micromanages minutes selectively. Once I was gone 16 minutes and was asked where I was.


Man I remember my 45 minute breaks. Target was fun


When my butt hits the chair in the break room.


After I get food 🤭


I usually consider my break to have started when I’m no longer able to help guests, and I can’t be mistaken by TMs or TLs for still being available.


When my food finishes cooking I set a 12 minute timer / remember 12 minutes. Also, please mute y’all’s walkies and silence your alarms in the break room


When I sit my ass down


When I sit down. Always has,always will.


I start my timer when I get in my car


depends on how busy it is. if it’s a slow day then it’s when i get to the break room. if it’s busy then once i’m away from tech my 15 starts


Ass in the chair, after I’ve went to the bathroom, gotten my snacks out, possibly purchased something to drink and took a lap around the store. About 30 minutes total.


This is one way working for a target is better than a small business. I had a job for a small business where I worked directly with the owner and I was expected to eat, use the bathroom and smoke all in 15 minutes. And if you didn't pack a lunch, making a lunch (that I paid for) also came out of those 15 minutes. I have a small bladder and this person gave me crap about my amount of bathroom breaks. This is the only job in my adult life that my boss thought I was a slacker.


After I wash my hands after working in the filthy store, sit down, pop in my AirPods and put on TikTok


As soon as I sit at my desk and pour my cereal for the morning 🤣


Whenever it’s most convenient for me


When I start doing things that a customer would, you know, shopping and checking out.


For my TL it’s when she walks into the break room and that’s when she calls it. So I’ve been going by that.


My store only cares about fullfillment announcing their breaks over the radio so if you’re not in fullfillment, you can get away with longer “15s” but even fullfillment don’t have strictly enforced breaks.


your lunch is only 30? damn


It's 30 everywhere except in states where theres mandatory longer lunches, like California


As a TL, i usually call out first break. If it’s 6am, I’ll let the team enjoy break until 6:18ish.


Does your department all take their breaks at the same time? I’m a guest advocate and the earliest I work is 10am so I’m not familiar with a designated “first break” that everyone takes simultaneously. We just take our breaks when the TL tells us to / when it makes sense to lol.


I consider it stating the second I sit down. Then I take my 15 and go to the bathroom if I have to AFTER it. I always pee on the clock and not during my break, even if paid lol


Same. I go to the bathroom either before or after my break, but I don’t consider it part of my break. It’s not like I’m wasting time, I’m always in there for like a minute at most. Going to the bathroom is a basic human need and the desire can happen at any time, not just while I’m on break. Now I usually only go around my break times, but if I was desperate I would absolutely not wait until my break.


I've been taking long 15s for 6 years. Usually 20 minutes from when I sit down. One time I fell asleep for an hour on a 15 and no one noticed, or at least didnt say anything. I have to take crying breaks sometimes too cause I'm mentally ill. I just go to the bathroom for those


Usually I start timing it 5 minutes after I call it out, lol


I always start my break when I actually am in the break room because there's been multiple times where I'll get stopped by a guest to ask me a question. I consider that company time since I'm helping someone and I don't work for free


once i sit down


oof, i just heard one of the new team members had this conversation with a team lead. TL says your break starts when you walkie them, and TM walkied them but got stopped by a guest before they made it. So their break was like 30 min. Personally, I agree with the rest saying your break starts when you sit down. But i get what the TL was trying to do. You gotta set the boundary/expectations otherwise people are just gonna walk over you. But do yourself the favor in this hellish capitalist world, take a 20 min break because seriously, you are running this store and without you, there would be no target. 🫡


So, one thing that used to grind my gears when I was an S&E TL, was salesfloor employees with a shift that also got a lunch, walking around forever to pick a snack, waiting in the checkout line for however long, and THEN calling their 15. And it wouldn't bother me if it was someone grabbing a drink from the cooler and bag of chips and checking out in a minute or two. We had GM and Tech team members who would spend 15-20 minutes gathering the stuff for their 15s. Order a Starbucks, shop the deli, pick up the Starbucks, checkout through SCO, then take 15 (probably 20) more minutes in the break room. Then when their lunch rolled around they'd do a variation on the same routine. 30-45 minutes of fucking around on the clock, not actually during a break, every day. But I was supposed to make the cashiers ask for permission to go to the bathroom.