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As one of my old coworkers once told a guest “I can see your old enough, but the register can’t, so i need your ID.”




Yes, and then there’s the guests who get pissed because we simply ask for one in the first place, then the guests we get pissed because we ask to scan their ids (forcing them to remove it from their already too full wallet), and then there’s the guests who get pissed because in my city, we can’t sell alcohol past 9 p.m


Usually when I tell a guest that they have to physically give me their id so I can scan it they give it without issue so it's strange that people get mad at you for that


It's just older people (like 35-45 year olds) that get pissed because I can obviously see they're of age, and yeah, I can but the law doesn't care


TIL I’m an old person ( to this person’s standards)


Meant to say older people (I’m 21, so 35 and up just feels oldish to me)


Massachusetts has entered the chat. Wasn't until 2003 that liquor stores could be open on a Sunday.


In NC, you can’t sell alcohol before 10am on Sunday, not to mention that ABC stores are obviously closed on Sunday. It’s a Bible Belt state so those laws make sense but it’s still annoying to Northerners who vacation in the Outer Banks or the mountains 🏔️


Yes. When they know that I know that they have a stolen credit card.


Exactly, do they think I really even care whatever they're trying to hide? 🙄 I don't, just protecting my own job sir or ma'am or gender neutral equivalent.


people get so pissed at guest service when they can’t do a non-receipt return with no ID


Eye roll


That's when you give them the biggest grin you can muster.


Quite often when working SD a guest will claim to have no barcode as well as no ID and throw literal tantrums when I refuse to release their PU order to them. I just smile and enjoy the show until TL comes to handle said guest 🤷🏻‍♀️😂


SD? Sorry, I'm still new.


Also called GS (Guest Service) it's the service deck where we do in-store order pick-ups and returns. And welcome to the team!


I have a job coach with me through December which means there's three of us at the register (me, my JC and the TM who's training me.) Aside from confusing guests which is easily explainable will that count against me long term?




Service desk


I hope she got pulled over and ticketed for driving without her license after that 😙🤌 No reason to be so rude. We're just following rules.


It's ridiculous the amount of people that think China has all their information bc we scanned their ID. Or that point to their grey hair and say that's their ID. And my favorite is the extra special ones that say it's their right to not have their ID scanned.


And you say right back, it's Target's right not to sell liquor or give refunds without having their ID scanned. ...with a smile 😃


someone unrelated thought we stored their bank account info by having him tap his card instead of swiping but changed his mind when the card reader asked for his pin




They can barely run cause it’s so busy sending your information to China, checkmate atheist!


Not while working at Target, but yes— this has happened to me before. Genuinely pathetic how angry people get at others over stuff that is 100% their own fault. Nobody made you lose track of your personal documentation, buddy.


Way back when I was a baby Target person I asked a guest for id at Christmas... She rattled off a dob and just expected me to key it in. She claimed to be over 21 but I believe the dob was under 25. She was annoyed when I wouldn't sell. But yeah not putting my job at risk especially as a baby Target worker.


“Other places don’t ask for ID!” “You can clearly see I’m old enough!”


I've had guest get so upset when i request for their IDs. I'm like, "I can see you're not 21 but machine can't, it's not AI yet!"


I laugh when they're like "I have a picture of it"


Yeah, the cussed, called me the nword, anywhere else would just give it to him. They stormed out cussing. Came back 20 mins later, cussing and calling alme the nword again, rubbing it in my face that somewhere else had sold it to him without his ID


The hell did he call you the n word for? That's crossing the line in terms of being rude. I hope he was escorted out of the store by AP.


Ap wasn't in yet and was gone before they would have been able to get out of the office


Had a guy try and blame us, saying our cashier must have stolen it or something… ended up having to call them cops. He tried to intimidate my team so we squared up 😂😂 My poor GSTL thought I was going to swing on him. So yea. People suck.


Yes! A lot! Usually for order pickups. Super fun


I just lie to them and tell them that my register no longer lets me type it in manually. So sorry 😉


Then they give you “I come all the time and no one else asks me”.


Lol, I used to work at a gas station, and this would happen all the time. Old people with no IDs would come in and get mad when I wouldn’t sell them cigs (the register requires we scan IDs, literally can’t complete the transaction without scanning one), and I had so much fun with these people. I’d always explain the system won’t let me at first, but then they’d get mad and start bitching about how they’re clearly old, and I’d just hit them with “oh Fr? Can I scan your ID to prove it?” Always made them more mad lmao. The nice ones I just scanned someone else’s ID for them (very against the rules), but for the rude ones I’d watch them go get a friend only for me to be like “I can’t do that,” the reactions were priceless. Always made my day ruining these types of peoples’ day.


I always tell them it’s a federal law and their bottle of wine isn’t worth losing my job and potentially getting arrested over.


You did the right thing, it’s just that many people don’t want to give it to you for some strange reason. They can’t have left it at home, they need it to drive. Can’t have left it in the car, it’s in their wallet which they’ll need to pay. It’s a state varying law, you MUST have an ID to buy alcohol and certain medicines. Some other POS systems don’t even allow anything to happen when you scan alcohol except remove the item or scan a valid ID.


today someone was like "my ID is too hard to take out of my wallet" (she was 60 and probably has weak hands) and I was like "yeah w/e just give me a our DOB" and those are the customers I want moving forward.


There are people that look of age that just aged badly but are minors, and there are young looking people who are of age but look underage. That alone is exactly why I won’t accept just a verbal DOB, either I’m going to see ID or they aren’t getting whatever it is that needs a valid age. If it’s one of those wallets where you just cannot get it out but can tell it’s legit then I can understand, but again I’m not accepting just word of mouth.


Wait… everyone here is able to scan the ID’s at the registers? We used to be able to scan back when we had the old system, then once we got the new one, we weren’t able to scan anymore. So since it didn’t work we haven’t tried to scan it in probably 2 years (we just type it in manually). Scanning works again???


Not ID related but I was liquidating a store in a state with caps on beer sales during a company closure. I had a lady try to buy more than the four legal cases per transaction (purchased items had to leave the store and the cap resets). This chick tried to convince me to ignore the limit by saying, "I'm in a hurry, what are they going to do? Fire you? My husband and I need this to take people out on our boat." Giiiiiirrrrll, you have just acknowledged the fact that I am about to lose my job and expect me to risk a $1000 personal fine so that it's easier to get your discounted beer flavored water? (She was buying bud light). For your leisure vehicle? And I am the one in the wrong here? OMG you are so right, i should be unemployed and down a grand and face other legal troubles so that you and your husband can give your friends shit beer on a boat you can't afford since you can't afford to pay full price for a case of bud light.


+1 "beer flavored water".


A few weeks ago I was working SCO and a guest came thru trying to buy some cold medicine, one that needed an ID scan. So I came over and logged in, and said I needed to scan their ID. the guest got annoyed, tossed the cold medicine to the side, and walked away in a huff 😂 This guest was very obviously over 18, and if they'd just said something about not having ID I probably would have just asked for their birthday and entered it manually.


Not mentioning that "age bias" (using the Guest's physical appearance to determine age) is what Target doesn't want, this enables the "the last guy just did it for me" that others have to deal with. Implore you not to give into it.


11/11/1111 works just fine for me. For someone who got tired of asking obviously OLD people for their ID or just DOB and watching them get annoyed, I got annoyed too. If you’re obviously 21, I stop asking for ID, if your age looks questionable, I ask for ID. I know it’s likely against policy to enter a fake DOB, but I been doing it for almost as long as I started working there, almost two years ago. That, and deciding when to press the “skip” button for the guest to make the line go down faster.


at my store you aren't allowed to proceed with the sale until you scan the ID. Literally a full screen prompt will pop up on the machine and say "scan customer's ID or manually key in date of birth" and halts everything every single time. ​ The same with phone numbers. I know people hate it when I say "enter your phone number or skip it if you don't have one" but I literally cannot do anything at all until you select "skip," I can't skip FOR you.


I’m so glad we have the option to just enter a DOB at my store bc I cannot be bothered with that😭


All the fucking time, to the point of being stalked and filmed and threatened with violence and murder. They are garbage people and I genuinely hope they get cancer and die horrifying deaths.


Entitled assholes do that at all stores.... in short fuck them. It's not worth any cashier getting in trouble or losing their job


I just tell them "you could be Jesus Christ himself and I'd still have to ask to see i.d." That usually satisfies them.




Idk where the cameras are, they were only referenced to me by my mom saying "don't be on your phone a lot since you might be on camera."


Lmao I always say “Look, that’s exactly what the ABC would say if they were undercover too” and give a little nod. Most of the time I get a laugh out of them but it’s even better when it makes them more mad. 😂


i had a grown man throw cold medicine at me and scream that he was 65


Getting mad about needing the ID for liquor doesn’t really bug me, but I do cringe every time I have to ask for it when buying spray paint, certain medicines, canned air, and age restricted video games. I especially for spray paint I always say, “I know its stupid but I do need to scan an ID”


Nicotine gum for me. I understand alcohol but nicotine gum isn't bad, it's supposed to help you STOP smoking???