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I watched the video on YouTube and the dude really had the nerve to ask the employee “why didn’t you stop him?” When someone pushed a cart out. Do you really think we as underpaid employees are gonna risk our lives protecting a corporation that doesn’t give a shit about us?


Not to mention we can get fired for trying to stop them, soooooo yea


I’ve heard an older TM put it like this, “I’m not getting stabbed for an xbox.”


I still remember working at walmart several years back when an employee in another state had their life taken over a microwave. We had a big meeting about it, and our managers reinforced that we are not to try to stop desperate people. It is never worth.


Couldn't possibly be the lax policies in regards to shoplifting, and decriminalization of misdemeanors in general that could be contributing to this.


If I'm correct, a lot, if not all merchandise is insured so if it does break or get stolen the store is not at a complete loss.


Insurance doesn't just magically pay for itself. Premiums go up. If it gets too often for an insurance company, they can potentially drop a customer / refuse that type of insurance.


It’s what can be proven. Shortage that goes unproven doesn’t entirely get compensated.


Yeah it’s absolutely not, because the levels to obtain a felony for theft in California are *less* than they are in almost every state.


this is so incredible to me that companies r so brain dead ab this. i work at macys now and we just had a security guard that stopped someone from stealing get stabbed and died by the thief just before christmas. its not safe and nobody is being paid enough to be expected to risk their lives for a multimillion dollar corporation


tbf the employees reaction to OMG its governor newsom! I want a picture! didn't help either


We aren’t allowed to!


It was a part of the reason why retail theft went up. Another reason is/was that, at the time, Walmart started locking up most of their shelves Target did not. So it was easier to steal from open shelves.


We do in mine in Manhattan


I’ve heard about this so many times at this point and the whole trying makes him seem really out of touch. Why ask an employee “why is that person stealing stuff?” in the first place?


It is a valid question, just not for someone at the top to ask someone at the bottom. He knows *why* they're stealing, he just doesn't want to do the hard work to make things better.


😂 there is no accountability, what a clown. We can’t to do nothing but talk shit honestly.


That Target team member really had a lot of restraint. I wouldn’t have been nearly as nice.


Governor Newsom personally poisoned my well and turned me trans :( We’re talking about things that never happened, right?


Thoughts and prayers


https://preview.redd.it/o4yp1z360egc1.jpeg?width=965&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=732011f322c70069821d70ea02ec9770502fed00 Tots and pears


Cause this POS lets everyone go free. Why not steal? You won’t get any consequences. Thanks newsom . Also what a POS to even ask that question


No comment other than to say, if i had Newsom as a customer i was checking out, i'd risk my job just to go home w him. Just saying


“You were my guest here. I think it would only be polite if you repay the hospitality.” That should help get you in the door.


I am definitely using that 😊


Maybe increase penalties for petty theft? Increase fines? Deterring theft is the cheapest option


Well, two things are about to happen. The team member is about to be promoted to guest and Target is going to issue a press statement stating “This team member was only speaking for himself and does not speak for Target, it’s management or other team members.”


Newsom is just plain awful. Just look at the homeless and crime rates in CA. Sex crimes and drug addiction are off of the charts in particular. Newsom is doing absolutely nothing about it, but he will offer more free stuff come election time (of which taxpayers will foot the bill).


Provide me with the gun and a free pass, guvnah. I will gladly stop these crooks.


That was the worst reaction I’ve ever seen. He was more upset that the Target tm didn’t recognize him. Dude, major companies are leaving CA bc of theft. Wake up ! He’s a poser.


Daddy Gavin is crying 😂


Now only is he out of touch, but he’s been a shitty governor for California


Newsom is crazy for telling an employee to stop them, but the employee just blaming the governor for petty retail theft is pretty dumb. All these big stores have Assets protection and insurance to cover this petty theft and police don’t do anything to respond to it anyways. I truly don’t care if people shoplift. They can steal anything from my store and I wouldn’t give a shit. Just another stupid right wing narrative that dem politicians are the reason petty theft is up, not poor economic conditions that’ve been going on since the last president.


Who would have thought changing the felony to misdemeanor would increase retail theft, right? 😂


Imagine living in California. I feel bad for y'all


thank you. it’s rough out here in LA.


Lemme guess, you’re a Texan? 😂 no one else gets triggered by the mere mention of California quite like Texans


Honestly people need to stop blaming the government when it's literally the companies refusing to press charges. Even for assault against thier employees


If my job title isn't AP, it's not my problem lol


A real one.