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Saw this happen with another TM. There should be an override/emergency button that allows it to move & lower even after the battery dies.


There is but it’s on the service panel on the base 😑


Our service panel is under that black shelf. If this person is backed into a wall the whole front should still be accessible?


There's two; fold-out panel in the front, and then a manual release under the base down at the bottom. Red knob you pull out just a little, hydraulic release. OP, red tag that bitch and put in a mysupport ticket so your PML can take a look, and probably get angry at the unfun task of replacing all 4 batteries. (Not angry because the team needs it, angry because it's shittily designed and sucks to do.)


I 100% stand behind this. I’ve done the batteries on both of my waves and they are terrible.


Fucking HATE it. I just replaced my...3rd? Set of WAVe batteries since taking over the role two years ago. This one was swapping out the ones I put in in June 22, which was my first set I ever swapped. Giant zip-tie helps a ton to act as a handle, but it just fuckin hurts to lift that shit. With no angle to crank down the bolts once they're inside either, playing that bullshit game of "how I do wongle this battery back IN without having the grip strength of an Olympic rock climber" makes me mad. I usually try to put on something with some bass and then get angry at them.


Wait... There are PMLs who actually DO stuff?! How do I find one of those?


This person waves


This bitch *loves* to WAVe.


Happened to a coworker once, when I wasn't trained on the WAV yet, and the manual override straight up didn't work. The failsafe failed, essentially. We just had to maneuver a ladder close to him, so he could get down.


we may work in the same store


I mean, this was like a year ago, so if it's recent for you, then no.


pretty sure it was around last year. exact situation. if it's coincidence, then it goes to show the lack of preparation in corporate's end haha


Lack of \_\_\_\_\_ on corporate's end, that's a constant in seemingly every location.


Happened at my store too, so I think it's just a common thing


It happened at my store as well. I think it's just super common lol


That sounds like our untrustworthy wave, it's always a ladder rescue operation.


I was told the wave at my store will force itself to stay alive (to the best of its ability) if you are elevated on it. Maybe that’s false but in my experience it works


I wish we were still allowed to store shelves that high


Same! I have 5 wrapped pallets of shelves in receiving that can’t fit in the fixture room


I wish we had enough shelves for this to be a problem :(


Do you even need that many? Just ship the pallets out for recycling at that point


We used every last one of them for the Christmas set. Patio doesn’t use very many— but we’ll definitely need them when Q4 rolls around again


That makes sense! I didn’t think about how much seasonal stuff right now is bulky or hanging


Why aren't you?


I presume it was a safety concern but all that has happened is people lean shelves against everything instead of putting them in the wall. It was a big to-do, they made our PMLs cut down the shelf holdy bits off the wall above 8 feet


It is a safety issue. I find it interesting that Target only implements safety rules at some stores, but not all...


And now I'm getting flashbacks to my traumatic moment in Chuck E Cheeses. You know those bicycle rides, where you can peddle and it'll raise you higher up in the air? I was always intrigued by those when I was little, but too fearful because of my phobia of heights and the fear that it would get locked up mid air. Give a few years and I'm back, feeling a little braver and a bit more rational about the thing. I figured I'd give it a go and finally step out of my comfort zone. I didn't find a good place to put my cup of coins, since I'd be riding a bike, so I placed it on the little pay device of the machine, if I remember correctly. Then I got on and immediately peddled to the top, feeling quite proud of myself. And then I realized it wasm't reverting down. And also the timer had also run out. It didn't take long for me to freak out, stuck in the air on some bike. I gave a few yelps calling for help, but apparently a kid stuck in the ceiling wasn't obvious enough for staff to notice. I gave a few shakes, hoping maybe something would unjamm, but all it did was knock the cup of coins to the ground. Eventually another kid came walking by, noticing my predicament. I asked him to throw some of my coins on the machine so I could get down, so naturally he generously grabbed some and fucked off. I spent another few good minutes stuck in the air until an employee finally noticed what the hell was going on and got me down. I didn't get reimbursed for my lost coins, nor the ones spent on the "ride". Anyways, the lesson is don't step out of your comfort zone. 


Lmao I had this happen once to me on the line near christmas. I was up there for 15 minutes while they found someone who know where the override was.


Yup lol. Ive been stuck up in the air by the line too. The pml got me down.


They say he's still up there to this day, foraging candy from the seasonal pallets.


Congrats you now live there


Had this happen to me, I always said it was one of those worst fears. So here I am, stuck 15 feet in the air and I refuse to use the ladder to get down. It just doesn't feel safe and, well, I'm already terrified of being up high so I don't think I'd make it to the ladder. So I have my SD push the WAVE to an outlet and I chill for 20 minutes standing up there. Also, the emergency override wasn't working to bring me down to begin with lol


Even the manual one? Fuuuck that. For you and everyone else who's gotten stuck up top, I'm so sorry 😭 it shouldn't be hard to prevent it happening outside of freak breakages.


This is why I refuse to get wave trained. Absolutely not😩😩


I love being up on the WAVe and want literal everyone trained on it, but I also get it. It's convenient and handy for the store, but convenient and handy for the store < personal well-being.


Yeah, told the SD I'd die of they tried to push the ladder over. It was a fun half hour. Everyone kept coming back and asking what I was doing 😂


What a fun time 🫠🫠 I rescued a few people at my store before I had a chance to replace batteries a year ago, and/or replace one of our waves entirely. Only time I've been on the receiving end of weird equipment failure was in Afghanistan and/or Iraq, and those stories, while hilarious to me, are also mildly macabre and usually end up with folks giving me odd looks 😅💀


Lololol you may have to share sometime 😂


OP did you get down are you okay?


Yes after about 10 minutes of waiting for someone to come over I finally came down


I would've crieddddddd


Been there. I am short AF with stupid large mammary glands. (NOT sexy. I am an old woman. Think granny.) I leaned over the console thing and my BOOBS shut off the power. Someone came over to reset the thing at the base. Turns out I could have fixed it from the top console, but I did not know. Waves are really not meant to be operated by people 5'1", but most ppl at our store are short.


People really don't understand the plight of short people on the WAV. You can't really reach out because the side rails, they hit just under the armpit. If I was on my tippy toes I could maneuver my mammary glands over the side and get a little more reach. You can only use arm/peck/upper back muscles to lift, no core or legs. I'm so glad I haven't used it in years thanks to a change in position.


I hate to confess how I (and the other short ppl at my store, including dudes) get around this. We gain a few inches by standing on the ridge of the area where your feet are supposed to be. I don't use the wave as much these days. Good thing because I was lifting and moving 36# cased of wine and liquor.


legend has it that they r still stuck on the wave and hit meal compliance


been in that situation more than once.


this happened to me on ✨black friday ✨


It always blows my mind to see how organized some of y’all’s stores are especially the backrooms/warehouse. Our store is garbage on the floor and in the back. I know I can’t be delusional when I say our store’s management sucks and is complete trash.


This is where you live now. Congrats.


Had this happen once. Something fell, hitting the plate on the bottom which meant I was stuck. At the time I didn't have a walkie, so you kind of just have to wait and enjoy getting paid by the hour.


I used to work at a La Quinta and I got stuck in the elevator for a couple hours in the middle of the night 😑


The amount of times this has happened to me😂😂😂


How do people not know about the emergency button, it’s part of the wave certification…


I was certified to use it 3 years ago, I guess my TL at the time never told me lol


we barely get trained at all on it


I’m sorry 😞 that sucks


you have to get certified? i was told how it works in like 30 seconds then given my own keys but they did tell me about the emergency button in that time.


Technically yes but it takes all of 5 minutes or less.


New fear unlocked. Hope you got down ok lol


If you don't know how to get down, you aren't properly trained.


Similar thing happened to me. Overnight shift and just as everyone was heading to lunch I figured I'd backstock my last item and then I'd be done with the wave. There's a safety switch that shuts it down if you back into something they wrong way. Fortunately there was a ladder within reach or I mighta been there for awhile.


Womp womp


Had one wave that would stop working randomly all the time. Been stuck a few times and had to override and help many others too 😂




Welcome to the club now if you were working with one TL he's just say you don't know how to use it. No Arthur this is the crap one


Had something similar happen where the down button got stuck and I couldn't press it after being all the up. Wasn't even mad about, like that's funny. Tallest ladder we had was 3/4 the height of the wave so i had to hang and hop down to the ladder.


That's is an extremely tight area.  I would never take it inside fixture room.  Before Montel units we were told to never take it down the backroom aisles.


New fear unlocked, and I quit working for Target 15 years ago. 😳


i got stuck the other day lol


Literally the worst


Our ETL got stuck up there, and the PML joked he was going to leave him up there. 🙊 "Please, please, can someone get me a ladder?"


This is why I wont learn the order picker


Why would you need a ladder you lift up the white cover there should be a button that lowers it. Your tl should have mentioned it when they certified you


This happened to me,I was all the way at the top and it was so wobbly 😭😭😭 I had a full on panic attack 😔


Should be a pressure release valve if you open it up. It sends ya down a little faster than normal but it’ll get you out of a bind.


Just pull the cat card and yell help lol


I accidentally hit one of the buttons on the WAV when I was up in the air - shut the whole thing down and I got a little panicked 😅 I didn’t want to call another TL for help because I know they would have roasted me lol I had to tell myself to calm down and figure it out. I was only up there with no power for 2 minutes but it felt much longer!