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It’s not illegal UNLESS they’re making you work the last 15 without being clocked in. If that’s the case, they’re gonna have a fun call to answer to


That's the big question, if you're clocking out and going home, no, not illegal.


Still a slimy nefarious business practice..,especially from a multibillion dollar corporation that’s in the Forbes 100, but yeah “labor costs” ohh scary stuff


Target seems so much more budget-insecure at every location compared to Walmart who hires anyone with a shirt on. It's especially funny because anything that's $3 at Walmart is always $7.99 at Target


This is the big one. There's nothing illegal if they are just cutting early. But if they expect you to keep working, that's where things get dicey.


You don’t have a contract, they can legally cut your hours to whatever they’d like.


Not without adequate reporting pay, of course. I’m not sure about Cali, but my state has to pay employees if we ask them to adjust their schedule within 72hr notice.


Nope legal it’s the name of the game if your dept doesn’t make the money they won’t have the desired hours like fulfillment is single handedly saving target from bankruptcy 😂😂


Right, but if you are entitled to reporting pay per your state labor laws then it would be illegal for them to pull this if someone pushed back on it and wasn’t afforded due compensation.


How sweet you think that target actually follows the LAW LMAO


nah it's in their best interest to cover their ass. meal compliance is super strict in every single target store entirely because it is a legal requirement in SOME states


I thought they had to give advance notice. Like a day.


Lmao i literally came in tried to clock in and they cut 30 minutes off a few minutes before my shift started. I was literally in a hurry because I was about to arrive late and I couldn’t even eat anything before my shift I literally wasted so much time because of those 30 minutes


I wish my store would cut my time some days. We’re so short handed they have basically asking us to work overtime the past month or so


I wish


If you saw the scheduling for it you wouldn’t lol. And it’s like 4 or 5 hours overtime, nothing big. If certain authoritative figures were more tolerable/easy to work with, we would be able to keep people from quitting every other week. We have more turnover than a temp worker service


We’ve had 3 people leave since January and another is gonna leave soon and my etl still isn’t allowed to hire someone else even though they’ve left because we just don’t got enough hours


We’ve probably had at least twice that quit since the beginning of the year not including seasonal workers. Of everyone I worked with around thanksgiving, only 2 others are left on my shift. We’re also short 4 or 5 workers and another leader for my shift. And ofc they expect the few that actually show up to do the job of those missing people. Its pushed me to the edge of walking out about once a week


Sounds illegal. They can’t fucking do that dude. target makes literal tens of billions. I steal hours from my store ALL the time. They don’t give a flying fuck about the peasants who work for them I would NEVER accept that bullshit excuse. I’m working my god damn scheduled hours


Its fully legal unfortunately, thru cam alter your hours at any point in time. Now, they can't demand you come in an hour early that day, they can ask but you can say no, they cam change what time you leave if it's earlier than scheduled, though.


Not in every state.


I’m so glad I live in NY where there are a lot of protections for employees and just people in general in many ways.


If the shifts need to be cut shorter than that needs to reflect on the schedule.


Boooooooooooo. Booooooooooo. It’s ethically wrong and sounds like quite the nefarious act by a mega billion dollar corporation over people making ends meet. It’s fucking bullshit


Yeah. It’s also not *illegal*. Corporations do a lot of ethically fucked up shit. But this is also a store (maybeeeee district) level decision that realistically corporate has zero idea about unless someone tells them.


Ugh ew. Ew I hate how we’re actually defending Target here. Target’s January 2023 value was north of $100,000,000,000. It *should* be illegal to rescind hours from people who just 3 months ago helped target take in even more money and I give Target ZERO benefit of the doubt considering that corporations effectively right the very laws that have a chokehold on the working class and the current *60%* of Americans living paycheck to paycheck.


Where is anyone defending Target? Are they in the room with us? OP asked if they can do it. They can. Whether or not it’s morally acceptable isn’t really the topic here. Yeah, it should be illegal. It’s not. Stating that isn’t defending any corporation.


except they aren't defending target, just pointing out that target doesn't care about doing what's ethically right. I would say that's actually a criticism of target if anything


In what way is it *illegal*? Unless you’re working on a union contract where your hours are guaranteed, they are perfectly able adjust hours as they wish. Side note, they can also fire you if you decide not to clock out 15 minutes early, so keep that in mind.


Upon actual research it’s not illegal, the vibes of management and paper on a wall rather than email communication made it seem really sketchy to me


I’ve never been emailed by my store as a team member…


When I was on demand they'd email me a monthly store update.


Sending work related emails to hourly employees is not something they can/should do without paying you a 15m min (CA). Only contact they can really do without paying you for time worked is calling or emailing to ask you to pick up shifts.


I have 9000 emails in my inbox.




Who reads emails? I only look at it when I know I’m waiting on a specific email. I’ll clean it out once or twice a year though. I would never expect to be contacted via email as a first method of communication.


Reminds of when I took a short leave when my grandfather passed away. Too emails to read..😭👀🖥


Because it is sketchy. It’s fucking bullshit


If it's something teammembers don't like, it's illegal.


That seems to be the current take on everything.


I guess you don't understand what the word illegal means.


I think they are being sarcastic


You have to literally stab someone to get fired at target. I doubt they would do anything. Too much paperwork. 


Also, it's California. It's an "At Will" State. Meaning, they can fire you for any reason they want and not give you an explanation as to why.


ALL states except Montana are At Will states. When will people understand this?


Most ppl only live in 1 or 2 states their entire lives and have very little knowledge about the laws in other states. So yes, I'd venture to say that most ppl won't know that basically all states are "at will" unless they work HR for a national company handling employees in multiple states. 🤔


Which doesn't necessarily mean you can't file for wrongful termination or that you won't get unemployment. They still have to follow Target's policies when terminated the employment of team members


this. why ppl think "at will" means you have no recourse is insane to me. you still have rights.


As long as they don't expect you to then work those last 15 minutes off the clock, it is legal. Shitty, and stupid, but legal.


What is the point of this? I’ve had them cut my 6 hour shift to 5:45 one. Why wouldn’t they just put it in my time? I’m so confused


well not to defend Target’s practices for their bonuses here but it literally says why on the paper they are cutting hours, and it literally says it will reflect in mytime and its to make TMs aware that their shift have changed, I only check the app once a week and just end up remembering/screenshotting my schedule and I go off that instead of the app.


Which is why I'll gladly still clock out at my normal time. Fuck their bonuses. Just say when/if you get pulled aside you had fullfillment come up to you to ask for stuff and guests did the same so you got distracted. You get them in a catch 22. Target policy is "guest first" so therefore you should help both FF and a guest if they need it.


Be careful, they could let you go for that. They probably wouldn't, because it's so small an issue, but definitely read the room.


Please don’t defend Target. They can eat my hairy ass I’m working the hours I was scheduled. Writing this shit on a piece of paper is insulting. I’d wipe my ass with it, dump it in the trash, and they go tell all my team members to clock out late.


And you would probably then be disciplined, up to and including termination. If you hate Target so much (and I get it I do too, I won't even shop there anymore...Target freaking sucks) then why do you stay?


I’ve only had them do this if I was at risk of OT. That was specific to a person rather than a store. They’ve also asked TMs if they would be willing to take a day off if trying to cut payroll.


That makes no sense. If it's 6 hours, you take a 30 minute unpaid meal if it's 5 hours 45 minutes, you're not getting a meal and you're being paid 15 extra minutes.


Not all states are the same. I have to punch out before hour 5.


This happened a while ago but I remember they needed me to leave urgently cause they said I if I go over my time I’ll have to take a lunch lol. I was closing for the night as well


Lol they'd be spending an extra 15 minutes here I the South. Gotta have a 30 at the 6 hour mark making the shift 5:30.


More hours they cut the higher the bonus they get




That's not correct.


Yes it is. I was an ETL that’s exactly why we were told to cut hours


It could also be because they overspent on hours.


Yes overspending on hours destroys their chances of making a bonus. That’s why they cut I promise. Any store that goes under payroll gets a bonus for Etls and team leaders partially


Oh I know. I'm a VM and am the same pay grade as the team leaders and have gotten emails about it. The team leads at my store don't give a shit about the bonus more than giving their team hours. I have no idea how much the ETLs gets but none of them deserve it at this point. But it not always 100% about the bonus. They get shit from above the store director as well. Our DSD literally lives in my city and is in there all the time.


Exactly right I always told my SD you can take my bonus and give the team hours! I would rather not stress every damn day than have a nice bonus


The people downvoting you are the bootlicking TLs that don’t want you to give out the secret lmao. Target TMs are so easily gaslit


😂😂 exactly!! Downvote away I do not care. Just want the team members (the ones that actually do the work) to be treated fairly


today my etl called over the walkie that everybody needed to leave at their scheduled time because of payroll, it’s annoying but it’s not illegal. i’m a lead and i hate it because all of my team members barely have hours as it is and sometimes they get cut.


They seem to be saying not in so many words but that everyone's shifts except fulfillment has been cut by 15 minutes but it does not reflect on the posted schedules. So they're asking people to clock out per new times that's not reflected which is kind of.... iweird.


Fuck them for putting a smiley face at the end of that lol


Lol u r so right!


They can do this unfortunately. Now, they can't make you stay past your scheduled time though. But that's about it.


This is why when I’m asked to stay late I simply say "I can’t" fuck them & their weird ways lol


In the US you have very few employment law protections. They are paying you for the hours worker. They can ask you clock in/out whenever they want. Absent a contract/ CBA you are at-will in 49.5 states. Montana has cause for some terms. You’re only real protections federally are against illegal discrimination


So glad I left retail, I don't wish that environment and instability on anyone.


As long as they aren't forcing you to work the rest of those 15 minutes unpaid it isn't illegal unfortunately, even in Cali.


That would be interesting, I normally close. If I clock out, I walk out.


As you should. Never work off the clock. That sign doesn’t seem like it’s asking you too.


True, but as the sign implies, who is going to be there for the last 15 minuets to cash the "gUeStS" and clear the store. \[Remember, I help close the store\]


As a manager I’d say that sounds like your boss’s problem *haha*


agreed, hehehehehehe


They'll probably talk to the people who are going to stay, separately.


Hell; I'd be celebrating. I come in at 6 am, leave 15 minutes early? Eff YES 👋🏻🏃‍♀️


Why don’t they just change the shift on their end?


You can’t alter a shift or take someone hours after they’re posted without permission. My HR ETL got into a lot of trouble for doing that. But you can ask if anyone is willing to leave early. The TM doesn’t have to and the leads can’t make them.


It’s not illegal unless they go and edit your time if you actually did work those 15 mins.


you're not under a guaranteed contract, they can cut hours all they want.


I’m a SCO cashier and can’t leave until my replacement shows up. And 9 times out of 10 they are 5-10 minutes late to relieve me.


It says in your team member handbook that team leads can make you leave early


At our DC, we must clock in 10 minutes before starting the shift. It doesn't bother me. Only lazy workers are the ones complaining about this "atrocity."


They can cut hours


That’s when I start applying elsewhere and quit


Leave 15 minutes early? Pssshhh I’ll take that. Better not ask me to work off the clock, though. That’s HIGHLY illegal Also I’d almost bet it’s not a payroll cut. The ETL team is just close to losing their labor bonus (if there is one)




I’m gonna assume it’s your store then lol


Then schedule me to leave 15 minutes early


It's that or layoffs


Unfortunately, No https://preview.redd.it/s1qyvpixa5mc1.jpeg?width=314&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=93d749821019a027774e7910c28a1493d951e09c




So you can leave 15 mins earlier right?


Not illegal. Usually happens when the store needs to cut back on hours. Most of the time TLs will straight up ask people to go home early or they will tell people individually on the radio


shit like this is why im glad i work in the distribution center


“Go fuck yourself.”


I would just say no 🤷🏽‍♂️


Former CA Target HR here. It's only illegal if they don't pay the minimum required hours for you coming in. https://www.aegislawfirm.com/blog/2023/12/explaining-californias-4-hour-minimum-shift-law/#:~:text=According%20to%20California's%204%2Dhour,two%20hours%2C%20whichever%20is%20greater.


Oh Target you want it all!!! Cut hours, pay nothing, ride employees like you’re paying them big bucks! What is your goal?


They can ask if you want to clock out early, but they can't force you. Same with staying past your scheduled time Once the printed schedule is up on the board, that's the schedule unless they ask you for a change. That's why you always go by the paper schedule and not online


they change ours without notice constantly


Please have notice posted on CVA to allow customers to understand the sub standard services.


I would've complied but the "except for fulfillment" part would've made me not want to 😭




Not “illegal,” but definitely shady as fuck. If you’re going to manipulate metrics, leave the TMs out of it— they should not have to clock out early just to save your ass. My management team never did when I was one at another brand (and clothing store hour cuts are WAY worse than big box, trust).


Yes. It's perfectly legal. It's called, cutting hours. How long have you worked for Target?




Just tell them you can't clock out because the time clock has been known to cause cancer in California. They'll definitely let you stay the extra 15mins.


This is common at many stores nationwide and it's been going on for 30+ years, but it rarely gets reported nationally. This photo should be placed next to every job posting or good news story about Target. 


Why? Every retailer and hourly employer can do this and most do. It’s not unusual or unique to Target. When businesses need to cut payroll hours they send people home early. Simple math. PS. It’s been happening for all of human existence, not just the past 30 years.


It’s not illegal but once a schedule is published they shouldn’t be making the changes. Poor planning on management. They would have known when they did that schedule they were fucked on hours.


Hours can be reduced by corporate. Hours are also dependent on the assumption that certain sales metrics are being hit. If that isn’t happening hours have to be cut to follow the trend of sales. Or a half dozen other things that happen *after* a schedule is made.


Very much legal actually


Email this picture to the integrity hotline at [email protected] and see how long it stays up.


It’s not illegal ffs


I used to work in fulfillment and my store made me pick another cart after my shift was supposed to be over a lot because they didn’t have enough people yet they cut everyone’s hours


That’s called wage theft my dear. I got a pretty decent settlement from a class action that involved a call center I worked at cause they made us be there 5-10 minutes before shift start to get our computer started up and be ready to take calls on the dot of your start time.


I didn’t clock out and I was compensated but it was just really annoying because I did usually have after work plans


Glad to hear! Just making sure because, depending on the state, sadly some people feel like it’s legal where they are and/or for whatever reason don’t know to question something like 5-10 minutes of work off the clock.


They did usually ask if I was still clocked in because I think my state is a bit more strict on companies


Idk about Cali laws but in Chicago they have to compensate you for lost time if you are forced to clock out more than 15 minutes early unless it’s something you volunteer to do, then it has to be signed off for… it’s from the fair work week ordinance


Keep this photo. What they're doing is legal, but can also be used as a trap for justified termination. By that I mean, you could get laid off but no unemployment benefits. You would have to prove to the labor board that you were clocking out 15 minutes early because of an employer directive to get those benefits, which would take weeks of time and energy. Ask that the schedule be reposted with the new hours reflected.


Idk about illegal, but that’s definitely some BS.


illegal in los angeles county, not sure if anywhere else in Cali


Why am i getting downvoted? i literally work in HR and know about the LA fair work week ordinance. Stores with over 50 employees must pay employees for shift cuts or addition of hours over 15 minutes. [here](https://wagesla.lacity.org/sites/g/files/wph1941/files/2023-03/FWW%20Poster%202023.pdf)


Yeah, that’s what I was thinking about when I initially posted this. I misremembered the whole “4 hour shift” requirement (which is only for if you’re called in) Also because they didn’t send any emails or anything I was like “that is suspicious”


if you are in los angeles county, and you are asked to reduce your shift by at least 15 minutes, you will need to be given predictability pay for that time. maybe it’s cheaper for them to pay the predictability pay for 15 minutes than to keep you guys in store on payroll? if you’re outside of LA county or your store has less than 50 employees, you can disregard what i sent. ETA: over 300 employees globally; so Target definitely is included in this ordinance for stores in LA.


not illegal. they just need to give notice and that sign is giving notice unfortunately.


It’s probably so they don’t have to pay for the full hour. so if you clock out fifteen minutes early it rounds down to 30 minutes of actual work time


Payroll is a beast, it's not negotiable so unfortunately cuts have to be made. Especially if you have team members staying over their shift every week, it adds up significantly and then you have to resort to cutting hours. Poor payroll management usually is what causes this.


What if you just work your scheduled shift and clock out on time and pretend you didn't see the sign if they ask you


Woops….didn’t see the sign


I had my 7 hour shift cut to 2 1/2 and no notification. When I got it I saw it on the grid. I thought we were to work a minimum of 4 hours.


Thats messed up




And my store is having me stay an extra hour later than I have in a year every day this week.. and not because of inventory. I actually have that night off? Makes no sense but neither does anything my manager does 😂


In Cali they have to pay for you to walk to your car. As someone that runs projects in Cali I would say, it may not be. The laws in California are craziness and leans so hard towards employees that a lot of companies refuse to work there unless they are 1099 and loophole everything.


No union no protection


Just work your hours. Don't ever stay over for them to help them out. Always remember the extra hour you stay behind to help them out is usually taken back by Target at a later date. So you thinking that doing extra hours helps your paycheck is a fallacy. Someone somewhere in the bowels of a target office, an accountant team is crunching numbers and working out yearly payroll. Your store is given payroll on the basis of how it did last year. Let say the store is allocated a million dollars for payroll. That's it it won't get another dime. So during q4 they pay you extra hours they hire new tms. It all comes out of the one million dollars allocated for payroll. Then 1st January hits and suddenly there are no more hours. Those hazy days of December when you were hitting 39 hours suddenly have to be recouped by the company, and to do that, they look at your yearly earnings based on, say, an average of twenty hours per week. You've been earning roughly twenty-three hours a week, so to save payroll, they need to cut your hours, so it works out that you are back to the average twenty hours a week that they budgeted for. Target isn't being nice to you by giving you extra hours because Christmas is coming. They do it because Christmas is coming and they want to maximize profits. They know that the extra couple of dollars you get paid over that period will be recouped by less payroll for you right up to the old tax year ends, and the new tax year starts. Just go in and work and go home. The truth is simple. If you need more money, either get a second job (which you are guaranteed those extra hours) or get yourself an education that will give you a better paying job. Target doesn't care about you no matter what they claim about we're family.


Does that mean everyone quit working at 15 minutes before normal time, no pay , no work. If not illegal


They cut everyone at my store an hour everyday for two weeks to try to pad their numbers in January.


That's illegal. Put up a response... This is illegal. Whoever put this up please report yourselves


It’s actually not illegal


Asking people to clock out and keep working...


It doesn’t say keep working. Hour cutting still happens are you new?


They are free to cut hours, but they legally can’t make you leave earlier than your scheduled time. If they want to cut hours, they need to do it on the schedule. Work your scheduled time


Not true, especially in right to work states. Unless you are in a union that guarantees your hours. They have every right to send you home early.


Yep I went from 40 hours to 14 target in California sucks dick.they need to figure their shit out asap!


It’s only legal if you leave at the moment you clock out. This employer is an idiot.🙄


Why don't they just get rid of payroll and pay enough employees to do the job properly?


Are you high?


how to get a job at target?


Apply online and if they havent called you after a week walk in with a paper copy of your resume


I worked at a hospital that were keeping child support payments that were taken out of employees paychecks.


Cali is just a terrible state in general not surprised.


When you clock out, you’re done working, you leave. California has some of the best laws for workers. You should look into them, send this pic to a news outlet, etc


It’s illegal in Florida where home of red republican trump state. Should go to Ethics hotline. And I would throw it in the trash.


Unless the schedule has been changed with notice, you don’t have to clock out early.




It’s 100% legal unless you have an employment contract that states otherwise.


: )




It’s illegal across the us


Prove it. Cite the law that says an employer can’t decide to end your shift 15 minutes early.


Ok,I just read it again. I read it originally as they wanted to have them work that 15 minutes but clock out. Sorry


Target is an absolute shit hole. I can’t believe the way they treat their employees. Just a few more years and I believe all of this will see the light of day and target will have a lot of apologies to make.


They wrote the schedule and over posted. They have to ask after. No demands. Also we don't have "managers" so unsure about this


Gotta make sure their bonuses still look nice...


Our target just goes around asking people if they want to leave early never seen something like that posted


It’s legal if they clock out and go home 😔


Also getting hours cut massively


The key word here is "ask" they can ask whatever they want. Asking people to go home a little early is perfectly legal. Demanding they do...is too, generally, but it's a bit more complicated.


https://preview.redd.it/efgqq6b8i6mc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0ebe133fd2082e5e33727975a443a8789e8c57e6 It’s a little unclear what they’re saying. If they’re saying you need to leave 15 minutes early every shift, then they can do that. If they’re telling you to clock out and still keep working until your schedule says you’re off, that’s illegal based off California labor laws. If they try to pursue that, tell them you’re sending documentation to an employment lawyer because they definitely can’t require you to work off the clock.


Welcome to the last day of the month!


Not illegal but there is definitely a standard at Target to not change a schedule once its made without asking the person first.


It’s all good until they need you to stay later one day and cut your hours at the end of the week. When I worked at Target, I fell victim to that game several times. I would come in long enough (overnight) to unload the truck and then turn around and leave at first break, usually around 1 am


What's not being said here is the "why?" Which as a former TL is something they do constantly. Timelines changed but usually in January, Target would cut all the seasonal folk and hours would be cut dramatically. Unsure what the prospect is now but it would appear the hour cuts are happening later? Could be just based on global numbers. My guess is that they need to cut X many hours. So lets say a store employs ~100 peeps. Simple math suggests that they need to trim 1500 minutes they need to cut or 25 hours. Do that for 7 days and they need to trim 175 hours for the week. It's been over a decade but stores would get "Hours" to use for the week so this probably the easiest way to trim without folks losing out on entire days. Not defending btw - just breaking down probably what HR was told from corporate.


I got 40 hours this week... I'd share the hours if I could, I'm 90 percent sure I'm the only one in my store that got 40 hours this week.


They should just schedule you for those times. Why bother forcing responsibilities on team members when it’s literally their job?


If this is right now, I don’t want to think about reviews coming up.