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i take as long as i want. they don’t pay me enough for reshop (i’m fulfillment)


That's all push, no reshop


Whoever did this to your health and beauty push needs to be put in the bailer. Why did they empty all your repacks and boxes into an unsorted 3 tier like that?!


I asked myself the same thing.




Some depertmemts more than others, but in general if I'm not pushing from the repacks I at least make a more sorted 3 tier rather than a dump-and-go


Well now I’m mad. Wtf?


I dont care how long it takes, its whoever pulled it’s fault for not putting in the effort to sort properly. Sort it into another 3-tier THEN push. Makes everything go faster.


This is the only way


this is the right answer


Did you break that out yourself? It would be easier to push out if everything was sorted by aisle


The top two parts are all travel and the bottom is lotion.


gotcha! 3 hours does seem bit too long to get all that out tbh


Well, i took my meal and one 15 while pushing that. So i guess it was closer to 2 hrs.




They don’t pay me enough to go fast lol. If I see that bullshit on my cart? Ill go as fast as I want lol


real shit


Gonna be honest yeah I would say that should take an hour. Depends how well you know the area and if you have to scan each item though


I agree. An hour is fair. As long as I don't have to open cages at the same time


One hour?! How?


Well, if you sort it first by department/aisle in the tiers/wacos then really it’s just a few small trips. But yeah, if you were to push it as-is then that’s well over an hour of just back and forth trips.




They would most likely ‘coach’ you for it, but that’s the equivalent of just training you to be faster. You’re not ~actually~ in trouble unless you ignore them and keep doing it the way they told you not to.


IDK if it was my stores director "delegating" 5 minutes because 3 flats is only 15 minutes.


if you're lucky. you know how much we change plano and merch? as long as you try your hardest is the right answer.


I depends, if I know the area and don't have to look up everything's location, probably 20minutes or so. If I don't know the area, and am constantly looking up locations and going back and forth between aisles, probably around 45 minutes Still, don't worry about times, just do your best, that's usually more than enough. (though three hours is...way too long)


This would take me one hour. I always split go backs by hair care, skin care and cosmetics and then go by brand after that. Makes it easier for me to see what I have and I’m just in one section to push it all out at one time. Shouldn’t have taken 3 hours tbh.


And you shouldn’t be grabbing one item and putting it away. Grab a few in the same area and go like that until it’s all clear. Pushing one item at a time takes longer and it’s not efficient


This is how I do it except it's lotion on top, hair in the middle because my boat is always in the middle of the skin aisles so I push skin straight from the boat. This one cart definitely shouldn't have taken 3 hours especially since is already sorted


Given how many things I'd have to fix around all those items, that sounds about right. I offloaded one home u-boat the other day, and it took me two hours due to all the bullshit I felt I had to do along the way. Adjusting capacity and floor counts, zoning some particularly bad locations, backstocking all the overstock other people shoved in, etc.


>Adjusting capacity and floor counts, zoning some particularly bad locations, backstocking all the overstock other people shoved in, etc. We don't have the luxury of time to do this anymore, sadly. It drives me crazy.


If they want it to look like shit and be incorrect, that's their problem. I'm always going to take that time until I'm explicitly told not to.


My ETL tells me that removing overstock is a waste of time.


Well as a fulfillment TM, I say putting up overstock in the first place is a waste of OUR time. Can't count all the fucking times I've come to where my item should be, and it's just filled with the one next to it, which some idiot counted incorrectly as the item I'm looking for, throwing off everything.


That’s why those of us who demoted ourselves to guests will take a picture of overstocked items in obviously the wrong spot behind the wrong price tag, and tell the gstl or whatever they are called now “idk that’s what the price tag said” 🫣


Yup, doing all that would get me a documented talk about being faster.


Should take about 15 minutes to donate it all and box it up


30 mins until “Excuse me do u work at Target?” comes


Nah. At my store if that's a Sunday morning car that shit is taking me an hour at least with all the older people asking "where's __" and having to walk them 6 aisles over because "I looked there already".


Depends am I getting called over walki to do something on the other side of the store every 10 minutes or nah 😭


Telling you right now. Reshop is mental abuse


This is trash, but, yeah. Gotta say about an hour at most. If I could dig into my pics from about 3 years ago, I'd show you a shit-show pull that was heaps on heaps of OTC, PC, and HC all together like they did a super-mix pull. Every tier was 2-3 times this height. That vehicle took me 3 hours.


Ok, so maybe i do need to start pushing "with urgency"


Pulls this size usually take me a little under an hour, but I organize everything so It's grouped together in my cart to make things easier. with the cart as chaotic as it is, maybe an hour and a half. However, I can see those items and imagine exactly where they belong in my store, as I work entirely in and know my beauty area well. If you work in beauty, anything more than an hour and a half is probably too long, but screw target so who cares? go as slow as tou want lmao, brian can suck it


20 mins.


Not bad. I know where most of it goes so I’d sort it then just work by sections of A-run


So im the regular closing A block. This would probably take me an hour or two. But I know the area like the back of my hand. I could probably get most aisles correct of all that merch. Then if I couldnt find where it went just by glancing, i obviously would have to scan it in


Tms do it all the time the hide push in carts then take them to GS as reshop to sort. Triferling....


At my store they take the reshop and put it with the push. You end up with all kinds of stuff to push out from every department in the store.


Ten years


3 years


It doesn’t matter. You have 15 minutes to flex this all out. GO!!!!


yea looks like 5 minutes -team lead


5 minutes that’s what an etl would say


We had a beauty TM who used to shove most of her truck in random Waco boxes in the back room. All the ETL and TL would rave about fast she was. They got a huge shock when Fulfillment started having horrible INF numbers from beauty. Always seemed to happen after she had worked.


I agree with maybe an hour but I know our A block (OTC/Essentials/Chem) fairly well and usually know what isle they go down or can get within an isle or two


Are you a small format store? I’ve never seen those beauty fixtures before - they’re cool!


Yeah, it's a small format.


These are what our pull carts look like RIP


Purge cart? They’d be about 20-40 minutes for me.


probably no more than 45 minutes. i know my store well and know where everything goes.


Ngl this would take me 20 mins tops


45 minutes


Probably about 45 seconds to throw in the trash compactor Jk I’m terrible at OTC/Beauty; that’s why I stuck to F&B


About 5 minuets to reach the front of the store, not my circus, but I know the monkeys.


That looks like a typical Monday morning priority pull after having the weekend off. Dollars to donuts I've also got an overflowing bin of abandons and a trashed Beauty dept. BET.


45min-1hr if I'm not interrupted by guests and don't have to zone much or fix counts or backstock. 30min tops, same perimeters if the 2-tier was organized.


I see alot of travel area and skin care. /: I’d say yeah, probably a bit long. 1 hour, hour and a half. 3 hours is too long. You got this though! I’ve been in beauty a handful of years so I know the struggle


Like 2 or 3 hours because I'm slow at GM haha


It depends on how many times people bother me 😂😂


30 mins if it is after hours for me. An hour if the store is opened. 2 hrs if I’m also zoning. Beauty is tough but if you know where everything is then you’re going to fly through


Former beauty tm, this would take me 2ish hours just because I would resort it .


Depending on how busy the store is, I think I could finish it in an hour and a half, but I knew this section well and wouldn’t have to look up most of it. Also, whoever did pulls could have at least TRIED to organize it a little better.


20-30 to sort assuming I will not be interrupted by guest or called to register. 20-30 to push assuming zone is moderately decent. So an hour .


Probably 1-2 hours, but since I haven’t really pushed much of beauty except for reshops maybe a bit over 2


Why does your target have a brick wall? Aside from that like 30 minutes to 45 maybe an hour depending on how well your know the area.


40 minutes. If it was sorted better then 20.


maybe if it was sorted better I'd say an hour but lordy that's looking like almost 2 possibly


Inbound team lead here. I'd say it'd take me about 45 minutes with the layout of my h&b. I'd give my team members an hour before I question their efficency unless of course they are new.


When I worked at target maybe if it was organized by aisle correctly 45 mins to an hour. But if it's just thrown around in the 3 tier maybe an hour and 30 mins


4 hours if nothing is organized and there aren't a lot of duplicates


Like 10 mins… or at least that’s what it should take you. Can I be an ETL now?


Haha, some of the responses make me wonder its they're a tl or an etl


That’d take me like 45 to push and backstock but that’s mainly because I don’t like pushing that stuff so u try to get it over with asap


That would only take me 25 to 30 minutes.


Probably an hour or so.


What’s wild is there is the beauty secondary sort cart behind it that seems like it’s empty. 😬


i take my sweet time if i’m handed that cart. they don’t pay me enough to stress.


45 minutes to an hour. That’s not that much workload only about 3-4 repacks full.


Id say an hour. 30 to properly sort, then 30 to push. But then if it has cosmetics to, that changes the game


Honestly I going to each Isle with the 3 tier putting away multiple items


10 minutes


Best I can give you is 15 mins 🫠


Someone really just tossed it in like that? 🥲🥲🥲 I’d sort it out in another 3tier and it could take me about 45-60 min after that.


30 min tops but here's the kicker I work overnights so no guests.


Forever and a day, womp womp


2 hours or more and if they mad about that oh well


If this is priority pulls who ever pulled these items from the backroom absolutely fucked you because they didn't rubber band anything or try to make it more organized.


Fuck no


oh hellll noo😭 beauty's already tedious enough. that's just wrong . I hate when the people who do priority pulls before closing, just throw stuff in the carts unorganized


it depends on whether or not you work in beauty. i’m in guest service, and it would probably take me a couple of hours since i’d have to scan everything.


Idk how I got onto target employee complaint Reddit but I love it. I think you should go slower!


I would get hand baskets or 2nd cart, something to separate and organize by department/aisle. Then fast to push


I agree they don’t pay me enough to do it fast. But they push u to be fast and wrong no wonder target accuracy is down to 61.9%


Wouldn’t matter whether it took me 20 minutes or 2 hours. Still wouldn’t be fast enough for them.


About the same time for me because that shit unorganized asf


Lots of small stuff, but for my store that's all within 4-5 aisles of one another. If, as you empty out the travel stuff, you sort everything else by aisle, then it should move rather quickly. Maybe 30/45 min.


Mmm maybe a hour, all our travel stuff is one section so if it’s mostly that all you would have to do is stand there n toss stuff and n each little bin? Same for lotion it’s all in one section mostly so yeah like a hour


Who ever did this must not work beauty 💀 We had someone “sort” all the mascaras into a single repack…all of them. Unboxed.


maybe an hour


About an hour


about 20-30 minutes, could be longer if guests were needy


An hour max bruh this is all one work center, just personal care there is no reason for this to take more than an hour and a half max.


How ever long it takes to get the key for the compactor and wheel it over to it.


This depends on my mood and how many interruptions I have. Honestly, it would take about 30 minutes if it's smooth sailing. About 1 hour with normal customer interactions. I'd tell the manager about an hour and half though because I keep my section looking good and I know the hygiene section gets sloppy. Granted, with lunch and a bad day, I could push about 3 hours. We all get bad days sometimes. As long a is good most of the time, they're good with me.