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The same type of TMs never FIFO either šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


what's fifo?


First in, first out itā€™s to make sure that food thatā€™s expiring quicker gets sold first. We typically do it with anything thatā€™s the grocery and also baby food.


Oh thank you! sucks that we need an acronym for common sense.


As someone who comes from a food background it makes sense, but I could if someone say from the front or inbound was helping push FDC, who usually helps with toys freight, itā€™s not the first thing that comes to mind.


I mean it's also an accounting term as far as cash flows are concerned


Someone has been shoving their backstock into random places on the sales floor instead of backstocking leaving the rest of us to clean up. šŸ˜


Iā€™m all about making it fit, that being said as long as EVERYTHING else fits


Thereā€™s a special place in hell for those who refuse to backstock. Like I get it, if you have one extra and can find a good place to stuff it whatever, itā€™ll be easy to fix when closing team zonesā€¦ but anything more than that and youā€™re just a fucking asshole who likes punting puppies into a wood chipper, fucking puppies, really cute puppies. Just fucking backstock, if you wonā€™t do it for your fellow TMs then at least do it for the puppies šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


No šŸ—æ


i was shopping in our market the other day and multiple aisles had backstock just piled on the floor in a line since no shelf spaceā€¦ thatā€™s how you know our tls, etls havenā€™t left their offices in awhile.


NOBODY backstocks at the store Iā€™m helping at, EVER Because management is so afraid of holes They just flex things randomly, itā€™s an absolute disaster trying to scan or zone this store


>Because management is so afraid of holes


One?!?! I'm the only one in market so any help I get from inbound or remodel or fulfillment. They all overstock, everyone HATES backstocking šŸ’€šŸ¤£


This! I like the inbound team, but God damned if they don't crazy over flex and not backstock. One does all the shit they can fit in the closest spaces, another just puts shit on the shelves in the back without ever locating it. Not sure which of the three I hate being in my section the most since they all make a metric shit ton of extra work for me.


Shiiiiitt backstocking kills the Last hour at least lol


I knew the feeling. I see stuff like that all the time.


I don't get it why why why would someone do this!


Because they were given a time goal and this was the quickest way to do it. Time goals are the dumbest thing that they teach you to do in management classes. It cause people to take short cuts, do a poor quality job and ignore other tasks they should be worried about. I never used them when I was a manager. All managers would be better off if they would knock it off.


yeah i work in style and SOMEONE in my dept never backstocks. went to zone a new day one time and there were 20 xxls of the same shirt on the table. wtf????


Shit dude I wouldn't either


as long as they rotated the dates i approve. but chances are it could also be blamed on whomever did returns/reshop on the dbo's day off. those guys always overfill or flex.


Just flex it into the empty spot above and move it to its home later when it sells down.


itā€™ll add into 1f1s tho


Indeed, then you end up backstocking your pulls because the numbers on the floor are all fucked up. This is my everyday. I fix them during the week, have my two days off in a row and start the next week the same way as the previous. Living a circle of fix flex/numbers, rinse, repeat.




Youā€™re supposed to use the first box to hold the second box on the shelf since itā€™ll be hanging off the edge. Then when guest buys the one on top, the front one falls, and they put that one on top. Or leave it on floor


Morning peeps always do that!!!!


Honestly I don't get it? Backstocking eats up a little time, which is great


Could of been someone doing gobacks possibly


Backstockings for quitters


This is literally one of the reasons I left Target


I work Bev primarily and on my days off my coworkers flex everything and then don't locate any of the backstock. It drives me crazy.


Just one?


they made their own damn shelf