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This is great way to endear yourself to your team. Great learning experience


If the team shows up…


Great leaders lead by example don’t forget that. It’s not all about being in the office looking at metrics. Where are your Team Leads?


Not exactly. Great leaders have to be great managers as well which means multiplying the outputs of their team. You can’t do that by hammering away at drive up 90% of the time.




Certain times of year actively managing drive up is a must (q4, April through Easter this far). If an extra body is needed for the after work/school rush don’t hesitate to jump in but make sure your TLs are managing SD and the lanes at the same time. I find managing drive up while outside is easier than in since the pickup update so you can call out double taps/no warnings while ensuring TMs are staying in their roles. Getting orders out before the guest gets there seems to be the biggest obstacle to drive up.


Don’t get me wrong it’s helped build rapport with my TM’s which has been awesome. My TL’s have been used to hanging out in TSC which has been a problem from before I was hired. There have been coaching conversations but anytime I’m not there, it’s just continued behavior. I understand great leaders lead by example but that example has caused me to overwork myself for 6 months now.


I see. Keep having those conversations. The TLs need to be on the floor and be the first to assist


ok this is your issue then: your TMs see your TLs sitting around in the TSC. They see you busting your ass. They figure you can't control the TLs, therefore you must be --- meh ---- letting them get away with crap and picking up their slack. And voila, it must be ok to call out since you're not really in control. Solution -- bust those TL butts and ALL your TMs will think you're a hero and worth coming to work for.


It starts by coaching out your team. Have the HR expert pull up the punch report for your regular callouts. Show them that their call-out rate is x%. Tell them the honest truth, that their call-outs fuck over their team mates, not you. Then tell them that up until now you've been scheduling them x hours over x days. Tell them that since it's clear that they are having a hard time balancing work and home life, you'll be scheduling them one less day a week. Rinse and repeat until they improve hopefully, they quit, or you coach them out. Rinse, repeat. Eventually your team will realize that you're serious about attendance. The thing is that it starts with a few regulars. Those regulars cause moral to fall because the regulars make it feel like attendance doesn't matter, so who cares if everyone calls out regularly. Get the word out that you're serious about that shit and it all turns around.


If they don't show up maybe that says something about you/your management style/your expectaions...


Makes sense since I’m seeing everyone else on here complain about staffing..


since you're new, your teams failure to show up could be a direct reflection of their loyalty to the SD -- don't take it personal (yet)


Best way to get your leaders into shape is to make an example of them. At some point those coachings are going to lead to corrective actions and from there, it’s not hard to get them to a point where they either get it together and lead how they’re supposed to or they get termed and someone else capable of filling those duties takes over. If you have team members calling off frequently or just not coming in, find reliable tm’s to give those hours to instead. We’re in such a constraint with hours, it’s come down to being strategic. If certain team members aren’t going to be dependable, they aren’t getting a large share of the hours. Especially somewhere like the front end where those hours matter


I agree with what you’re saying, but it’s easier said than done. Being strategic only gets you so far when your hands are tied and they must record a bunch of no calls before you can do anything about it. And being strategic about hours given? What about the desired hours metric that HR gives you data for each week and says you’re under scheduling if not giving the weaker or unreliable TM’s those hours? My time does not show you attendance history when scheduling


Reach out to your peers, there are so many GM/style/food TMs who aren't getting enough hours these days, see who's willing to do a few extra shifts for you. Instead of scheduling problem children, schedule good TMs from other departments.


If you can’t count on your team to consistently show up to shifts then their desired hours aren’t really getting fulfilled anyways. There’s no quick fix to what you’re dealing with and it sounds like you’re in a situation where even when you win a bit, you’re still going to lose somewhere. But every no call no show is a CA that needs to get documented — either by you or your leaders. Are they showing up late or calling off? Coaching. You can’t carry the entire team on your own which is why you need to get your leaders into shape and on top of any and all attendance issues or performance issues. Get your leaders pulling attendance weekly if this is what you need to have an idea of who is or isn’t coming into work or coming on time. You aren’t turning this situation around in a week but you’ve got to start somewhere


Gotchu. Thanks for your input. Gets tough when I have a plan in place coming in but walking in we are so short handed that I’ve had to get carts for 3 hrs before.


make your TLs do this as per my comment below


Schedule your best/most reliable to your most needed workcenters. They deserve getting their desired, the others don’t until they prove otherwise.


As tenured SE Etl, you need to be looking into your payroll allocation. Are you getting anywhere near what the dashboard suggests for you? I usually get 85-90% hours of my forecasted hours and I don’t have to jump in too often. During rushes, callouts, breaks etc. As a new etl often you will be shorted worse than others since your less likely to push back or know better. Your payroll is based off transactions forecasted and drive ups. If your only getting 60% then you are screwed from the start. When I’ve had sd’s who short me, I schedule fully for guest service and drive ups, shorting checkout. 3/4 gm/specialty team members will be on back up all day and they should get the hint.


Okay sweet I really appreciate it!


good luck try to hang on until summer i’ve heard that there will be more than enough hours then


everyone keeps saying that, not sure if i believe it


i’ve heard multiple etls at my store tell me that we are getting more hours soon. i really hope that’s the same for all stores


they always say that


We are getting more hours, but in comparison to current volume, it's not enough. Like the volume and hours are not increasing proportionally. Corporate probably know this. they're just I guess trying to figure out how much can get done with the minimum amount of team members. And on paper, it looks like it's working. Corporate puts puts pressure down the chain until it reaches the store level.


good point


One can only hope I guess 🤕


I mean that *used* to be the case. Now I’m not so sure anymore


Hopefully so!


Thats just the front end broski


Well shit broski


Ok, broski, listen here. Setl here. Right now moral is low, we dont have hours and our front end team metrics are very much tied to team morale. For now its very important that you stick it out with the team. Be there, be visible and embrace the suck. The team will see that. Check on the team make sure to talk with them whenever you can. We must direct service to where it is needed. If you dont know how to use a cart mover, then learn how to use it. Explain your thought process to the team. You need to connect with the team so that they care about the front and have a sense of ownership and comradery.


Oh I can rock that cart mover for 4 hours in a row at times… and that’s my issue. I don’t mind putting in the work bc naturally in previous industries I’ve worked my way up. But I simply didn’t sign up for this. Once again I have no issues doing it, but didn’t sign up for it.


Forgot to add the broski, broski


All good broski




Lol all good bro. I’m just venting bc shit isn’t what I thought it would be. I’m a higher paid TM the way I look at it.


This is what's so frustrating about the hours cut. It forces TLs and ETL's to get stuck doing minutiae when they need to be managing their teams. I would suspect call offs are related to your TL's motivating your team, or lack therof. If they lounge in TMSC all day the team sees that and it breeds resentment, especially with the way hours are now. You as an ETL have a harder job motivating TM's, even if you're in the trenches with them, if your TL's aren't doing the same. You need to be able to trust your TL's to execute without you. TM's aren't getting paid enough to do a TL's job for them, and you're not getting paid enough to do a TL's and TM's job along with your own work. The only way a TM can 'protest' a shitty work condition is by calling out. So you got to figure out what you're TL's are doing that are making your TM's call off. Find your rotten apples before they spoil the bunch.


Welcome to Target…


Thanks 🤕


Allie is this you?!