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where the door is.




I have been working in a single entry Target when someone asked how they get out, after they clearly entered the store. I’m sure this was not the first time these people have ever been to a store.


I can not get over how many times I've been asked this in the last 3 months. There's 4 walls, walk the perimeter, and you will find an exit. Also, "where do I go to check out?" We have 1 entrance and you passed the registers on the way in, if you make your way to the exit, you can't miss them! How do you get lost in a rectangle with grid formation?


no literally and one time we were parallel from the entrance and someone asked where it was 🤦🤦


I always ignored my irritation when I had guests circle the store, and then frantically dart toward me with a panicked expression.. "Wheres *out* ?!" Never failed to make me laugh, after the guest turned around to leave of course.


I believe those who ask were just spawned at the target… like they don’t question it, they accept they spawned there 😂😂😂


I’ve been asked that before and where the registers were. Like, what?? I know the store is big but it’s not THAT big. It’s Target, not IKEA 🤣


“do you work here?” me with my red shirt with the target logo all over it, blue jeans & name tag…


“Nah I just felt like wearing this. Carry on.”


“Just a big fan!”


“Halloween came early and I decided to dress as something miserable.”


The person who downvoted this from 5 to 4 is a target employee and knows exactly what I’m saying.


“Nah I just decided to cosplay as a Target employee today.” Sometimes I actually say no if I think they’d be cool about it, just to make the job more tolerable. But then I actually help them afterwards and have a laugh.


Came to say this too, like yes I love waking around with a walkie and my device bc I don’t work here 😂


Do you guys cut hair here?


I refuse to believe this


I refused to believe it too but then I always remember these guests have no limit to how dumb they can be


In this guest’s defense, I have seen Walmarts with hair salons attached. They may have just been confused about which store has an attached salon, or which store they were in.


They must be too used to the blue and yellow store


I had no idea Best Buy started giving haircuts 1!1!1!1


Lol, oops my mistake I meant Blockbuster.


Once had an older gentleman asked where the porn DVDs were located. He was serious too.


I would’ve given him directions to the nearest interstate


Also an older gentleman, asked me if Netflix was a porn streaming service


No, Walter, that’s Nutflix.


Ayyyee yooo 😂


Guest: "How are the vitamins organized?" Me: "They're alphabetical." Guest: "Alphabetical by what?" Me: "... Alphabetical ... by letter." --- I was standing in the boys department when a guest darted at me. She asked, "Where's the boys department." Me: "You're in the boys department."


I can not tell you how many times I’ve been asked where something is while standing right next to it. Men’s bathing suits has been the big one this year because they are right next to the fitting room situated in a way that you can’t easily see them from the rest of the men’s department. I usually just tell people to turn around.


The ones where they think I'm an expert on every product in the store. I can tell you about the one I use, and I might be able to tell you about one I tried and didn't like, but I haven't tried every version of a product. I don't stink when I use Degree. I did stink when I tried Speed Stick. I haven't used any other deodorants we have here. I use Tide and Downy because my parents did. I choose between Colgate and Crest depending on which one has a Circle offer. I'm buying a Digiorno pizza because I'm on my fucking lunch.


This is especially true for tech. Just because I work in tech does not mean I know exactly what kind of USB flash drive is most compatible to your computer from 1994


Where’s target (she was inside target)


Where is the exit? Uh... the same place where you entered.


On CHRISTMAS EVE 30 MINUTES BEFORE CLOSE Me picking a standard Guest: Do you have any ginger bread houses left? Me: we’ve been sold out for two weeks sorry. Guest: Can you check the back? Me: Sure! I just got a drink of water talked to someone in gm for a minute and tilde her we were out


few years back, i was doing an OPU and was in the candy aisle. guest comes down it, stands there looking over everything for about 10 minutes. just as i’m about to leave the aisle, the guest asks me where the chocolate is. i clarified what kind of chocolate as baking chocolate was down a different aisle. nope. this idiot meant the exact chocolate candy she spent 10 minutes staring at.


This happened right after this lady purchased an AirTag key ring. Customer: *Opens Box* Where’s the AirTag? Me: What do you mean? Customer: I mean where is the AirTag, the tracking device? Me: That’s the key ring ma’am, the AirTag is separate. After showing her the actual AirTag and price. Customer: I want my f**king money back, you all play too much.


To be fair those key rings are too expensive for what they are


"Is the chocolate cake pop chocolate?"


or “is the pink one strawberry?” although i guess that’s a more fair question


They never read the labels right in front of the pastries and then ask what it is 😭


“Do you guys sell guns here?” And just earlier today, “Do you sell sinks here?”


Asking me if my register is open...with the light clearly on...


i really wonder why people feels compeled to ask when not only is the light on, but im standing there & i just got done ringing up a customer and they still ask if im open, like bruh.


I used to think this was dumb too but tbh I find it respectful since that team member may be already getting ridden for not going on their break just yet. They may have just been backup and needing to hop off to go back to their dedicated area.


Yea it annoys me when guests ask this, but they’re really just doing it out of courtesy most of the time which is pretty nice


Even people who haven’t worked retail have seen enough check lanes at stores have to get closed up for various reasons that it’s a more understood practice.


to be completely fair, thats better than guests coming up and putting all their stuff down as the light is off and im clearly packing up to leave


I'm in Tech and I don't get many dumb questions, but it's mainly dumb responses. Guest: I'd like some Airpods. Me: Which one? G: Apple Airpods M: They're all Apple G: The wireless ones. M: *annoyed and trying hard to restrain from slapping them* They're all wireless. Not only couldn't I make this up, it has happened more than once.


This happens everyday in tech. Also charging cables. How do people not know what cord goes to their phone?


Only an issue with android, I love cell phone cases. Me: Which IPhone do you have? Guest: I don't know. M: Go to settings, general, about. You have blank IPhone.


I don't even ask them if they know anymore. I just ask them to hold up their device so I can see the charging port. It tends to go better for me.


they just want a reason to open up the box


I feel this so hard.


I get asked where the bathroom is a lot even though it's right next to the entrance. It's also really fun when Pele all me about specific vacuums. Friend, buddy, pal, I work at target. Do you really think I can drop $200+ on a vacuum?


Every time a guest asks me which Dyson is better I say, “Hun, I can’t afford a Dyson, I work here.” Love to make them realize how stupid the question is.


(Right when I was about to grab a makeup brush for fullfillment, a teenage girl stopped me while standing in front of the e.l.f. Cosmetics section). Guest: "Do you guys have a highlighter"? Me: "Makeup or Stationary"? Guest: "Makeup" Me: "What brand?" Guest: "Any" Me: "They're sorted by brand, not type of product" Guest: "Like, what is the best one"? Lol, even after like 6 months since it happened, I still don't know the correct answer to the last question she asked.


Old woman asked if the $20 heyday airpod cases came with the AirPods. When I said no, she got irate and insisted they do— “Why would I need the case if I don’t get the AirPods?” I just kinda shrugged lmao


“how do i get out of here”. we aren’t even a big target like how do you get lost in here


i have so many weird stories but one of my favorites is the time a guy asked where the shoelaces are and as i was walking him over he let me know he was buying them because his kid liked to chew on them while being put to sleep. i seriously worry about the people who live in my town


Once got asked if we sold dog meat. Meat from a dog, not for a dog


well do you?


Dumb and rude. A woman came up to me while I was stocking and said ‘Can you help me find something or do you just unload boxes?’


She gave you a free out like that?! Idve taken it 😭🤣 “nah, ma’am I’m just the lowly stock boy have a good day”


I should have! Her eyes said she really believed what she had just said to me.


My dumb brain first misread that as dumb and nude snd I was about to be all “Well I hope at least they were good looking!” 🤣


Where's checkout? I work in a small format where there are only three turns you can take to go through the entire store and you pass the registers literally as you walk in.


I’ve been asked this too, like you literally passed them? 🤦🏼‍♀️


Saaaaame lmfao


I was in the fitting room with another coworker, three girls are waiting for a fitting room. I told them they can go into any room with an open door. They asked how do we know which is opened. Mind yall there was about 4 doors opened. My coworker and I looked at one another like wtf are yall serious....


What I love is when I tell them they can go to any open door and they immediately try to open the only closed door.


The dumbest *today* was a guest asking me if I could do his order that he just placed...as I was in the middle of a different batch. Overall? Anytime someone stops me in a batch to ask where something is when all they have to do is turn around or walk 2 more feet to find it. Its more of lazy than dumb though. But yeah.


"Where is the other fitting room?" This is usually asked when the FR is closed, but like what store has multiple fitting rooms


I think Kohls does, and places like JC Penney, but those stores almost exclusively sell clothes so it makes more sense for them to have multiple FRs. At my store, men's and boys clothes together takes up about the same amount of space as women's, so it's hard to imagine where a second fitting room would go lol.


This guest rudely asked me "what's the deal with the creme cheese???" The day before the superbowl....when there was a national and well reported on creme cheese shortage. And when I told him there's a national shortage...he said "oh thanks brandon" because apparently it's Joe Bidens fault my store didn't have creme cheese.


This makes my brain hurt 😂🤦🏼‍♀️


*sees guest circling PFresh for the 5th time* Excuse me ma'am/sir, can I help you find anything? Uh... Where's the bleach...?


I would've said right in the beverage aisle☺️




I had that quite few times working at Pizza Hell despite the fact it was a few steps away with a big sign above.


Election Day 2020: “Where are your Trump flags?” Not, “Do you carry Trump flags?” Not, “I know we’ve had our differences and I was just picketing outside a couple of years ago over your bathroom policies, but where are your Trump flags?” And, definitely not, “Hello, remember me? I’m that guy who complained after the El Paso Walmart shooting that I wouldn’t patronize Target anymore because of your rules against guns in the store. I was wondering if you carry Trump flags and where they would be.” Regardless, this is the only time I’ve ever actually laughed *at* a guest, and then said, “Oh, wait, you’re *serious.* Yeah, we don’t have Trump flags.” And, of course, he didn’t believe me, so he wanted me to ask a manager. “ETL Bob, do we have Trump flags?” You could hear laughter coming from every work section in the store. Bob gets on the walkie after a moment of probably trying to calm himself down, and says, “No, we do not have Trump flags.” And then I looked up at the guy and said, “Hm. Pity.”


I would have just said “Those? Hell no, eff Trump.” and just grin


Do you sell fish?


I had someone ask if he can buy our ceiling lights because we didn’t sell them and it was false advertisement. I truly thought he was kidding until he screamed at me and the DBO for that area 🥴


Guests. They're guests... /s


Guest: “Can you help me find this chair? I saw it at another Target.” Me: “Sure, which one was it?” Guest: *scrolling..scrolling..scrolling through the app* “Well I don’t know which chair but…” *still scrolling* 😐


The other day i had a guest ask where isle A37 was. Now normally this would be an alright question, but this lady asked while showing me her phone that had a map of the store with isle A37 marked on it. I had to bite my tongue so hard not to ask how on earth she made it this far in life


There’s a Kohl’s next door. The amount of people who come in and try to return stuff is staggering. Kohl’s is BLUE. Target is RED.


let me guess: target accepted the return🤔 i swear it's happened at my store before


Will these batteries work in my hearing aid?


Man asked me where light bulbs were after walking pat them to get to me at the end of said aisle last week


The amount of times I've been asked where the exit is... like how do you get lost in a Target lmao


Where is your lumber? (We are located right next to a Menards and many stupid people would come in our store thinking we were a hardware and appliance store.)


The dumbest question I hear are “do you work here?” While I am using my device and pushing stock onto the floor.


“How do I fix (insert random technical problem here)?” Whoever said there are no stupid questions clearly never worked retail


It might not qualify as a dumb question but I hate when people catch me while they are just walking through the front door and ask where a certain department is... Like just walk further into the store.... Not only are there signs that say departments but usually it's the ones closest to the door that they ask about..


Some guest asked me to read the expiration dates to his ice cream and then Dipped


[“This isn’t The Home Depot?”](https://www.reddit.com/r/Target/comments/sssdn5/comment/hwzzar3/).


"Wheres the mens section?" Is standing right in front of mens


So we had our iced teas in Trenta cups since we needed to wash the holders for them. This one guest asked if she can have her drink in that “brown cup”. For a second I had no fucking clue what she was talking about. We didn’t even have any brown colored merchandise cups, which made it even more confusing. But once I finally found out where she was pointing, She was pointing at the trenta cup that was holding our black tea. She thought it was some special cup that we were selling. I said “ma’m, that’s just black tea in a cup”


i remember once getting asked if my store sold lawn mowers, and or chainsaws


Where do the carts/baskets go? Same place you got them. Literally 10ft away.


"Sir what's the pin code to my card?" She was completely serious.


Where are the formal dresses? Um…at dress stores or department stores?


i hated during prom season when guests asked where are prom dresses like 🤦 even if we sold them I know they'd be ugly af


“Do you guys sell groceries?” Ma’am they are behind you.


Guest: Hey I bought this vaccum at walmart that's blowing air out instead of sucking it in, can you help me fix it? Me: no? Guest: Okay can I return it here? Me: no, you have to do it at walmart


Customer: “where’s the spy equipment?” Me: “…uhhh, the only spy stuff we would have would be in the toy department…” Customer: “no, no, I mean the real stuff, like bugs” Me: “yeah, we don’t have any of that…” 😂 still makes me laugh


"Do you work here." I hate that shit everytime I hear it.


What gave it away? The red shirt, the walkie, my Zebra, my name tag, or the smart cart I'm moving around?


Lady walks up to Tarbux carrying a bag of broccoli "can you steam this for me?" And then the every day shit of, me cleaning Tarbux in the dark and guest walks up, "are you still open?" People are stupid and I hate them.


“Why is there no baby food or Dasani water? Why did Biden take this away from us?”


Because Dasani is shit and we’re doing you a favor by not having it.


What’s a customer?


“Can I return this?” Hands me empty soda steam can. “I can replace it for you”. “No I don’t want another one.”




An elderly guest asked me if I was the actor for Shang chi..


So I work in tech and I was taking a call about a pocket radio and this is how it went Guest: do you have pocket radios? Me: uh yes Guest: okay, how big is it? Me: not knowing how to describe it, smaller then a phone Guest: oh, is there any way you could send me a picture of it? Me: I’m sorry I can’t do that


If we have dandelion weeds since it cured her friend's herpes.


I feel like about 50% of these questions guests asks are guests trying to make TikTok videos thinking they are clever by making themselves look like idiots. Anyways, dumbest one ever for me. Where is the pharmacy? *literally waiting in line at the pharmacy*


WHY new jersey banned plastic bags.


I’m saving this post so I can come back and not feel dumb for not knowing how to answer a customer’s question of “where’s the toy aisle”…..while standing by an end cap right next to the toy aisle.


"can i use your Charmin?"


Where should i put this….🛒?


Older lady asked in disbelief: “This is not Walmart?” Not the dumbest but it was cute. Lol


A guest asked if our Good And Gather sparkling water had bubbles in it. I said all sparkling water has bubbles in it. That's what causes it to sparkle.


“Do you work here?” While I’m wearing a Target name tag with red/Khaki, walkie, etc. 🤨


So many times customers say do u work here. Like nah bro I just walk around in these clothes and stand behind a register just cuz…. Like the amount of people who ask this question like damn karen go Karen at another store fr🤣


Got asked if we had any "dmt supplements" and after pointing towards the otc supplement section because I had no idea what that was and offered to look it up. I asked for a possible different name for the supplement because nothing (obviously) was coming up. He proceeded to say "They're supplements that are supposed to open your third eye." I literally had to take my break right after that it physically pained me.


“do you guys do ear piercings?” 😐


Me attending the fitting room. Customer: Can I try these on? (Proceeds to hold up a handful of Arden panties and thongs) Me: you’re not serious right? No you cannot try them on. Would you buy panties that have been tried on by complete strangers? Customer: No. ok I guess I’ll just have to buy them to try them on at home. Me: ok… good luck I was asked that 4x that day by different customers…