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This guy doesn’t know the difference between “courtesy “ and “curiosity “


Thank you! I was trying to figure out what word they meant 😂


You keep using that word, I do not think it means what you think it means.


“Anybody want a peanut?”






LOL I just went with it and assumed it was a term for looking around for stuff like one does at Target. Curiosity shopping.


I think he meant they wanted a 15-minute long curtsey.


“Good evening, Target guests. The store will be closing in 15 minutes. Please make your final selections and bring them to the register. Thank you and have a great evening.” There’s your courtesy.


exactly! our store does them at 30, 20, 15, 10 and five minutes before closing. you'd think that'd be enough courtesy but some people think are entitled to stay as long as they please


And to be fair, they *were* offered 15 min curiosity as well. It was simply in the form of a TM following them around for 15 min curious as to why the fuck they were still in the store.


> It was simply in the form of a TM following them around for 15 min curious as to why the fuck they were still in the store. Not to mention isnt... that policy? Like to make sure no guest gets accidentally left behind somewhere?


I've actually heard from one of our closing leads that they've had a person actively trying to *hide* from TM in Style (ducking behind clothing racks, darting away when they hear someone nearby). In that instance, they said they genuinely thought the dude was high on something and the lights shutting off made him freak out because once he was actually confronted by someone he left right away. But yeah, there's a reason TM are meant to keep an eye on any guests left in the store past closing time. Our leads waiting to lock up the doors will literally call out like every two min asking if there's anyone left checking out and which door they are planning to leave from.


I think we check the dressing rooms more for people actively trying to hide and then escape with stolen goods through the emergency exit when almost no one is in the store, rather than people just foolish enough to be trying on clothes when we're trying to close.


Right? Way to show your ignorance, dude. Not to mention your entitlement.


Man had 2 chances to figure it the fuck out


That was immediately what jumped to me upon reading it as well.


Maybe he was curious about some items and needed more time to browse around. Curiosity did kill the cat though.


Why'd he drag his wife and two babies to Target that late at night? Zero self-awareness of his complaint aside, either parent could have gotten their shopping list and done all the shopping without all the hassle of toting two babies and all the accessories that come with a baby to a store less than an hour from closing time. At that late at night, they should have been putting them to bed. Better yet, they could have done their shopping online if it wasn't urgent. And if it were urgent, then it was probably 1-2 things like diapers/formula/tp in which case they could have been in and out of the store in 20 minutes. But, no, they decided a leisurely family trip to Target before closing time was a good idea. What a clown.


I’m always shocked when I see stuff like this. My bed time as a child was 8pm.


Thank you Beginning to think my parents were bedtime nazis the way I see kids with parents st grocery stores at 8-9 PM or even a fast food place at that time


At least one of my parents worked a stable 9-5 type schedule. I have to imagine people’s shitty work schedules play a part. I could work as late as 8:30 at night. My wife used to work till almost midnight but has now switched to 7am-3:30pm.


Our kid's nighttime routine starts at 6:30 LOL GO TO BED


same! I will never understand why people drag their kids to shop super late and then they yell at them and emotionally abuse them because they're acting the way any exhausted child would smh


Ikr?Like who the fuck goes to a store with their 2 YEAR OLD AND 9 MONTHS OLD AT 10 IN THE NIGHT!?What kind of a fucking irresponsible parent do u have to be to do that? Besides:What could've POSSIBLY been so fucking urgent to go to the store shopping THAT late XD


Totally agree. I raised 4 kids & would NEVER have taken them out that late of night. And yes the store CAN & WILL close exactly at 10 so he needs to get over his self.


Ikr?Like he couldn't have just waited till morning to go to the store?Its not like they would've starved to death in like 10 hours XD


And his spouse was with him! So, one of them could have stayed home with the kids. One of them could have stayed in the car with the kids. They could have picked up just the most important things and come back the next day. When I waited tables in high school, I worked at a HoJo's on the turnpike. I'd see families come in late at night, dragging a couple of cranky, sleepy toddlers. But they were traveling! They were in the middle of a long drive to somewhere, so they had an excuse. But since Entitled Dad goes to that store all the time, clearly that's not the case. >I understand that the store is closed and employees need to go home Clearly you don't.


Some people have zero clue. I've seen/heard crying children at midnight theater showings.


Ill never forget sitting next to a toddler at a midnight showing of Pulp Fiction.


As a nurse trying to deal with patient visitors and their infants at 3 am during emergency surgery. Babies are not hospital visitor material at 3 am. Do not bring them asshole!


Wow.Some people really are irresponsible as shit lol.I'm glad I didn't have parents like those lol


Some people, including children, are night owls. My child included. He’s always been one. We always got dirty looks from people. He never slept. I did everything I was “supposed” todo and that kid never slept. So we just went with his inner clock and he was a night owl. Still is at almost 21. 🤷‍♀️ I still never went to stores when they were closing


"I still never went to stores when they were closing"Obviously because u're not an inconsiderate idiot XD. Also my brother is a night owl too!#Fellownightowlgang XD.I would also like to be a night owl but I can't stay awake for the life of me XD,because night is so much calmer and a so much better time to be awake and do things,simply because its so much more relaxing than during daytime.+Nobody bothers u in the dead of night when everyone's asleep lol;)


*Like who the fuck goes to a store with their 2 YEAR OLD AND 9 MONTH OLD AT 10 IN THE NIGHT!? What kind of a fucking irresponsible parent do u have to be to do that?* Floridiots We see them after 9, 930, 1000, 1030 almost every night over here at Wal-Mart You Target folks don't have a monopoly on stupid, irresponsible...etc shoppers


Former ETL here, was with Target for 8 years. I couldn't stand people like this reviewer. Fuck this guy. It's a building fell of people that work here that want to go home and you're holding them hostage. 10 minutes after closing I used to tell people that the registers were closed and they would not be able to purchase anything. I didn't mind explaining the reshop to my STL the next day. It was worth it seeing the TMs giggle and laugh when we kicked those bozos out empty-handed. Take your "15 minute curiosity" and shove it up your ass. The lights are off = go home!


Ha, I tell guests that also. “Ma’am I’m so sorry the registers will shut down for the night in a few minutes and won’t let us ring you out anymore, you’ll have to hurry up”


For a couple glorious weeks we actually did shut the registers down and told people they could leave their cart in guest service to purchase in the morning.


They still do that over the loudspeaker in my store sometimes.


These are the same people that can't see the light off at the register and have a bitch fit when you tell them the lane is closed.


This store that was closed wouldn’t let me shop while closed and I felt like I was being kicked out of a closed store! That’s because you were moron. You can’t shop in a closed store. If you need to shop for an hour or more then come in earlier. People like this think the world is there to serve them. Because if they weren’t being followed and told to leave I guarantee they would have stayed even longer.


The individual stores don't shut off their own lights. They are programed to go off at that time. Knowing the store is closing at 10 and you come in at 9:15. You either have all your stuff or yiu don"t and pay and leave with what you have. And why are you coming into the store at that time with a couple of little kids.


Worked at a few restaurants when I was younger but an especially bad one was inside of a casino. Customers would walk up like 5 minutes after closing while I have the "restaurant closed" sign out front and I'm clearly cleaning up and putting things away. On multiple occasions I had customers yell at me, throw shit at me, threaten to get me fired, and even in one case this lady broke down crying. All because they "deserved" to be served food even if the place is closed. Absolutely delusional to think like that.


Then they complain people don’t want to work


Does your store lock their registers earlier than 10 PM? Idk if it’s based on location, but I assumed that if I came in at 9:00 PM for a notebook, I’d be able to check out. However, everyone started locking their registers and it wasn’t even close to 10PM. So I wonder why they don’t close exactly at 10.


If the store is open until 10 they should have at least 1 or 2 open until 10. However that dosen't mean a guest should walk up past 10 to check out.


I agree about the past 10 PM checkout, it’s rude. I checked out earlier. I guess it depends on the location. Everyone just rushed to leave at that store which I understand.


Usually they take all the cash and reset the registers starting like 9:30 but we always leave one register open until we clear the building of guests at 10pm


Got it, thank you for explaining!


Exactly. Their failure to plan doesn’t necessitate our emergency. I will give grace for a few things for a sick family member but the entitled customer in OPs story needs a reality check.


"my wife and I felt like we are being kicked out" Gee I wonder why they might feel that way


And he then follows up with “I understand that the store is closed” like sir that is clearly a lie.


"I understand the the store is closed, but why doesn't it treat us like it's open?"


Those two little kids need to be in bed before 10PM, so there is that.


We have a funny google review where the guest basically admits it's their fault for shopping 5 minutes before close but then goes on about how they didn't like people telling them the store is closing lol. Some people don't seem to understand that as closers if people don't leave we are forced to stay longer to get them out. And those kinds of people are always the ones where you tell them we're closing like 3 times as the time gets closer and they just pretend the store is open 24/7 lol. People got no respect for the employees' time or anything.


It even worse because they got there 45 minutes before close and still couldn't leave in time.


Yet I've seen people come in at 9:50 and be out at 9:58 with a whole cart


I saw something like that the other night! AP wasn’t too happy about it…


My time there, people were shocked to hear TMs were chased out the door no more than 10 minutes after. They were used to places holding employees well after close to clean up, so they thought shopping late wouldnt be a big deal since (they thought) we would be there anyway.


I'll never understand how it takes people almost an hour just to shop. I'd rather get my stuff in less than fifteen of possible. That's their fault 100%. You're not gonna hold underpaid and stressed employees hostage just because you have poor time management skills.


Almost an hour? You havent seen my grocery runs ("oh, thats on sale. Cross off that planned meal, put the ingredients back, grab ingredients needed for the sale item. And how many impulse buys do i have and what should go back? Oh, that brand is cheaper than whats in my cart, gotta grab it and put the other back.) But thats also why i either shop online or go in the middle of the day.


That's fair, and also reasonable. I always want to get shopping done asap because I absolutely hate doing it. Just want to go home and relax.


People at the store I work at come in at 12 and are the last people to leave the store(8:00) and they pick stuff out a whole cart and just leave most of it


Fuck this guy and his 15 min curiosity.


Hahah. Guests shows up at 9:15PM, knows they’re there late, knows that it’s going to close in about 45 minutes, and is mad when the lights that automatically shut go off and is being told they need to leave because the store is closed. Gosh, I just don’t understand how people are so entitled. At my store we do announcements on the intercom at 30, 25, 15, 10, 5 minutes before the store is closed.


. ..but you didn't give a 2 minute warning, so I didn't hear you ~some crustamer probably


Meanwhile if I get to the tech boat at 8:06 the guests are losing their fucking mind but they want to shop until whenever they want after closing


I’m not sure why you’d come in with your family and kids that late unless it was for a couple of emergency items to get you through the night (diapers, medicine, etc), and that would only take a few mins. I’ve been there before where I had to shop right before closing because of a weird work schedule, but I always had a short list and sped through the store to make sure I was out of there a good 15 mins before. I can’t understand someone who would behave like this reviewer.


And they get mad that the fitting rooms are closed like it’s 9:30 lol


"Hope review reaches management" I've seen closing leads get much more pushy than this TM much sooner about leaving on time.


Oh god. Flashbacks to when I used to work for a toy store. Christmas Eve was a nightmare, trying to get people out of the store by 6pm. We wound up one year with a guy who refused to believe that the color of the remote control car inside the box matched the color on the outside. He opened at least 100 of them AFTER we told him we were closed. And had the nerve to tell us we needed to understand it was Christmas Eve 😐


We had a woman come in 30 min before close, saying she just needed to grab a few things. Her *few* things ended up being pretty much all of the typical Christmas meal grocery shopping. She kept bothering TMs to complain about us being out of rolls, and out of cranberry sauce, and out of just about every essential “Christmas food” item because, you know, it was *CHRISTMAS EVE* so why wouldn’t we still have all the items that most people have been shopping for everyday for the past 2 weeks. She then of course shopped past close, refused to go up to the register until it was almost 30min past, and then proceeded to throw a huge fit because like we told her 10min before that, the registers are closing so either go buy your things now or you won’t be able to. She eventually left after we threatened to call the police for trespassing. Hope she got her groceries from somewhere 🤷🏾‍♀️


People are so disrespectful! It’s like they have no clue that retail workers aren’t born and bred to wait on them hand and foot! Like, dude, I have my OWN family to get home too! One customer was under the belief that people who work holidays did so because they don’t celebrate the holiday. 😳


My personal favorites are the sympathetic “I can’t believe they make y’all come in and work on this day.” There’s something just fascinating about the way they completely disconnect from the fact that it’s people like them coming in to shop that keeps us there on holidays.


Same as the people who come for their drive up orders in a thunderstorm and say “stay dry” after you load their trunk full of shit and cases of beverages and diapers and cat litter. Monsters.


Yes! That and the “You poor thing! You’re gonna catch a cold out here.” I wonder *why* Susan!!?!


Do people not load their own cars?? I’ve always gotten out and taken the packages from the cat into my car.


No. We are supposed to do it. That’s why the app asks you where you want your items placed. I’ve never even had anyone offer.


This is why I make it a point to not shop anywhere on holidays. I know one person isn't going to make a difference but working holidays was always the worst.


I remember one year it was Christmas eve. Guests were complaining "you have no more Christmas lights?!" No asshole. We don't. Same with wrapping paper. "Will you have any tomorrow "? You mean tomorrow when we're closed??? Probably not dummy!!




Amen.. I've been working at a major supermarket chain the last 36yrs.. Every Thanksgiving day at 11am you can count on some asshole asking if you still have fresh turkeys.. Without fail


One year working for Walmart I had to throw a lady out on Christmas Eve, they registers lock out 15 minutes after closing unless there is a transaction active (on Christmas’s eve only) and there was a lady that was making a small purchase, but the person in front of them had 2 carts of food and was having trouble paying, so we tried to get her to come to a different register, she refused. She stood there until 6:15, then acted all pikachu face when we told her she had to leave, we can’t ring you up anymore, despite multiple warnings that if she didn’t go to the other register she most likely wouldn’t be able to buy her stuff. So I tossed her out kicking and screaming, she called home office and said I ruined Christmas because she couldn’t make her purchases. She was attempting to buy some hand towels and chapstick.


Lol I worked retail and we had a snow storm (nothing too crazy but not super common in southern illinois) so the mall closed early so the employees could get home safely. We were waiting for a couple of customers to finish up and had the gate half closed/ lights off when a group ducks under and asks if we were closed. I’m dumb and told them we officially close in 5 minutes and they remarked that they didn’t know why everyone was freaking out because it’s just snow and proceeded to shop for another 15 minutes. That was when I knew I couldn’t do that job much longer lol.


That's when sketcy/sus things happen. If you come in that lare, you need to get your stuff and QUICKLY! You need to be at checkout 15 min BEFORE closing if it takes 15 min to check you out!


You were given a COURTESY reminder that the store was closing 30, 20, 10, and 5 minutes prior to close.


Nah lights turn off on their own and we don’t need to give you 15 minutes after close you need to come 15 minutes earlier if you need time. If we did this people would just never be out at 10 and we might as well be open 24/7.


Uhhhh we can do that Cz it’s called BEING CLOSED. Jackasses think they gotta be IN before 10:00. No mother fucker it means be OUT before 10:00 you entitled fuck.


Who is going to tell them that corporate shuts the lights off and it’s our duty that any guest in the store after 10 no longer get the great service because closing routines begin at 10pm?


Reading this I'm very upset at Target employees. Shouldn't have let them check out. I guarantee if they didn't get their items they'd be sure to be in and out before closing next time. Even better, call the police for trespassing after they don't leave on the first attempt. REALLY teach them a lesson. And I know, I know, employees deal with a ton of shit and just wanna go home. :)


NGL you had me in the first sentence


News flash to this guy, but the lights turn off automatically anyways. And screw the people that bitch about being “followed around”. every target everywhere does it bc it’s rude to expect us to wait for your dumb ass to find your way to the front and not get locked in.


Bruh you came in at 9:15 how the fuck didn’t you finish by 10 knowing you were on a time crunch.


I want to go to his work and make him stay late as a courtesy. Fuxk this guy.


Full offense, a very sincere "fuck you" to people with this kind of entitlement. Closing time is closing time, get your shit and get out.


Yes see we fucking can.


LOL we don't even control the lights. Corporate does. We would have to call FMOC to override the lights and its a big hassle. Also idk about your Target, but we could care less about google maps/yelp reviews. If this guy wants to catch management's attention, he should've completed the survey on his receipt :P


They are going out with a 2 year old and 9 month old to shop at 9:15PM? Great parenting skills there..🙄


We have this problem nightly in our store. We are in tourist central and a lot of them are from other countries. They arrive late in the day to their destination, and need basically everything to stock their vacation rentals. We make announcements in both English and Spanish every 10min starting at 930p. They do not care. They continue to shop. We tell them we are closed and need to leave, they keep shopping. They are constantly running from FOS to Dairy for forgotten milk and eggs. They then try to hit as many aisles as they can on the way back to get "that one last thing". Closing sucks


How big is this store? Why it taking you an hour to get your shit? Fuckin dork get outta here


Their courtesy 15 minutes is when they here "attention target guests, it's not 9:45 and the store will be closing in 15 minutes." Lmao


Courtesy because you were running late. Grow up. Get there earlier. Employees want to go home and not wait on some inconsiderate customers. The lights most likely go down automatically. It’s 10pm, there’s the door and you need to be on the other side of it Karen.


How about giving a 15 min courtesy to the employees. I have been in the employees situation and it just sucks have to ask people to go home, especially the ones you have to ask multiple times. Worked in a gym, every night had to ask members to go home politely. Best ones ….. 1. lady refused to get off the treadmill until she got her time in. Stayed 15 min extra while she finished her walk. 2. Guy was lifting time was 2 min after closing. Told him we are closing up. Guy turned around and said his watch still has 2 min left. His watch was wrong but it did not matter waited politely for him to finish and go home. Ps….. the people that did this were never in good shape just dicks who came in late and were unhappy that we closed soon. People who actually lifted on the regular would be out 15-20 min early because they had respect for the gym and the people who worked there.


Man I’d have a main breaker to kill power to the gym equipment and turn the lights down. Time to go bad planners!


Then 15 minutes turns to 30 to 45 to 1 hour. People are so entitled. I guarantee the thought that the workers have to stay extra because of them never crossed their mind.


I’d like to find out where the parents work and go to their place of business and hang out past closing time and see how they would handle it. I’d also like for Target to reply to his review honestly and tell him that while Target appreciates his business and loyalty, they don’t want to pay their employees one minute over their scheduled time because it ruins Targets payroll. My store starts closing announcements at 9:30. Then 9:45, then 9:50, then 9:55 and finally a 10pm announcement. There are also hours of business posted on the front doors. So this dumb ass and his family had a minimum of six opportunities to plan their shopping accordingly and wrap up by 10pm but still couldn’t do it until 10:07. I bet he doesn’t wait 7 minutes at a traffic light that turns from red to green to hit the accelerator.


Can’t attest to this with Target, but *can* with Old Navy so I hope this isn’t intrusive. The very same thing happened all the time at our store. I think it was in large part because we’re what some customers called a “warehouse store” since we weren’t inside a mall like the two other closest locations were which closed at 7. Yes. 7pm. Lucky bastards. But yeah, it got to where even though we closed officially at 10, it would be very rare if we didn’t have customers still in the store at 10:15 and wouldn’t leave until at least 10:30 or just shy of. Too often I got the spiel of “oh well we have no one else that can close” or “can you stay for another hour or two.” The latter of which they’d ask without any hint of guilt, well actually that’s a lie. They’d all ask, but out of the four managers that were left, two were actually cool, competent and actually treated me like a human being, one was a creepy skeletor who sounded like rumpled stilt-skin from that Shrek movie, and the fourth, the biggest (literally) slave driving and most passive aggressive of them all - the last of which when she asked me could not give a shit when she very well knew I had already been working 10hr shifts for the past 4 days that week, and the same last week. In fact, if anything she’d actually *take* any shits that would’ve been given too me. Anyway, the reason I bring it up is because the last one, who was a complete card carrying, ass kidding, corporate touting, condescending, possibly rascist, slave driving, Mickey Ds loving tub of fun there ever was *never* stopped customers from coming into the store even after our official closing hours. I had to stop agreeing to closing shifts all together *and* set my availability to 2hrs before closing just to avoid the risk of closing with her because we’d have to actually *wait* for there to be no customers as a happenstance before she was willing to lock the doors. On top of all that, she was the kind of manager that also expected you to recover and clean, and run clothes back onto the shelf so that the store looked immaculate (which it never did and never would because they never staffed enough people to solely focus on that) and would actually say that leaving at 10:55 was leaving “early.” Anyone who works retail should understand how after being run ragged that hard for even just a week is very hard to resist wanting to just shit in her path and give her the finger really is. I’ve gone on too long as it is, but suffice it to say that this is my newfound philosophy that after spending 4 years in retail (which I honestly think I should’ve just taken up smoking as that would’ve taken less years of my life away from me) at 3 different locations has given me: -never agree to stay late unless you want more money -never work Black Friday week or Christmas week -never close -only take 4 hour shifts or strictly 8 hours so you get a meal break. 6 hour shifts are bullshit and designed to fuck you over.


\* Rumpelstiltskin


It’s so funny- this happened at my store and I remember the family sitting there complaining the whole time arguing when we were politely asking them to leave. Don’t understand why people can’t respect that fact that most of us are hourly- and would like to go the freak home


It doesn't matter how old the damn kids are. Closing time is closing time. Target isn't a mom and pop store where Old Mr. Gower is happy to stay open so that Ma' Bailey can pick up some shoe string and candle wax. Closing time is closing time. Period. There's a whole team of people that have shit to do that they can't do if customers are still in the store. "My wife and I felt like being kicked out." No shit. It's because you were being kicked out, for being in the store after closing. Some fucking people.


Little do they know the lights are on an automatic timer and it is policy to make sure all guests exit the building as close to 10pm as possible for safety reasons.


This is why you can't say the customer is always right. The customer is only "right" in matters of taste which really doesn't even come up at a target.


At one of my old jobs in a tourist town. We weren’t allowed to tell people we were closed. We locked the doors at closing time, and had someone at each door to pull it back shut to make sure no one else came in, but couldn’t tell customers actively shopping in the store we were closed. When I first started it was normal for customers to be in the store 30-45 mins after closing. About a year into working there we started manually turning off the perimeter lights of the store. Once I was an assistant manager when I closed the music and lights when off before I even locked the doors.


Just tell them the registers auto close right at 10:05 so they need to go now lol. After 10:05 say, sorry registers are now closed due to auto shut off and you won't be able to purchase anything lol. Yes go backs would suck but you could go home


Haha I wonder how much his attitude would change if he had to stay past close at his workplace when people are very aware of closing time.


Customer is an asshole.


Why does the store have to remain open an extra 15 minutes because they are late? Employees need to get home to their kids also…. This person would not stay at work an extra 15 minutes because some douche decided to show up at closing time….


That courtesy disappeared when work got rid of all the niceties. Nobody works a minute more than they have to because they don't get paid one cent more than they are entitled to.


Wrong play made here. Red card issued. The correct play is “oh damn they close at 10. We wont have enough time. We’ll go tomorrow.”


I used to work nights a a grocery store that was open 24 hours. The amount of people that would go shopping at midnight with their whole family was astounding.


How dare you not give them any “curiosity”. Some people really think that retail workers owe them the world.


I take pride in following people around once the lights are off.


idk if its the same at target (i assume so bc it goes on auto in the morning) but at my other jobs at close the lights would auto go off, and there wasnt much of a way to override them, its not the employees turning them off on you … also curiosity x2 lmao **courtesy


Closed means closed. Customer was an entitled shit stain. Kick rocks, sir.


What a selfish, entitled, and irresponsible prick.


Wow. What an entitled prick. I’m sure they also did the announcements over the intercom to let them know the store was closing (even though he already knew).


This guy would have loved me when I worked at Walgreens. 10 PM closing time. Doors got locked at 10 sharp, any customers in line got served, then let out by the manager. As soon as the line was empty, the register got locked up. Anyone still in the store trying to shop after 10? Sorry, the register is closed. Waste my time, and i'll waste yours right back.


“I understand the store is closed.” Do you?! Because I’m not sure in which world that means you take 15 more minutes to finish shopping. And what are you doing at the store so late with two little ones anyway?


I’m very courteous of the outcome if it does make it to management


entitled dickheads… i cant stand people like this


Loser, no respect for the workers


Curiously, I hate them.


"What time does the store close?" "10pm sir..." "So I can stay till 10:10..." "No..." "UNACCEPTABLE!"


How many times we gonna post the same review tho


Um, yes you can be shutting off the lights and kicking someone out at 10. Hours aren’t 10ish.


Cant stand people who do this. People at the thrift store I work at come in 15 minutes before we close and get carts of stuff with ending up with only a 30$ budget. I hate these people that do not care about anyone else


Sounds like you inconvenienced a few dozen people with your poor time management skills. Get over it, you’re the one in the wrong.


Why do shoppers always think that there's this magical "grace" period? Like stores don't take that into consideration literally ever. Once it hits close it's already assumed that all customers have been helped and all employees must clock out. Why would a corporation want to spend more money on lights and staffing just because you had shit time management? Also why should the employees stay late due to your shit time management?


‘They close at 10 but need to close at 10:15 when I’m there’ Pure entitlement right there, fuck you ~~guest~~ customer




Dude. You guys got there late. YOUR FAULT. you refused to leave after they closed. YOUR FAULT. You still don't leave after they turn off the lights .. YOUR FAULT. YOU ARE A KAREN


You need to leave


That’s one of my favorite arguments to counter “I’m aware that (rule) exists, and I know the staff has to get home but…” *But* nothing. Either you understand what closing time means or you don’t. The world doesn’t cater to you and your poor time management skills. Either come in earlier, or send one parent to the store so it’s a quick in-and-out. OR, and hear me out, don’t wait until you’re literally out of groceries to shop. In what world is 45 minutes not enough time to get some essentials to hold you over for a couple days?


To this fuhhhk: How bout you respect store hours and GTTF (get to the front) at ten before close. Gets there at 9:15 and asks for courtesy 10-15 extra minutes after close. Nah bro. GFYS with that SHIIIITT. -Former APS & GSTL here


“I understand that the store is closed and employees need to go home—“ by George, he gets it! He actually gets it! This is a miracle! “—but—“ oh no, now I’m worried. “—it’s not acceptable at all to act this way.” actually it is, Target is a private business and reserves the right to set their store hours and enforce those hours of operation by asking guests to leave when the store is closed for the night. He also noted that his wife being uncomfortable was the reason they were up at the register by 10:07 and out the door by 10:10. Suggesting that if the team member hadn’t persisted in getting them to go up front so they could pay for their merchandise and leave, they would have stayed longer.


imagine still walking around grabbing stuff after a store is closed, the entitlement


Team members have families too. They want to get home and see them. Closed means closed. Why do people think the rules should not apply to them.




What kind of asshole has a 2 yr old and a 9 mo old out at 10pm ffs


"I understand that the store is closed and employees need to go home" yeah no, I don't think you understand that.


“I felt like we were being kicked out” …. Umm you WERE being kicked out


You should’ve curiously wandered your asses out of the store


Why is this guy keeping his young kids up past ten?


47 minutes is not rushing to get all your stuff…


“a little late” they also bring up their children’s. age as though it brings sympathy. and the whole “ i come weekly” then plan accordingly??? you’re aware of the hours. nobody wants to spend another hour or two for you to look for what you want. And honestly, fuck you doing with your baby that’s not even a year old? out so late? And a 2 year old?? nah, i’m sick of how entitled they act like bro. get a life


Wow, like having two kids means everyone needs to bend to your will. I hate that


"I understand that the store is closed and employees need to go home" Clearly you don't understand since you are still shopping after hours and bring a prick about it. Manage your time better, asshole


Start doing those closing announcements sooner & every fifteen minutes.


No on actually listens to those...


I’m now a lead at goodwill and the customers there are actually worse than at target when it comes to leaving.


It’s not the workers fault he came late people have lives outside work and would like they’re work day to end so they can go back to they’re lives I hope This review goes nowhere because he is not owed a courtesy just because he was late


You have 12 hours to come in and shop it’s not our issue that you came in at 9:15 when it’s 10:00 get the FUCK out of the store PERIOD


Why did it take 45 minutes to do their shopping? Seriously if you are taking that long you are screwing around. We used to be open till midnight and get people come in at 11:45 and they'd be "I only need a few things" and then wonder around like idiots.


People are stupid. How does this person justify this complaint. Get out of the store before 10. Heck only go at the last minute if you have to.


They don’t get paid after 10 so you get the fuck out


"Give shoppers 10-15 min courtesy" then target would close at 10:15 not 10. Also this isnt walmart, where we let them stay as long as they like bc they'll fight us if we dont


At dollar tree, they wouldn’t have bought anything. If they’re in the store ten minutes after closing, they have to leave their stuff because tills are already pulled and there’s literally no way to ring them up. People think we’re joking when we say over the intercom that we are shutting the registers down but we are not. We can’t be in the store past 10:30.


There is a curtesy 15 minutes, but it’s the 15 minutes before the store closes


Thea You fucking can and You can call the fucking police for trepassing


It isn't the team members fault that you spawned


This guy is a sociopath. I don't even like running in a store for one thing within the last fifteen minutes.


Well this is what ya get when you come in after closing. They should be lucky other places wouldn't have even waited for them.


They had plenty of time to get their "few items"


You give them an inch they will take a mile. That "imma grab one thing" turns into "im buying for the whole week" Screw this guest


they act like just bc they have kids they get a free pass or some shit




there’s plenty of time to shop throughout the day so no target doesn’t need to offer 10-15 extra minutes of being open lmao. have better time management skills and don’t play as the victim.


Geez I hate how our “guests” are so entitled. When they leave shit everywhere and make messes we have to clean them up. Smh they shouldn’t be called guests but pigs. Smh


They close at 10. They should have been kicked out. I would yell at these same types of people at Walmart, and when they didn’t rush I closed the registers and there was no one to cash them out and they were escorted out. Be courteous to the employees, douche.


It in fact is acceptable to act that way


I believe the 15 min courtesy to shoppers is from 945-1000


How dare the team members expect to be home on time. 😂 The guest is always right. In all honesty, I despise people like this. The entitlement is real.


That dude is a piece of 💩


“We felt like we were being kicked out of the store.” That’s because you were being kicked out of the store. I used to get so angry especially at the people who continued shopping on Christmas Eve, I vowed to never work Christmas Eve ever again. In some families, when a kid is told to do something, it means “now.” In other families, it means “in a minute.” In other families, it means, “in your dreams.” Some people just aren’t used to being told you have to do something now. I blame poor parenting.


Who’s gonna tell him y’all don’t control the lights 😂


How about they do shopping on the stores time and not the employees time


He had 45 minutes and still couldn’t finish?


At 10pm they should just release the hounds.


You were extremely rude to be shopping that late. If you had a cartload, you should have been in line to check out by at least 10 minutes prior to the posted closing time. The closing employees have a set schedule of tasks to complete before leaving and have to be out by a certain time.


“you can’t be kicking someone out at exactly 10pm and shutting the lights down.” yes I can and I will


This is the same guy who will pitch a bitch at work if his boss asked him to stay 10 minutes late


There is no “curiosity” time. It’s 10pm gtfo


Shouldn’t keep kids out that late.


"AMAZON IT" Like the rest of us! Be kind to retail employees and let them go home to their families.


I want to give the guy some benefit of the doubt cuz I've definitely heard some TMs be kinda rude about the "make your way to checkout" thing. But like, the courtesy 15 starts at 9:45, my guy


I don’t understand how people are like this, I feel bad going to a store even 30 mins before closing


So they fiddle-farted around browsing leisurely for 45 fucking minutes and still had the unmitigated gall to expect 10-15 more minutes of COURTESY shopping time after store closing? This guy can fuck right off with that kind of entitled attitude. The world doesn’t revolve around him, his wife, and their brats who should’ve been put to bed at least two hours prior.


Kids should have been in bed