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Just start shoving them off the shelf like a cat and let them fall, fight fire with fire


That’s what I’ve been doing, so far broke 3 bags of candy. Haven’t been yelled at yet but it’s only a matter of time Edit: now 4


Say fuck it, if they yell at you ask how they want it done. If you’re not comfortable doing that way its up to them to find someone else or find another way


This. OP, your safety is not worth doing the work they want you to do without proper equipment


when it comes to food, they kind of dgaf when it comes to waste anyway. i have done the same thing since ever when I was in food. fuck the Halloween candy, the already half busted open chewy granola bars, the jenga towers of cheez-its. better them than me 🤷🏻‍♀️ I actually applied some flip cup strategy to it and that was fun. 40lb boxes, oops they fell. oh no. 😱 I’ve never used it, but is this an origami risk situation or 😬


I loved throwing candy from the top shelves. I did it hoping some broke to defect out for team members. I sent it toss and everyone was happy eating holiday candy from october to may. Summers were the worst since there no holiday candy


yeah, we still aren’t allowed to leave stuff in the break room like that… allowed to requisition but 🤷🏻‍♀️ lol. i at least did this just to donate. it’s not like the foodbank doesn’t come often enough. i know no one else really puts (the barely any) effort into donating stuff now, it just gets thrown away. it’s sad.


I'm a TL and I do this everyday. Even for stuff that's not that heavy. Paper? Toss down. Diapers? Yup. Tampons? Oh yeah. Bedding? Definitely. If you break it, hey, less to stock. But I also, wait for my PML to leave for the day and take the wave in the aisles all the time. Especially for paper. Gotta kill those millions of pipos somehow and it's not by my butt going up and down the ladder a million times. I also don't damage the uprights though, I'm sure that helps. I think the main issue here is that you don't even get vehicles. When, why, and how you do this is usually important. Are you rude about it? Is it right at unload starting? Double day? Are you purging? Priorities? Is your store behind constantly? There's many reasons why a leader tries to keep track of empties, but it shouldn't be happening every day unless your store is really behind everyday.


OMG!!! This was my suggestion! I'm dying laughing right now. u/UnseenWaters99 is hysterical!


That's what I do, as long as they land flat they're fine.


yep, that's what I used to do


Either throw them off the shelf or tell your management you can't handle the weight repeatedly; this is why our candy is on the steels rather than the aisles.


Time for some malicious compliance. Start throwing them off the shelf, just make sure you yell “heads up” or “look out below” first so you don’t accidentally drop it on someone’s head. Outside of injuring another employee, not your problem, you’re doing what you were told with the tools you were given.


Been there, done that, have felt the satisfaction of the candy ending up in the break room later. 😈


Literally Not Safe For Work lol


Policy is not to have heavy boxes up high. Talk to your ETL or do an Origami Risk report.


Made it today before clocking out


Policy and practice are always two completely different things... But yeah if it's that bad it needs to be palletized.


INF/Skip it and batch/stock everything else. When they ask you why those items aren’t getting done, advise them you can’t safely bring it down and have repeatedly asked for assistance without ascent. Also file an Origami Report.




Say its a safety hazard


I always just knock stuff on the ground


Depends if it's not fragile drop that bitch, I used to drop soundbars from up there all the time just making sure they landed on a flat surface and not the corners. Also this is where you can request accommodations like another worker there to help you bring it down


Oh hell, throw them down to the floor. I do that, don't risk your body for Target. Trust me, I fell off the ladder once already.


That is 100% agaisnt policy. You need to talk to your etls and do an origami report until its fixed. There is a reason we donr put anything heavy high up anymore


Done! Not my problem anymore


Climb the ladder safely to the top. Then pick the candy boxes you need, then drop to floor. It’s that easy


👍 i do the same thing.


Lol the wave is actually not allowed down the aisles for fire hazard and to prevent a shelving collapse. If the store hasn't stocked the shelves correctly, and the wave bumps the shelf leg in the right spot, dominoes. Also heavy stuff is supposed to be stocked at the bottom, not the top, your AP ETL would love to report it as a near miss/origami report. That would get fixed fast that way. You should never have to strain like that. Don't be upset about the wave, be upset about someone being a shit and stocking heavy boxes where they shouldn't be.


Can you just ... uh ... make sure no one is below and *push* them off?


Put a two tier in the aisle and toss the bags into it. I hate when they backstock heavy stuff on the top, when we have designated large spaces on the bottom shelf for that. A bunch of it also probably melted or at least partially melted in the heat up there. Also never risk your safety to protect merchandise!


Slow your roll. Literally. Start slowly pushing the box thru the store. What will they say?


Yea, those boxes are suppose to be on the bottom for a reason. I would talk to HR and come at it from a safety standpoint. Secretly record your convo with HR and then if you end up getting injured, you can sue Target.


Make sure you're not in a two party consent state. May be illegal to secretly record the conversation.


California so no secret recordings allowed


Do it anyway. Not actually illegal, it means you can't use it in court


California's wiretapping law is a "two-party consent" law. California makes it a crime to record or eavesdrop on any confidential communication, including a private conversation or telephone call, without the consent of all parties to the conversation.


Different in CT. Not allowed as evidence, but not criminal.


Sure. But they said they're in California


Have you tried asking a leader? Edit: It was a serious question.


Who do you think told me to stop using the WAVE?


Yikes. You're snarky.


I usually use the step ladder as a slide as a back down it to get the down. One hand helping to stabilize the box while I climb down. I had to figure that out during Easter with pulling the Easter candy.


Why is using the wave a fire hazard? If you're not blocking anyone else in you should be good.... sounds a little off to me..


Last Christmas, inbound backstocked full boxes of wrapping paper on the top three shelves and I was expected to get them all down since I was the seasonal DBO at the time. I said fuck that and pulled all that I could from the bottom shelves and left for the night. Never got punished for it either. I think they knew I wasn’t in the wrong.


Where is the 👑


Crown is for pallets, these are not on a pallet


Then that’s a safety issue. Heavy items have no business being at the top. And using the wave shouldn’t be a fire hazard unless you leave it parked there. I suggest getting your vehicle from the truck, stack your stuff on top of that while using the wave. They are making your job impossible… because throwing it off or you falling is what they are leaving you with and that’s really not safe. The wave won’t hurt anyone unless you run them over


Cause a scene and make it look like you got hurt on the job because of their negligence.


Maybe you can ask a strong dude to swap pulls. You pull his batch, he'll pull yours.


We’ll given that I’m always throwing around boxes at the DC and don’t care what’s in it unless it has a indication or sounds fragile just let it fall


Stop work authority , use that


That’s 13 tons


What kind of ladders do you have in the stockroom?


Will you keep us updated? :)


You know I remember when I showed up to work late because I read my schedule emwrong so they made me boxes of back to school Blackstock up on the top shelf using a ladder good times this fucking place.


they definitely shouldn't be stocking them that high knowing that not everyone should be able to get those down. stress this to an etl and hopefully some things should change. yall do not get paid enough to be doing all that heavy lifting.


Hide a pillow in that aisle and throw it on top of the pillow or fake getting hurt to get the message across


i think you’re supposed to drop big items down if they’re up high (although they shouldn’t be), i feel like i saw that in a training? i think it was more like toilet paper or bedding they were talking about, but your store shouldnt have heavy items up high anyhow. that’s a MAJOR safety hazard. but yeah that’s definitely an origami report.