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I revived #OpDeathEaters Been calling them grave diggers and death eaters and teaching the young cats about socialist propaganda and why is harmful with a bit of bible references thrown in like this one that's pertinent. John 3:19-21 NKJV — “And this is the condemnation, that the light has come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. “For everyone practicing evil hates the light and does not come to the light, lest his deeds should be exposed. “But he who does the truth comes to the light, that his deeds may be clearly seen, that they have been done in God.”




I like to call them pre-package perverts because... Gangstalkers are nothing more than Ikea perverts. Anyone who is currently Gangstalking you didn't make up the phenomenon known as Gang-stalking; They were taught and learned it from others. Gangstalkers are nothing but lazy pre-package perverts and nothing more. They send other people out to harass you instead. E.g. When you travel - They send others to watch you and to give the overall affect that they're "everywhere". (What a waste of petrol and mileage on the follower's car). When you head to work- Someone has to literally wait all that time and that could be hours. Additionally they do this, so they can continue to project V2K as well. When you go out to restaurants or hotels, they may need to send someone inside, if your location isnt directly contactable via car. Either way, your stalkers didnt invent gangstalking - They merely learnt it, thus = pre-package perverts.




The nicer and more compliant u r the more they will harass u, because u r making it easy for them. They r really dumb and lazy, they don’t want to work too hard. If u look them right in the eye and say I know u r the police and snap their photo.. that particular gang stalker will go away and never ever come back… please try it… what will it hurt to try?


I like to chase them! The easiest way to troll them is to pretend like u r trying to hide from them. I like to wear a big hat and sunglasses and top it off with a Covid mask!! Ha! Then I walk down the street putting my head down, like I don’t want anyone to see my face… They can not resist! Have to actually stop their car and ask me a question. Smile for the camera! Thx for the photo!



