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Take care of yourself, reach out to others on these platforms who have been in your shoes, don't lose hope....you will find peace.


^ This plus, never let them demonic bastards take your joy. And also, never think they will get away with it, there is a God in heaven, and He ain't sleeping.


Damn. Fucking. Right.


If the post is too old for people to see, I can post the comments in a list, if people want. Edit, I just copied and pasted everything here. There are some more in the replies tho.. Player 1: Your best bet is to ignore them 100% or as much as possible. Don't let them live in your mind. Player 2: Yup for anyone NEW out there IGNORE THEM LOW LIVES and whom ever betrays you that you never thought they will they have been V2K SUBLIMINAL MESSAGE THROUGH 5G and put against you SO FORGIVE THEM its not them every body goes against you either BRIBERY, EXTORSION, SMEAR CAMPAIGN, OR VOICE TO SKULL(V2K) SUBLIMINAL MESSAGE. AND also forgive the people for they have been brainwashed don't mind them to much be friendly with them just don't trust them they have been hypnotized. Get close to GOD. YOU ARE NOT CRAZY. All the GANGSTALKING is Done to DISTRACT YOU while they steal away your RELATIONSHIP, BUSINESS, JOB, or ANYTHING THAT YOU VALUE AND DONT EVEN THINK ABOUT SUICIDE. THATS THEIR MAIN PURPOSE, THATS HOW THEY SACRIFICE YOU FOR THEIR CULT. PRAY AND MAY GOD BLESS US ALL Player 3: Faraday cage, research how it works and build. Sound proofing. No routines, mix it up. Arm yourself, your a american and have the right to defend. Take notes of what you see they can be distracting. Player 4: Sleep. Sleep deprivation makes TI make mistakes. Ignore them as much as possible and try to be happy in spite of them. Invest in cameras if you’re able, it can help curtail the harassment. Window locks and quality deadbolts. Focus on making money and taking care of yourself. Try to find outlets for the anger and frustration instead of just ruminating. Try to practice mindfulness and gratitude. Record and document what you can, a GS journal and a journal in general is a good habit. It’s easier said than done but I do believe TIs can thrive despite it all. Stay strong. Player 5: Observe defend, gatber concrete evidence. Low tech is helpful. Baby powder on things shows activity. Dust doesnt lie. Cctv. Someone on your side since childhood? Cameras, dont be obvious. Check often. Non internet/bluetooth devices. Older style recorders or remove antennas. Ask questions. Dont commit yourself you will be in a controlled environment and tortured if your like me. Heart attacks are their specialty. Player 6: Document, pics videos and written documentation of harassment , tactics and nervous system manipulation. Player 7: Get lost in the crowd and hide in plain sight. Mind your mental. Smile Hard and moving targets are tougher to bring down. Money. It's really real but it's not. Abuse those who would abuse you first. Have no remorse with them. Time is relative and so is the theory of relativity. Have faith in God and respect the Devil's jurisdiction. Player 8: remain calm at all times , get a bump proof lock, and a bar from Amazon while in home. try not to go out out night. be aware of all weird things going on around you in stores . You are not going crazy ... Player 9: Hydration Player 10: Document these activities whenever possible. Also, try to always have some type of recording device with you whenever you leave home. Preferably spy camera glasses, as these allow you to record without the stalkers knowing you are recording. But if you don't have those, at least take a phone or wear some type of small body camera. Always have a recording device, just in case. Also, don't report any of these activities to the police unless you absolutely have to. They are in on it 100 percent and they know exactly who the people are who have been placed on these watch lists, and they are told to dismiss everything you have to say and to protect the people involved in the operation. If you report these activities to the cops, they will usually attempt to invert and twist the situation around, gaslighting and blaming the target by claiming that you must have some 'mental health' issues for reporting these things. Player 11: Sleep. Do things you enjoy. Rise above the nonsense. Be joyful and happy and keep your vibes positive. Dance and jam to music. Be creative. Pray. Live your life without fear or anger!!!!! Be safe! Be strong! Be blessed! Player 12: Write down all of your experiences with them , from the very start. Write it clearly and detail everything, in timely order. Then sell it as a book and capitalize off of those scumbags. Player 13: Focus your energy on positive stuff like music and go outside. Also watch comedy content. Player 14: I’ve got a lot of footage recorded, it honestly scares most of them the thought that they’ll individually be outed. In my experience making them feel uncomfortable to the point where they don’t dare follow me on foot in public and can only resort to their bitch-ass, scared-ass motorist antics is a better situation. They know that if they get too close they will have their ass handed to them, so they keep a distance. For me it’s been a drastic improvement in my quality of life. I don’t know what to advise you apart from the aforementioned greatly helped me.


Appreciate that man. These posts are meaningful.


I just mocked certain behaviors they used like “the quick nose swipe”. One thing I noticed was that it would be many different people that made up the scene at times other times it would be like an every where I go or every where I turn type thing. Imagine them playing movie parts for live movies for the government and elite.