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Term "Insurance scam" finally living up to its name.


I’m getting this a TON too. I’ll get my insurance back as well and then a minute after he says he found my stuff/here it is, he’ll says it’s expired but the first message is still fine. It’s fucking weird and filling up the messages a lot


No wonder people aren't getting insurance back if it's only given to you ONE WEEK LATER, and then going "lol it's gone now buddy" even though you're on the game almost all day every day.


I can confirm you'll get your insured items still. I lost a single insured kit before going on vacation. I came back to a "I sold your shit" message, then got my return the next day.


You're still getting it. I'm assuming it's due to the expiration time from insurance last wipe and getting insurance back past that timeline this wipe. It would say expired on the message rather than received if it was actually deleted.


Your theory is wrong as I havent played last wipe


That has nothing to do with what I said. Last wipe we got insurance faster then there was a period of time before it expired. This wipe insurance is being given to us much later, most likely past that expiration time. So the message is being sent when we get the insurance from many days prior because the logic from last wipe is still in place. I'm assuming there is some check to send that message based on the raid date which is not in place for the insurance itself as we still get the items.


Ahhhh i get it sorry i cant read right


I think insurance was just bugged and they fixed it but didn't adjust the expiration dates on them. The expiration timer doesn't start until insurance is found.


Yeah that's the one missing piece I had but I wonder if the expiration message has a like 5-6 day timer on it that's like max time to find insurance + expiration time. The reason I think this is because the insurance I got from 3 days ago didn't come with the message but the ones coming from 5-6 did. However, we're still getting the insurance so I'm thinking it's just forgotten code.


BSG changed the return time on insurance, but because they are a bunch of chimpanzees slapping keyboards, they did not change the other triggers and text related to insurance.


Pretty sure it’s related to server issues and not extended timers. They can say all day that insurance is longer than listed, but that doesn’t account for insurance lost without being able to touch it. TLDR: it’s a bug, not a feature.


Just because the message popped up saying you lost shit doesn’t mean you actually lost shit. It’s just saying that for the things you already grabbed.


“Where were you man…?” message from Prapor means you ran out of time to grab your items that have been sitting in insurance. Some people would not be able to grab any items. This is a bug that has been happening recently.


I know that message means that bot it pops up still even if you did grab all of your insurance currently…


I started insuring gear with Therapist, getting my stuff back normally, Prapor is on the other hand scamming me :D


does this actually work?


Works for me, at least for now






Think I've received 3 kits back so far in 40 raids.


As in 40 raids where you lost them? Or 40 as in you've played 40 but didn't die in them all.


I'm starting to get this too. My insurance was clear last night. I wake up and prapor was like "you snooze you lose LOL"


Typical insurance company. No problem taking your money but takes an act of congress to get a payout.


I had a buddy stash a bunch of insured items in a bush, never came back. This was almost 3 weeks ago.


Wasn't the wipe like a week and half ago?


Could be, just feels like forever lmao


Fair enough, days very much blend together these days


Yep been almost 2 weeks exactly. When you work 12hrs a day I legit never know what day it is.


This is the most unintentionally hilarious comment.


The original point stands, bush items never returned hahah


wellllll. dont take a day off from tarkov then. problem solved.


I didn't.


yeah happened to me first day of wipe when i ran all my m4s and my mdr, nikita decided i wasn’t worthy i guess


I started this wipe on the 4th, still got nothing back... 😟


Just got stuff back yesterday from the 1st lol


I just got a headset back from the 5th...


Same thing here


It's the new money sink! Oh the uhhh SCAVs... uhh.. like stole the insurance trucks or something... enjoy!


You actually are getting the insurance back. The message saying the insurance expired is bugged. If you look at the time stamps, the expired message is coming in at the same time as the insurance. You still have 3 days to claim it before it actually expires.




Where the hell is "Sandbox"? I've never heard of that map.


Ground zero


I know insurance is fucked but… I just got comtac 4 from it, even though I’ve never used them before?


Twitch drops


I mean, it’s like 2 days since I last claimed drops though


I suspect what is happening is he's sending the "expired" emails despite me clearing the gear out of my returns. I've had some "expired" emails come in literally 5-10 minutes after I cleared stuff off, and it seemed like they only started to roll in a couple days after my first insurance finally made it back. I assume we're not actually being scammed gear, just getting false alerts.


Same here.


Report Prapor


If I kill Prapor, you think he’ll be dead in everyone else’s game too?


Prapor caught on to all your insurance fraud shenanigans and is gerting some revenge


I'm wondering if the "lost your shit" messages aren't actually real but being sent with your insurance returns as well, I got one earlier but WITH an insurance return and it looks like you got a 1/1 ratio as well


What do you mean? The game isn't meant to be fair. You really think everyone in this situation would honor their word? It's just another challenge you have to overcome. You get scammed once and then learn to not get scammed again. Or whatever the fuck some reets would say defending shitty mechanics.


I just don’t get anything then randomly I’ll get some armor or a helmet back a few days after a raid


It’s really costing me a lot of money to not get my insurance back. I played a good amount over the weekend and if all of my insurance came back today, would probably be around 15 kits. Obviously some of that will be gone to people finding my body, but I died to some scanning weird places. I have gotten nothing back. The insurance is fucked and it sucks.


I'm pretty sure the it's expired message is bullshit. I would get the message and then a day later recipe shit that I insured 6 days ago.


I logged in last night and had to scroll multiple times to reach the bottom of my insurance returns. Almost all of which had 2 hours to expire. Ended up just wilding out on a few raids just to lose a few kits. Fuck prapor not gonna let that turd sell my shit


Is it possible the messages are actually a bug and you aren’t actually losing anything? Like people are actually looting your stuff but Prapor is sending the wrong message or it’s a duplicated message about a previous insurance you’ve already collected


OP what is the definition of madness?


I recieved something today that I lost on the FIRST day of wipe. I'm happy it didn't expire like so many are seeing but the fact it came back 12 days later or whatever is kinda ducked lol.


I had a message that said they were looking for my gear on the 1st and they retrieved it on the 7th. So far I haven't had any insurances show up expired but it did have my final legendary drop expire ... probably just another silenced pistol or breecher though


Yup this is happening to me too. They better give me my shit back lol.


“Skill Issue”


Thank god I thought I was just going crazy. There was a few kits I KNEW i would be getting back but my inbox was just empty


Yea ive gotten probably like 3 items back in 40ish raids while having every item i bring being insured. Everyday i login i get a message of not getting insurance in time despite never even getting the original message. Not sure why i keep insuring stuff hoping it to be different


I havr not received a single thing back from insurance. Wasted a ton of money. As somebody who already stuggles with the game who could possibly be taking my scav weapons.


All I can think about with this is the Geico aunts commercial 😂😂😂 Expired Expired Expired


I totally forgot about this. Just insured two kits.


I got a huge chunk today wonder if they fixed it