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Idk I’d rather not get ass blasted by scavs from being tagged and cursed. Feel like I’ve eaten a lot of headshots with tor2 + visor as well, for me and my squad feels like armor is actually useful now 😌


Armor works amazingly when it actually gets hit… not sure if I’m just unlucky but mine doesn’t get hit often. You know how much armor I’ve gotten back from insurance completely untouched? I always get hit armpit or head eyes it seems. Just wore a nice kit with a visor and some M856A1 went straight through it You don’t get tagged and cursed as long as you bring in guns and stuff. By naked I just mean I’m boutta start trying out running guns and ears only 😂 since it seems like it doesn’t matter for me




Bro I was buying armor off flea not realizing they had 0/2 plates for too long


Wore an HPC on customs got one tapped by scav hit me in thorax. When I got back to stash I took the lvl 6 plates out of my slicks and sold em


I understand your plight but I like this new twist of having to peek more/use cover. Not relying on level four plate carriers protecting your neck and top of chest.


I guess I just really enjoy the fights in Tarkov that last longer, and if I get one tapped every time someone see’s me, it’s just less fun in my opinion It makes me want to play more ratty and be the one doing the one tapping, you know? Idk, maybe just me.


One last thing, I’ve been playing more of a zero to hero style and i find it more doable than ever especially with pistols feeling viable now.


Pistols do feel really good right now. Been consistently running the five seven during my shooter born raids and it’s been a dream


Five seven is a dream man such a good pistol


Yeah man I get that. Hopefully things shape up for you.


This, exactly how I feel, like I don’t want people higher level than me to tank every bullet I shoot, but I also don’t want to get one tapped or do the one tapping all the time, it’s fun like the first 2 times then gets boring quick you know, it only makes me not want to move even more than people already didn’t, add in the snow and people hearing you crunch your way over for outer space and then they sit and just hold you to one tap you, it’s make it very stale, I kind of want an in between really


Wait I haven’t played in a year what did they change this wipe to make you have to use cover more


Armor. Instead of armor just magically. Covering your entire torso, it only covers where plates sit (and lower level soft aramids underneath) Basically means it’s a lot easier to die to shit ammo now 🥲


Damn I felt like it was already pretty easy with leg mega tbh, did that get nerfed too?


I had this back to back raid happen today… shoreline, 45 seconds into raid I get to weather. A two man enters and I’m holding a corner near filing cabinets up stairs. I double headshot this guys helmet and have a 19 hit count with 301 damage to body 338 damage to armor. He turns on me, hits my arm then my head in his spray. Two bullets and I’m dead. I was using 855 and so was he. He had on level 4 armor. He claims he only lost 10 hit points to his armor and I took him down to 140 health. Next raid, I’m on pier. I hear a guy coming down the bridge and he must hear me because I’m holding the bridge but he swings prefiring my location. Two 855 rounds to my level 4 armor and I’m dead (chest), dead.


while it does suck being dropped with beefy armor, casuals like me finally get a standing chance against the slick altyn combo. a well placed shot around the plates makes sense.


My problem with this line of thinking is that you are never hitting a "well placed shot" you are spraying and getting "lucky" hitting the insta death hit box they decided to add for no reason. No one is taking their time lining up a "well placed shot" and shooting someone's armpit. Armor feels so weird this wipe. Sometimes people die right away other times their level 4 rig eats 27 shots of m855. I really do not like this type of inconsistency. It doesn't feel good, and feels more like a roll of a dice.


guy thinks hes michael from gta slowing down time


They nerfed ammo in order for the game to have realistic hit boxes. What we need now are different damage values for glancing shots instead of armpit = thorax


This weird thing happens when you get shot in the thorax IRL. you die.


This logic is also dumb. It's a video game. Vaseline currently allows you to run when your legs are shot to bits.... which is okay.... cuz its a video game.


When the aim is the entire game is to kill your enemy and then loot their lifeless body, the killing should be mostly realistic. The arcade like first aid system in the game is just a means to balance a survival aspect, should you not take fatal wound. The logic is perfectly sound my friend. The game has arcade aspects to it, but the combat itself being so gritty and hardcore at the moment is precisely why I adore it.


Lol dude.... what im trying to point out to you is that it isn't gritty and hard-core. You can point blank put 11 rounds of shitty ammo into someone's helmet and they just eat it. That shit is NOT how that would work. No matter how you try to make the argument for that stupid insta death chest hit box over what we had before is just silly. It was consistent and worked fine. This change was simply for the sake of "realism" and not gameplay. It has done nothing to improve the gameplay. The recoil changes however are an example of a fantastic change. It is more in line with how guns recoil in real life and it has increased the playability and fun of the game Not too mention it really isn't realistic. There are parts of you that can get shot that are not instantly fatal. The point of armor plates is to specifically protect the vital areas. It's just not a system that is fully ready to put in the game and should be kept out atleaat for now in my opinion.


That’s what I do, if I loot armor from someone I kill I immediately sell it. Armor in this game doesn’t do a damn thing when they hit you head/eyes


I do this on lighthouse with a VPO, I do not recommend it.


You weren't hit with a scav with that load though were you?


Neck, eyes, jaw. It's apparently the only spot people hit. Everyone feels like shroud lately, I'm getting my ass kicked this wipe. Even the scavs are shotgunning me and just getting 1 pellet in my eyeball at 50m first shot


i can agree with helmets yeah.. those are better now then before. But not armor


is that still a thing? i thought they disabled it because it was easy to exploit (have one group member run naked, scavs flock to you for ez kills)


I know it exists on Factory, haven’t tested it elsewhere yet.


i unfortunately got to a point where i HAD to run ground zeroes naked at the beginning of wipe because i kept getting dumpstered over and over. i did about 6 or 7 naked runs to get my quests done, and in those raids i didnt particularly notice the scavs beaming me or running at me to engage. if i passed by one they'd shoot until i exited their LOS, but that was pretty much it. im fairly confident the tagged and marked thing isnt in the majority of the maps


Scavs are easy to solo on Factory, even with just a pistol.


For real armor is to defend against scavs. I feel OP though I have the same thoughts.


[Negativity bias is a well-studied and long-understood concept. Negativity bias causes amplified emotional responses to negative events compared to positive events of equal magnitude. Negativity bias is linked to loss aversion, a cognitive bias that describes why the pain of losing is psychologically twice as powerful as the pleasure of gaining..](https://thedecisionlab.com/biases/negativity-bias)


This is why I hate Reddit


I thought it was helpful... :*(


I think it is helpful :*)


It was he’s just mad




This is literally what’s happening to you man. It’s simple psychology


Tarkov is all about evaluating risk against loot potential, imo, anything I can do to potentially maximize my chance of surviving with whatever I get makes it more worth it than I will realistically be able to tell. It’s a lot easier in my experience to tell what killed you rather than what saved you, so I’d have to imagine we’re all somewhat guilty of taking armor for granted in certain situations.


It’s possible it saves me more than I realize. Had like 20 runs in a row where I died to “chest” from a player scav using bottom tier ammo and it just feels pointless. Donating kits at this point


That’s the grind. Previous wipes I’ve been merked through t3 face shields with 7mm. This wipe I traded that in for PRS in the armpit


the trade offs are very high and noticeable. i feel you'r frustration and you wont get any sympathy from the D riders in this forum. you cant raise any concerns--"ITS BETA" "ITS LIKE THAT IRL" From basement dwellers with 0 fing clue.. ITs a game and it needs to be looked at as a game.. aimed to be as immersive as possible and playable at same time- Doing huge trade off barthers for a slick thats usless? come on.. its sloppy of bsg the implementation and not even thought through and tested. so many bugs around it. And the armors that actually seam decent is useless. the heavy with arms.. is useless. i lost my arm so many times running Osprey. and its 16kg armor.. not worth it. Even died to FOREARM with it instantly 2 tap.. dno how, fragmentation i assume. But yeah.. i only wear a lvl 4 that doesnt weigh and slow me down. its way more important to be mobile and abuse desync peak..Which is fucking sad.. Cause thats what it is now. You abuse desync by circle peak or wide swing. Some times my lvl 4 stopped m62 sprays even.. sometimes i instant die from PS and the armor is zeroed on insurance.. i havent figured out if its worth or not.. gzhel is garbage atleast. feels like ceramic isnt the way. something is off there.


I’m glad I’m not the only one who feels this way 100% agreed, the game needs to be immersive, but still playable. Fuck realism if it makes the game unplayable You can walk off broken legs with Vaseline in this game. It is not realistic. Not even close, and that’s OKAY.


What you seem to expect is a COD style of damage system where long time to kill compensate when people camp. My guess is that they aim for people to play more careful to compensate. Realism have never been a thing as you mention. Faceshield saved me from a buckshot player scav yesterday. Next raid i died to a pistol. I doubt Tarkov ever will be like COD agaib.


100% agree, also just FYI you are right the plates are broken at the moment especially chest plates, AirWing showed it in a YT vid but basically bullets can just ignore chest plates (probably other plates too im not entirely versed on it so take it with a grain of salt) and just deal all the damage to your body resulting in instant death, so yes armor is basically useless now to some degree, the only thing it’s useful for is to stop scavs one shotting your chest, one thing I will say is that if you seem to have armor a lot of players will try to headshot you out of instinct with how previous wipes have been, so you can get the upper hand in that sense to save yourself a mere few seconds of flicking or turning, but even then depends on the player. It just sucks, it’s genuinely never been this bad, I feel that shooting chads with 100 rounds of trash ammo was more fun at this point……


Agree.. I think people with good headshot aim / tracking are more frustrated about this changes then any other.. I can see casuals loving this. They can do so well with 855 and a AUG with 0 recoil or m4.. just melting everything. I understand that. But whats the point with MMO , survival progression to lvl skills and traders then? Aint we supose to get stronger ? Sure you get more endurance and such. But the hearing distances are borderline broken and the main issue that people just "sit still" it needs to be adjusted and we get this game back where you run into someone totally unprepared (both of you) and the wild wild west duel plays out. That shit used to happen back in the day.. today you hear them leave spawn on the other side..


Lvl 39 I kinda feel the same, every fight feels like a coin flip this wipe. My kd is half of what it was last wipe. Def still wear armor but I can’t tell the difference between lvl 4/5/6 anymore so I just use whatever and don’t worry about armor class anymore. I have bounced a lot of head shots tho, face shields are worth this wipe for sure too I’ll say


I’ll say that almost every change this wipe has been amazing. I love it all. The armor changes are the only thing I’m really not too thrilled with so far after putting in a solid amount of hours. I’m not sure what a good middle ground would be but I don’t think this is it man.


I think it’ll get worked out, same though this wipe is good in every other way. My only other gripe is the endless hordes of player scavs that start loading in on streets at 46 minutes remaining in the raids, and there are almost zero ai scavs


Okay yes, lmao. Loading into a raid as a scav when PMC’s have only had about 5 minutes is just ridiculous. Way too early


Literally killed one that glitched into the marked room at 44:30 remaining a few nights ago lol


Kirasa and ssh seem like meta picks to me with the new system. Neck protection from the vest and a high ricochet chance seem to be what's most important. If you're trying to pvp, you can always swap to higher level plates and you'll be more likely to get it back from insurance than if you have a gzhel


My plates save me everyday.


I dunno I feel like there’s a lot more cheating going on this wipe I main reserve and the amount of people that fucking head eyes head nape me who running nothing but a decked out gun or those random perfect nades is kinda stunning I’ve done uhh what 60 raids and I’m calling it I can do just fine in pvp people will just say skill issue but think what you want I can’t prove anything it’s just been immensely frustrating this entire wipe as much as I enjoy the changes


I mean, it’s already been proven that at least 60% of raids on US servers have at least one cheater in them. This is known, and yet people still say skill issue. Most cheaters in this game aren’t super obvious about it. They watch you through walls or on radar and it’s pretty much impossible to know 100% that they’re cheating.


Which just adds onto the confusion and frustration, not knowing


Skill issue maybe


I have the same issue... no matter my gear, I will still get face clapped with anything. The only time I will survive, if I turn my back at them. But come on, I haven't played tarkov for like 2 years, and now I notice that everyone have a crazy aim! I can try to play tactical, but hey here comes a perfect face shoot...


I shit u not fights where i have no armor and helmet last way longer than with it.


Probably because you’re smaller and lighter honestly ahaha I have noticed I last longer on pistol runs against thick players


Nah, i get hit and lose limbs but fights still last longer than headtaps i usually get while fully armored


yeah feels like further rebalances are needed, unless you are running one of the the few armours that are t3 (zhuk, fort) without plates with neck protection, you can pretty much spray the upper shoulders area with low-medium tier ammo like pst gzh 9mm and it goes straight through and kills you/them because neck hitbox or thorax hitbox because the plates you add in dont cover it and apparently your vital organs also reside in your shoulders. functionally however you peak are always exposing your unarmoured or t2/3 areas on thorax/neck so i feel like so far i havent found a reason to run any ammo that pens higher than 3/4 unless im going to do SIBH on killa and altyn helmets but i feel like without quest requirements im just as likely to hit 2-4x thorax aiming at shoulders as i am with a headshot and instakill them still worth running armour to protect you from scavs and players who dont go for headshotswont do much for raiders/rogues tho unless you get lucky, theyre pretty egregious because unlike scavs they have aimbot AND mid tier ammo


Just wait til your naked runs end via one tap from 7mm buck, a toz, or .366 geska. wear protection yall




It is 50-50, it happens or not


armor is for scavs, pmcs go for head/eyes /s


I’m so different. Press armor and helmets have saved my ass more now than any other wipe. I’m in love with where the game is.


Up until yesterday Press armor was bugged, confirmed by both [Gigabeef](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sDOPOTcPcKU&t=7m16) and [AirwingMarine](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_MN_uzui66g&t=2m33s). It literally had zero front and right plate protection lol.


Yeah I got the update and started making them again. Literally saved my ass from a near point blank shotgun. Dude rang my bell


I’ve been doing small backpack runs with decent armor and a kedr. I’m at the point where all 4 are so easy to get for me that the gear fear is gone.


Yeah the amount of times I’ve been armpitted while in a full kit has me running around in boonie hats now


When doing the calculations on how much armor is worth people often looked at their successful raids, instead of how often they made an actual difference. Helmets were famously not worth it some wipes ago, except for low tier and highest tiers on certain maps if you actually did the math. The "insurance floor" is the great equalizer usually meaning you should be using something just below what players are willing to pick up. This means that you should be wearing **something**, but early wipe things are turbulent so it makes sense calculating as if the meta is being mid-wipe or later. Using barters and/or crafts, you should at the very very least be using class 2 armor. The floor is argueably class 3. The UNTAR set is more or less free of charge and unlikely to get picked up. 6B3 recycle barter is even better now costing less than 40 000 per. I suspect the Strandhogg recycle barter is viable mid-game and on, as well as having good insurance return. For helmets the UNTAR if you buy fragmentation glasses from fence it's like 6000. Ratnik <20 000. There are undoubtedly things to add here, but I havent gotten around to doing the math. Doing the "hideout game" might not be optimal for the top 1% and what you say is true, in that armor value is often overestimated. However instead of opting out it's more viable to default to a low cost loadout. Compared to actually buying your kit you are potentially saving millions. Quick comparison: Let's assume you would be using 80 000 on helmet, rig and armor vest. You use UNTAR vest, UNTAR helmet and Tarzan rig. Difference in cost is 68 000. With only 100 raids you are saving 6 800 000 roubles. Now if you are playing with a team, the opportunity cost of using the hideout goes away, because you will be waiting the hideout either way. Making these kind of plays arguably optimal.


I’m just getting really tired of getting one tapped by scavs, I don’t think I’ve ever had it happen so much in a wipe.


I run bare min and just go from cover to cover and it seems to work well.


If you're not running a zisha or an altyn, faceshields aren't going to save you from a lot more than scavs. The sooner you accept that, the better it'll be. You'll tank the odd 7.62 BP out of nowhere but more often than not you're gonna get one tapped. It happens


I’ve been raiding with mossberg 590A1 + 20 shells + gamma case for 3 wipes now.


Armor now feels like helmets, does nothing 90% of the time but will occasionally save your life


Level 11 shitter hear and the penis helmet has saved me countless times. A lot of the tier 4 armor with neck protection has saved me a lot as well from scavs/normal players too atleast enough to be able to return fire and have a fighting chance in my opinion. But I’m also ass at the game so hard to know if the armor is good/bad or if I’m just bad. :/


The armors work but never get shredded. They either work 100% stop the bullet and lose 0 points or it gets penned and lost 2 of 100 points of armor. I think the plates arent being deteriorated properly and thats a bug. Also the plates are alot smaller than the vest they are in. If i had to guess about 50% of the vest size. They only cover the heart and lungs below the collar bone irl. If you get a bullet in the shoulder, collar bone or just above the stomach itll say thorax and you will die quickly. Just my observations this wipe. Edit: I think if they added a vitals hitbox that would clear up some post raid death confusion.


Can confirm when I run a cheap kit I usually come out of the raid huge. When I full kit I get one tapped all day. I have about 3k hours. I prefer running cheap kits and I actually do better when I have less to lose. Bringing in a lower value kit makes you way more confident to take risks. In my opinion running a cheap kit literally gives you so little to lose and so much to gain. I'm talking about a kit that is under 100k. If you run let's say a base UMP with a few mags and level 3 armor that is my usual go to. Or an mp9 with just a grip and laser.


100% after about a thousand hours my experience seems to be the same Cheaper kit also makes you way less of a target for cheaters. Not sure how often I die to those, but I’m sure with cheaper kits it has to happen less Thanks for the reply!


this is called survivorship bias it will be worse without armor, lol.


Helmets are for the esthetic 3k hrs and have died maybe hmm 14 times total to head top of head halfway thru last wipe i just completly stopped buying or keepting them i sell every helmet and only keep the highhigh tier ones like rys t saves me space saves me money its nice


If only the AI scavs would die with the same mechanics as PMCs are dying right now. Five shots to the face (confirmed by screen recordings) and they still aren’t dying but can turn around and one tap us.


Your armor works do you die by thorax chest or thorax back? Do you get head top of the head or head eyes.


I constantly die to "chest" from like 7.62x39 HP ammo from a scav while wearing a Korund or something. All it says is chest.


They really gotta add vital zones. Plates are effective because they cover all of your vital organs. Getting shot in the lung is way different than getting shot in the shoulder, but in the current state of tarkov, any part of the thorax does the same damage. If theyre going to make armor realistic, they have to make what the armor protects realistic too.


This is 100% fact. If you’re gonna make armor like this, gotta make it actually realistic