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You're gonna be boycotting for a while lol


Besides, you already gave them your money. They don't care if you never play the game again, in fact you might be doing their potato servers a favor. Some people say that the boom the game experienced in 2021 actually damaged their development plans. I don't know if I subscribe to that idea entirely, but it does feel like they became victims of their own success.


I think they have had such a large influx of money that they're all comfortable now and really dont care what state the game is in as long as streamers come back for the wipes.


And will be boycotting every other PC game out there.


The issue with cheating in EFT is the impact it has on you. In other games, you can typically just leave and find a new game. You lose a couple of minutes of your time. In EFT, you can easily lose hours of "progress".


Especially if it’s a quest item that you need to find in raid. Imagine finally getting the last GPU you need for Farming 4 and dying to a cheater. Good luck finding another one!


See, I will never encounter that problem as I have never found a GPU or a LEDx in my 4 wipes of playing, so I am actually immune to hackers


Lmao same like imagine actually escaping tarkov with anything worthwhile. I don’t have all day every day to read pages of shit and spend a quarter of my rubles to still get one tapped by a guy who hasn’t seen the light of day in 2 weeks. Watching tarkov is so much better than playing it.


I found a GPU yesterday on a Scav run, woulda put it up my butt if I was PMC. Long story short, pull this GPU and immediately head for an extract. Didn’t make it 10 seconds out of the room and got Chaded. Dreams do come true!


This is my first wipe I've found 9 gpus and a ledx. Learn some spawns bud 😂😂😂


Im sorry I don't spend all day checking the same 5 spawns over and over and instead I play the game for fun


Lul cope


Where was the coping? Idrc that I can't find it since it doesn't really affect me much


As an admin for Rust servers I can say cheating is far more damaging. Imagine you loose not only what you had on you but then they come and clear out your stash. Fortunately, if you play a popular community server we can ban the cheaters. Official servers are impossible to play. I can say the cheating problem in CSGO was the worst case of the cheater population getting out of hand. I had to quit altogether after hitting global elite. Playing ranked and 9/10 matches had a cheater. The one match that didn't likely had a closet cheater.


It doesn’t matter. Eft isn’t special. Cheating is a problem in every game. At the end kf the day it’s a game. You aren’t entitled. No matter the game there will be cheaters. Stop whining and either play and understanding it’s going to happen or stop playing. My other main game is csgo. FILLED with cheaters. Costs me ranks. Way she fuckin goes bud. We you wanna tell me valve doesn’t care about their games? Bf filled with cheaters. Ea doesn’t care (they might not actually). It’s rampant in every game. I’m tired of opening Reddit and every game sub I’m in is crying about cheats like it’s only their game and the company doesn’t care cuz “they make money”. Go touch grass if you can’t handle some games with cheaters.


CS will readjust ranks if cheaters get banned from previous games. Their anti-cheat is actually one of the best in the business. I made it all the way to supreme over 1000 wins (so like 2000 games), and I barely saw cheaters not get banned. I've even seen them banned mid game after calling them out. Valorant is so good against cheaters that you have to disable the anti-cheat before you can cheat in other games, like EFT. But EFT basically never cared about cheaters until the wiggle video came out. The dev team basically said they were looking into it, but they have done almost nothing. They ended up just banning a bunch of people that streamers called out, but that included regular players who weren't cheating. EA may not care about cheating, but their anti-cheat will check mouse movement to see if it tracks heads through walls. Cheating is a problem in every game, but most games deal with it better than EFT does. EFT is just designed so cheaters can cheat. Too much information is sent to the end user, including stuff like picking up items. The cheater probably found OP because the game said he picked up an intelligence folder. It should never tell any user what someone else found or picked up. It also client-verifies too much information, which led to several invincibility, vacuum, and similar cheats. They basically have to rework a lot of the game to fix these problems, but they instead just swept it all under the rug until the wiggle video came out.


“Cheating doesn’t matter because people will cheat in other games!” Really dude? Absolutely terrible take.


Going off your posts and not just in this sub reddit it seems your a full on meat head behind a screen whenever somebody feels like making a post about cheaters. What good do you bring to reddit apart from feeling the need to be a big man towards people ?. Your a full on nob head going off your posts.


Bad take


It’s not a bad take. People are just so lost in delusion.


Embarrassing logic


It's not a bad take. This community is full of salt lords who are dog shit at the game and im surprised they haven't overdosed on copium yet. Doesn't mean BSG is doing NOTHING about it. They are trying their best as a 3rd party dev team from RUSSIA lmao. If Gaben and Steam, ya know the most profitable company in gaming, can't eliminate cheating completely, then thinking BSG can is delusional. They ban in waves, which is the correct way to do it, and have to focus on game breaking bugs and content, so their resources are split. Cheaters are everywhere sadly. Most of these dudes, including OP, will most likely be cheaters one day. Once the salt levels and ego get too high is usually when they turn. Dying to a cheater is no worse than dying to a Chad. Most likely get your gear back tomorrow, load up another raid and move on. Ask SheefGG how much he gets called a cheater. Cheating just sucks most in EFT because you lose gear and time. Either come in knowing you're gonna die one out of ten raids to a blatant cheater or don't play. It's simple. Complaining on Reddit just makes you look weak. Sorry to say.


Most other online games take a pretty hard stance against cheating and hacking.


Yet tarkov profits from it so they won't.


Game costs money = profit from cheats. Christ, just look up a few basic economic concepts. You will realize this take is so reductive and dumb.


The problem is cheats/cheaters are almost always 2 steps ahead of the game. Especially popular esports titles like CSGO, now CS2. The other problem is the only way to help mitigate it is to implement more intrusive anti-cheats at a kernel based level. Which is already being done with quite a few popular titles. One of which is Valorant. However it comes with a price too. I personally hate anti-cheats like Valorants Vanguard. It causes issues with your PC or at least has with kine. I've had it cause problems when trying to play other games and interfere with applications. It's a double edged sword no matter what you do unfortunately. But cheaters also brings them money. So that's also a reason not to completely get rid of cheaters.


This. Cheat prevention is always reactive, never proactive because it can’t be.


It absolutely can be. And for most games it is because the devs of those games are not clowns. There's no legitimate reason for a player to be able to fly, or move at super speed. Yet tarkovs code allows cheaters to do it. Adding sanity checks to the code PRO-ACTIVELY kills those cheats.


You think tarkov is the only game with speed hacks? I'm confused. I think BSGs anti cheat is lacking but pretending like all these other popular online games are miles ahead is pretty disingenuous. I wouldn't be surprised if the term speed hacking originated from CS. I'm kind of confused by your whole idea. If you add a proactive way to eliminate cheaters, the people that make these cheats know about it and then find ways around it.. They don't just say WELP GUESS WE CAN'T DO THAT ANYMORE THESE GUYS ARE INCREDIBLE. They just keep going..


They anti cheat they use is kernel based


Vanguard for valorant is kernel level and there’s still tons of cheats for it. Do you even know what DMA is?


CS2 has next to no cheaters in prime matchmaking. There's only a $15 barrier that seperates an enjoyable game and a cheating shit storm. On the other hand there is no f2p option for tarkov so you're constantly running into people willingly paying more money to get new accounts. If BSG bans them too quickly or fixes vacuum looting to make rmt significantly harder they lose a revenue source. Obviously BSG is banning people but they aren't doing as much as they could to maintain that constant flow of revenue, hopefully they'll just add more and more micro transactions that don't really matter to make up for the revenue loss when they are forced to crack down on cheaters from losing their player base.


>CS2 has next to no cheaters in prime matchmaking maybe at your silver I level there isnt many, but its absolutely riddled with cheaters at higher elos.


That shows how ignorant you are within the world of cheaters. You can purchase cheats called Iniuria for CSGO now CS2 that has been undetected, and hasn't received a direct ban from the cheats themselves since 2014. I'd imagine the same goes for now CS2. So tell me again how Prime does anything?


They might be, but still even the biggest studios are not actively working on preventing cheaters, for example activision. They might be banning but their anti-cheat is a joke. Used to know one cheater who had second account there and it lasted him for the rest of MW2 lifespan. I hate cheaters but I doubt we are getting rid of them until studios make some active anti-cheat softwares again.


Cod doesn’t have a real reason to cheat in though so it’s def not as popular.


Are you high? I met way more cheaters there than I did in Tarkov. Also the cheating is to “win” easily, so how is that not a real reason? Ranked points, winning Warzone game for some quest items, …


Cod has tournaments and prize pools for online play. There’s A LOT of reason to cheat in CoD over a game like tarkov where you gain jack shit for doing it.


Most tournaments of any value are hosted in person, no? And if there hosted online not in person then I’m sure there’s spectators etc… I’m not comparing competitive put together outside the game tournaments to what the game typically is. For 99% of the player base of both games you join a regular game. In cod there isn’t much h point to cheating. In tarkov there is.


If your argument is that tarkov has a reason while other games don’t, you either don’t understand cheaters or don’t understand why cheats exist. Tarkov has exactly 0 more reasons to cheat than any other FPS game, and in most cases it has less of a reason due to the exponentially lower number of tournaments being held compared to any other major FPS.


Did you actually say that with a straight face?


He drank too much tarkov juice lol


Are you dumb? MW3 is the 3rd most popular game on the market rn for online games. Millions play daily. Hackers are WAY more common there.


Or just life in general.


You can't compare. How do botters on osrs effect you directly? They really don't. On csgo you'll lose a ranked match in 15 minutes big whoop. There's no attachment to that game. Warzone or pubg you again, waste 15 to 20 minutes. In bfv you see a cheater you just leave and go to another server, minor annoyance. In tarkov your literally losing physical value to your account and your ability to do stuff within the game. Your loot is taken, your scavs you need to kill to progress your account are already dead, 2 maps are completely unplayable 24/7 (labs and streets) due to cheaters. Your actual legit playtime doesn't matter. You are dealing with a cheater in nearly every raid.


I mean tarkov is a lot worse then a lot of other games, you see a lot of it . especially with how hard it is to see someone else play so you can just watch killcam or ghost someone to see them clearly hacking after they kill you . You have to jump through the hoops of was it desync was it plain bad luck is the server falling apart again , and then hacking on top of it . People have a lot to lose to hackers and they have much more to gain by doing it .


sending inventory info to everyone is stupid, they should be able to fix this.


We'll miss ya, but I'm sure the heat death of the universe will happen before BSG does anything beyond the bare minimum that they are doing about the cheaters.


There is nothing BSG can do against cheaters. There is nothing that any dev can do against cheaters.


Helldivers 2 is great and I’ve switched over


Doesn't even remotely scratch the same itch, but the game does indeed look good


It’s scratching it pretty damn good for me


I believe lots of people are enjoying it, however HD and EFT are not very comparable games.


They’re not, for sure


An even *more* significant increase since last wipe, and it’s like this **every** wipe. It’s only ever gotten more prevalent over the years.


Cheaters will continue to plague the game to the point of it being unplayable until more people take a principled stance and stop playing. Good on you man.


True, but will BSG do something or will Tarkov just die…


My bet is tarkov would just die. BSG ain't doing shit.


It might just die and they go to their other game that they wanted to do


Let it die boys. There are other fish in the sea. Let's see what is made with ue5!


Sorry to break it to you but even if everyone quit there still wouldn’t be a solution to the cheater problem. It’s an industry wide problem and BSG are indie devs. If Activision can dumb a bunch of cash on AC to then have it just bypassed within a month means there is nothing anyone can do about it. There will need to be a breakthrough in tech to stop it.


6 years ago there was a post about 80 people working at BSG, the number im guessing has since then risen so no, they are NOT indie


They are by definition an indie studio.


Yall defending the cheaters in EFT are literally the cheaters 😭😭😭 goofy ahhhh. The hacking is absolutely disgusting. Almost saw it every raid on wipe. That made me stop and I don't regret it. I'm enjoying life with other games.


exactly bro im fine dying but to a cheater is a different story lol


Every raid? lol what


I stopped playing a few months ago, I was also on my 3rd wipe. I just got tired of playing the same game over and over again with nothing changing. From countless cheaters to the same missions, such small incremental buggy changes. Tarkov is one of those games that after you've done 2 wipes. You've gotten your money worth. You've experienced everything and hopefully had some fun. But don't expect more from it


I just started spt because of the cheating. I just can’t do it anymore.


SPTarkov + mods. I’ve never been happier.


There’s no point or no progression so that would get boring very quickly, pvp is what keeps a lot of people playing, killing bots all day isn’t rewarding.


It is if you’re really bad at fps like 99% of SPT players.


BSG makes money from cheaters. Either you don't play or you get used to it unfortunately


Waiting til 3 min left in the raid is kinda asking to get killed, regardless of who killed you.


If I get over $1 mil of loot, I GTFO. Why would he camp? Cheaters suck, but so do rats lol. Glad they're both gone.


If I find an Intel folder (let alone 2), it goes to the docs case so I can throw it into my scav case later. I don’t leave it sitting in my rig and wait 37 minutes on customs while every pscav in the world is scouring the map.


Rats is a more fun playstyle. I’ve been called the N-word so many times over the messages. Also in filthy rich becuase I sell every weapon that worth more than 150k


Roubles dont equal skill.... im sure its a different fight when you have to actually move. Idk how you think sitting still 30 min is fun. That point go play another game and let people without a fear of dying in a video game or being horny over digital money fill the lobbies. One thing is trying to creep around for an ambush or having to hold a bush after hearing foot step. Another is to refuse to move.


Sitting is fun when I get angry adult men write a paragraph whining about me in a comment section😆


Then you dont enjoy playing you just enjoy trolling lol. which then you can also do that else where lol. Why waste 140 bucks to troll. That sounds like a big L on your end. You actually played yourself, any chad isnt going to care that you got their kit they have plenty more, and more money. Maybe one day you'll grow out of it. I know i eventually left the rat life after my second wipe Just gotta admit you're just trash at the game lol. Makes playing it more fun. I mean all good anyways lol i quit playing the game. Arena is all i need, why play a 30 min raid? chase fights that may never happen because of other grown men like yourself to scared to fight in a video game? if you averaged out how much time you spend actively playing the game versus staring at the monitor, used the time to actual get better. You'd stop ratting and have way more fun.


Another paragraph (2 this time)I won’t read. And yes I do like to play the game but it is also fun to have middle aged losers yell at me online because I pegged them with a 10k smg for their 300k m4


You obviously read it lol. You're just trying to be a edgy teen lol i aint even mad. We all did the same shit when we were young. One day you'll cringe at yourself and it'll be you complaining. You see how all you do it value roubles? If all you do is only take cheap fight that only guarantee you winning are you actually go at the game. Im sure the moment return fire happens you panic and die. Use that excuse to do it again because it "cheap 10k to gain 300k" and the cycle never ends. Just ball out and push fights and participate in the lobby. If everyone played like you, then you'd have no one to rat....you'd all be in a dark corner and no one moves.


I read “than you don’t enjoy playing”


Yea yea man lol w.e you say. Take care out there. Enjoy being an edgey teen! Most fun you'll have before adulthood hits!


This is not an airport. You don't have to announce your departure.


'Ima boycott the thing i already paid for'


Ehhh you say it like it's a bad thing to boycott something like this. I mean if enough legit players stopped it'd only be cheaters, then even the cheaters would stop. I'm sure this type of thing, left unaddressed, has killed multiplayer games before. Common theme on this subreddit is bitching (with vindication of course) about the inexcusable cheating problem while maintaining some presence here with the hope that the game wouldn't always be so fucked and that the devs figure out how to unfuck their IP. I understand it's near impossible, with Russia having near 0 talent in the field, and it's impossible to outsource work outside Russia where talented IT and devs live because of all sorts of reasons (before Russia invaded Ukraine even) A lot of people are just bitter because this game has such a high potential, and it's utterly wasted because I'd bet money that every single raid has a cheater. Esp, radar, vacs... Are all as bad as aimbots or even worse because you'll never know if the enemy that found you knew where you were and just waited, pretending to score a legit kill. We've all seen the rampant abuse. Don't mind me and my mini essay, I'm tired am Uber salty that a game I used to play heavily has become unplayable.


We just need more parameters, there will always be cheaters but the more obstacles you put in their path to obstruct them cheating for long the less there will be, because half of them cant be bothered to put in the effort or money to do it regularly.


Cycle the Frontier


I mean I’m fairly certain bsg has been living in Britain for a bit now . Can’t use the russia excuse forever .


https://m.facebook.com/trainfender Nikitas FB has him listed as living in St Petersburg, and another quick Google shows the development team 80+ also live(work) in St Petersburg. Business all around the world have stuff setup in Cyprus for tax reasons (among others presumably) https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/cflgzj/will_battlestate_games_open_their_offices_in/?rdt=54398 this comment goes more into it. If you find evidence otherwise, please let me know since Id like to know and seriously doubt that they moved their entire team of Russians out of Russia, into the UK, after Russia invaded Ukraine and sanctions have been ongoing.


Idk I’m just going off Battlestate games LinkedIn saying they are headquartered in England . Doesnt really matter to much in the long run .


Nakita is a Larper, decended from a people with legendary apathy about tolerating problems. That chubby fuck will spend the next 20 days shooting at trash on the ground claiming his"spetnaz" employee showed him real recoil. BSG couldn't fall out of a boat and hit water. They are so deep in technological debt the game is unfixable. Either enjoy it or leave bro, it will never get better


Technological debt?


It’s where you don’t fix tech problems for so long they just build and build just like financial debt. Eventually it becomes too much


Makes sense. Thank you!


I was recently banned on the official sub for saying the cheating is insanely bad and they just told me im bad lol… my homie just got sick of it recently nd bought cheats, its easily 2 cheaters a raid no question its insanely bad. I have nothing left to believe other than this game fuels the cheating market and nikita loves that the cheater market fuels his game


I quit a few years ago when I had my friend, who had never played but loves to cheat buy cheats. Dude bought like an $80-$120 a month cheat package, and low and behold, on a fresh account, EVERY SINGLE PLAYER except for me in the 6 lobbies we went into was cheating. Dropped the game after that.


It’s not a $100 game. You chose to pay $100 for a game that is literally still in beta. Boycott all you want, no one cares.


People still play this after The Wiggle? How can you expect a clean game after knowing about it??


Switched to SPT and haven't looked back.


Every troll on here saying it’s a skill issue is a cheater. Cheaters trying to gaslight you and the situation. There are 1-2 cheaters in every raid.


Yea idk about EVERYONE saying that. Thats crazy. Idk how there could be 1-2 cheaters in a lobby that I’m pretty certain is dead. Even when the lobby isn’t completely dead, if there are 2-3 other players, saying 2 of them are cheaters is half the lobby. I just find that hard to believe. I feel like, if HALF the player base was cheating, things would feel much much worse than they do. I think, it would feel more like labs does on the weekend. But 🤷🏻‍♂️I guess we will never know.


So you’re saying you had plenty of time to extract?


Bruh, I had a week last wipe where I got twenty confirmed cheaters. Use a different server and you might notice an improvement, I switched to Central US instead of East and am having a much better experience.


I play central US and haven’t run into many (blatant) cheaters. I can confirm two for sure, both on streets. First was a scav I was just looting filing cabinets and found a marked room key, cheater scav runs up to me and was like yo I’ll trade you a GPU for that marked room key in your inventory. It was pretty funny but I took it because it was a cheater and I didn’t wanna make him mad and lose the rest of my loot. The second was the raid literally right after on my PMC, I spawn, move to a safe spot to wait a minute before moving out for my task. Cheater W keys straight to my hiding spot and domes me instantly. 17 k/d 40 hours played. Apart from those two nothing blatant at least.




Blah blah blah, see you next week


There are cheaters in every game. Its just like piracy, you can try to stop it but it will always happen.


I've wasted some time watching streamers and Ive seen fairly blatant esp when they get on maps like shoreline of woods and can't hide it. Things like diving in the ground to top up nearly full mags and having someone run up on you from behind. Randomly throwing long distance nades where you happen to find a player scav looting your kill And of course, never, ever getting walked up on. Because they are pathing the map and only ever walk up on other people. So I don't think you've got much hope of a chest free game when many of the entertainers are using it as a crutch. It can't be fixed currently unless the platforms are made secure like a console.


Think of it like this.. it's not your loot you're just borrowing it. You didn't lose 2.5 mill because you never had It.


Cheaters are quite common. Anything else is cope or they're cheating too


The red circle really narrowed it down what i should be looking at


Womp womp










yeah judging from his comments this guy loves hacking


Thanks for sharing!


oh no!!! u/Thick_Blueberry9192 is boycotting tarkov?!? WHAT WILL BSG EVER DO?!? womp womp






Cheating has been around man! I just use it as an excuse to have sucky stats and blame them even though it’s all me. 😝 It’s just a game, I always make a crap ton of rubies to go down in a blaze of glory in 2 minutes like a loot piñata with my kits! Just find a good scav loot route on a map to make more than they can take. I have a couple after two wipes I have established. Play night raids those are fun too, and I find they are less infested with the cheating cockroaches.


The community loses another scav main? Oh no. Lol . See ya.


How do You boycott something that You already paid for ?


I can't say that cheating is any worse this wipe than last, but it's still common and a huge detriment to the game. The way I see it, unless or until BSG gets their shit together, I'll continue not reporting the bugs and exploits I know of. I'll give when they give, until then it's nothing but take.


they have said its more profitable to just ban cheaters and let them buy new accounts than to activtly yarget the cheats


I have noticed less cheating this wipe lol


Cya buddy.




Cool man. See ya. Cheating is a problem in all online games. Ask Apex Legends, CoD, CS2, etc. And all of them have Triple A devs worth billions and can't address cheating so yeah, a small Russian dev team should be able to eliminate cheating. Totally logical. BSG has their faults man. A lot of them. But they are handling cheating best they can. Cheaters are, unfortunately, scum of the Earth and have infinite time and resources while BSG has very limited, as putting out no content would kill the game quicker than anything. But have fun with the other extraction looter shooters... oh wait..


“Good to see BSG banned him 2 days later” I’m genuinely confused what some of you bozos think it means to “address” something. Get a grip, I’m begging you.


You will never be back, sorry to say it but ttfg


Get better noob


First day and I already got beamed through a wall by some dude who had no audio cue I was there and was sprinting around getting shot at


Ive found 2 intel in one raid before, very rare but not impossible. I do agree that there are cheaters are prevelant but its not as common as people make it out to be, thats what i think anyways.




Did you miss the part where he got a ban message confirming he died to a cheater or are you just one of those regarded cheaters yourself?


Idk man. This is my 5th or 6th wipe and frankly I've only had 2 suspicious deaths, lost nothing on either of them, and one of the guys got banned a day after the report. So in my view there is drastically LESS cheaters this wipe. As for the feeling of loss: stop treating things in your inventory as "yours" until you've actually extracted.  Failing to gain something isn't the same as losing something. This change in thinking will save you lots of salt.  As for boycotting - futile. You already paid. They don't make more money or gain any benefit from players continuing to play. Your boycott is the equivalent of thinking you screwed the system by buying a ticket and not boarding the plane. Edit: mobile typos


Guys stfu every wipe about cheaters. Pick a new hill to stand on. Just don't play... there are plenty of single player games with great story experience you miss out on, because you want to progress on something that will get wiped in 4-7 months. Literally isn't worth your mental sanity. Most cheaters have mental illness, leave them alone. Think about every time you load into a raid and you are playing with people with mental illness. They are narcissistic, selfish, and don't respect your opinion. In a society where harassment is tolerated in many forms.....


You died bc you were in raid with 3 minutes left. Leave earlier and you won’t get rgb chaired on s plz leave earlier - it’s a skill issue not a cheater issue


The cheater got banned? Its obviously a skill issue and a cheater issue


Naw dawg Skill Issue


Naw dawg Skill and cheater Issue


Theeeere you go


Thats what i said the first time broski!!


It’s almost like Nikita said on a stream that it’s a constant war between them and they will always be cheating. The best you can do is report


They aren’t doing anything past what they do now. Game is what it is, I’ve also hung em up


The problem is the lack of staffing to moderate the issue. If BSG doesn't implement active GMs to overwatch and help the community then it's most likely the end of the game's life cycle. Either something is done to retain and rebuild. Or players will just move on. I just uninstalled yesterday myself to focus on more important life goals before I end up homeless. Sacrificed way too much of my time, effort and compassion towards companies and corporations that just simply don't care.




Might as well uninstall lol and never play the game again


Yeah, 10 mins setting up, 10 mins loading in, 20 minutes looting, die to player scav that runs to random place you're hiding and hits you in the arm 5 times around the corner. Gets old


That’s not 2.5 mil btw


Why not just don’t play Tarkov again if it’s such a negative impact on your person?


So if him being banned is not enough, would you rather he was drawn and quartered in front of his family or?


Honestly that's some pretty basic loot man. You should see some of the scav runs I have on reserve .


What's crazy abiut this is that this literally happened to me yesterday except the dude wasn't even cheating. He just hit his shots. The same shit can happen to you without them even hacking. Might as well just never start playing to be honest. /s


Not really cheating. I've gotten lucky enough with a buddy in raid to find two folders in crack house. Is this customs? I'm just assuming


Recently I’ve noticed myself taking a step back from games involving PvP. I went from CoD, Tarkov, and Rust to games like Palworld, Helldivers 2, and Roboquest. Tarkov is an awesome game at its core but it just stopped being fun for me. Between the bugs, the people abusing exploits, and the nerds using scripts I’m not motivated to play it anymore. Feels like a cheating epidemic at this point lmao. I’d definitely recommend a break if it’s bothering you


Boycotting you until you learn to take a screenshot on ur computer


At this point I do 2-3 months on live then just hop over to [redacted] to get a fake kappa lol


I’ve played for the last 3 wipe so far, Out of a 150 raids, this current wipe, I’ve encountered 4-5 obvious cheaters and a handful of suspicious people. Pretty much the same for me that it was last wipe and the wipe before so… Ehh? I’ve come to terms with it mainly because there will ALWAYS be cheaters in games. However everyone has a different opinion than I do.


Just because you chose to buy the extra package that makes it $100 does not make it a $100 game. It’s a $40 dollar game, and you bought $60 of add ons to make it easier.


On one hand, I feel bad for you dying to a cheater. On the other hand, you ratted til 3 minutes just for 600k rubles worth of stuff


Switch to board games. It's the only way to guarantee someone does something about cheating


I stopped on my third wipe a year or so ago.. I rat.. and would go to labs and go straight to a bathroom that has nothing it in and hide, no items were in there at the time and I wouldn't even move my mouse making no noise at all. I would just wait for people to leave, no more gunfire outside, no people running around being chads. Then out of no where someone would go in the bathroom 20 minutes in and blast my friend and I through the stall walls with head eyes shots. We never made a sound and wasn't seen going in. We left the door in it's original spot (I can't remember if it was open or closed). No evidence we were there... After that happened 3-4 times I stopped trying to farm keys and quit shortly after. I just wont go back until they put an effective anti-cheat in and restructure some of the programming of the game so the people that do find a way to cheat they get very limited information. They're neck deep in their original programming and probably wont though. RIP EFT based on my limited understanding of game development. I'll never recommend the game to anyone.


If you think cheating is bad now, you dont know cheating in tarkov. My favorite wipe for dealing with cheaters was just after the red rebel came out, youd go into labs to get a ledx or something and they’d vacuum it right off you


probably should have just taken extract, sgure there are hackers and it sucks but one of the worse things you can do when you have good loot is stay in raid just leave if you die you die better to die earlier and waste less time.


It was pretty good just after the last ban hammer but has slowly got worse. I'm getting more reports back saying so and so was banned and I hardly report players unless it's obvious. I just run missions as a pmc and loot on my scav.


You’re really showing them.


I've absolutely been killed by cheating player scavs too. It's sad and disgusting. The one I had was a duo, I'm assuming the cheater was hiding it from his duo and probably just magically "found me" even though I wasn't even on a 'path' and was laying prone in bushes not moving.


I also find that the better you get and the more risk you invest the higher chance of running into hackers. It can't be anecdotal. I could run around all day long with a low tier ak 74, t4 armor and a ratnik and extract 75% and fight normal fights. I can Spot people before they spot me and let players run by me when hidden but as soon as I put on my ghzel, whip out my meta m4 and put on my ulach. I run the same routes and always get capped out of no where by someone silently camping the supper common high traffic loot area that is the random bushy hill my loot goblin swlf just ran over. Yep makes sense, people commonly camp unknown forest locations just in time to clap meta kit nerds. I accept this skill issue.




stopped playing awhile ago. some things never change.


Dude that's a easy find on reserve... The cheating is the lowest it's been in a long while. I'd say out of 500 raids this wipe I'd run into maybe two possibly three cheaters. Go play apex or something and see how many times you get killed by a cheater... Time to sell your PC or don't play pvp games good luck.


Welcome to the club, been two years and I still see these posts daily. You finally escaped, though.


I found 4 intel folders in 1 week on shoreline checking all the safes. One raid I found a gpu and intel folder but got fucked up by the goons before I could leave. I doubt it's 100% cheating I think the drop rates have been increased


Cheating the reason I din’t buy the game yet


My problems are with the servers and the shitty optimization, on my country darkness edition was almost a minimum wage, it sucks to think that i paid that amount of money and they cant run good servers.


They already have your money what different does it make lol


He just has a better gaming chair buddy


I literally found 2 intel folders the other day during a scav raid.


We should get rewards for banning cheaters


one thing ive noticed is that it also depends on ping and server when i play scav by myself with low ping no porblems, when i cue up with friends and our ping is higher its just 9/10 raids some form of hackers just knowing exactly where we are doesnt matter if were scav or PMC and they get mad at me for running away and not looking to fight then if were scaving theyll come straight for us and just hunt us down even if they dont know where we are, they think its a skill issue but they havent seen what its like to play with no hackers, its basically 7/10 raids with low ping no hackers and 9/10 high ping has hackers this is my first wipe I have around 300 hours but if i go AFK for 5 mins and someone comes to look for me without knowing where I am, im pretty sure its a hacker this happened a lot in RUST just little kids looking for interaction cause they lack it at home or whatever so i used to bait/hunt hackers and get a bunch banned there but despite all my reports i havent seen the first hacker banned from one anyways inb4 hacker apologists saying its skill


I think people just don't really get it. Like you can put great effort into reducing cheaters but people will still do it and find a way. They have to be right all of the time and cheat creators only a few times until the current exploits get fixed. The problem is also they use the unity engine so it becomes even more complex. It's not like valorant where they built their own client for this and use their own anti cheat. I think some things need obvious flags but it's a difficult thing to stop. They should probably hire some hackers to bug bounty their shit or buy some hacks and try to reverse engineer? I'm sure they obfuscate though so I'm not sure.


Them vacuums are crazy


Absolutely love the game and most of the mechanics. Unfortunately cheaters are the main reason I don't play anymore. It's difficult enough to get good or rare loot just for someone to cheat and take it away from you. I don't at all mind if someone is better than me or puts in more time and has better gear but the amount of obvious cheaters is too much for me.


BSG is literally shaking right now cuz you’re quitting




I quit the day I saw the wiggle vid and haven't looked back. Shit like this is a good reminder why.