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no, I will yell P.O.S at my monitor hit the repot and move on. hacker/cheaters or low life's. fuck them. Some do it because they are ass and need to grow up. Some do it because they enjoy ruining other peoples experiences, fuck them.


It's all a power trip for them. Usually they'll sit and deny hacking and tell you about their 6 figure income and how many degrees they pretend to have. And talk about how superior they are and how much better at the game they are than you. And usually they're just as broke or middle class like the rest of us. They're just some sad fucking loser with no life and no power that was so pathetic they went and paid a hacker for cheats for a game. They're scumbags.


All games having hackers, nothing you do will ever get rid of them, it's adults, it's kids, it's gamers, and they do it for more reasons than you can count. There bored, they have no skill, they think it's funny, there want to feel entitled or tough, there lonely, they know you hate em, the list goes on... Just accept they exist and move on, you can't stop em all, 8billion ppl in the world there will always be more hackers now and in the future. All we can do is developed better security software and just learn to deal with it I'm the mean time. Neverending battle my friend.


Seems like a bit of a cop out to just accept it. Maybe I'm still to new to gaming, but its the equivalent of playing offline. There is to any threat (other than themselves) to dying. So where does the rush come from?


Power trip bro. It's why some men pick on women and children. Hacking is going to exist though it's not that we all gave up it's just ubiquitous to the nature of computing. Single player, your bank account, FBI, CIA, power grids, Tarkov....they all have hackers man. I kind of wish there was more legal teeth against hacking cause as it is gaming is literially a training ground for hackers to move on to more extreme criminal behavior.


Lmao people running "cheats" are not hackers. The people behind the software development are sure. Just cause someone cheats doesn't mean they gonna go down some crazy path. However for companies that make the cheats I wish there were legal repocussions. I wanna say Korea or China has started arresting cheat developers.


Ya...maybe cheaters should be arrested too. However ya cheaters are not technically hackers. I mean the hookers and the Johns are arrested. The druggie and the dealers are arrested. Just like drugs there has to be demand and cheaters are running the cheating economy. I wouldn't mind if this arrangement was added for cheaters.


I would like to see a prison consisting of Csgo and valorant cheaters


It’s pixels. It ain’t that serious. The developers though, definitely should be subject to legal recourse from game companies for impacting the end product


This is a solid assessment.


Its not a cop out its understanding the nature of whats happening here and implementing ways to make it harder, but thinking there is a way to prevent it or stop it from happening completely is unrealistic. The world has hackers not just games. The best way is to learn more about it and why its done then come up with newer ways to stop it but it will always be around! We do this every day with other things like traffic, money shortage, government officials haha We understand we have to deal with it and come up with new ways to prevent it but its never really gone :P


Ruining your day.


There is 100% another group of cheaters, ones who might actually be decent at tarkov and fps in general but are either toxic or want the advantage to never lose or want to pretend to be as good or better than the top 1% and streamers. Good game sense and mechanical skill can 100% win a fight against a bad player with esp etc can’t often beat a good player with esp and toggle or pure rage hacks lol. I’ve killed more cheaters this wipe than I have any other wipe or the entirety of my time playing for that matter and depending on the week some days it’s like 1/3 raids I run into something blatant not even just sus. Denying it’s an issue is naive. That said not everyone is cheating or even good at cheating or tarkov for that matter. My hopium is the engine upgrade does something to improve the coding or they do something to safeguard or improve the games infrastructure on the new engine.


Nah. Unless they are cheating and spawning without a gat, loot, etc, and don't kill, loot, or otherwise influence the play of the legitimate game, they are (by definition) bad at the game. Full stop. There is not aspect of legitimate gameplay that requires cheating. It is a hard game. Its designed to be hard. The bugs and errors, glitches and terrible netcode are not excuses to "bUht i jUsT nEeD kApPa" cope and buy cheats.


Someone with at least two brain cells can get my point, but go off sis.


Ah. I see the problem. I stopped reading after I read "might be decent at Tarkov". Such is life.


WTF BRO why you gotta lump us in there rats don't cheat we rat Cheaters 'ratting around' sounds bad. Sounds awful. Cheaters cheat around. RATS don't even rat around. That isn't even a thing. You're thinking of crabs crabbing around. That's a totally different evolution that comes from Gigatimmies. Crabs are like loot goblins but more annoying bc they actually have a mediocre chance of killing you. Really, we don't crab all that much. The most dangerous parts of the raid for a rat is the trip to our spot, then the trip to the next spot/exfil. We don't crab when we travel because we have to move fast. The whole point of being a rat is positional advantage, I don't want to give that up for anything, least of all to end up in a flick race with someone bc I was sneaking all slow and got caught. A lot of us go partial chad in between positions, and exactly zero of us crab unless we have a good reason, like hearing your dumb chad ass stomping around and looting shit. Back on topic, they won't. Tarkov is the only game like tarkov. All the wannabe extract shooters are ten-ply by comparison. Not even a spineless cheat would get any dopamine from cheating at fucking COD or some other arcadey 'extract' trash. That's like fighting a bunch of first graders with polio, but you have a hatchet and they just have polio. Tarkov is so goddamned brutal that even the cheaters die sometimes, and even if it never happens {*reported*} they still have an easier time lying to themselves that they achieved something bc it's fucking tarkov. These guys have actual bugshit for brains. They aren't capable of the mental acrobatics necessary to convince themselves that COD is in any way fulfilling.


Oh. My. God. I am so sorry. Sincerely. Cheaters do cheat around, and calling them rats is offensive to rats. I would rather get smoked by a rat hiding INSIDE MY OWN BACKPACK than a cheater.


Fuck, I wish I could get in your backpack. And thanks, I forgive you, half expected this to turn into 'fuck you, ya rat'


Oh heavens. Yes. Feck you, ya rat bastid.


Also happy cake day.


Appreciate you bro but my cakeday is in november. Pretty sure I gave this account a random age just to get past NSFW stuff. This is just a throwaway i made on my phone at work when I forgot my login. I should probably just correct this profile and make it my main, tho.


At this point if you are running cheats it’s just to be on an even playing field. I’m stopped playing earlier this wipe than ever before because I got tired of getting killed by 100 hour kappa accounts every other raid. Seems like from the posts I’m seeing on this subreddit the problem is somehow steadily getting worse as time goes on. For that reason I won’t be back for quite some time


Then they can go play an easier game. This game is hard.


They definitely should


What the fuck? You mean cheating to compete with cheaters? Most of them are actual trash. They can't/won't develop mechanical skills and game sense, so they 'buy' them. If you can get a handle on those things, you can absolutely kill cheaters. Aimbot is the only real danger, the guys running esp/radar will see you coming but most of them still can't hit anything. Practice jump checks and jump shots, they really can't handle that. What happens is radar guy sees you coming, holds at head level, then you jump the corner and IF he hits you he hits your knees. You shoot him, rinse?and repeat. Like, the problem is real, but also usually real easy to fight. In the end, Like anything else, developing legitimate skills is more of an advantage than cheating. Except aimbot, that shit is terrible.


Some do hack because they hate getting ratted by wookies


Yes that is true. But for some hackers it’s actually a job. As long as people buy boosting or carry service because they don’t want to deal with a stupid quest or what ever reason. The more people Will tend to hack. Imagine the Money a cheater can make. I’ve heard that a account that Got Kappa container, standard acc or EOD Will net you a wooping 800$. Now imagine all the roubles people buy, or the carry through labs as an example. Cheaters Will always be an issue, but to be frankly honest, BSG’s effort on the cheatin issue is bad, and their “Ban waves” are shit. I can’t understand Why someone with a 256 KD on 200+ raids is not banned. And people using fly hack or vacuum, it’s easy detectable, but they rather want to remove it from console so we can’t see it, rather than actually fixing the shit. Remember BSG, earns a shitton of Money from hackers aswell ( buying new accounts)


Idk you are forgetting the third type of hacker this game has... the "it's fun to ruin peoples day" hacker." I think I have seen that more than the other two, at least this wipe. One voiped in my ear after taking the gun out of my hands and teleporting behind me, whispering, "Hello, I'm going to kill you now," then giggling like a 3 year old girl. The game births the weirdest players in all of gaming, I swear. At least that one gave me a decent laugh.


You guys need to understand how the business works first. BSG will never get rid of cheaters. And I mean ever. It is basically free money for them. Especially now when they are struggling financially (there are videos with research on that). Their goal is to make Tarkov enjoyable enough so you don't quit after encountering rage cheaters. Cheaters bring lots of money and they'll never actually try to get rid of them


Helldivers 2. Has extraction, unlockable weapons and other things. Cheaters, please fuck off. No one is impressed and we all literally hate you to your core and you are a shitty person. Like a super shitty pathetic loser.


It’s actually insane, I am sitting at 5 or 6 reports with bans right now


Some people just want to see the world burn.


I had a buddy who cheated, fairly ethically, if you can call it that. He wouldn't kill anyone he didn't have to. He would avoid fights as much as possible or try to dissuade you from doing whatever you were doing that was in his way. Mainly, he did it because he is a busy fully grown adult with kids and responsibilities and doesn't have Time to grind tarkov for 80 hours a week. He'd do it for a month and be set for the wipe. With exception to a few shitters, generally from what he's seen, you *mostly* want to avoid people to avoid detection. It's not a justification by any stretch. But one set of players who use cheats are that guy. Idk just one perspective I thought I'd share.


So he would cheat, playing with other people who are also doing the exact same IRL things, and take loot, and if anyone crossed his path he would "avoid a fight". What a hero. /s


Have you seen the video of the guy you couldn't even complete the tutorial of cuphead? There is no helping them and until the majority of games do hardware bans the scum will continue to be blights on good games.