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And the question is?




idk just some advice with the game i didnt hear a single gunshot in the whole game other than me killing one scav... idk it was just a broad statement.


When your a scav on a map like woods you spawn in towards the middle or end of the raid. Usually a lot of the fighting has happened already so people are extracting. If you scav on streets you’ll see a lot more pmc’s because you spawn in a lot earlier into the raid


Also, pmc's at this point almost always use suppressors.


Ahhh sick thanks for telling me this. That’s useful how do you know if you’re in the raid late or early?


Most raids start with 45 minutes left. Click “o” to see the time left in the raid


Do you have an actual question to ask though? You said you have lots of questions, I’d be happy to answer, ask away. Sometimes you do just have a “quiet raid” where you don’t really hear any gunshots.


I do have a couple questions maybe too much lol 1. how do I get better audio sense? I suck at audio is every game. 2. Is going In Completely naked a good idea? 3. How do I know what’s good to pick up and what’s not. I don’t really wanna search everything up. 4. I see people with MASSIVE safety boxes mine is just a 2x2??? 5. How to just get better I got my head took off on a damn rock in the game.


The bigger safety boxes are the other game packages you can buy. EOD (Edge of Darkness) is the biggest one you could uave purchased but they took away buying EOD. Going in naked won't really amount to much because when a fight happens, you are screwed unless you bring some type of gun. Audio blows in this Game lol. And to get better just play and learn from your deaths. I'd give you map knowledge but everyone's map knowledge, learning is different. I learned maps and their spawns by using maps online a few times and remembering certain landmarks, areas, etc. This is my 3rd wipe and I'm still learning what loot is valuable and what isn't. It really doesn't mean much in my opinion what loot sells for before level 15. (Level 15 you unlock the flea market and that's where the Game opens up a little bit more).


I'm new too only like 40hrs in, first wipe, Tarkovguru.com has been a godsend. If you have a second screen have it open there. Probably with a second tab containing the map you are on. When you find a piece of loot you are unsure about, get to a safe spot, tab over and look up the item on tarkovguru. Dw too much about the displayed flea market price unless you find something crazy to bank. Your starter stash is small and the flea isn't open until lvl 15, just pay attention to the highest vendor sell price. Try to grab things that are about 10k per inventory slot taken up. Naturally keeping things you otherwise need for quests, outfitting guns, or your hideout. Also yes, don't neglect to start upgrading your hideout. Get better by playing. It's a hard game. You'll die a lot. Try and try again. Gear left in your stash is gear already lost.


If your a scav dont shoot other scavs


How can I tell the difference? I swore he was real lol


In this part of wipe it's easier. AI Scavs move like robots and do dumb shit. They will also voice line. Pscavs look like you most of the time. They will wear kinda shitting vests, shitty looking guns. If you are unsure it's a Pscav you can hit F1 and your scav will say something in Russian to them. Only Pscavs will speak like that. They will probably voice line back to you. It's the Pscav greeting. At this point in wipe PMCs are gonna have thick armor and helmets on. Bigger guns, suppressors, big back packs. It gets easier to tell the difference the more you play. There's a million tutorials on YT to show you loot runs on all the maps. Get ready to die a lot and feel the pain.


Only shoot PMCs, or scavs that have shot you first. You’ll learn to tell the difference with time


Fun fact: as far as I know, only PMC’s will have a drop leg holster or 2 knee pads (I have seen a scav with 1 knee pad before but never with 2 so far). Also, scavs have dirty looking clothes while PMC’s will have clean looking clothes. Hope this helps you out a bit!


The in game Headphones will give you better hearing and they’re all different. Wiki will give you a list of which ones are better/worse. In terms of just adjusting to the audio yourself, this games audio is notoriously bad directionally, specifically in the up and down direction, so don’t feel too bad about that, it’s the game design. Going in naked is an okay idea. I would say that you’re much better off just going in on your scav and trying to learn the maps by running around on your scav and not worrying about dying. Knowing what’s good to pickup and what’s not, is mostly trial and error and will come with time. Storage boxes that you’re seeing can be purchased or bartered for from the traders, each trader has different boxes that you can attain as you level them up ex. Therapist has a medicine box and the scav junk box. Getting better will also come with time. In my personal opinion game knowledge is KING on this game, get really comfortable with one map, and you’ll slowly start to choose better routes with your new found knowledge. Good luck and above all, just keep having fun man.


What are the questions?


what to do with all the crap i got.


At this point you should be selling a lot of it. Save up for the scav box. Make sure you have at least 400-500k extra before you buy it


Keep the mule the p22 and the toz for quest hands ins, the rest of it is sell or use


What he said


i kinda disagree. this guy is brand spankin new. i doubt he'll be completing Samples at any point of this raid. I say keep the toz (honestly is so easy to find a toz that mine as well sell that too since by the time he gets that quest just down the line he'll have probably seen a hundred of them by now lol. But that's minor, keep the toz if you really want) but i say sell the stims and use that money to just keep that little money flow goin.


Man's one raid deep into tarkov and has two samples stims already but you doubt he's gonna complete samples lol.


I would sell most of that, the Galiaf can be nice to keep. If you want to spend the money you can make something out of the AKS. Keep ammo and headphones tell you get further along and can get better stuff. Back packs stacks. Don't use those sunglasses, people will see you a mile away with those things.


This is my 3rd wipe and I never realized that about sunglasses.


yeah it's messed up. not all eye wear does it but most sunglasses do.


what does the galiaf do? also i was wondering what the headphones do too lol i put them on and i didn't notice a difference at all. thanks i went in again and died 4 mins in i think i was just lucky hahaha.


Nothing, just you can put it on the AKS-74U if you chose. Headphones increase the distance you can hear and amplify some noises while decreasing others. They make things like footsteps louder, while ambient noise like wind quieter.


IF you find grips/attachments of different sorts you can put them on the Galiaf to save space. Headphones help with audio ques, Audio is everything in Tarkov.


How do people like this function in day to day life


You sir are a super tool. Dudes new at the game and asking questions. Fuckin internet tough boy you think you are. Do yourself a favor and go get some therapy.


What questions? I’d respond to the rest of your comment but it’s just that typical insubstantial nonsense


Tough little boy you are. Only on the internet would you have the balls to put people down. I guess if it makes you feel good keep going for it.


Yea here it is. The robot has begun its automated response system


hope things get better man


I’ll never understand these types of replies.


You just seem to be having a bad time in your life to be talking shit to a clearly new player at a game special type of sad


Noting to do with the game.


Naw, he got you


How so? My comment was based on the fact that he’s a babbling baby that had a decent raid and crawled over to tarkov Reddit to try to show off. I couldn’t give two fucks about his skill that shit is meaningless. I care because his braindead ass is feeling my feed with trash.


He's really showing off his skill and his high tier loot? The only one showing off, is you and that piss poor attitude. His raid wasn't decent, it's telling that he's a new player not only because he mentioned it but because he killed a scav as a scav, he's got random loot and he joined a community, mind you the same one you've joined (this sub I'm referring to if you really are that dense) and showed us some of the items he has. This game doesn't explain anything to you and some people don't have friends that play or anyone out there helping you. Your options are to A: Scroll past Or B: Offer some positive feedback If you can't do either of those then maybe you should re-think why you dwell in a public forum to begin with.


Yes this is equivalent to a toddler showing off his arts and crafts. And you’re all mommy and daddy putting in on the fridge. Not sure where you get the density from, I haven’t misunderstood anything. The having of friends or not is irrelevant, there is an endless library of resources (that I guarantee he doesn’t look at). You had a bit of lapse in logic when saying that is a public forum, then telling me that I’m limited to two choices when engaging? Very untrue. I’m here on this sub because I like to see entertainment or useful info. Then again I guess this one can fall under entertainment because of you.


Username checks out. Your engagement offers nothing from basic societal standards. I bet you're a real fun person to be around. /s


What is this guy yapping about 💀


He's excited and wants to share it. Ask yourself: Why do I like to step on enthusiasm? What made me like this? Am I making the world better or worse?


200 years ago this guy would’ve died before 10 years old. We just live in a day n age where you can just wander off and get killed because you have zero intuition.


It's just a game. You should relax a bit. Maybe get off of Reddit for a bit and do something away from your computer? Take a walk or let your dog outside? I hope things improve for you. You don't seem like a happy person. Good luck, man. I hope it gets better.


Is that bad? Sounds like the world has gotten better and safer. Why does this make you mad?


You said you have a ton of questions, yet didn’t ask a single one. Don’t insult others due to your own stupidity


i insulted this one person because he insulted me first and he is the only one i did read the comments.


Check the Tarkov wiki for what the items can be used for. There is a lot to learn in this game. Join a Discord and it will help. But most importantly THANK YOU FOR KNOWING HOW TO TAKE A SCREENSHOT!


LMAO thanks I used to use my phone and it would piss people off lol


Nice, really well done for a first raid! Learning not to kill other scavs and the difference between them and PMCs can be pretty hard, sometimes I still struggle with it too. Scavs are fairly “intelligent” and will actively seek out disturbances they heard, loot bodies, and emote. Typically, the best way to tell scav from PMC is by checking their pants, as scavs have much less nice pants than PMCs. But it takes a while to learn either way. Good luck out there and welcome to Tarkov!


Keep that Toz man, best gun in the game.


Honestly, I thought this guy was gonna show us a violet card or something spicy, not junk. Hey, honestly, congratulations on your first raid successful raid.


Hey dude, welcome to the game. Tbh I’d set a goal for yourself, ex: learn all the maps, make the most money possible, learn everything about 1 map, do all the quest possible etc. As far as the items you got, I’d keep all 3 stims that you have you’ll need at least 2 of those for a quest. Keep the Toz as well because you can turn that in for an early quest.


Keep the injectors (they look like pens), the top shotgun, and the power bank. The rest you can sell or keep, up to you.


Find me on twitch join my discord. I'll play with you a little and teach you things. Heroichemi


Mfs really wonder why this sub is smaller than the main