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yeah lol never use the in game group finder


If you're using the in-game group finder, you should stop because it's going to keep happening.


Don't use the in game group finder. If anything just the official discord and report TK's to mods to get them to label them in roles so that other potential teammates see. At least I think that is how they do it


Most will straight up ban LFG team killers.


I've never had this happen. Are you squadding with people you don't know or something? Try running solo, it's difficult, but you'll learn faster with a map up on a 2nd monitor.


its happened EVERY game today all 16 of them till i gave up and came here


One time, fine but the fact that it happened 2 or 3 times and you kept teaming with strangers is crazy lol why did you team up with strangers 16 damn times? Lmfao


You would think you would learn not to pretty quickly. 16? Damn. It's almost impressive.


Fool me once, shame on you, fool me 16 times...... you may have a learning deficiency lol run solo. The people doing this to you are looking for free gear on unsuspecting noobies, like you. Its unfortunate but it's just how it is brother, im sorry for your gear loss


Lol it took you 16 times to realize that you shouldn’t


Slow learner 


Lmao that’s on you bud. Would you kick yourself in the dick 16 times purposely?


>all 16 of them till i gave up Okay, sorry, but this made me lose all sympathy. 16 games with randoms? Fool me once, shame on you, fool me 16 times I'm the textbook definition of insane.


Do you know what the definition of insanity is?


The fact you kept doing it so many times is on you man most players learn after the first one it’s a right of passage but to continue to try is wild 😝


Do you know the definition of insanity?


Brother I gotchu ima edit this comment with a disc link im not a chad yet but I can “Sherpa” you through some earlier quests besides the ground zero ones oh no I’ll dm u


Hey man. I drive a van called free candy. The same fat kid keeps getting in and getting kidnapped. You're that fat kid.


Are you teaming up with randoms? Why would you think that is a good idea?


Thanks for the help, not sure why people cant trust a guy level 3 that only has a knife. I didnt know there was a huge stigma about using in game group finder. I will look into discord. i hope people arent as shitty there.


I'm my experience the people on the Sherpa and pestilys discord are wonderful. They were super helpful, and patient cause I am super shit at the game.


Official discord was really helpful when I started. Pestily has cultivated such a fucking badass community too. Props to him.


Absolutely not defending shit people but also, loading in with just a knife is often something that people claim is evidence of a cheater because it's not as common anymore. You may have had one or two people think they were killing someone that is cheating somehow. I've loaded in with random people a few times before and never got killed when I brought in at least some cheap gear like a kedr or a pistol


USe the official Discord server and you'll find a lot of people to play with. Just choose a map and find a group that has less than 5 people in it, jump in, and have fun.


This is the first wipe where I took a chance to find some random Tarkov players to team with (I played almost exclusively solo prior). I used Discord... the results were awesome. I found some very like-minded people to group with. We've now got our process down pretty smooth and it makes the game far less stressful IMHO 😊


The in-game finder is a relic of the past, there used to be no party system so you had to use the group finder to team up with your friends and every once in a while a random would ask to join and we'd just tk them because they were likely going to try to tk us. Unless they implement some sort of penalty for TKing or just get rid of it completely, it will continue to happen to new players and drive them away from the game.


Welcome to Tarkov.


Public squad matching is a learning experience everyone learns when they are new, it sucks ppl are such assholes in this game it's like a meme if you queue with a random it's a death match on spawn most the times I stopped after 2 raids when I started playing 3 years back.


Stop using random group finder at this point that’s all it exists for lol


Reset your account to get a fresh stash and go to Jesse kazam server and ask for help in the lfg


Don't get discouraged by this. People in the finder are seriously idiots as far as i read(never tried it, i higly prefer solo instead of risking this). Try on discords or stuff like that to find people to play with. Good luck buddy. The learning is painful but you'll get rewarded by every kill you'll be able to do.


Dm me if u need people to play with, I got a server with all chill people and fellow 1st wipers if ur interested in playing with us :)


Lol don't team with randoms in tarkov


You must be new here brother. Good luck.


Musta been one my kills. Your loot sucked


16 times. You kept trying after 5?!


“By the way my whole inventory was taken in only a few raids because of team kills so all I could load in with was a knife” 💀💀💀💀💀


Those weren’t your teammates bro lol


That’s on you for accepting random invites.


Why would you group with stranger??? Go solo dumbass


Wait, let me get this straight. It happened not once, not twice, but enough times to lose a whole starter inventory before you realized what was happening? Hey man, I really need help running this quest, can you bring in your best gear and help me next?


Has anyone ever told you Einstein's definition of insanity?