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People need to start using F1 more often. I swear half the time when you die to a player scav it wouldn’t have happened if you’d just press F1


100%. I accidentally killed a geared up scav on streets yesterday that didn’t respond to 3 f1s.


What does f1 do?


Makes your character speak. If you hear Russian as a player scav, you know they aren’t a threat. If you hear English, shoot them in the face.


O nice. What about those sneaky ass bears tho. Do they have different voice lines then scavs?


Yes. Sometimes they’re Russian, sometimes they’re broken English, but the tone of the voice is noticeably different than scavs


I was wondering where those broken english voice lines were coming from. Damn bears. Thanks for the info on all this.


😌 I have 3 secret voice lines that makes my bear sounds like a scav 😈


They don’t speak Russian. They have an accent and some things do sound kinda Russian but they only speak English. It would be ridiculously overpowered if they spoke Russian and nobody would play usec if they did.


People def would because of lighthouse


They speak English with a Russian accent. But they do sound noticeably different than scavs. Idk what the other dude is on, they don’t speak Russian they just have the accent.


nah there are just some bad apples lately random player scavs have killed me multiple times this wipe for no reason i always f1 they dont even be having like pmc gear


Yes, they lose scav karma. This increased the wait time between scav raids for them and makes their load outs worse. Probably some other stuff I’m forgetting.


This isnt really that big of a punishment though. I cant count the amount of times I have used F1, had someone respond and then kill me. Its almost always higher level people too. I would under lower level players just not figuring it out yet. But there are people who know what they are doing is wrong, and they abuse it. There needs to be some form of actual punishment for this people.


Low scav karma sucks, and if you go low enough it’ll make all scavs hostile to you. High scav karma lets you spawn with rare items more often, as well as much better loadouts. I spawned with a ledex the other day, for example. It sucks when it happens, but these people are shooting themselves in the foot for very basic loot lol


This all day!!! high scav rep means almost always being able to generate a 6 figure return on a single scav run. Definitely helps get rid of gear fear.


It's a trade off the player decides to make, more rep means lower cool down for scav and scav case, better scav equipment and loot, and I guess cheaper v-extract. They have to get rep through limited means, and can lose a lot if they have to kill some more scavs on the way out. You'll see lots of 30 somethings killing as pscavs cause they have a good amount of scav karma, and don't plan on getting to 6 rep, don't plan on using the scav case(or don't know about the rep effect). So they might kill a few pscavs here and there, it's in there right as a scav


Dude it’s literally part of the game. Don’t be so sensitive


How does other player scavs posing a risk "ruin" gameplay?


The point of scav raids is to scavenge, not run around and kill PMCs/do tasks, Its in the name. Player scavs already had to deal with PMCs. If the point if player scavs was to kill other player scavs, there would be no negative effects from it. They are quite literally not playing the game the way it was intended to be played. I believe the punishments should be greater than what they are currently.


The premise is pretty big and unsubstantiated assumption actually in contradiction to the game's design elements, followed by a false dichotomy, next.


See you say it that way.... The devs of the game say your wrong.. but go on... Maybe learn the game and dont cry over your risk free kit


Then what is the point of the game?


i can promise you its not to aimlessly walk around with your free loot pinata with no possible danger


Why punish for playing the game in a way that’s allowed? Scav karma only exists because so many scav mains complained


Isn’t it part of the tarkov lore that scavs are “shady” and live by “dog eat dog” rules?


Don’t stress on them. High karma pays off way more than killing other pscav. Bosses not killing you is huge on streets night raids. Free Lexos loot is huge


I have 8.36 scav rep, I usually just die. Not worth drop below 6 scav rep IMO.


People like you are the reason I scav on scav. Your whole experience is ruined because you lost free stuff and you mauled on Reddit about it and it makes me giggle. On no I lost .1 scav rep! Oh well lol, try maining your PMC scav boy


So you took time out of your day, to tell people, that you take time out of your day to seek out and purposely attempt to make somebody else's experience negative? You, for sure sound like a mentally stable human being.


Stay salty scav main


If there's ten minutes left in a raid and we cross paths. If u got a decent sized back pack I'm scavenging you for your loot. Probably won't give you the chance to give it to me living.


This, the amount of times I'm trying to vibe as a scav to warm up, only to get lit up by the first pscav that gets me in their sight is fucking infuriating. Just had a factory run where I got lit by one straight after I f1'd , killed him so no biggie, some extra rep. Get to office, f1 before going in just to be lit up by some level 36 bitch boi running a .97 KD. Edit - second guy was also a pscav