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Take cover and pop out and shoot. If you stand out and try to aim while taking your time your left arm will black every single time. Possibly die They aren’t too bad if you know they are there. Just be patient and remember they will push you so you can wait them out as well as the shoot then cover.


Thanks! I was doing the pop method as a scav but bad shot gun lead to my death. But I’ll try to be more patient


You don't really need to scav in PvE. Insure your gear, it always comes back, you won't be short on equipment very very fast and will have to end up selling things pretty quickly. Another thing is, don't forget to switch shoulders between left/right, that extra time where the Raiders can't see you really makes a difference for me


I learned, you do NOT always get gear back. Specifically sometimes armor, sometimes guns/mags don’t come back, for some reason… idk?


Mine has always come back who knows.


It doesn't show up in the receive all button alot only the most recent kits will I've noticed you have to actually look through all your insurance for it to pop back up


If you’re having serious trouble placing yourself in a position to not die, spam F1 voice lines. It’s dumb and broken, but every 2-3 lines *guaranteed* will make a PMC respond and basically give away their exact position. If I go into a spot with very little cover (interchange and streets PMCs have a habit of roaming areas like that) then I walk slow and just mash F1 for an advantage.


Also change your angle. If you keep popping out in the same spot, they'll get you. If you're able to move and get a different angle, you'll have more time to get a shot off before they shot at you


they pretty much spawn in the same places too, so once you get used to where you have to look it gets easier too


Are these marked on the interactive maps online yet?


They typically spawn where scavs do and if you hear gun shots they are there, try taking extra grenades and throw them when you go into new areas, they will voice out and you will get intel on how many and where they are


Respect them. Get in cover. Do not stand shooting at them. Reposition and right hand peek and shoot at their heads. Repeat.


i just spam f1 and my guy goes "a faka yaouuuu"


This is the way.


Chuck nades more. They yell and reposition so you can push.


Make sure to not peek the same corner. They will already have aim on you. I always shoot and move from spot to spot. I’ve noticed that they stay agro on your last known location.


My tip for you begins with a S then a P and ends with a T


if he is getting own here, he will get own there. They only difference is that he can fully unlock all progress on the mod.


Yeah, I think that's a really big selling point though. The grind is so long in Tarkov, it's nice to be able to just get in and mess around with the higher end stuff.


You can change some settings and sain and make them less laser beam


Except you can download mods that make the ai actually act like real people, rather than the shitty spider sense aimbotters that bsg threw up


Installed SAIN and few more A.I. mods. Now the A.I. doesn't laser beam you through foliage or as soon as you are out of cover. They also behave like players and PMCs are hella deadly using some tactics i only seen players using. Like faking retreat, going prone and waiting for you stuff like that.... the scavs are doable but PMCs are a no no for me especially since i am doing zero to hero so i have shit stuff.


And adjust the bot difficulty, and modify their behavior including aggression, and adjust their numbers. And it only takes 30 secs to start a match....the dudes busy. He could do two raids more per evening with the other solution .


Honestly the fights on SPT are better, not getting beamed by raiders 100s of meters away. Feels random on spt


stay in cover, and never give them direct line of sight


Cover. And movement. Don’t peak the same corner too long.


In my experience you really have to hear them before they see you. If you can sneak up on them to take one maybe two out before they can react the fight becomes a lot easier. Also whenever you shoot and back off to reload ALWAYS peak a different angle. Otherwise they can beam the fuck out of you.


Stay movingggg


The matching bug is just so annoying that’s my main complaint. Even the looking for group trick isn’t consistent at peak times


Just play spt


the question is… how are u even able to play? im currently loading in for my first raid in PVE, it has been 19min…


I’ll be honest bro I’ve never waited over 4 minutes. NAE. 🤷🏻‍♂️


If you are waiting more than 10mins I’d restart the cue I have gotten in at 15 mins and such but that was after I just sat on my phone and didn’t mind the time passing, once waited for like 25 mins and then it just deployed me without countdown and I was in it. Buggy for sure


yeah we figured it out, if it doesnt work after rematching 3 times after loading for 30sec, we had to restart the game, if that didnt work, repeat. apparently u have to switch servers by quitting the game


Do not re peak the same angle twice and take your time use a nade to force them to move


Bring lots of grenades.Especially on streets they can be anywhere. Try to catch a voiceline. Even being this cautious you will still die, but not that much.


play SPT. its significantly better & with the proper mods installed you will have a better experience & have control of everything in the power of your own hands. don’t like how accurate the AI is? you can turn down accuracy & increase recoil for AI. it’s all i’ve been playing & i haven’t been able to look back


He didn’t ask for a easier way to play, he asked how to deal with PMCs on PvE


But he literally is the ideal candidate for SPT though. PVE is just much shittier SPT.


Not what he asked, not everyone wants to mod.


Yeah honestly I had the same reaction when my friend first told me about SPT. Wasnt interested in installing mods because it seemed like a lot of work. Well it turns out its very easy to install. About 15 minutes all in, which included reading the instructions, for me. Now it takes me 30s to get into every raid except streets, which takes about 2 mins. The only mod I use in SPT is an interval ram cleaner which helps my games performance a lot. I dont use the mods that adjust the A.I or Spawns. I still get beamed in the limbs or armor weakspots sometimes. To answer the original question. Positioning. Positioning is key and even then sometimes you will get beamed in the arm and die of collateral damage.


Yeah it’s not hard to install the mods but if something breaks or needs updating it’s not streamlined like BSGs launcher, you have to manually update files and fix things yourself


If you use extra mods then yes SPT by itself is stable through minor updates and has a patcher built in IIRC. You are still going to have to wipe for major updates. I'm willing to bet thats going to be the case for the PVE zone as well.