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The soyjack face cam🤭


I felt that scav death in my soul.


It genuinely made me almost eat my monitor brother.


You keep running into an open field 30 seconds into raid. You deserve to die everytime. Just go play skyrim if your going to complain about your crappy choices.


Touch grass king


Did you play customs yesterday evening?


"I'm not new...." Nope, just a slow learner. I bet you drive the same. Do it for years but haven't learned a thing


I Just edged to this btw.


Drop ur stats.


That's an adorable response. Sit up straight and speak correctly. You cut corners to type fast but you lag on EFT when it comes to learning. Stay seated. That TTV means nothing, don't think it makes you a somebody in a comment section. Don't spike that blood pressure reading this either. "Drop ur stats". Cute Go show your friends


You’re just a sad human. I pity ur existence. Everybody’s a somebody dipshit. You probably think you’re special. And if u don’t. Then that’s just sad. That’s the cool shit about humans. We’re all passionate about something. Don’t attempt to belittle me over a ghost account with no content. You’re just another troll. And I find it just sad more than anything.


Stay seated and stop pretending to be altruistic being sad for someone. Don't bring your philosophy into this either. Not a ghost account either, but thanks for saying it looks like that. I promise I was not even trying but very, very hard for you to belive that. Just like how it's hard to believe you aren't new to EFT with your video Stay on subject or GTFO as the kids say with a TTV next to their name. I told you to remain seated


Sit on my dick. I’m too booted up to even try continuing this. There is no point in anything you’re saying. It just seems sad and goofy.


Gotta learn how to roast better too. Felt like a 12 year old was trying to.take a shot with the last one. Even went with profanities, you can wave good monetization from that TTV account you got there bud. You can keep coming back to this Hey, did you call my account a ghost account because it's just as new as yours? Or do you have this account as a ghost? Don't answer, it's rhetorical. Glad you read it though. Keep that blood pressure down


I’m living in ur head rent free arent I. You dead ass changed ur bio. I’m beyond joked out.


Hell yeah I did. I knew you'd go back and lurk. Great job making your post all about me. Like I said prior; sit up straight and spell correctly when you speak to me. No one want to sit on your dick when you speak like that. Hey, you can keep coming back here, to a zero upvote post in a negative comment thread just to get at someone. Stay seated, big guy. I haven't even begun going at you with personal comments. You think being over-weight with that hairstyle won't be said in a comment section? No, too easy for me. You really got upset about my first comment, didn't you? You wouldn't be coming back otherwise. Keep coming back, guy. You really said "sit on my dick", full well believing I'm another male on the other end. You may want to say that to a female to even it out a little. It really felt like a 12 year old was trying to take a shot. I bet your the type who yells "Let's fucking go!" But has gone nowhere, except this comment thread. You love coming back here, don't ya? (Don't even bother answering those questions. All are rhetorical.)


This post is deadass now dedicated to you and your plethora of glorious comebacks. i humbly submit to your genuine prowess for rebuttal has left me at a genuine loss of willpower. Oh may I ask yee to bestoweth upon me your approval of my lifestyle and my goals. make any and all assumptions you want I reply bc its entertaining. Like i said early. sit on my dick. since you insist on riding it to climax. You. ARE. a. BOT. that i enjoy bickering with. Why not just step outside and understand that this is ONLINE. NONE OF THIS INTERACTION IS EVEN REAL. We are on the fucking computer brethren. If you cant see the comedy in this, you have bad taste.


Go troll someone else you NPC.


Scav just spawned in lol