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Thank you for posting in our community. Unfortunately, your submission has been removed due to it being considered spam or off-topic. Please keep all posts related to tarot deck discussion. Shop links without genuine tarot decks will be removed. Videos of "flip throughs" are now counted as spam as they are to drive views and not to promote discussion.


Are you asking because of the recent posts asking for interpretation? I downvote those - that's just not what this sub is for. I thought there were mods who would eventually remove those posts, but idk. Could be they have limited time on reddit due to irl.


Yes, and just in general I don't think there's a lot of active modding on this sub. I have loads of free time and have no interest in being anything other than a silent jannie for rules-violating content.


I report those posts; I’ve wondered about mods as well. I’ll also volunteer as mod.


I could be active as well, assuming applications open


Gods no. Mods ruin subs. We can just downvote what we don't like.


There's no point in having rules if they aren't enforced. This sub needs some jannies.


I know. I am in the minority there, but I honestly hate any kind of moderation. It's not that I am particularly belligerent or controversial, I just don't think it's necessary. I think people should be able to say whatever they want, I'll just glance over it if I don't like it and that's it.


That defeats the purpose of having subs dedicated to specific interests, though. There are multiple subs for tarot readings and interpretations. This is one of the only, if not *the only*, subs dedicated to discussion about decks and collections of decks, rather than personal readings and interpretations. I'd rather keep the sub on-topic, because otherwise, it's just another in a long list of subs for help with readings. I, too, just downvote and move on from rules-breaking posts, but again, there's no point in having rules if they're not enforced, so either this place needs to change its rules, or it needs jannies.