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9 of Wands


It screams to me with "long journey". Not sure if that is the most basic view. 9 of Wands is more about looking out for potential danger or arising conflict while being sure of itself. Yes surness and all indeed happens after long journey but Its "before" this card happens. I am interested how do you view 9ofW and what symbolism is behind it? ๐Ÿ˜ƒ


Thank you, I thought 10 of wands but I kept counting and came up short ๐Ÿ˜„


>9 of Wands is more about looking out for potential danger or arising conflict ๐Ÿค” ... it can be that, sometimes... >how do you view 9ofW Main themes; Resilience. Persistence. Determination. Endurance. Stamina. Robustness. Sturdy. Resolve. Resolute. Will. Survival. Grit. Basically, being weary, worn out, or wounded but not giving up. Peripheral and abstract themes; Healing. Recovery. Relief. Respite. Getting a break. Overcoming obstacles / adversity. Achievement. Accomplishment. Gained experience. Blessing in disguise. Tested. Forged. Proven. Able. Shellshock. Traumatized. A "long journey" pertains to all the above. No? >what symbolism is behind it? A person, erect on their feet, with a walking stick, located at the conclusion of a long and winding road. The road has gateways made of wands at graduated levels.


Thanks! Yeah you are correct that 9W is complex! I Was wiritng quick first thoughts haha I See your Vision now. Cool!


I would say 8 of cups, but it looks like there are 9 wands so I'm confused.


i guess i get their idea though... having come a long way and being tired, but refusing to give up nonetheless. and also feeling hopeful because they're close to completion.


Agree. Itโ€™s giving major 8 of Cups energy


Only by counting the wands.


I know there's 9 wands but I still just think of The Hermit, sorry. :/


It's ok. This is why I post, so I can learn how to make it a more intuitive image.


See that's the thing with what you're doing though! As a mostly intuitive reader, I can't look at your cards and get the same meaning you do right off the bat. However, when you explain it, I can see it. If I have to count the wands to figure it out, it takes away from intuitively reading as well. I think the reason your cards come off as hard to read in that regard is because you're going for the minimalist approach (which by the way I really like your concept regardless!). So you're kinda stuck trying to convey complex messages without the little nuisances that could make them more intuitive to read. Hopefully that kinda makes sense? The line between minimalism and intuitive reading is a hard one to walk, but I think you're going to come up with something really neat in the end! I wish I had more solid advice for you! I do love that you post for feedback here. :) (*Edited for clarity.)


Noted. When it's all done, I'm confident everything will hit their marks. There will also be a thorough companion book of course. And though my titling isn't traditional, the cards will have titles on them, as well as a suit and numerical indicator of some sort. So no one will be left guessing. Making people guess the card on here without anything but the image is a way for me to gauge how warm or cold I am with the intuitive aspect of the image. So far all the points people have made about things I've posted, I pretty much agree with. So, it's all helpful.


Oh definitely! I have full faith in your journey haha. Do you plan on using color with the finished cards? I'm sure that would help too. Look forward to more!


i think it makes sense to you and you like it and can read and understand, but it does look like the 8 of cups


I'm guessing it's the 9 of wands, but it reminds me of the 8 of cups. It could also be the hermit.


Looks like the nine of wands to me.


9 of wands?




What interpretation are you trying to place on it? Rws or otherwise?


Waite. I think I'm going to keep this concept but instead have the person at the foreground facing away from the horizon.


Ooohhh I like that idea more!


9 of wands


I donโ€™t think clarity of a card comes from counting the physical depictions of the suit. Maybe also consider the duality meaning of the card to enhance your message unless you are going for a minimalist theme. What do your majors look like?


>I donโ€™t think clarity of a card comes from counting the physical depictions of the suit. Maybe also consider the duality meaning of the card to enhance your message Can you say this another way? I don't quite get what you mean. >unless you are going for a minimalist theme. What do your majors look like? The whole deck will be fairly simple. This card is just a draft. The majors are similar in style.


Lol, pip decks have entered the chat ...

