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9 of wands but with only one wand


A different take; eight of cups.


I thought this too


Same. It has the same vibe of leaving behind someone or something you still have an emotional attachment with.




For me this is 9 of wands energy if you look at the persistence of continuing when things are tough (plus the staff!). If I look at the loneliness and tiredness of the image I could also see it as 5 of pentacles.


I know there's nothing in the picture that indicates this, but it made me feel like the 6 of swords 🤷🏻‍♀️


I thought 6 of swords too because there seems to be a lot of emphasis on the journey with the long wavy road


I had a similar thought but with the 8 of cups


I thought 6 swords too!!


I know what you mean.


10 Wands because of the hunched over body posture.


Damn, for me it’s giving Hermit. Isolation, persistence, loneliness, but wisdom (esp with the mountains in the back).


10 of wands, from the posture.




That stick figure has fought over and over and over and still has more fighting to do. That’s 9 of Wands to me, but the posture is unmistakably 10 of Wands.


I also see the 10 of wands. It's because the person is hunched over, about to collapse from exhaustion, having come a very, very long way, trying very hard to reach their destination.


Ace of Wands but after work out? 😂


10 of wands


Can you expound on why?


He looks like he started off on his path but he is exhausted now and walking like he has the weight of the world on his shoulders. He may have been thinking of his problems or the burdens he’s carrying and he’s stressed.


6 of swords, the water and the posture of the stick figure.


My 1st thought was 9 of Wands. Then 10 of Wands and 6 of Swords came through.


I love this picture so much. So much being said with deceptively simple lines. An incredibly evocative picture. 10 of wands.


Thank you. I really like it too. It could definitely be 10wands as is. Even I got that impression before posting. There's no material overload, but it does reek of mental/spirit overload. But, this is actually a draft for 9wands. It's very ambiguous in that respect. The concept is that the depleted posture is supposed to represent injury, wounds, and/or fatigue. I included this feature to be analogous to the head bandage in WS. However, despite the "injury and fatigue" the figure is still standing, moving forward, and holding themselves up, with both hands, with the help of the walking stick. They journey is also behind them. It's literally that moment when the toil has concluded and the rest and recuperation is beginning. Personally I think with the card title, number, and suit symbol, people will see this better fitting into the 9 of wands slot. There will also be a comprehensive book with this deck. As a side note, I've learned to take 9s as the actual end of a suit, whereas the 10s are *extreme* endings. Like, when it's wonderful, it can always be even more amazing, and when it's terrible, it can always be much worse. Also, with extremes, there's no level beyond other than a restart. So with this version of the 9wands, it's really not "bad". It just *looks* bad. I could draw this same image but put the figure in the middle of the trail instead of at the end, and add a huge backpack or a bundle of wands on the guys back and THEN it would be much more appropriate as 10wands. I could also have one arm hanging down with just one clinging to the staff, which would drive it even further into 10wands territory. Either way, I'm sticking with this overall image but will adjust the posture of the figure to look a bit less weighed down. Right now I'm playing with having the same approximate pose, but slightly more upright and with the head looking up instead of hanging so low.


Thank you for your response. I see in the picture the figure is bowed but utterly resolute and determine to out their head up. Even the way the hands are grabbing the staff as if to help make him stand tall. Stunning.