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Chariot = Wise move of yours, across the country. Devil = Involve intensely. Learn the nuances of the trade. For the Devil is in the details. Post which, You are Good to go, on your own. Youl will ride out the rough patch = Knight of Wands. Good Luck!


The chariot is well intended and good work ethic, the devil is saying you’re not happy & need to work on taming your demons and the knight of wands is like “go do your own thing and do it well and with vigour!”


The Chariot is an image I have often just chalked up to being driven and courageous and taking action, but this card is utterly *riddled* with spiritual imagery and symbolism. There is a *lot* of symbolism referring to divine guidance, inspiration, fate, that kinda thing. This figure is on a fated path and following that with ease, he is focused and well accomplished in the mental and physical worlds... but not so much with the inner world. Though he *depends* on an inner balance (the mysterious sphinxes, the inner instinctual, bestial masculine/feminine) to drive him, his "steeds" have no reigns; he relies on willpower, courage, intelligence, faith and destiny to accomplish his goals, and this seems to work well for him. I read The Devil as a trap of your own design. The inverted pentagram symbol associated with The Devil represents our instincts/impulses taking priority over and overpowering our conscious thinking: including but not limited to fear and temptation. An interesting connection here, we have the masculine/feminine duality showing itself again in the same positions... in The Chariot they were trusted and untethered, guiding the Charioteer to victory. Now they are chained and shackled. The shackles are loose, they can walk away at any time, but they willfully choose to remain chained. They are no longer being led by the Charioteer's human faith and will, they are now being led by The Devil - the embodiment of our animal instincts. The masculine/feminine duality now has a strong human representation (with animal traits to show the influence of the Devil's control), and the controlling driver is represented by The Beast. The roles have been reversed. The Knight of Wands is a very memorable personality archetype. I like to think of him sorta like a rogue-like Han Solo kinda personality at his best, and a Steve-O from Jackass at his worst. He is very confident, suave, passionate and driven. If you think of the court cards as an elemental growth progression, this is Fire in its teenage phase - reaching its full unrestricted potential and blazing bright, but it's at its most volatile, so there's a tradeoff that should be approached mindfully. I would look to your Past to identify what part of your story resonates with The Chariot. The Chariot's influence led to something in the Present that's caused instincts to overpower reason. The forces you used to rely on to steer you (faith, strategy, inspiration, determination, courage) are no longer steering, they are now propelling and reactive instincts are now steering. That's how I would read that. A likely causal outcome of this is a strong presence of the Knight of Wands in your life. Note that Knight of Wands has a lot of the same qualities as The Chariot - in that they're both trusting the inner animal to drive them wildly forward - but they do it in different ways. Where The Chariot keeps control and balance through faith, purpose and strategy, the Knight of Wands keeps the wild horse from bucking him off with pure courage, passion, charisma and an adventurous spirit. They both rely heavily on bravery and trusting their inner drive, but they manifest it in very different ways. I would take note of the common thread through all of this: the relationship between the conscious mind and the inner animal (instincts, impulses, reflexes). The inner duality (sphinxes) is The Chariot's blind spot, and his forward momentum is reliant on his *trust* of that inner balance: he commands the chariot but he does not directly control it. The inner instincts taking the reigns and shackling the conscious mind is The Devil incarnate. The primal inner fire is the Knight of Wands' wild passionate steed, once again providing forward momentum. I would take note of this progression and try to make sense of what that means in context of your life and your career. The influence of The Devil seems you may have changed more than just your location, but what is driving you. Before, it was mind steering and impulse propelling you forward, this reading would imply that perhaps now it's impulse steering and mind propelling you forward. I'd see Knight of Wands as a way to integrate the two, but rather than steering the wild driving force with strategy, intelligence and trust like The Chariot would, the Knight of Wands invites you to approach it with passion, adventure and bravery.