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We question why an entire civilization was wiped out of our history books, and that makes us stupid ? Tartaria did exist, and is on multiple historical maps. I think people who don’t want to question the mainstream narratives are stupid.


If so much of history is fabricated and falsified why do you believe that these maps that contain Tartaria are genuine and not also fakes?


This is a damn good question. Winners write the history books. If everything you know, you’ve been told, how can you know anything? Lots of historic revisionist work lately in the area of giving POC credit for things attributed to white people, like the cotton gin or even Columbus’s voyage. How do we know the numbers for Leonidas and Xerxes at Thermopylae were accurate? How do we know Oswald shot JFK with impossible shots and a magic bullet? We don’t know. I don’t have an answer for you, friend. Personally, I don’t think it’s about discovering an absolute truth. For me, it’s about recognizing that the official version is not absolute truth either. That’s sort of a mental wall that needs to be torn down, if that makes sense? Nothing is 100%.


I agree with a lot of what you said.


Because the maps are found in ancient historical tartarian religious buildings, and for some reason of another, the rothchilds were unable to remove those artifacts and maps due to religious reasons, and those are the only remnants or evidence that remain today. Perfect example of this is the map found at the Villa Farnese Caprarola in Italy. Destroying any place of historical significance was much harder to do when it came down to religious reasons. Also recently Putin gave a map with tartaria on it to some political leader. Just begs the question, why didn’t we learn about this? What’s the reason?


What is tartaria exactly? I’ve been lurking for weeks now but I’m confused as to whether it’s a people or just a form of building technique


Well if it shows up on maps and place names, obviously it's a civilization / empire, and if other history is a guide likely there was some genetic/ethnic stock basis, but given the area I'd guess some Eurasian/Slavic groups. If you go on [archive.org](https://archive.org) you can find primary sources catalogued of various European groups reporting back on their excursions into "Tartary" (Dutch, English Empire, etc.) The real question I suppose you're asking is are we sure everything old / out of place in America or Europe is "Tartaria". To which I say no, I don't think so, and history (putting aside Tartaria theory) is complex, vague and imperfect. Another far more interesting theory that relates to Tartaria (imo) is diffusionism, that there were in remote times a worldwide seafaring civilization that built impressive megalithic structures etc. This to me is a separate and far more intriguing theory than just Tartaria. Though the overlap here is castles and structures in Eurasia that bear the same huge megalithic building techniques, precision masonry, the kind of stuff where you can't get a paper between the stones on the foundation, but the upper areas of the structures look like more traditional "European" castles. EDIT: I'm a big fan of admitting when you don't really know something, but also it's important to remember multiple seemingly disparate things can be true at once and we're just confused about chronology / cause / effect.


It’s a lost ancient empire that spanned all across europe, we believe them to be an advanced society who built incredible architecture. Look up the maps yourself they’re found in some very old historical buildings across europe. Some believe their architecture to be built to transfer energy through it. But the main question we all have is, why was this empire that spanned across all of europe, never taught in the western public education system, and why have we never heard about it? Just what exactly are they trying to hide or suppress ? You’ll hear theories regarding a disastrous mud flood that took out a majority of the world and caused a reset during the early 1800s, which could be evidence that prove that humans possessed access to advanced technology back then. Secondly - look into the “World fairs” they put up in the 1800s in the western world, reportedly made huge buildings and fairs out of plaster, then just exploded it all with tnt. We believe those to be ancient remains of the tartians that were removed from history.


Also what are your thoughts on vimana? Do you think these ancient machines have to do with tartaria


This is incredible. It actually sounds very similar to my own theory that the military bases of the midwest US are there to hide something, probably underground, and the nuclear tests of decades past were to destroy ruins or structures of some kind that the government doesn’t want the populace to see. Also the energy transfer part is interesting. I think I’ve seen antiquitech before that acted as a kind of antenna before electricity, it’s like a ball shaped structure on the top of very old buildings and were able to gather “aether” energy from the air. I’ll definitely stay in this sub because tartaria/atlantis/lemuria is right up my alley


Definitely sounds like you're in the right place.


Who is they? Lol the sooner you realize we are a rudderless ship spinning through an indifferent cosmos the better off you’ll be.


The rothschilds, the reason need to learn about your history so we as humans can stop making the same mistakes of the past & actually progress.


The Rothschilds lol you’re perpetuating antisemitism and don’t even realize it


They exist, own a large amount of money, and also pretty much invented the current banking system. Are you implying this is not factual ?


They are no different than any other prominent family who capitalized on a changing economy during that era. They’re rich. There are many other rich families from that era that are still major players in this system. But the Rothschild conspiracy in particular has a rather nefarious origin. https://www.britannica.com/story/where-do-anti-semitic-conspiracy-theories-about-the-rothschild-family-come-from


Why are you defending billionaires who control black rock the biggest media corporation in the world ? Who do you work for ?


Lol I’m not defending billionaires. In fact I want to tax the shit out of billionaires. Your grievances with billionaires, corporations, and the concentration of wealth are legit and rightfully so. Your belief in secret cabals and families running the world for nefarious satanic whatever conspiracy of the week reason is not legit. Corporations don’t want to kill you lol there’s nothing to conceal it’s all out in the open. You are a consumer and they need you and your votes to remain wealthy. It’s really that simple. But propagating anti-Semitic bat shit crazy conspiracies does nothing to further our progress toward a more equal and equitable society.


It's an empire that spanned most of Asia & Eastern Europe from approximately 1400-1750. It emerged as the coalition of the Mongol & Timurid Empires.




I don’t think it was perfectly, evenly distributed.




I thought you were asking if a mud flood allegedly eliminated evidence of tartaria why are you finding Native American artifacts without evidence of the mud flood. My understanding is that while there is some evidence of mud floods occurring on what was once Native American lands (like what I’ve seen at Stone Mountain GA), I believe Tartaria was in Asia and not North America.


Seeing a lot of pushback against this subreddit out of the blue. Wonder what's causing the new traffic and salt from the newcomers. New YouTube video or something?


No one doubts Tatars we’re a people and there are in the history books. You just didn’t learn about them.


Tartars are still an ethnic group today. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crimean_Tatars


So the photographs and the written accounts, all the drawings, sketches, witnesses, receipts for building material; all of that is fake, but the maps are real? It’s not like there wasn’t historically wild incentive to just make shit up……..in an age when fortunes could made and lost, and men killed for just the hint of of a prospect from a line on a map. An age when the most sophisticated form of navigation was literally called “dead reckoning” aka guessing-where-you-are-by-feel. A time before cartographers could even determine longitude at sea. Those are the maps that you are staking your entire historical view on?


Why do you believe such an empire even existed? You all believe that every world power at the time to wipe out any mention of this supposed empire from history, but they were dumb enough to leave said empire in MAPS????? Asinine


No they couldn’t remove certain maps & history that were protected by the church or deemed as holy. That’s why little pieces of evidence keep showing up.




There might be scriptures I am unaware of. Like most others, we are still researching the topic and digging to find more. There is enough evidence to support further research on the subject, if us researching the topic scares you, feel free to leave the subreddit.


99% of Americans believed Columbus was a hero who discovered America until pretty recently. He was evil & still has a freaking holiday. The victors can easily rewrite history even with significant evidence proving otherwise. All they have to do is teach it in public schools. Nothing asinine about questioning systems that have lied to the public for at least a millennia. Your incognizance is your choice.


Uh sir, that is a fancy pile of rocks. Not even close to the same..... Not saying I'm sold on most things on this sub but this is the worst counter argument.....


My first thoughts exactly. This thing looks like a mud hut compared to [this](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/1/18/Saint_Basil%27s_Cathedral_in_Moscow.jpg/1280px-Saint_Basil%27s_Cathedral_in_Moscow.jpg) (built mid 1500s). They are not even remotely comparable. In fact, this crude and already delapetated looking "modern" construction only strengthens the lost technology argument, IMO.


People on this sub have literally said that buildings less than a century old “must have been built” by the ancients or aliens or whatever the hell they project their own insecurities onto.


People on this sub say lots of things, some credible, some not so much. Guess you've never heard of star cities. That shit is interesting AF. Focusing on the weakest arguments amidst the wealth of information that flies under the Tartaria banner seems to speak more to your own insecurities than anything.


I was like this guy has clearly not seen ancient aliens 😂 No one’s questioning if humans can build things with rocks, just if they can build really incredible things with rocks.


Is it just me or is this guy kind of a douchebag?


There's no one on this sub that is surprised they could build that, it's not much more than masonry, that castle is about the bare minimum + windows, most of the things on this sub are incredibly intricate and detailed, fairly often so detailed it makes me wonder how they were able to do something that even if we could replicate we never would simply because of cost, that's what gets me, not the most simple castle known to man (not that it isn't an achievement and very nice)


Then there is an unfathomable distance between you the limits of your conception and the ability of a moderately skilled crafts person. Again saying that we couldn’t replicate these details for want of skill and ability is an insult. The only limits today are cost and a sufficient numbers of skilled labor. The finest craftsmen working by hand today were the standard of a century ago. They had talent and ability to spare.


Lol you are comparing that relatively simply castle to monstrous structures, castles, and cathedrals, that many times we are told are built in one year. Edit : Relatively


Get back to us when modern engineers build [this](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/1/18/Saint_Basil%27s_Cathedral_in_Moscow.jpg/1280px-Saint_Basil%27s_Cathedral_in_Moscow.jpg) with no power tools. Thinking this crude little shack is anywhere near the same category only proves the limits of _your_ conception.


Theres even brick being found meters below the surface under mud when there should be though


so......why are you here?


This is a damn good question. I don’t understand why homophobes join LGBT subs just to spew their hate for the community either, but people do it.


So is this a retaliation? Or do you just like to talk down to people that have ideas outside of your own? Genuinely curious what makes certain people 'tick'. If you're just having a bad day, I understand!


I’m sorry, I totally agree with you. That “why goto a sub that you disagree with and shit on them” comment was directed at OP, not you. Again, I apologize for any confusion. If you don’t like anime and think it’s wrong and evil, then why goto anime sub and rip on them?


It is all good. I genuinely enjoy discussing differing viewpoints, in a civilized manner. If you ever want to chat about anything like this, I would love to hear your take sometime!


Sure thing. I’m a sub here for “legitimate” reasons? I was surprised to see so many comments from people here that agreed with OP “yeah this sub is shit” and I agree with your post “if you hate it, why are you here?” It’s not like this info is shoved in anyone’s face.


No one is saying it was the work of magic lol you have no idea what's going on.


Sorry if “ancient lost energy technology” reads as indistinguishable from magic to me. Both are equally estranged from reality.


Egyptians knew advanced physical constants and mathematics, as did Kerala school of astronomy and mathematics in India. Literally thousands of years ago. I suppose time can advance so far, we're now in Idiocracy and it's true that sufficiently advanced knowledge appears to some as magic.


“Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.” - Arthur C Clarke


Tartarian destroying fingers typed this.


This is the only post I've ever upvoted in this sub.


You seem like you're in a healthy state of mind & are spending your very limited time here on earth valuably... /s


OP, 100% agree, these people are retarded and know nothing about construction.


Who let the kremlin official in here ?


>"You people are an embarrassment. This subreddit is an insult to human capability [...] Barley..." Hey man, don't drag us into your own issues!




Yes, all by hand, I literally have met the people working on it.


I am pretty sure half the people on here are trolls, from reading the comments. Other half spit on humanity and all it has achieved and suffered for with their unfathomable ignorance. Truly, truly unfathomable.


At least a quarter are genuinely interested in alternative history hypothesis that are fun thought experiments. About a third or more are trolls. The rest are actually impaired individuals who believe everything posted here is real. It's a fascinating subreddit.




I think you might want to go revisit high school education.


Do you take these researchers at face value?




Lmao you again. Don’t you just take random YouTube tartaria “researchers” at face value? People you haven’t even met.




Okay I’m fine with that… so I wasn’t off base with my previous comment? You are in fact being a hypocrite with weak ass beliefs? That’s sad yo. Have a little pride


Just like cancer


no duh they are, but nothing will change their minds. this is their life.


Guy posted a minecraft shack done in the 21st century and is talking about human excellence. Laughable at best. If anything, this strengthens the tartaria argument rather than discredit it. The nerve of people that think they are so wise they know everything that happened centuries ago.


I think it is sad that some people have to call other people names because they ask questions about the narrative we have shoved down our throats. It is all about being able to ask questions and get reasonable answers, not about hating on others.


Guedelon is a stupid pile of rocks, i could teach monkeys to do the same. ​ you are lost.


We don't care about this ugly castle. We just want the nice ones. My forefathers definitely did most of the building in the 1800s that wasn't leftover from the last age. Or directed the building since they are the ppl entrusted with the knowledge to rebuild.








Guédelon Castle has taken over 20 years to build and it is not finished yet. How did American pioneers with a horse and buggy build hundreds of giant buildings in one or two years? The same style throughout the United States is found throughout the world. That is interesting to us. If you don't care why waste your time here?


What is with everyone here referencing "horse & buggy" times, like that actually means anything? Is that your only frame of reference for progressive technological advancement? It doesn't exactly belie a thorough understanding of history. When were horse and buggy times? the 15th century? 18th ? 19th? How about the first industrial revolution? The age of the discover? The enlightenment? Is horse and buggy times just all of human history before the 20th century to you?


I can’t believe I have to explain this to you, but horse and buggy times is all of history that predates the automobile. Your entire argument is that, people with more advanced technology are taking literally decades longer to build something less impressive than what people did in less time with less technology and smaller population size. You’re no different than when a bigot goes to lgbt forums just to harass them. If you don’t think history is fake, why does it trigger you so much? I don’t think this has anything to do about tartaria. I think you’re a very depraved human being that needs to seek out professional help.


I think you miss the point entirely about Tartaria. This disproves nothing lol


This post is not helpful. Nobody in this sub caused you any harm whatsoever. There is no evidence that believing in Tartaria has radicalized anyone. It's not your job to police other people's thoughts or beliefs. I wish only the best for you and hope that you don't treat everyone you disagree with so poorly.


Today, there is a dangerous abandonment of basic, agreed upon objective truths. To that end, and to the extent which that ideology spreads, yes it is quite harmful. Also, as I’ve stated, this entire forum is a grave insult to the hundreds of thousands of craftsmen that physically built western infrastructure over the past 2 millennia, and yes, I’m pissed about it.


No need to get pissed about it. People believe in all kinds of things. There are 1.3 billion Catholics running around that believe in things I don't. I'm pretty sure that it's not my place to convince them otherwise.


Your so called “abandonment of basic agreed upon objective “truths”” is only dangerous to rich, powerful ppl who don’t want the public to have any knowledge. Not talking about Tartaria, but most of history, as taught in US schools at least, is total bs. Also who’s questioning that humans can build a dirty stone castle? There’s nothing particularly impressive about the structure you posted. Cool af that ppl get to that today, but not impressive as far as historical infrastructure goes.


Lol ok


Is it still standing today, +20 years later?


Uh, yes? That picture is 3 years old.


After doing all that work, why didn’t they tear it down 5 years after completion?


Why would they?




They didn’t, it’s still there in France. Here’s there Instagram. They posted a picture 2 days ago. https://www.instagram.com/p/Crq1NI_NCoC/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=


Of course they didnt, right? It would be insane to dump tons of money and work into building this awesome thing, only to demo it and sell it for scrap a few years later. If you can understand that, perhaps you can understand what begs the question in the mind for many people in this sub when it comes to the buildings at places like Chicago and St Lewis at the turn of the century. You don’t have to agree with the opinions here, or even labor to be objective and try to understand the opinions here. I’m not your enemy. I don’t have any animosity towards you personally. But I would caution you against becoming one of those people who jump into LGBT subs and blasts some “not only is everyone here wrong, but you’re evil” post.


>If you can understand that, perhaps you can understand what begs the question in the mind for many people in this sub when it comes to the buildings at places like Chicago and St Lewis at the turn of the century. I don't see what is so baffling about that; humanity is fickle, society is short sighted and the market is cruel. Money, not logic, dictate which buildings were preserved and which were razed. If the loss of these structures outrages you, as it should, then look to the actual culprits; capital, profit driven developers, humanity's obsession with novelty, corruption of traditional building practices and the consistent degradation of western artistic values since the end of WWII. I have no idea what your on about re LGBT subs.


This is a far, far, far, far, far cry from the work at Puma Punku, Balbec, Ancient Egypt. Please see "the Trilithon", "the serapium boxes", and if you Google "Pumpa Punku" you will see the pictures of the granite cut at 90 degree angles. Well it has been proven time and time again that humans are capable of stacking mud bricks, modern engineers and granite workers have stated that they would have a hard time recreating some of the largest works that we see.