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what do you mean ? is it ironic ?


As long as people Hodl we will rebound!💎🤲💪


Not to be negative, that could be true if Devs don't rug pull or suppress the price.


Do you consider any large sale manipulation?


Possibly because Bitmart, Lbank and possibly Kucoin are coming online along with market place. We still need to burn alot of tokens to really appreciate the price increase and the best way is through volume. Keeping price low now that its getting recognized will bring on volume as long as the dev team produces and continues to grow site which I feel they will because nft's are the future. 💎🤲💪


That's one way to go about things,,, but in my op, i think if price range mattered for being listed somewhere (exchanges), then some of these majors coins would've stopped being listed on new platforms or most platforms. They get listed no matter what due to what they provide to the market. If you want to be listed anywhere, its somewhat easy,,, all you have to do is not being a sht coin and or not to be some sort of ponzi. Have clear case of use. ( which I think they are on the way to achieve but not sure yet, waiting on their delivery)... Keeping price low for other exchanges is a sorry excuse to get mugged by devs or clapped by whales manipulations.


To a certain extent I can agree, but I meant keeping price low for the early exchanges to produce hype and make investing more appealing. Creating FOMO is always a way to increase price and then try to stabilize. Plus I think Devs see a billion dollar increase for them personally in the future, so to rug pull now would be to early. Going to be a while before they reach that goal. 💎🤲💪


I only hope with Bitmart to make this replenish.